Governing by ransom.

Who knows. Certainly not you

I know that illegal aliens have managed to register to vote, despite "hiding from government".

I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting

What kind of moron can't get a legal ID? I mean besides the typical Dem voter?

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

Instead of cheating to win elections, try putting up better candidates with better ideas.

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.


You tell any one of those suppressed people that there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they need is a valid photo ID to claim it, they'd have one and be there in less than six hours.

What you and your side won't admit is that some of your voters really don't care about voting. Sure, they'll vote if it's convenient enough like late hours, polls staying open for days, getting a ride to the polls on a bus. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it. They would sooner stay home.

At least be honest about what your fears actually are.

How many people vote? How many give a shit? Yoiu act like its 100%

How many will stay home if the weather is bad.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines. Why? Because they know some people won't wait.

That is voter suppression.

Just like when you cheating fucks vote in Voter Photo IDs. They know not evey one will get one.

It does not matter why.Why do you support cheating to win elections? Why is your party so pitiful that they think they need to cheat.

When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney. Why did he say that

you are such a pathetic fool and part of the problem that gave us the moron Trump.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines.

Republicans get to decide how many voting booths are placed in Dem districts?


When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney.

If we stopped all the Dem fraud, Dems would be lucky to hold 30 Senate seats and 150 seats in the House.
You bitch about illegals because they are taking US jobs./ Your worship the Orange One because he says America first. Then the flaming assholes imports workers for is resorts & you defend it.

So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
They would take the jobs if they paid more.

Maybe your industry should pay more. People don't stay truckers because management to too cheap & drivers get tired of being away from home for that crap pay.

Pay is up to the individual. Some jobs pay into the lower six figures. Major local carriers pay pretty damn good, and people are raising their families on their paychecks as a driver.

Excuses get you nowhere. I dare you to find a book store that sells books by successful excuse makers. You won't find one. Do you know why? Because all excuse makers are failures.

If they work their asses off, they might be able to support that family that don't have time to seed.

I'm not making excuses at all. If you are so stupid not to get why people don't want to work for you, that is your problem.
Who knows. Certainly not you

I know that illegal aliens have managed to register to vote, despite "hiding from government".

I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting

What kind of moron can't get a legal ID? I mean besides the typical Dem voter?

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

Instead of cheating to win elections, try putting up better candidates with better ideas.

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.


You tell any one of those suppressed people that there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they need is a valid photo ID to claim it, they'd have one and be there in less than six hours.

What you and your side won't admit is that some of your voters really don't care about voting. Sure, they'll vote if it's convenient enough like late hours, polls staying open for days, getting a ride to the polls on a bus. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it. They would sooner stay home.

At least be honest about what your fears actually are.

How many people vote? How many give a shit? Yoiu act like its 100%

How many will stay home if the weather is bad.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines. Why? Because they know some people won't wait.

That is voter suppression.

Just like when you cheating fucks vote in Voter Photo IDs. They know not evey one will get one.

It does not matter why.Why do you support cheating to win elections? Why is your party so pitiful that they think they need to cheat.

When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney. Why did he say that

you are such a pathetic fool and part of the problem that gave us the moron Trump.

No the long lines were about black ladies talking to much...and this is not even being racist, every damn time a black lady is in front of me , she has to hold up the damn line talking to the cashier about all her damn baby daddys, the weather, got to check 500 lottery tickets, look around in her purse for the exact change it drives me nuts .....

Black guys in and out all the time..

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

Instead of cheating to win elections, try putting up better candidates with better ideas.

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.


You tell any one of those suppressed people that there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they need is a valid photo ID to claim it, they'd have one and be there in less than six hours.

What you and your side won't admit is that some of your voters really don't care about voting. Sure, they'll vote if it's convenient enough like late hours, polls staying open for days, getting a ride to the polls on a bus. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it. They would sooner stay home.

At least be honest about what your fears actually are.

How many people vote? How many give a shit? Yoiu act like its 100%

How many will stay home if the weather is bad.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines. Why? Because they know some people won't wait.

That is voter suppression.

Just like when you cheating fucks vote in Voter Photo IDs. They know not evey one will get one.

It does not matter why.Why do you support cheating to win elections? Why is your party so pitiful that they think they need to cheat.

When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney. Why did he say that

you are such a pathetic fool and part of the problem that gave us the moron Trump.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines.

Republicans get to decide how many voting booths are placed in Dem districts?


When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney.

If we stopped all the Dem fraud, Dems would be lucky to hold 30 Senate seats and 150 seats in the House.[/QUOTE

If Republicans run that county,. yes. Who the fuck do you think decides?

Republicans have been caught in the past ten years legislating voter fraud. I bet that makes you so proud.
Who knows. Certainly not you

I know that illegal aliens have managed to register to vote, despite "hiding from government".

I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting

What kind of moron can't get a legal ID? I mean besides the typical Dem voter?

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

Instead of cheating to win elections, try putting up better candidates with better ideas.

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.


You tell any one of those suppressed people that there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they need is a valid photo ID to claim it, they'd have one and be there in less than six hours.

What you and your side won't admit is that some of your voters really don't care about voting. Sure, they'll vote if it's convenient enough like late hours, polls staying open for days, getting a ride to the polls on a bus. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it. They would sooner stay home.

At least be honest about what your fears actually are.

How many people vote? How many give a shit? Yoiu act like its 100%

How many will stay home if the weather is bad.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines. Why? Because they know some people won't wait.

That is voter suppression.

Just like when you cheating fucks vote in Voter Photo IDs. They know not evey one will get one.

It does not matter why.Why do you support cheating to win elections? Why is your party so pitiful that they think they need to cheat.

When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney. Why did he say that

you are such a pathetic fool and part of the problem that gave us the moron Trump.
1. How do you control against voter fraud without so much as voter ID?
2. Do you really think someone too stupid to get a photo ID should be making decisions regarding national policy?
You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

Instead of cheating to win elections, try putting up better candidates with better ideas.

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.


You tell any one of those suppressed people that there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they need is a valid photo ID to claim it, they'd have one and be there in less than six hours.

What you and your side won't admit is that some of your voters really don't care about voting. Sure, they'll vote if it's convenient enough like late hours, polls staying open for days, getting a ride to the polls on a bus. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it. They would sooner stay home.

At least be honest about what your fears actually are.

How many people vote? How many give a shit? Yoiu act like its 100%

How many will stay home if the weather is bad.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines. Why? Because they know some people won't wait.

That is voter suppression.

Just like when you cheating fucks vote in Voter Photo IDs. They know not evey one will get one.

It does not matter why.Why do you support cheating to win elections? Why is your party so pitiful that they think they need to cheat.

When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney. Why did he say that

you are such a pathetic fool and part of the problem that gave us the moron Trump.

No the long lines were about black ladies talking to much...and this is not even being racist, every damn time a black lady is in front of me , she has to hold up the damn line talking to the cashier about all her damn baby daddys, the weather, got to check 500 lottery tickets, look around in her purse for the exact change it drives me nuts .....


yes, out comes your racism.
You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.


You tell any one of those suppressed people that there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they need is a valid photo ID to claim it, they'd have one and be there in less than six hours.

What you and your side won't admit is that some of your voters really don't care about voting. Sure, they'll vote if it's convenient enough like late hours, polls staying open for days, getting a ride to the polls on a bus. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it. They would sooner stay home.

At least be honest about what your fears actually are.

How many people vote? How many give a shit? Yoiu act like its 100%

How many will stay home if the weather is bad.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines. Why? Because they know some people won't wait.

That is voter suppression.

Just like when you cheating fucks vote in Voter Photo IDs. They know not evey one will get one.

It does not matter why.Why do you support cheating to win elections? Why is your party so pitiful that they think they need to cheat.

When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney. Why did he say that

you are such a pathetic fool and part of the problem that gave us the moron Trump.

No the long lines were about black ladies talking to much...and this is not even being racist, every damn time a black lady is in front of me , she has to hold up the damn line talking to the cashier about all her damn baby daddys, the weather, got to check 500 lottery tickets, look around in her purse for the exact change it drives me nuts .....


yes, out comes your racism.

It's the damn truth and you know it PC powderpuff.
You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

Instead of cheating to win elections, try putting up better candidates with better ideas.

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.


You tell any one of those suppressed people that there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they need is a valid photo ID to claim it, they'd have one and be there in less than six hours.

What you and your side won't admit is that some of your voters really don't care about voting. Sure, they'll vote if it's convenient enough like late hours, polls staying open for days, getting a ride to the polls on a bus. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it. They would sooner stay home.

At least be honest about what your fears actually are.

How many people vote? How many give a shit? Yoiu act like its 100%

How many will stay home if the weather is bad.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines. Why? Because they know some people won't wait.

That is voter suppression.

Just like when you cheating fucks vote in Voter Photo IDs. They know not evey one will get one.

It does not matter why.Why do you support cheating to win elections? Why is your party so pitiful that they think they need to cheat.

When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney. Why did he say that

you are such a pathetic fool and part of the problem that gave us the moron Trump.
1. How do you control against voter fraud without so much as voter ID?
2. Do you really think someone too stupid to get a photo ID should be making decisions regarding national policy?

1) Show me the statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.

2) Poorer people are stupid, People that don't drive are not stupid. You voted for Trump, you can't get any dumber than that.
You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

Instead of cheating to win elections, try putting up better candidates with better ideas.

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.


You tell any one of those suppressed people that there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they need is a valid photo ID to claim it, they'd have one and be there in less than six hours.

What you and your side won't admit is that some of your voters really don't care about voting. Sure, they'll vote if it's convenient enough like late hours, polls staying open for days, getting a ride to the polls on a bus. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it. They would sooner stay home.

At least be honest about what your fears actually are.

How many people vote? How many give a shit? Yoiu act like its 100%

How many will stay home if the weather is bad.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines. Why? Because they know some people won't wait.

That is voter suppression.

Just like when you cheating fucks vote in Voter Photo IDs. They know not evey one will get one.

It does not matter why.Why do you support cheating to win elections? Why is your party so pitiful that they think they need to cheat.

When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney. Why did he say that

you are such a pathetic fool and part of the problem that gave us the moron Trump.
1. How do you control against voter fraud without so much as voter ID?
2. Do you really think someone too stupid to get a photo ID should be making decisions regarding national policy?

BTW, here in PA, you have to sign in a book to vote. That book has your signature for comparison.
You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.


You tell any one of those suppressed people that there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they need is a valid photo ID to claim it, they'd have one and be there in less than six hours.

What you and your side won't admit is that some of your voters really don't care about voting. Sure, they'll vote if it's convenient enough like late hours, polls staying open for days, getting a ride to the polls on a bus. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it. They would sooner stay home.

At least be honest about what your fears actually are.

How many people vote? How many give a shit? Yoiu act like its 100%

How many will stay home if the weather is bad.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines. Why? Because they know some people won't wait.

That is voter suppression.

Just like when you cheating fucks vote in Voter Photo IDs. They know not evey one will get one.

It does not matter why.Why do you support cheating to win elections? Why is your party so pitiful that they think they need to cheat.

When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney. Why did he say that

you are such a pathetic fool and part of the problem that gave us the moron Trump.
1. How do you control against voter fraud without so much as voter ID?
2. Do you really think someone too stupid to get a photo ID should be making decisions regarding national policy?

1) Show me the statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.
I don't have to show you anything. You are against voter ID so I'm asking how you would control against voter fraud. Is that your way of saying "I don't know?"
2) Poorer people are stupid, People that don't drive are not stupid.
So you have to drive to have photo ID?
You voted for Trump, you can't get any dumber than that.

No I didn't, dumbass.
You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.


You tell any one of those suppressed people that there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they need is a valid photo ID to claim it, they'd have one and be there in less than six hours.

What you and your side won't admit is that some of your voters really don't care about voting. Sure, they'll vote if it's convenient enough like late hours, polls staying open for days, getting a ride to the polls on a bus. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it. They would sooner stay home.

At least be honest about what your fears actually are.

How many people vote? How many give a shit? Yoiu act like its 100%

How many will stay home if the weather is bad.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines. Why? Because they know some people won't wait.

That is voter suppression.

Just like when you cheating fucks vote in Voter Photo IDs. They know not evey one will get one.

It does not matter why.Why do you support cheating to win elections? Why is your party so pitiful that they think they need to cheat.

When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney. Why did he say that

you are such a pathetic fool and part of the problem that gave us the moron Trump.
1. How do you control against voter fraud without so much as voter ID?
2. Do you really think someone too stupid to get a photo ID should be making decisions regarding national policy?

BTW, here in PA, you have to sign in a book to vote. That book has your signature for comparison.
Could you explain how that works? So you come in and you sign in a book to vote? What's stopping you from coming again and signing in a different way with a different name?
Give and Take...grow up...that is how life works. If the DCA people want to stay they had better put the protest signs away and cal Schumer and Pelosi and tell them to cut a deal...BUILD THE DAMN WALL!!!!
You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.


You tell any one of those suppressed people that there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they need is a valid photo ID to claim it, they'd have one and be there in less than six hours.

What you and your side won't admit is that some of your voters really don't care about voting. Sure, they'll vote if it's convenient enough like late hours, polls staying open for days, getting a ride to the polls on a bus. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it. They would sooner stay home.

At least be honest about what your fears actually are.

How many people vote? How many give a shit? Yoiu act like its 100%

How many will stay home if the weather is bad.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines. Why? Because they know some people won't wait.

That is voter suppression.

Just like when you cheating fucks vote in Voter Photo IDs. They know not evey one will get one.

It does not matter why.Why do you support cheating to win elections? Why is your party so pitiful that they think they need to cheat.

When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney. Why did he say that

you are such a pathetic fool and part of the problem that gave us the moron Trump.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines.

Republicans get to decide how many voting booths are placed in Dem districts?


When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney.

If we stopped all the Dem fraud, Dems would be lucky to hold 30 Senate seats and 150 seats in the House.

If Republicans run that county,. yes. Who the fuck do you think decides?

Republicans have been caught in the past ten years legislating voter fraud. I bet that makes you so proud.

If Republicans run that county,

Lots of Dem districts in Republican counties?

Republicans have been caught in the past ten years legislating voter fraud.

Stopping Dem fraud isn't fraud.
it's all Ryan and McConnel's fault.

Ryan is a limpdick motherfucker who was born in a petri dish at the Heritage Foundation.

the Republican leadership is so out of touch with the conservative grassroots that I don't have an adjective strong enough to describe it.
So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
They would take the jobs if they paid more.

Maybe your industry should pay more. People don't stay truckers because management to too cheap & drivers get tired of being away from home for that crap pay.

Pay is up to the individual. Some jobs pay into the lower six figures. Major local carriers pay pretty damn good, and people are raising their families on their paychecks as a driver.

Excuses get you nowhere. I dare you to find a book store that sells books by successful excuse makers. You won't find one. Do you know why? Because all excuse makers are failures.

If they work their asses off, they might be able to support that family that don't have time to seed.

I'm not making excuses at all. If you are so stupid not to get why people don't want to work for you, that is your problem.

Bull. Major carriers pay anywhere from $20.00 an hour to $28.00 an hour plus plenty of overtime. OTR jobs pay at least 50K plus benefits if you have more than one year experience. More experience can land you jobs paying at least 75K.

They would all pay more but unfortunately, until we completely wipe out any kind of Democrat leadership, foreigners will always be able to come here and take these jobs.
Who knows. Certainly not you

I know that illegal aliens have managed to register to vote, despite "hiding from government".

I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting

What kind of moron can't get a legal ID? I mean besides the typical Dem voter?

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

Instead of cheating to win elections, try putting up better candidates with better ideas.

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.


You tell any one of those suppressed people that there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they need is a valid photo ID to claim it, they'd have one and be there in less than six hours.

What you and your side won't admit is that some of your voters really don't care about voting. Sure, they'll vote if it's convenient enough like late hours, polls staying open for days, getting a ride to the polls on a bus. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it. They would sooner stay home.

At least be honest about what your fears actually are.

How many people vote? How many give a shit? Yoiu act like its 100%

How many will stay home if the weather is bad.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines. Why? Because they know some people won't wait.

That is voter suppression.

Just like when you cheating fucks vote in Voter Photo IDs. They know not evey one will get one.

It does not matter why.Why do you support cheating to win elections? Why is your party so pitiful that they think they need to cheat.

When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney. Why did he say that

you are such a pathetic fool and part of the problem that gave us the moron Trump.

How many will stay home if the weather is bad? It depends on how much they value voting.

Democrats don't value voting as much as Republicans. If it's raining outside, that hurts Democrats--not Republicans, because Republicans would crawl over an ant hill naked to vote.

In Ohio, the district runs their own voting operations. If there are too few booths or long lines, blame your local Democrats.

If we create a littering law and the fine is $500.00, does that hurt Democrats more than Republicans? Don't we all have to live by the same law? Only a brainwashed liberal would think that one law that applies to all disadvantages them.
Its your own damn fault you lost the House, Senate, and White House. The people obviously think you people suck at governing so sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up your damn mess. :laugh:

Last Republican administration left with the worst recession in 80 years, a financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% , two quagmire wars, and losig 800,000 jobs a month.

Only a fucking moron would call that better than when Obama left office.
Last Republican administration (in the singular you write), was responsible for all that eh ? The Demon-crats and their policies had nothing to do with anything right ? How much partisan hackery is that ?? Pathetic.

The recession started in 4th quarter of 2007 after nearly 14 consecutive years of a Republican Congress & nearly 7 years of a Republican President.

Decades of Republican deregulation in the financial ma


Republican unfunded tax cuts

Republican unfunded expansion to Medicare

A Republican unjust war in Iraq.

But hey, blame Democrats? Man up there big boy & accept your responsibility for electing those responsible.

First off we had a Democrat led Congress the last two years of Bush's second term. Secondly it was the deregulation of the banking industry that led to the housing collapse--much of the deregulation happening during the Clinton years through HUD and Fanny and Freddy.

And what's with you leftists anyway? Everything Bush did was unfunded. HTF is that even possible????

First of all, the Bush recession started 4th quarter of 2007. Before you asswipes blame Democrats, please list the legislation they passed the first 9 months of 2007 that caused that recession or just shut the fuck up.

And still you dishonest fucks blame Clinton for signing a compromise bill where YOUR FUCKING REPUBLICANS got their deregulation and Clinton got something he wanted. You are such a moron, you don't get that before Clinton signed it that the Republicans had to pass it as they controlled Congress.

Show me where Bush funded either war, his tax cuts & the expansion to Medicare.

You people are such a such of pathetic lying Pieces of shit. No wonder you voted for Trump.

'My God.

So then the recession in the first quarter of 2001 was Clinton’s fault? That is stupid logic. If you actually read up on the 2008 recession, there was tons of blame to go around and it wasn’t all Republicans, except you aren’t wanting to be honest, nor do I expect you to, responsibility is a tough concept for you.
Remember when Obama extended the Bush Tax cuts?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Republicans had no problem screwing over millions to get a tax cut for the rich. They just did it again. So we know for a fact they are fine with it.

No DACA deal without border wall, Trump warns

Republicans don't negotiate, they blackmail. You could see it if they did it for a good reason. But for them, it ALWAYS involves screwing over millions of people. Always. They love it.

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