Governing by ransom.

Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.
Republicans have been doing that for a long time. Remember the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts for the rich?

And we voted them into office to do it to us again.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Why should Americans subsidize illegals that come over here and squirt out an anchor baby? I mean, those born here with a birth certificate don't have that luxury.Why do leftards wish for amnesty for illegals? Because it's another underclass that they can exploit for votes. It's not like illegals that come here the best and brightest that Mexico has to offer....they are poorly schooled with menial skills which is just what the leftard clown posse wants.
. Sadly years ago I was displaced by them in the construction industry. I was a supervisor that had to adjust to seeing American crews/men laid off, and then we as supervisors we're expected to try and train the Mexican labor that was taking over the jobs. Those who refused to train were laid off down the road or just had to quit. They were taking over a lot of jobs in the construction industry. Then after I personally saw Americans displaced who would or were doing the jobs the Mexicans we're brought in to do, I saw that George W. Bush Jr. standing there saying "well they're only doing the jobs Americans won't do" ... Bullcrap.

He was a liar, and was protecting the corporations bringing in these laborers through contractors to work on their job sites. Where did the American's go ? They turned to drugs and everything else imaginable in the fall out. What a shame, and no one is brought to justice over the lies and bullcrap.. It was the ultimate betrayal of this countries men and women back then.
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.
Republicans have been doing that for a long time. Remember the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts for the rich?

And we voted them into office to do it to us again.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Why should Americans subsidize illegals that come over here and squirt out an anchor baby? I mean, those born here with a birth certificate don't have that luxury.Why do leftards wish for amnesty for illegals? Because it's another underclass that they can exploit for votes. It's not like illegals that come here the best and brightest that Mexico has to offer....they are poorly schooled with menial skills which is just what the leftard clown posse wants.
. Sadly years ago I was displaced by them in the construction industry. I was a supervisor that had to adjust to seeing American crews/men laid off, and then we as supervisors we're expected to try and train the Mexican labor that was taking over the jobs. Those who refused to train were laid off down the road or just had to quit. They were taking over a lot of jobs in the construction industry. Then after I personally saw Americans displaced who would or were doing the jobs the Mexicans we're brought in to do, I saw that George W. Bush Jr. standing there saying "well they're only doing the jobs Americans won't do" ... Bullcrap.

He was a liar, and was protecting the corporations bringing in these laborers through contractors to work on their job sites. Where did the American's go ? They turned to drugs and everything else imaginable in the fall out. What a shame, and no one is brought to justice over the lies and bullcrap.. It was the ultimate betrayal of this countries men and women back then.

It started though in the 80s with Reagan and tippy , Reagan wanted money and Democrat tippy wanted amnesty...

In the 1970s you could be a little ol' dry wall hanger and make decent money with benefits.
If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.

What a dumbarse analogy. That's like saying "I like aeroplanes" and you replying "Bubblegum". Two totally unrelated things. Then again, you are a Deplorable.
Not really, you cant say the parents commited the crime, but the kids get to keep the benefits......see if parents rob folks, the kids don't get the the parents fucked the kids really hard by going to jail and leaving their kids without parents....and no money.......
Same with coming to a country, uproot your kids, and getting your ass kicked out. Kids have no money and no parents
The better question per that analogy is if a parent robs a bank and the kid is innocent the car should the kid get punished like the parents... the answer obviously no. We don’t punish people for crimes they are not responsible for, especially children. What’s wrong with you people. This shouldnt be a hard issue to figure out
One has nothing to do with the other .... you're simply trying to pull the emotional chain to get a desired reaction.

1) The kids are NOT legal citizens.
2) Trump cancelled the DACA program because it was illegal. He also gave Congress six months to fix it. They haven't.
3) There has been no claim that the kids will be deported. All sides are in agreement that they could be valuable asset to this country.
4) It is the failure of the Democrats to compromise that is threatening the Dreamers. It is not the rule of law that is threatening the Dreamers.
5) Blame the right people.
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.

It's called leveraging your position, you idiots are playing checkers while Trump is playing chess. He's forcing congress to their jobs, on his terms. LMAO

Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.
Republicans have been doing that for a long time. Remember the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts for the rich?

And we voted them into office to do it to us again.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Why should Americans subsidize illegals that come over here and squirt out an anchor baby? I mean, those born here with a birth certificate don't have that luxury.Why do leftards wish for amnesty for illegals? Because it's another underclass that they can exploit for votes. It's not like illegals that come here the best and brightest that Mexico has to offer....they are poorly schooled with menial skills which is just what the leftard clown posse wants.
. Sadly years ago I was displaced by them in the construction industry. I was a supervisor that had to adjust to seeing American crews/men laid off, and then we as supervisors we're expected to try and train the Mexican labor that was taking over the jobs. Those who refused to train were laid off down the road or just had to quit. They were taking over a lot of jobs in the construction industry. Then after I personally saw Americans displaced who would or were doing the jobs the Mexicans we're brought in to do, I saw that George W. Bush Jr. standing there saying "well they're only doing the jobs Americans won't do" ... Bullcrap.

He was a liar, and was protecting the corporations bringing in these laborers through contractors to work on their job sites. Where did the American's go ? They turned to drugs and everything else imaginable in the fall out. What a shame, and no one is brought to justice over the lies and bullcrap.. It was the ultimate betrayal of this countries men and women back then.

Right on, my brother..........
If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.

What a dumbarse analogy. That's like saying "I like aeroplanes" and you replying "Bubblegum". Two totally unrelated things. Then again, you are a Deplorable.
Not really, you cant say the parents commited the crime, but the kids get to keep the benefits......see if parents rob folks, the kids don't get the the parents fucked the kids really hard by going to jail and leaving their kids without parents....and no money.......
Same with coming to a country, uproot your kids, and getting your ass kicked out. Kids have no money and no parents
The better question per that analogy is if a parent robs a bank and the kid is innocent the car should the kid get punished like the parents... the answer obviously no. We don’t punish people for crimes they are not responsible for, especially children. What’s wrong with you people. This shouldnt be a hard issue to figure out

You don't give them a reward either. BTW it's only 800,000 and not millions, liar.

If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.

What a dumbarse analogy. That's like saying "I like aeroplanes" and you replying "Bubblegum". Two totally unrelated things. Then again, you are a Deplorable.
Not really, you cant say the parents commited the crime, but the kids get to keep the benefits......see if parents rob folks, the kids don't get the the parents fucked the kids really hard by going to jail and leaving their kids without parents....and no money.......
Same with coming to a country, uproot your kids, and getting your ass kicked out. Kids have no money and no parents
The better question per that analogy is if a parent robs a bank and the kid is innocent the car should the kid get punished like the parents... the answer obviously no. We don’t punish people for crimes they are not responsible for, especially children. What’s wrong with you people. This shouldnt be a hard issue to figure out
One has nothing to do with the other .... you're simply trying to pull the emotional chain to get a desired reaction.

1) The kids are NOT legal citizens.
2) Trump cancelled the DACA program because it was illegal. He also gave Congress six months to fix it. They haven't.
3) There has been no claim that the kids will be deported. All sides are in agreement that they could be valuable asset to this country.
4) It is the failure of the Democrats to compromise that is threatening the Dreamers. It is not the rule of law that is threatening the Dreamers.
5) Blame the right people.

For some reason the left thinks that kids born in boogie woogie land are American citizens if they step foot on our soil it's crazy.
Not really, you cant say the parents commited the crime, but the kids get to keep the benefits......see if parents rob folks, the kids don't get the the parents fucked the kids really hard by going to jail and leaving their kids without parents....and no money.......
Same with coming to a country, uproot your kids, and getting your ass kicked out. Kids have no money and no parents
The better question per that analogy is if a parent robs a bank and the kid is innocent the car should the kid get punished like the parents... the answer obviously no. We don’t punish people for crimes they are not responsible for, especially children. What’s wrong with you people. This shouldnt be a hard issue to figure out
I don't get where the punishment is. If the kids didn't do anything to get into the country, then it's not like they're losing their investment.

I can see someone not guilty of the initial crime getting "punished" somewhat unfairly if they bought property they didn't know was stolen, since taking the property back would leave them without the property AND without their money, but this is more like taking back the money a bank robber stole and gave to the kids for nothing. The kids would have never had the money anyway so they're basically restoring the status quo more or less.
They have lived heir whole life here. They didn’t get “money” they are just trying to love their lives in the world that they grew up in. You don’t think kicking them out to a foreign country that they don’t know is punishment? Of course it is. Gain a little empathy man. Put yourself in their shoes. Fucking amazing that you don’t get it.

there are 7 billion people in the world, how many do we have to support before we go bankrupt
How much are the DACA people costing us?

How much does it cost to educate 800,000 people for 12 years at an average of 15k each. And that's just the start. There's a special 4 billion a year medicade fund to pay their medical costs. I could go on, but if you don't get it now you're not worth the effort.

I guess there is such a thing as holding something or someone as a political hostage over a political decision is what is attempted to be inferred here. Don't believe it was the case, but the Demon-crats have tried as always to back Trump into a corner, so here comes the art of the deal.
The problem with this “deal” is that the Republicans now need 60 votes to pass anything which means they need Dems. And when nothing gets done the Republicans and Trump will take the blame. That’s when the balance of power flips back to the Dems. We just saw it happen over the past 8 years to put the Reps in power and it is getting ready to happen again
It doesn't take 60 votes to fund the wall, nimrod. Budget issues only require a simple majority.

Dims will take the blame if they refuse to make any concessions on immigration. It will become obvious to all that their concern about the DACA kids is entirely bogus.

You're wrong on that one, it does take 60 votes, it won't be done under reconciliation rules.

I don't get where the punishment is. If the kids didn't do anything to get into the country, then it's not like they're losing their investment.

I can see someone not guilty of the initial crime getting "punished" somewhat unfairly if they bought property they didn't know was stolen, since taking the property back would leave them without the property AND without their money, but this is more like taking back the money a bank robber stole and gave to the kids for nothing. The kids would have never had the money anyway so they're basically restoring the status quo more or less.
They have lived heir whole life here. They didn’t get “money” they are just trying to love their lives in the world that they grew up in. You don’t think kicking them out to a foreign country that they don’t know is punishment? Of course it is. Gain a little empathy man. Put yourself in their shoes. Fucking amazing that you don’t get it.

So your argument is now: "But muh feelz!"

Your retorts just keep getting more and more brilliant by the post!
What are you talking about? Do you really not understand my argument or aren’t you just being an ass?

I perfectly understood your argument. It was that you feel sorry for the kids so it doesn't matter that they are here illegally.

What a stupid argument. In fact, it's not even an argument, your feelings are not an argument.
My argument has to do with right and wrong and how good people treat others. Doesn’t have anything to do with my feelings... it’s simple morals which you seem to lack.

I told my congressman to give them green cards only, deport the criminal parents and not allow them to sponsor anyone else and no citizenship. They get to stay and work, the criminals go home and the next generation can be citizens.

If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.

What a dumbarse analogy. That's like saying "I like aeroplanes" and you replying "Bubblegum". Two totally unrelated things. Then again, you are a Deplorable.
Not really, you cant say the parents commited the crime, but the kids get to keep the benefits......see if parents rob folks, the kids don't get the the parents fucked the kids really hard by going to jail and leaving their kids without parents....and no money.......
Same with coming to a country, uproot your kids, and getting your ass kicked out. Kids have no money and no parents
The better question per that analogy is if a parent robs a bank and the kid is innocent the car should the kid get punished like the parents... the answer obviously no. We don’t punish people for crimes they are not responsible for, especially children. What’s wrong with you people. This shouldnt be a hard issue to figure out
I don't get where the punishment is. If the kids didn't do anything to get into the country, then it's not like they're losing their investment.

I can see someone not guilty of the initial crime getting "punished" somewhat unfairly if they bought property they didn't know was stolen, since taking the property back would leave them without the property AND without their money, but this is more like taking back the money a bank robber stole and gave to the kids for nothing. The kids would have never had the money anyway so they're basically restoring the status quo more or less.
They have lived heir whole life here. They didn’t get “money” they are just trying to love their lives in the world that they grew up in. You don’t think kicking them out to a foreign country that they don’t know is punishment? Of course it is. Gain a little empathy man. Put yourself in their shoes. Fucking amazing that you don’t get it.
Unfortunately, this will let illegals know all they have to do is come here when their kids are young and at the very least the kids will be allowed to stay and get all the welfare/medical care they want. That's on top of already allowing them to jump the border, poop out a kid, and have the kid be allowed to stay (on top of potential anchor baby issues).
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.

Actually, it is the Democrats holding the DACA people hostage! They are afraid of the wall, want to keep chain migration, so they are willing to kick the DACA people out to keep all the rest of the illegals.

Get it correctly, will you!
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.

If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.
Your argument is stupid. It's faulty logic. There is no comparison between being born in the US and robbing a bank.

False analogy definition

(plural false analogies) (logic) An informal fallacy applying to inductive arguments, in which the similarity in one respect of two concepts, objects, or events is taken as sufficient to establish that they are similar in another respect in which they actually are dissimilar.
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.

If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.
Your argument is stupid. It's faulty logic. There is no comparison between being born in the US and robbing a bank.

False analogy definition

(plural false analogies) (logic) An informal fallacy applying to inductive arguments, in which the similarity in one respect of two concepts, objects, or events is taken as sufficient to establish that they are similar in another respect in which they actually are dissimilar.

Yes, because obviously a much more successful analogy would contrast a thing with exactly with itself.

Wait, actually, that's exactly what is NOT an analogy.

What a retarded response. The situations are perfectly equivalent from legal perspective. Which is exactly why you can't point to any relevant difference.

Parents did illegal things, as do the kids. But of course, you always side with crime. Hmm...
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.

If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.
Your argument is stupid. It's faulty logic. There is no comparison between being born in the US and robbing a bank.

False analogy definition

(plural false analogies) (logic) An informal fallacy applying to inductive arguments, in which the similarity in one respect of two concepts, objects, or events is taken as sufficient to establish that they are similar in another respect in which they actually are dissimilar.

Yes, because obviously a much more successful analogy would contrast a thing with exactly with itself.

Wait, actually, that's exactly what is NOT an analogy.

What a retarded response. The situations are perfectly equivalent from legal perspective.

Parents did illegal things, as do the kids.
They are absolutely not equivalent. LOL
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.

If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.
Your argument is stupid. It's faulty logic. There is no comparison between being born in the US and robbing a bank.

False analogy definition

(plural false analogies) (logic) An informal fallacy applying to inductive arguments, in which the similarity in one respect of two concepts, objects, or events is taken as sufficient to establish that they are similar in another respect in which they actually are dissimilar.

Yes, because obviously a much more successful analogy would contrast a thing with exactly with itself.

Wait, actually, that's exactly what is NOT an analogy.

What a retarded response. The situations are perfectly equivalent from legal perspective.

Parents did illegal things, as do the kids.
They are absolutely not equivalent. LOL

What a brilliant argument!

You totally demonstrated they are not equivalent by posting that.
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.

If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.
Your argument is stupid. It's faulty logic. There is no comparison between being born in the US and robbing a bank.

False analogy definition

(plural false analogies) (logic) An informal fallacy applying to inductive arguments, in which the similarity in one respect of two concepts, objects, or events is taken as sufficient to establish that they are similar in another respect in which they actually are dissimilar.

Yes, because obviously a much more successful analogy would contrast a thing with exactly with itself.

Wait, actually, that's exactly what is NOT an analogy.

What a retarded response. The situations are perfectly equivalent from legal perspective.

Parents did illegal things, as do the kids.
They are absolutely not equivalent. LOL

What a brilliant argument!

You totally demonstrated they are not equivalent by posting that.
rolling eyes.gif

It's not my problem that you can't see they are not equivalent. You should have paid better attention in school. As it is, I'm not your teacher. The fact they are two completely different situations is obvious. Robbing a bank and the child keeping the money is not the same as being born in the US as a citizen. Illegally entering the US is not the same as robbing a bank. Being born here automatically makes one a citizen. No similarity. Two completely different situations.
If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.
Your argument is stupid. It's faulty logic. There is no comparison between being born in the US and robbing a bank.

False analogy definition

(plural false analogies) (logic) An informal fallacy applying to inductive arguments, in which the similarity in one respect of two concepts, objects, or events is taken as sufficient to establish that they are similar in another respect in which they actually are dissimilar.

Yes, because obviously a much more successful analogy would contrast a thing with exactly with itself.

Wait, actually, that's exactly what is NOT an analogy.

What a retarded response. The situations are perfectly equivalent from legal perspective.

Parents did illegal things, as do the kids.
They are absolutely not equivalent. LOL

What a brilliant argument!

You totally demonstrated they are not equivalent by posting that.
View attachment 170029

It's not my problem that you can't see they are not equivalent. You should have paid better attention in school. As it is, I'm not your teacher. The fact they are two completely different situations is obvious. Robbing a bank and the child keeping the money is not the same as being born in the US as a citizen. Illegally entering the US is not the same as robbing a bank. Being born here automatically makes one a citizen. No similarity. Two completely different situations.
They are different types of crimes; they are different types of results. In being born here by a illegal immigrant, one is not stealing anything or taking anything away from anyone. And it isn't against the law.
If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.
Your argument is stupid. It's faulty logic. There is no comparison between being born in the US and robbing a bank.

False analogy definition

(plural false analogies) (logic) An informal fallacy applying to inductive arguments, in which the similarity in one respect of two concepts, objects, or events is taken as sufficient to establish that they are similar in another respect in which they actually are dissimilar.

Yes, because obviously a much more successful analogy would contrast a thing with exactly with itself.

Wait, actually, that's exactly what is NOT an analogy.

What a retarded response. The situations are perfectly equivalent from legal perspective.

Parents did illegal things, as do the kids.
They are absolutely not equivalent. LOL

What a brilliant argument!

You totally demonstrated they are not equivalent by posting that.
View attachment 170029

It's not my problem that you can't see they are not equivalent. You should have paid better attention in school. As it is, I'm not your teacher. The fact they are two completely different situations is obvious. Robbing a bank and the child keeping the money is not the same as being born in the US as a citizen. Illegally entering the US is not the same as robbing a bank. Being born here automatically makes one a citizen. No similarity. Two completely different situations.

Illegally entering the US is not the same as robbing a bank.

Yes it is , illegally entering the US is just like robbing a bank, you get free health care , drivers license, housing , jobs and can even murder a little girl if you feel like it and not get convicted.. :) ain't America great!!!

download (25).jpeg
If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.
Your argument is stupid. It's faulty logic. There is no comparison between being born in the US and robbing a bank.

False analogy definition

(plural false analogies) (logic) An informal fallacy applying to inductive arguments, in which the similarity in one respect of two concepts, objects, or events is taken as sufficient to establish that they are similar in another respect in which they actually are dissimilar.

Yes, because obviously a much more successful analogy would contrast a thing with exactly with itself.

Wait, actually, that's exactly what is NOT an analogy.

What a retarded response. The situations are perfectly equivalent from legal perspective.

Parents did illegal things, as do the kids.
They are absolutely not equivalent. LOL

What a brilliant argument!

You totally demonstrated they are not equivalent by posting that.
View attachment 170029

It's not my problem that you can't see they are not equivalent. You should have paid better attention in school. As it is, I'm not your teacher. The fact they are two completely different situations is obvious. Robbing a bank and the child keeping the money is not the same as being born in the US as a citizen. Illegally entering the US is not the same as robbing a bank. Being born here automatically makes one a citizen. No similarity. Two completely different situations.

Analogies always concern different situations.

It seems like your teacher didn't even teach you what an analogy is. I wonder whether you are thus, a nightmare yourself, considering many can't even pass high-school.

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