Government Did Not Build Your Business

"The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

You are the one who is asserting that the president said something he simply didn't say. "that biz leaders contribute nothing special to the venture" was never said or implied.

But be that as it may, the Romney camp isn't going that deep. They're sticking with the original misrepresentation("He said you didn't build that")\lie as part of their strategy.

"If you have a business, it's only because we took our boot off of your throat."

This isn't going away. All the leftist bullshitters can't alter what Barack said. Context only makes it worse.

This used to be the land of opportunity, Obama proudly works to ensure those days are gone forever.

You just can't help yourself, and here you are altering what the President said, because you got nothing else.

Context certainly makes it worst for Romney's "You didn't built it" campaign!

Keep dreaming.

Romney is jamming this up David Axelrod's ass.

That you can't help but accept what he said is what is so funny.
Get out your checkbooks, businessmen. You owe da gubmint for your success. You used the same roads your employees use, and you did not build them. We did. So pony up.


"Clearly, in his Virginia speech, President Obama was making a point about the way infrastructure supports business and the interconnectedness of the economy and government with personal success and hard work. But, you see, he accidentally said "that" at one point when he meant "those." So release the hounds."

"...hanging your attack on a person's slight grammatical misstep is what people do in an argument when they're completely fucked and know they have no argument."

Jon Stewart Slams You-Didn't-Build-That-Gate In Romney, Fox News' Faces (VIDEO)

Again -- the context in the speech makes it EXTREMELY unlikely that this was misinterpreted. He started out by asserting that "a lot of folks work hard" and that all sweat equity is approximately equal.. Same thing with "there's a lot of smart folks".. Thus minimizing the focus, risk, resolution and creativity of folks that DRIVE a biz to success.

NONE OF THE FOLLOWING comments about who provides "roads and bridges" or "you didn't build that" would mean anything --- until you make the Collectivist assertion that biz leaders contribute nothing special to the venture.

NOT out of context.. Not " a slight grammatical misstep".. It was a complete Collectivist primer of all Hard Work is equal, risk and creativity don't matter, and you owe the Collective more money.. The bill is in the mail.

"The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

You are the one who is asserting that the president said something he simply didn't say. "that biz leaders contribute nothing special to the venture" was never said or implied.

But be that as it may, the Romney camp isn't going that deep. They're sticking with the original misrepresentation("He said you didn't build that")\lie as part of their strategy.

Let's nail this eh?

There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me -- because they want to give something back. They know they didn&#8217;t <<<--PAUSE

Right there he STARTS TO SAY --- "They know they didn't..... " Know they didn't do what? Get there on their own initiative, innovation and risk?

look if you&#8217;ve been successful, you didn&#8217;t get there on your own. You didn&#8217;t get there on your own. I&#8217;m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something -- there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.)

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you&#8217;ve got a business -- you didn&#8217;t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn&#8217;t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don&#8217;t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

THe part I enlarged above is where the assertion is made that ALL SWEAT LABOR is honored EQUALLY. And it IMPLIES that (exactly as said before) ---

""NONE OF THE FOLLOWING comments about who provides "roads and bridges" or "you didn't build that" would mean anything --- until you make the Collectivist assertion that biz leaders contribute nothing special to the venture. ""

How do you equate the contributions? Well in the collectivist mindset -- if you're sweating and you have a brain -- your pay and recognition should be no more than any other smart or hard working person..

He said it.. He's wrong. The juvenile assertions that the Collective should be given credit for roads and bridges are meaningless. Because UNSUCCESSFUL people also use those resources. Stupid failing people had GREAT teachers. These are NOT the reasons the surgeon makes more than the orderly.. Not in this country. And you can whine all you want -- it's one of the most damaging admissions for a candidate in my lifetime.. Keep it up --- every time you defend the indefensible -- you will be contributing to history..
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Let's approach this from a slightly different angle and table what he said for a minute.
Why was he mocking business in the first place.
He's going on and on about how other people are just as smart,other people work just as hard,and the people all around him are howling and laughing and carrying on like buffoons.

All in all this was an outright attack on people who chose to start or run a business.
And he's attacking them and mocking them.

Do we really want another 4 years with this guy.

If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen&#8221;

Barack Hussein Obama
Let's approach this from a slightly different angle and table what he said for a minute.
Why was he mocking business in the first place.
He's going on and on about how other people are just as smart,other people work just as hard,and the people all around him are howling and laughing and carrying on like buffoons.

All in all this was an outright attack on people who chose to start or run a business.
And he's attacking them and mocking them.

Do we really want another 4 years with this guy.

No, we sure don't.
Who ever said Government built your business?

That is stupid?

“If you’ve got a business—you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen,” declared President Barack Obama at a campaign stop last week in Virginia. Evidently, the president believes that economic growth and job creation are largely the result of actions taken by benevolent government agencies. But while it is certainly the case that good governance is essential, entrepreneurs engaging in voluntary cooperation coordinated through competition in free markets is what actually creates wealth and jobs.


I could not agree 100% more (with RightWinger).

"Clearly, in his Virginia speech, President Obama was making a point about the way infrastructure supports business and the interconnectedness of the economy and government with personal success and hard work. But, you see, he accidentally said "that" at one point when he meant "those." So release the hounds."

"...hanging your attack on a person's slight grammatical misstep is what people do in an argument when they're completely fucked and know they have no argument."

Jon Stewart Slams You-Didn't-Build-That-Gate In Romney, Fox News' Faces (VIDEO)

Except it was actually two grammatical mistakes.
“If you’ve got a business—you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen,” declared President Barack Obama at a campaign stop last week in Virginia. Evidently, the president believes that economic growth and job creation are largely the result of actions taken by benevolent government agencies. But while it is certainly the case that good governance is essential, entrepreneurs engaging in voluntary cooperation coordinated through competition in free markets is what actually creates wealth and jobs.


I could not agree 100% more (with RightWinger).

"Clearly, in his Virginia speech, President Obama was making a point about the way infrastructure supports business and the interconnectedness of the economy and government with personal success and hard work. But, you see, he accidentally said "that" at one point when he meant "those." So release the hounds."

"...hanging your attack on a person's slight grammatical misstep is what people do in an argument when they're completely fucked and know they have no argument."

Jon Stewart Slams You-Didn't-Build-That-Gate In Romney, Fox News' Faces (VIDEO)

Again -- the context in the speech makes it EXTREMELY unlikely that this was misinterpreted. He started out by asserting that "a lot of folks work hard" and that all sweat equity is approximately equal.. Same thing with "there's a lot of smart folks".. Thus minimizing the focus, risk, resolution and creativity of folks that DRIVE a biz to success.

NONE OF THE FOLLOWING comments about who provides "roads and bridges" or "you didn't build that" would mean anything --- until you make the Collectivist assertion that biz leaders contribute nothing special to the venture.

NOT out of context.. Not " a slight grammatical misstep".. It was a complete Collectivist primer of all Hard Work is equal, risk and creativity don't matter, and you owe the Collective more money.. The bill is in the mail.

You really don't understand the context. The comments are in the context of arguing against what Romney and the Republicans are offering to solve our problems. Tax cuts for the rich, privatization of Medicare, and more of the failed 'trickle down' voodoo economics that has not worked, and never will. The President was arguing that, while he was willing to cut government waste, he would not gut investments that grow the economy or give tax breaks to the likes of himself or Romney...AGAIN.

Bush's tax cuts had a expiration date. It is past time to end them. Bush's first Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, was fired for disagreeing too many times with Bush's policy on tax cuts.

60 Minutes

The president had promised to cut taxes, and he did. Within six months of taking office, he pushed a trillion dollars worth of tax cuts through Congress.

But O'Neill thought it should have been the end. After 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan, the budget deficit was growing. So at a meeting with the vice president after the mid-term elections in 2002, O'Neill argued against a second round of tax cuts.

"Cheney, at this moment, shows his hand. He says, 'You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due.' … O'Neill is speechless."

"It was not just about not wanting the tax cut. It was about how to use the nation's resources to improve the condition of our society," says O'Neill. "And I thought the weight of working on Social Security and fundamental tax reform was a lot more important than a tax reduction."
Here's the problem BFGrn.. The OLD econ books don't work anymore. We don't have the economy we had 50 years ago. 50 years ago you could hand out $100 bills and folks would go out and buy tennis shoes and radios and American factories would crank up and hire workers. 50 years ago, you could tax the fuck out of American corporations and they would just shrug and carry on..

The Keyesian shit doesn't work anymore.. All handing out money does is increase the number of Container ships coming into Long Beach and Chinese factories expansion. Corporations that don't like tax policy here can go serve other markets that didn't exist 50 years ago. Regulations have INCREASED the strangle hold by big biz because it THROTTLES the engine of NEW and INNOVATIVE ventures.

In FACT --- Everyone of these OLD ideas has the OPPOSITE effect that it used to. That's why Obama/Reid/Pelosi are so wrong. MORE regulation and Keyesian crap is GOOD for embedding the power of BIG corporations and INCREASING the wealth gap. You guys don't even realize that those policies feed the crap you abhor.

It's really a shame that you're talking 50 years ago and I'm talking TODAY. Because we'd probably agree on a lot. How the objective SHOULD be to restart Innovation and grow NEW IPOs with more meaning than LinkedIn or Facebook. Our kids are gonna climbing garbage dumps looking for common household objects if we don't address Globalization. And the thread Started out with folks discussing how SMALL and NEW businesses need to be unleashed so that they can KNOCK OFF the big multinationals.

That's why I'm not groovin' on so much reminescing about history. We've got a RIGHT NOW problem that defies an FDR approach. In fact -- you folks that feel that the DEMs always had this right are not gonna be part of the solution if you don't realize it's not 1950 anymore..

Mere parsimony is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke

I am talking about today, what worked 50 years ago and what hasn't worked for the last 30 years. The Keyesian shit does work. Please show me one economy of the face of the earth that has ever used the 'Austrian school' shit to run an economy? Hoover took the advice of the 'Austrian school' predecessors, it led to the great depression. Austerity and liquidation will only lead to another depression.

I agree that we don't have the economy we had 50 years ago. And that 50 years ago you could hand out $100 bills and folks would go out and buy tennis shoes and radios and American factories would crank up and hire workers. And 50 years ago, you could tax the fuck out of American corporations and they would just shrug and carry on...

BUT...what hasn't worked for the last 30 years is tax cuts for the 'job creators'. 50 years ago we didn't have a HUGE debt. The 'job creators' took that accumulated wealth and created the increased number of Container ships coming into Long Beach and Chinese factory expansion. And left We, the People who live and die here are not only left without those jobs, we now have to face a HUGE debt.

There are no easy solutions. We are now faced with an America where corporations have no allegiance to the American people or our national interests, just their private interests.

It is the bigger context of what President Obama and Elizabeth Warren are saying.

And, the President is not calling for taxing the fuck out of American corporations. He called for lowering the corporate tax rate, BUT, closing the loopholes. GUESS who wanted no part of it?

And, the President is not calling for taxing the fuck out of Americans who make over $250,000. He is talking about letting the Bush tax cuts for people earning over $250,000 expire. Going back to the Clinton era tax rate but ONLY on income ABOVE $250,000.

If you make $250,001, your taxes would go up FIVE CENTS.

Here is how it really works. What happens is that the first $250K is taxed just like it has been, but anything that is made over $250K -- and only the amount over $250K -- is then taxed at the higher rate. The tax on the amount below $250K is not changed.

Example: Suppose the tax increase is 5% on income over $250K. This means that a person who reports income of $250K plus one dollar will be taxed an additional 5 cents. FIVE CENTS!

Yes, that's right, if it is 5% they are talking about then it means a 5 cent tax increase on people who make $250,001.

In reality, Obama’s plan actually is a continuation of a tax cut on the vast majority of the income of the vast majority of Americans, job creators and small businesses included. Senators who vote against this plan will have mainly protected the wealth of the top one percent.

Here’s why. As a few of us keep pointing out, Obama’s plan continues the tax cut on all income up to $250,000, including that earned by those who make more than that. The restoration of Clinton-era rates would only hit income above $250,000, which is earned by two out of every 100 taxpayers, and represents only a very small share of the overall income enjoyed by many of them.

Idea That Deregulation Leads To Jobs 'Just Made Up' - Ex-Reagan Economist

Consider proposed cuts in taxes and regulation, which nearly every GOP candidate is pushing in the name of creating jobs. The initiatives seem to ignore surveys in which employers cite far bigger impediments to increased hiring, chiefly slack consumer demand.

"Republicans favor tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, but these had no stimulative effect during the George W. Bush administration, and there is no reason to believe that more of them will have any today," writes Bruce Bartlett. He's an economist who worked for Republican congressmen and in the administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.

As for the idea that cutting regulations will lead to significant job growth, Bartlett said in an interview, "It's just nonsense. It's just made up."

Government and industry studies support his view.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics, which tracks companies' reasons for large layoffs, found that 1,119 layoffs were attributed to government regulations in the first half of this year, while 144,746 were attributed to poor "business demand."

Mainstream economic theory says governments can spur demand, at least somewhat, through stimulus spending. The Republican candidates, however, have labeled President Barack Obama's 2009 stimulus efforts a failure. Instead, most are calling for tax cuts that would primarily benefit high-income people, who are seen as the likeliest job creators.

"I don't care about that," Texas Gov. Rick Perry told The New York Times and CNBC, referring to tax breaks for the rich. "What I care about is them having the dollars to invest in their companies."

Many existing businesses, however, have plenty of unspent cash. The 500 companies that comprise the S&P index have about $800 billion in cash and cash equivalents, the most ever, according to the research firm Birinyi Associates.

The rating firm Moody's says the roughly 1,600 companies it monitors had $1.2 trillion in cash at the end of 2010. That's 11 percent more than a year earlier.

Small businesses rate "poor sales" as their biggest problem, with government regulations ranking second, according to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Businesses. Of the small businesses saying this is not a good time to expand, half cited the poor economy as the chief reason. Thirteen percent named the "political climate."

More small businesses complained about regulation during the administrations of Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush, according to an analysis of the federation's data by the liberal Economic Policy Institute.

Such findings notwithstanding, further cuts in taxes and regulations remain popular with GOP voters. A recent Associated Press-GfK poll found that most Democrats and about half of independents think "reducing environmental and other regulations on business" would do little or nothing to create jobs. But only one-third of Republicans felt that way.

The GOP's presidential hopefuls are shaping their economic agendas along those lines.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney says his 59-point plan "seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation and government programs."

Bruce Bartlett, Ex-Reagan Economist: Idea That Deregulation Leads To Jobs 'Just Made Up'
Again -- the context in the speech makes it EXTREMELY unlikely that this was misinterpreted. He started out by asserting that "a lot of folks work hard" and that all sweat equity is approximately equal.. Same thing with "there's a lot of smart folks".. Thus minimizing the focus, risk, resolution and creativity of folks that DRIVE a biz to success.

NONE OF THE FOLLOWING comments about who provides "roads and bridges" or "you didn't build that" would mean anything --- until you make the Collectivist assertion that biz leaders contribute nothing special to the venture.

NOT out of context.. Not " a slight grammatical misstep".. It was a complete Collectivist primer of all Hard Work is equal, risk and creativity don't matter, and you owe the Collective more money.. The bill is in the mail.

"The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

You are the one who is asserting that the president said something he simply didn't say. "that biz leaders contribute nothing special to the venture" was never said or implied.

But be that as it may, the Romney camp isn't going that deep. They're sticking with the original misrepresentation("He said you didn't build that")\lie as part of their strategy.

Let's nail this eh?

There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me -- because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t <<<--PAUSE

Right there he STARTS TO SAY --- "They know they didn't..... " Know they didn't do what? Get there on their own initiative, innovation and risk?

look if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something -- there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.)

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

THe part I enlarged above is where the assertion is made that ALL SWEAT LABOR is honored EQUALLY. And it IMPLIES that (exactly as said before) ---

""NONE OF THE FOLLOWING comments about who provides "roads and bridges" or "you didn't build that" would mean anything --- until you make the Collectivist assertion that biz leaders contribute nothing special to the venture. ""

How do you equate the contributions? Well in the collectivist mindset -- if you're sweating and you have a brain -- your pay and recognition should be no more than any other smart or hard working person..

He said it.. He's wrong. The juvenile assertions that the Collective should be given credit for roads and bridges are meaningless. Because UNSUCCESSFUL people also use those resources. Stupid failing people had GREAT teachers. These are NOT the reasons the surgeon makes more than the orderly.. Not in this country. And you can whine all you want -- it's one of the most damaging admissions for a candidate in my lifetime.. Keep it up --- every time you defend the indefensible -- you will be contributing to history..

You've created quite a straw man there. To claim that he was asserting "that biz leaders contribute nothing special to the venture." totally ignores the "we succeed because of our individual initiative" comment. Who do you think he was talking about? Who succeeds with individual initiative?

It is one of the great lies of any political campaign. That you need to do mental gymnastics to denigrate this uplifting speech tells a tale all it's own.
It is one of the great lies of any political campaign. That you need to do mental gymnastics to denigrate this uplifting speech tells a tale all it's own.

That you call this an uplifting speech is the biggest point.

Good luck with that one.
Who ever said Government built your business?

That is stupid?

&#8220;If you&#8217;ve got a business&#8212;you didn&#8217;t build that. Somebody else made that happen,&#8221; declared President Barack Obama at a campaign stop last week in Virginia. Evidently, the president believes that economic growth and job creation are largely the result of actions taken by benevolent government agencies. But while it is certainly the case that good governance is essential, entrepreneurs engaging in voluntary cooperation coordinated through competition in free markets is what actually creates wealth and jobs.


I could not agree 100% more (with RightWinger).

Actual quote..
Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you&#8217;ve got a business -- you didn&#8217;t build that. Somebody else made that happen.


The implication is that business owners didn't pay taxes that were used to build roads and bridges when we all know that businesses pay more towards those things than does the average taxpayer.

Who is this "somebody" that Bam Bam refers to anyway?
It is one of the great lies of any political campaign. That you need to do mental gymnastics to denigrate this uplifting speech tells a tale all it's own.

That you call this an uplifting speech is the biggest point.

Good luck with that one.

What was the audiences reaction? It sure seemed uplifting to them. Uplifting to the spin-miesters in Turdblossums' camp too.
“If you’ve got a business—you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen,” declared President Barack Obama at a campaign stop last week in Virginia. Evidently, the president believes that economic growth and job creation are largely the result of actions taken by benevolent government agencies. But while it is certainly the case that good governance is essential, entrepreneurs engaging in voluntary cooperation coordinated through competition in free markets is what actually creates wealth and jobs.


I could not agree 100% more (with RightWinger).

Actual quote..
Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.


The implication is that business owners didn't pay taxes that were used to build roads and bridges when we all know that businesses pay more towards those things than does the average taxpayer.

Who is this "somebody" that Bam Bam refers to anyway?

I'm always suspect when someone says " the implication of..." or he was implying, or here's what he really meant....and not the actual meaning of the words.

But he never implied that business owner didn't contribute.
It is one of the great lies of any political campaign. That you need to do mental gymnastics to denigrate this uplifting speech tells a tale all it's own.

That you call this an uplifting speech is the biggest point.

Good luck with that one.

What was the audiences reaction? It sure seemed uplifting to them. Uplifting to the spin-miesters in Turdblossums' camp too.

I would guess that those in the audience are those who need "somebody to build that" and "somebody to pay for that" too.

Them cheering makes it uplifting ?

That would mean that when Rush is bagging on Obama at some function.....and the rightwingers are going nuts...that it is an uplifting speech ?
I'm always suspect when someone says " the implication of..." or he was implying, or here's what he really meant....and not the actual meaning of the words.

But he never implied that business owner didn't contribute.

He didn't imply it....he said it.
what a waste of bandwidth. a troll thread where Listening will ignore any and all evidence and fact


Dante's got his fingers in his ears and his head up his ass.

Quite a trick.

He said it.....end of discussion.
That you call this an uplifting speech is the biggest point.

Good luck with that one.

What was the audiences reaction? It sure seemed uplifting to them. Uplifting to the spin-miesters in Turdblossums' camp too.

I would guess that those in the audience are those who need "somebody to build that" and "somebody to pay for that" too.

Them cheering makes it uplifting ?

That would mean that when Rush is bagging on Obama at some function.....and the rightwingers are going nuts...that it is an uplifting speech ?

Not only did he praise individual hard work but also praised the our system pointing out the good things we do together.

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