Government Did Not Build Your Business

I approve of this thread but I did not create my thought to do so.

It helped by low interest goverment loans and grants with the help of roads and streets, regulations and law enforcement protection, fire department, and don't forget government employeee and consumers that buy your product and services. And many others.You may have built the business but other made it a success. Not government alone and government never claimed to build it for you. Rhetoric did that.
I'm always suspect when someone says " the implication of..." or he was implying, or here's what he really meant....and not the actual meaning of the words.

But he never implied that business owner didn't contribute.

His words are damning, his tone and gestures even more. The left keeps saying that we are too stupid to grasp the enlightenment he offered because we focus on his actual words.

“I’m always struck by people who think ‘well, it must be because I was just so smart’. There are a lot of smart people out there! ‘It must be because I worked harder than everybody else.’ Let me tell you something—there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there!” - Dear Leader

The FACT is that Obama serves only the public employee unions - well all unions, and a few select other special interests.

If you own a business, Obama doesn't serve you, he doesn't promote your interests. If you work for Government, then Obama represents you, of you don't work for government, then he doesn't.
I did not build a business, but I worked for the government and it was good to me then and I am retired now and it works for me now. I could not have succeeded without government. Plus consumers made my jobs easy. I have a lot of people to thank for my success.
What was the audiences reaction? It sure seemed uplifting to them. Uplifting to the spin-miesters in Turdblossums' camp too.

I would guess that those in the audience are those who need "somebody to build that" and "somebody to pay for that" too.

Them cheering makes it uplifting ?

That would mean that when Rush is bagging on Obama at some function.....and the rightwingers are going nuts...that it is an uplifting speech ?

Not only did he praise individual hard work but also praised the our system pointing out the good things we do together.

Yes, I recall him saying something like "you think you got there because you worked harder than someone else....." That was real praise.
I did not build a business, but I worked for the government and it was good to me then and I am retired now and it works for me now. I could not have succeeded without government. Plus consumers made my jobs easy. I have a lot of people to thank for my success.

And your paycheck.

And your retirement.

You are welcome.
I did not build a business, but I worked for the government and it was good to me then and I am retired now and it works for me now. I could not have succeeded without government. Plus consumers made my jobs easy. I have a lot of people to thank for my success.

Then Obama is your president. Obama is president of government workers - the rest can go fuck themselves, but Obama loves and serves government workers.
What was the audiences reaction? It sure seemed uplifting to them. Uplifting to the spin-miesters in Turdblossums' camp too.

I would guess that those in the audience are those who need "somebody to build that" and "somebody to pay for that" too.

Them cheering makes it uplifting ?

That would mean that when Rush is bagging on Obama at some function.....and the rightwingers are going nuts...that it is an uplifting speech ?

Not only did he praise individual hard work but also praised the our system pointing out the good things we do together.

I don't do anything "together" with the Fed Govt without them demanding it by force. Unless of course -- it fits my personal choice anyway.
Government never claim to have build your business. DUH?

But the statement is that without government, you would not have a business.

Which is pure garbage.

John Jay said: Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers. (Federalist 2)

However, I don't think it means we make government to build businesses.
Actual quote..
Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.


The implication is that business owners didn't pay taxes that were used to build roads and bridges when we all know that businesses pay more towards those things than does the average taxpayer.

Who is this "somebody" that Bam Bam refers to anyway?

I'm always suspect when someone says " the implication of..." or he was implying, or here's what he really meant....and not the actual meaning of the words.

But he never implied that business owner didn't contribute.

If I say to you, "Somebody else did that" do you really believe that I think you had a hand in whatever it was I was referring to?

" You didn't rob that bank somebody else did that"

So am I to include you in the blame for the robbery?

"You didn't build that somebody else did" is a statement that excludes the business owner from any of the credit for building roads and bridges.

The implication is that business owners didn't pay taxes that were used to build roads and bridges when we all know that businesses pay more towards those things than does the average taxpayer.

Who is this "somebody" that Bam Bam refers to anyway?

I'm always suspect when someone says " the implication of..." or he was implying, or here's what he really meant....and not the actual meaning of the words.

But he never implied that business owner didn't contribute.

If I say to you, "Somebody else did that" do you really believe that I think you had a hand in whatever it was I was referring to?

" You didn't rob that bank somebody else did that"

So am I to include you in the blame for the robbery?

"You didn't build that somebody else did" is a statement that excludes the business owner from any of the credit for building roads and bridges.

In reality "somebody else" is a reference to the unbelievable American system which include all us taxpayers.

Mitts in big trouble if all he's got is lie and liars.
In reality "somebody else" is a reference to the unbelievable American system which include all us taxpayers.

Mitts in big trouble if all he's got is lie and liars.

If Mitt were the one in trouble, you and the other drones wouldn't be here trying to blow smoke to cover what Obama said.

"Clearly, in his Virginia speech, President Obama was making a point about the way infrastructure supports business and the interconnectedness of the economy and government with personal success and hard work. But, you see, he accidentally said "that" at one point when he meant "those." So release the hounds."

"...hanging your attack on a person's slight grammatical misstep is what people do in an argument when they're completely fucked and know they have no argument."

Jon Stewart Slams You-Didn't-Build-That-Gate In Romney, Fox News' Faces (VIDEO)

Again -- the context in the speech makes it EXTREMELY unlikely that this was misinterpreted. He started out by asserting that "a lot of folks work hard" and that all sweat equity is approximately equal.. Same thing with "there's a lot of smart folks".. Thus minimizing the focus, risk, resolution and creativity of folks that DRIVE a biz to success.

NONE OF THE FOLLOWING comments about who provides "roads and bridges" or "you didn't build that" would mean anything --- until you make the Collectivist assertion that biz leaders contribute nothing special to the venture.

NOT out of context.. Not " a slight grammatical misstep".. It was a complete Collectivist primer of all Hard Work is equal, risk and creativity don't matter, and you owe the Collective more money.. The bill is in the mail.

You really don't understand the context. The comments are in the context of arguing against what Romney and the Republicans are offering to solve our problems. Tax cuts for the rich, privatization of Medicare, and more of the failed 'trickle down' voodoo economics that has not worked, and never will. The President was arguing that, while he was willing to cut government waste, he would not gut investments that grow the economy or give tax breaks to the likes of himself or Romney...AGAIN.

Bush's tax cuts had a expiration date. It is past time to end them. Bush's first Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, was fired for disagreeing too many times with Bush's policy on tax cuts.

60 Minutes

The president had promised to cut taxes, and he did. Within six months of taking office, he pushed a trillion dollars worth of tax cuts through Congress.

But O'Neill thought it should have been the end. After 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan, the budget deficit was growing. So at a meeting with the vice president after the mid-term elections in 2002, O'Neill argued against a second round of tax cuts.

"Cheney, at this moment, shows his hand. He says, 'You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due.' … O'Neill is speechless."

"It was not just about not wanting the tax cut. It was about how to use the nation's resources to improve the condition of our society," says O'Neill. "And I thought the weight of working on Social Security and fundamental tax reform was a lot more important than a tax reduction."

Keep telling yourself that.
It is one of the great lies of any political campaign. That you need to do mental gymnastics to denigrate this uplifting speech tells a tale all it's own.

That you call this an uplifting speech is the biggest point.

Good luck with that one.

What was the audiences reaction? It sure seemed uplifting to them. Uplifting to the spin-miesters in Turdblossums' camp too.

I never saw an audience, how do I know all that cheering wasn't edited in later?
I'm always suspect when someone says " the implication of..." or he was implying, or here's what he really meant....and not the actual meaning of the words.

But he never implied that business owner didn't contribute.

If I say to you, "Somebody else did that" do you really believe that I think you had a hand in whatever it was I was referring to?

" You didn't rob that bank somebody else did that"

So am I to include you in the blame for the robbery?

"You didn't build that somebody else did" is a statement that excludes the business owner from any of the credit for building roads and bridges.

In reality "somebody else" is a reference to the unbelievable American system which include all us taxpayers.

Mitts in big trouble if all he's got is lie and liars.

Do you know anything about the rules of grammar in English? Why don't you diagram the sentence to show me how he is referring to something that is not even in the same paragraph.
Government Did Not Build Your Business -

The 2012 study found that while new business startups created 2.3 million jobs between March 2009 and March 2010, the net job creation from all U.S. private sector firms was minus 1.8 million jobs. The U.S. unemployment rate was then 9.7 percent. The number of business startups has dropped from 554,109 in 1987 to 394,632 in 2010. The 2012 Kaufmann report notes that the share of job creation from young firms has fallen from more than 40 percent in the 1980s to 30 percent now. While acknowledging that the severity of the Great Recession no doubt contributes to this decline in entrepreneurial activity, it is important to note that startups were a major factor in lifting the U.S. economy out of previous economic downturns. Why is new firm creation lagging now? Perhaps it has something to do with the Obama administration’s idea of governance.

First, numerous studies find that higher tax and regulatory burdens impede entrepreneurial activity which in turn slow economic growth and job creation.
For example, a 2010 study, "The Economic Effects of the Regulatory Burden," done for the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis (of all places), found that while some rules are necessary for entrepreneurs and markets to function “that countries with a light regulatory burden show more rapid economic growth in GDP per capita.” A 2008 study, "Government Size, Composition, Volatility, and Economic Growth," done for the European Central Bank examined the effect of government size and fiscal volatility on economic growth for developed countries between 1970 and 2004. The study finds that the bigger government and the slower the growth rate. Every percentage point increase in the share of total revenue going to government decreases overall economic output by more than a tenth of a percent. The report further noted, “Public capital formation may indeed turn out to be less productive if devoted to inefficient projects, or if it crowds out private investment.” Other words, despite the impression that Obama gives, not every government expenditure on infrastructure or a business subsidy is an “investment.”


Just fitting the narrative that our beloved Bozo-In-Chief really should be retired in Jan 2013 and someone brought in who would be less of a Bozo.

Bozo vs. Less Bozo. :dunno::dunno::dunno:

On the Contrary, Business Built the Government. Everything the Government does is done on the backs of the People, and their Businesses. Yes if you own a Company and ship goods on the Road, the Government helped make those roads, but they could not have done so with out Businesses just like yours. You paid Income and Gas taxes your whole life, You paid for them as you built your Company, You are still paying for them.

Don't let these left wing fucks try and take credit away from you.
I'm always suspect when someone says " the implication of..." or he was implying, or here's what he really meant....and not the actual meaning of the words.

But he never implied that business owner didn't contribute.

If I say to you, "Somebody else did that" do you really believe that I think you had a hand in whatever it was I was referring to?

" You didn't rob that bank somebody else did that"

So am I to include you in the blame for the robbery?

"You didn't build that somebody else did" is a statement that excludes the business owner from any of the credit for building roads and bridges.

In reality "somebody else" is a reference to the unbelievable American system which include all us taxpayers.

Mitts in big trouble if all he's got is lie and liars.

A "system" isn't a living being that is entitled to anything. Obama was using what he said as an excuse to raise taxes on the rich. How does the existence of the "system" entitle the goverment to more revenue? I benefit from the "system" of mathematics, but does that mean I need to write some mathematician a check?

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