Government School Nightmare Watch: 2,400 NC Elementary School Teachers Flunk Math Exams...

It really is time for parents to consider all other education alternatives for their children. Government-schooling is failing. And it's only gonna get worse.

A quick warning on the article: The teachers attempt to blame the test, rather than take responsibility. Pretty much sums up how far Government-schooling has fallen.

Almost 2,400 North Carolina elementary school teachers have failed the math portion of their licensing exams, which puts their careers in jeopardy, since the state hired Pearson publishing company to give the exam in 2013, according to a report presented to the state Board of Education Wednesday.

Failure rates have spiked as schools around the state struggle to find teachers for the youngest children. Education officials are now echoing what frustrated teachers have been saying: The problem may lie with the exams rather than the educators.

The Board of Education, which last month granted beginning teachers an extra year to pass, plans to review the Pearson exams to see if the tests are actually measuring skills needed to teach elementary students effectively, or whether they’re gauging math that’s generally taught in higher grades.

Read more here: Hundreds of NC teachers are flunking math exams. It may not be their fault.

Who could have guessed Ratt predicted this when they sang Round and Round. Idiocracy incoming.

Yeah, blaming the test really does say it all about the dismal state of Government-schooling. Are these the kinds of people we want 'teaching' our kids?

That would depend on what they are teaching. I don’t give two shits if an elementary school English or special education teacher struggles with high school math

A very unwise outlook. Do you really want dummies 'Teaching' your children? You should think on it some more.

Has nothing to do with ‘dummies’ teaching our children. I just don’t care if a person has a skill or ability unrelated to the task I require of them.

I don’t expect my doctor to know how to service a furnace.

Well, there's where you're going wrong. It should have everything to do with them being intelligent and competent. We're talking about a child's education here.
...Most of the 'Teachers' care much more about brainwashing the children on their political agendas, than actually educating them. .....


Sadly, it is the truth. ....

No, it’s not. You are talking out your ass.

It's become too much about Snowflake political activism. And that doesn't belong in the classroom. They can't pass a math exam, but they sure can screech about 'Global Warming' and how much they hate those Republicans. Government-schooling is in rapid decline. It is what it is.
...Most of the 'Teachers' care much more about brainwashing the children on their political agendas, than actually educating them. .....


Sadly, it is the truth. ....

No, it’s not. You are talking out your ass.

It's become too much about Snowflake political activism. And that doesn't belong in the classroom. They can't pass a math exam, but they sure can screech about 'Global Warming' and how much they hate those Republicans. Government-schooling is in rapid decline. It is what it is.
You have to be an idiot to be a Liberal.
You have to be selfish to be a neo-Con.
Do you expect great teachers for that measely salary. Those people are in the private sector making 5x that to start.
Do you expect great teachers for that measely salary. Those people are in the private sector making 5x that to start.
I know teachers in NYC and LI making 90K/year base.
The quality of a salary depends on where one resides.
Imagine teaching in a place like qualify for govt assistance. Talk about a backward p!ace.
...Most of the 'Teachers' care much more about brainwashing the children on their political agendas, than actually educating them. .....


Sadly, it is the truth. ....

No, it’s not. You are talking out your ass.

It's become too much about Snowflake political activism. And that doesn't belong in the classroom. ......

When was the last time you were in a classroom?
Who could have guessed Ratt predicted this when they sang Round and Round. Idiocracy incoming.

Yeah, blaming the test really does say it all about the dismal state of Government-schooling. Are these the kinds of people we want 'teaching' our kids?

That would depend on what they are teaching. I don’t give two shits if an elementary school English or special education teacher struggles with high school math

A very unwise outlook. Do you really want dummies 'Teaching' your children? You should think on it some more.

Has nothing to do with ‘dummies’ teaching our children. I just don’t care if a person has a skill or ability unrelated to the task I require of them.

I don’t expect my doctor to know how to service a furnace.

Well, there's where you're going wrong. It should have everything to do with them being intelligent and competent. We're talking about a child's education here.

logical fallacy. An elementary special education teacher is not incompetent because she cannot perform high level mathematics. And an assertion of intelligence failure is even more nonsensical as the sole determinant of intelligence is not the ability to perform those mathematical exercises to a determined level.

As for 'think of the children!!' argument, nothing more appeal to emotion.
Yeah, blaming the test really does say it all about the dismal state of Government-schooling. Are these the kinds of people we want 'teaching' our kids?
That would depend on what they are teaching. I don’t give two shits if an elementary school English or special education teacher struggles with high school math

A very unwise outlook. Do you really want dummies 'Teaching' your children? You should think on it some more.
Has nothing to do with ‘dummies’ teaching our children. I just don’t care if a person has a skill or ability unrelated to the task I require of them.

I don’t expect my doctor to know how to service a furnace.

Well, there's where you're going wrong. It should have everything to do with them being intelligent and competent. We're talking about a child's education here.
logical fallacy. An elementary special education teacher is not incompetent because she cannot perform high level mathematics. And an assertion of intelligence failure is even more nonsensical as the sole determinant of intelligence is not the ability to perform those mathematical exercises to a determined level.

As for 'think of the children!!' argument, nothing more appeal to emotion.

I get it, you're good with dumb asses 'Teaching' children. Not a good call. You must be a Democrat. :cuckoo:
I'm sure that in N.C. anybody that 'matters' sends their kids to private schools. So who cares if the public school kids get quality education.

Who needs educated slaves, anyway?

It isn't just the people who "matter" anymore it is anybody can even remotely swing it.

My wife and I are cutting every corner we can to send our children to private school.

We did the same thing for my kids grammar school here in Connecticut, but we live in a town that's is rated among the worst in the state - but I'd bet that the public school teachers in my town would pass that test easily.

For high school went sent our son's to inner city, New Haven 'Magnet' schools. They got a very good education there.

It seems to me that if kids and their parents care enough to send them to a magnet school, the kids have a desire to achieve. The quality of the teachers was great.

It was a fantastic alternative to private school and worked great for us.

Boy, Communists/Democrats sure have destroyed Connecticut. What an awful mess they've created there. Connecticut used to be a great state. I would try and give you some encouragement, but nothing's gonna change there. It's gonna get worse. You really should consider relocating.

I love Connecticut (even though I'm from New York). I don't know why you think that there's anything going wrong here in Connecticut.

You're probably just listening to a lot of Republican propaganda - trying to convince people that there is some great calamity when there is none. Our states economy is thriving. Our only problem is, like every other state, lack of sales tax due to eCommerce is hurting the state's budget. The retail industry is collapsing everywhere. That's something that every state has to figure out.

Don't count on flipping Connecticut - it ain't gonna happen by a long shot. (You may continue dreaming if you like).

Sorry, but Connecticut is a dump now. Communists/Democrats really have flucked that once great state. Third World Misery is y'all have to look forward to. You really should consider getting out.

You seriously don't know what your talking about. Connecticut is doing fine.

Ya know your propaganda would be a lot more convincing if there was some shred of truth to it.

Oh yeah, Connecticut is real third world - all we have is among the highest income in the country - that's real third world!


It seems that all the economic catastrophe's are in the Red states.

But keep pushing your lies - maybe some dumb rednecks out there will believe you! :abgg2q.jpg:

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