Government Spending On Health Care In Switzerland

Government spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the lowest in the developed world. By contrast, in 2008, U.S. government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP. If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.

'Course that would deprive insurance companies of massive annual profits...Can't Have That!!

Y'all are always pining for all the socialism in Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland. Just move over there. We won't miss you here.
Government spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the lowest in the developed world. By contrast, in 2008, U.S. government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP. If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.

'Course that would deprive insurance companies of massive annual profits...Can't Have That!!

Y'all are always pining for all the socialism in Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland. Just move over there. We won't miss you here.

Shucks.....your right wing rich man's sympathizer ass will be there a long time before I ever do. I was around in the 1930's/40's and saw what the government can do when it works for the people instead of the rich and corporations.
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You're a liar. That's all liberals know how to do. I said specifically that it makes no sense that a dead beat that abuses his body should have the same plan, pay the same, as a man that works his ass off and takes care of himself.

You are against giving equal access to the poor people that cannot afford it on their own. You think healthcare is a privilege; I think it should be a right. In the United States of America sick people should not be dying because the care they need is too expensive.

I called you a liar for a reason. You totally ignored my point about dead beats then lie about what I believe. People like you line up on your side of the issue. NO, you do not have the right to another man's earnings. YOU don't like the fact that people oppose your access to his wallet.

The only conclusion to be made here is you are a dead beat.

In no way does that translate into "doesn't have equal access", how does the dead beat not have the same access? He can do the same as the other guy. You want the rewards to be the same regardless of effort. Your socialist world view will kill incentive for the go getters. And how is it cheaper if the working guy pays for his and the dead beat's insurance? That isn't logic, it's called stupidity.

Poor people don't have the same access because they cannot afford the same access. I don't accept the argument "Well, it's their fault for not being more successful."

People with money can afford better things. That's always been the motivator in making more money. The fact that you can't do any better, or don't want to is the problem here. We have too many sucking the life out of others, you can sit in a doorway and decompose for all I care.

And how is it cheaper if the working guy pays for his and the dead beat's insurance?

It would be cheaper because expensive health insurance would be replaced by less expensive taxes. Yes, poor people would benefit the most from that. I know, what a horrible thought. You'd also save a lot of money with preventative care. Due to the cost a lot of people hold off on going to the doctor until something is an emergency. By that point the problem is much worse and much more expensive to fix. Oh, there's also the fact that millions of uninsured people are using ERs and getting bills they will never be able to pay, so really the taxpayer is already covering them.

There are many reasons health care is expensive here, you can't see any of them because you want others to pay your way. We get it.
Millions will and would never use single payer healthcare by the federal government, and taxing them anyway??

You'll probably never use a lot of the roads your tax money paid for either. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have to pay for them. Conservatives seem to believe they owe nothing to society because all of their success is their own. That's nonsense; some of their success came from their hard work and some of it came from them being lucky enough to be part of this society. Do you think your odds of success would be as good if you had been born in Africa? Extremely successful people do owe something to the society that gave them the opportunity to thrive.
Except single payer is not the law. Dumbass
There is no possible way single payer can result in healthier people. Only an individual desire to be healthier can result in a healthier people.

The Swiss have a personal interest in their health. In America, once the responsibility for personal care is shunted off to the government, it's no longer a diet of beer and cheese balls that makes people obese and sick, its the government's fault. The government must now fix them.
Millions will and would never use single payer healthcare by the federal government, and taxing them anyway??

You'll probably never use a lot of the roads your tax money paid for either. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have to pay for them. Conservatives seem to believe they owe nothing to society because all of their success is their own. That's nonsense; some of their success came from their hard work and some of it came from them being lucky enough to be part of this society. Do you think your odds of success would be as good if you had been born in Africa? Extremely successful people do owe something to the society that gave them the opportunity to thrive.
Except single payer is not the law. Dumbass
Control freaks...
How about this, all those who want single payer - opt in. Those that don't - opt out. What should have been done with shit eating obamacare.
Simple as that - pro choice...
The total population of Switzerland is around 8 1/2 million. The U.S. pays for the basic health care for more illegal aliens than the total population of the pretty little country that depends on tourism and numbered bank accounts (and maybe stolen Jewish treasure). The Swiss population increased by about 400 in three years. We get more people swimming the Rio Grand every day. The point is that you can't compare the stagnant population of small countries to the greatest, most generous Nation in the world.
Government spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the lowest in the developed world. By contrast, in 2008, U.S. government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP. If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.

'Course that would deprive insurance companies of massive annual profits...Can't Have That!!
It should not be up to the federal government to pay for healthcare, it's not a right...
Public school used to not be a "right" either,
There are many reasons health care is expensive here, you can't see any of them because you want others to pay your way. We get it.

The bottom line is single payer would ultimately cost the United States less money and it would create a healthier society because of preventative care. I imagine you probably think of yourself as a conservative; that's ironic considering you support the more expensive healthcare system.
Government spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the lowest in the developed world. By contrast, in 2008, U.S. government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP. If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.

'Course that would deprive insurance companies of massive annual profits...Can't Have That!!

You should move to Switzerland. America is a very horrible place for you.
Government spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the lowest in the developed world. By contrast, in 2008, U.S. government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP. If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.

'Course that would deprive insurance companies of massive annual profits...Can't Have That!!
It should not be up to the federal government to pay for healthcare, it's not a right...
Public school used to not be a "right" either,
Thats a roaring success isnt it...if increasing ignorance was the goal
There are many reasons health care is expensive here, you can't see any of them because you want others to pay your way. We get it.
The bottom line is single payer would ultimately cost the United States less money and it would create a healthier society because of preventative care. I imagine you probably think of yourself as a conservative; that's ironic considering you support the more expensive healthcare system.
You never even tried to back up your claim. How do you know it will be cheaper? That's an assumption. And what will it do for care?

I grew up with government care so I know what to expect.
Government spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the lowest in the developed world. By contrast, in 2008, U.S. government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP. If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.

'Course that would deprive insurance companies of massive annual profits...Can't Have That!!
It should not be up to the federal government to pay for healthcare, it's not a right...
Public school used to not be a "right" either,
Thats a roaring success isnt it...if increasing ignorance was the goal
It is a roaring success! Before public schools, basic education was lacking if one didn't have the money for school.
Government spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the lowest in the developed world. By contrast, in 2008, U.S. government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP. If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.

'Course that would deprive insurance companies of massive annual profits...Can't Have That!!
It should not be up to the federal government to pay for healthcare, it's not a right...
Public school used to not be a "right" either,
The "village" is not the answer to healthcare, it's a individual thing.
Government spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the lowest in the developed world. By contrast, in 2008, U.S. government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP. If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.

'Course that would deprive insurance companies of massive annual profits...Can't Have That!!
It should not be up to the federal government to pay for healthcare, it's not a right...
Public school used to not be a "right" either,
The "village" is not the answer to healthcare, it's a individual thing.
How's that been working out for us? It's going to change in the next couple of decades anyways.
Government spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the lowest in the developed world. By contrast, in 2008, U.S. government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP. If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.

'Course that would deprive insurance companies of massive annual profits...Can't Have That!!
It should not be up to the federal government to pay for healthcare, it's not a right...
Public school used to not be a "right" either,
Thats a roaring success isnt it...if increasing ignorance was the goal
It is a roaring success! Before public schools, basic education was lacking if one didn't have the money for school.
I wouldn't be too quick about calling public ed a roaring success. People should be able to keep their tax dollars and spend them at public or private ed, their choice!
Government spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the lowest in the developed world. By contrast, in 2008, U.S. government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP. If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.

'Course that would deprive insurance companies of massive annual profits...Can't Have That!!
It should not be up to the federal government to pay for healthcare, it's not a right...
Public school used to not be a "right" either,
Thats a roaring success isnt it...if increasing ignorance was the goal
It is a roaring success! Before public schools, basic education was lacking if one didn't have the money for school.
Go look at tests from then and tests today ...........ignorance abounds.......
There are many reasons health care is expensive here, you can't see any of them because you want others to pay your way. We get it.

The bottom line is single payer would ultimately cost the United States less money and it would create a healthier society because of preventative care. I imagine you probably think of yourself as a conservative; that's ironic considering you support the more expensive healthcare system.
Bottom line, the career politicians and their federal government are a bunch of fuckups... Do you want a bunch of fuckups trying to take care of you??
Government spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the lowest in the developed world. By contrast, in 2008, U.S. government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP. If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.

'Course that would deprive insurance companies of massive annual profits...Can't Have That!!
It should not be up to the federal government to pay for healthcare, it's not a right...
Public school used to not be a "right" either,
Thats a roaring success isnt it...if increasing ignorance was the goal
It is a roaring success! Before public schools, basic education was lacking if one didn't have the money for school.

You're joking, right?

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