Government Spending On Health Care In Switzerland

That whole system is FUBARed there is no saving it, just like the country's tax, spend and print policies. The country has passed the point of no return.
No, it hasn't. We're nowhere near maximum output, we can spend freely.
You're delusional, the country becoming more and more socialist everyday. Socialism is a society exclusively for Deadbeats, a very contagious disease of choice.

It worked very well to get us out of a Hoover depression. I know.....I was there.

I will also point out that George W. Bush assumed a thriving economy with an unemployment rate of 4.3%, a balanced budget, then immediately cut taxes twice, continued to spend like a drunken sailor, ran up six trillion dollars of new debt and left a recession that if big banks had not been handed $700 billion would have been worse than the 1930's.
Hoover greatly extended the depression with all his public spending. People have to pay for the programs, whatever you put into the public sector comes out of the private sector. obama has put us much deeper in debt with little to no results so your rants are lunacy. Nor have you figured out the role 9/11, Katrina or the housing bust has played. It's amazing how people twist their minds to believe in something. just proved your ignorance on the subject. The banks all closed their doors and nothing improved until Franklin Roosevelt's programs began. My Dad worked on the WPA drawing $3.60 a week for 48 hours. The depression actually was not completely over till the 2nd World War started. When the Republicans screw things up they do a fantastic job. Look at what happened beginning with Ronald Reagan:



..............................................Total U S Debt................................................

Figures Easily Verified....Taken From the Bureau of the Debt

US: $18,775,084,981,440 - Debt as of December 2015?

09/30/2014 $17,824,071,380,733.82

09/30/2013 $16,738,183,526,697.32

09/30/2012 $16,066,241,407,385.89

09/30/2011 $14,790,340,328,557.15

09/30/2010 $13,561,623,030,891.79

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48

09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23

09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50

09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62

09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34

09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73

09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39

09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32 (Bill Clinton Raised Taxes On The Rich early 1993)

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 ( Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66

09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03

09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25

09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32

09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16

09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00

09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42

09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00

09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00

09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)(Reagan Slashed Tax Rates To Pre Depression Levels)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00
You can blame all of the country's problems on socialism...
Government spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the lowest in the developed world. By contrast, in 2008, U.S. government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP. If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.

'Course that would deprive insurance companies of massive annual profits...Can't Have That!!
does having only 8 million people who are basically all on the same page to take care of in a small area have anything to do with it?
I don't think you understand how public schools work. States need tax dollars to fund public schools, how do you propose they get them if they stop collecting? The us govt could always give the states dollars to cover the gap, but I doubt conservatives want that to happen.
That whole system is FUBARed there is no saving it, just like the country's tax, spend and print policies. The country has passed the point of no return.
No, it hasn't. We're nowhere near maximum output, we can spend freely.
You're delusional, the country becoming more and more socialist everyday. Socialism is a society exclusively for Deadbeats, a very contagious disease of choice.

It worked very well to get us out of a Hoover depression. I know.....I was there.

I will also point out that George W. Bush assumed a thriving economy with an unemployment rate of 4.3%, a balanced budget, then immediately cut taxes twice, continued to spend like a drunken sailor, ran up six trillion dollars of new debt and left a recession that if big banks had not been handed $700 billion would have been worse than the 1930's.
Hoover greatly extended the depression with all his public spending. People have to pay for the programs, whatever you put into the public sector comes out of the private sector. obama has put us much deeper in debt with little to no results so your rants are lunacy. Nor have you figured out the role 9/11, Katrina or the housing bust has played. It's amazing how people twist their minds to believe in something.
Hoover extended the depression with public spending? This is revisionist history, please provide your so called "evidence." Err, people don't have to "pay" for programs. You honestly believe the government has been relying on federal tax dollars to "pay for" things? They can create dollars from thin air. We've been doing it! Iraq war? One example. "Whatever you put into the public sector comes out of the private sector." BWHAHAHAHA. Deficit spending, in all cases, HELPS the private sector.
The clinton "surplus" screwed the private sector, which can't handle debt well.

Obama has put us deeper into debt? So has every president for decades, it's not a bad thing. Reagan loved deficits!
That whole system is FUBARed there is no saving it, just like the country's tax, spend and print policies. The country has passed the point of no return.
No, it hasn't. We're nowhere near maximum output, we can spend freely.
You're delusional, the country becoming more and more socialist everyday. Socialism is a society exclusively for Deadbeats, a very contagious disease of choice.

It worked very well to get us out of a Hoover depression. I know.....I was there.

I will also point out that George W. Bush assumed a thriving economy with an unemployment rate of 4.3%, a balanced budget, then immediately cut taxes twice, continued to spend like a drunken sailor, ran up six trillion dollars of new debt and left a recession that if big banks had not been handed $700 billion would have been worse than the 1930's.
Hoover greatly extended the depression with all his public spending. People have to pay for the programs, whatever you put into the public sector comes out of the private sector. obama has put us much deeper in debt with little to no results so your rants are lunacy. Nor have you figured out the role 9/11, Katrina or the housing bust has played. It's amazing how people twist their minds to believe in something.
Hoover extended the depression with public spending? This is revisionist history, please provide your so called "evidence." Err, people don't have to "pay" for programs. You honestly believe the government has been relying on federal tax dollars to "pay for" things? They can create dollars from thin air. We've been doing it! Iraq war? One example. "Whatever you put into the public sector comes out of the private sector." BWHAHAHAHA. Deficit spending, in all cases, HELPS the private sector.
The clinton "surplus" screwed the private sector, which can't handle debt well.

Obama has put us deeper into debt? So has every president for decades, it's not a bad thing. Reagan loved deficits!
Debt is always bad, being in debt is being a slave...
No, it hasn't. We're nowhere near maximum output, we can spend freely.
You're delusional, the country becoming more and more socialist everyday. Socialism is a society exclusively for Deadbeats, a very contagious disease of choice.

It worked very well to get us out of a Hoover depression. I know.....I was there.

I will also point out that George W. Bush assumed a thriving economy with an unemployment rate of 4.3%, a balanced budget, then immediately cut taxes twice, continued to spend like a drunken sailor, ran up six trillion dollars of new debt and left a recession that if big banks had not been handed $700 billion would have been worse than the 1930's.
Hoover greatly extended the depression with all his public spending. People have to pay for the programs, whatever you put into the public sector comes out of the private sector. obama has put us much deeper in debt with little to no results so your rants are lunacy. Nor have you figured out the role 9/11, Katrina or the housing bust has played. It's amazing how people twist their minds to believe in something.
Hoover extended the depression with public spending? This is revisionist history, please provide your so called "evidence." Err, people don't have to "pay" for programs. You honestly believe the government has been relying on federal tax dollars to "pay for" things? They can create dollars from thin air. We've been doing it! Iraq war? One example. "Whatever you put into the public sector comes out of the private sector." BWHAHAHAHA. Deficit spending, in all cases, HELPS the private sector.
The clinton "surplus" screwed the private sector, which can't handle debt well.

Obama has put us deeper into debt? So has every president for decades, it's not a bad thing. Reagan loved deficits!
Debt is always bad, being in debt is being a slave...
Please explain to me what you think the national debt is.
You're delusional, the country becoming more and more socialist everyday. Socialism is a society exclusively for Deadbeats, a very contagious disease of choice.

It worked very well to get us out of a Hoover depression. I know.....I was there.

I will also point out that George W. Bush assumed a thriving economy with an unemployment rate of 4.3%, a balanced budget, then immediately cut taxes twice, continued to spend like a drunken sailor, ran up six trillion dollars of new debt and left a recession that if big banks had not been handed $700 billion would have been worse than the 1930's.
Hoover greatly extended the depression with all his public spending. People have to pay for the programs, whatever you put into the public sector comes out of the private sector. obama has put us much deeper in debt with little to no results so your rants are lunacy. Nor have you figured out the role 9/11, Katrina or the housing bust has played. It's amazing how people twist their minds to believe in something.
Hoover extended the depression with public spending? This is revisionist history, please provide your so called "evidence." Err, people don't have to "pay" for programs. You honestly believe the government has been relying on federal tax dollars to "pay for" things? They can create dollars from thin air. We've been doing it! Iraq war? One example. "Whatever you put into the public sector comes out of the private sector." BWHAHAHAHA. Deficit spending, in all cases, HELPS the private sector.
The clinton "surplus" screwed the private sector, which can't handle debt well.

Obama has put us deeper into debt? So has every president for decades, it's not a bad thing. Reagan loved deficits!
Debt is always bad, being in debt is being a slave...
Please explain to me what you think the national debt is.
Debt is debt, simple as that...
Government spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the lowest in the developed world. By contrast, in 2008, U.S. government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP. If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.

'Course that would deprive insurance companies of massive annual profits...Can't Have That!!

I thought that profits have been restricted under Obamacare? Sounds like you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
It worked very well to get us out of a Hoover depression. I know.....I was there.

I will also point out that George W. Bush assumed a thriving economy with an unemployment rate of 4.3%, a balanced budget, then immediately cut taxes twice, continued to spend like a drunken sailor, ran up six trillion dollars of new debt and left a recession that if big banks had not been handed $700 billion would have been worse than the 1930's.
Hoover greatly extended the depression with all his public spending. People have to pay for the programs, whatever you put into the public sector comes out of the private sector. obama has put us much deeper in debt with little to no results so your rants are lunacy. Nor have you figured out the role 9/11, Katrina or the housing bust has played. It's amazing how people twist their minds to believe in something.
Hoover extended the depression with public spending? This is revisionist history, please provide your so called "evidence." Err, people don't have to "pay" for programs. You honestly believe the government has been relying on federal tax dollars to "pay for" things? They can create dollars from thin air. We've been doing it! Iraq war? One example. "Whatever you put into the public sector comes out of the private sector." BWHAHAHAHA. Deficit spending, in all cases, HELPS the private sector.
The clinton "surplus" screwed the private sector, which can't handle debt well.

Obama has put us deeper into debt? So has every president for decades, it's not a bad thing. Reagan loved deficits!
Debt is always bad, being in debt is being a slave...
Please explain to me what you think the national debt is.
Debt is debt, simple as that...
So you want to be like every other willfully ignorant debt hawk? The national debt is necessary for the existence of money for the private sector. It's literally the currency issued that has yet to be taxed away/destroyed by inflation. The us govt can create dollars from thin air, so default is impossible.
Taxation without representation... Simple

That was a slogan used by the colonists to express their disdain with having to pay taxes to a distant country that doesn't represent them. I'm clearly missing something; how is that relevant here?

Taxation with representation has turned out to be 10 times worse than taxation without representation.
Hoover greatly extended the depression with all his public spending. People have to pay for the programs, whatever you put into the public sector comes out of the private sector. obama has put us much deeper in debt with little to no results so your rants are lunacy. Nor have you figured out the role 9/11, Katrina or the housing bust has played. It's amazing how people twist their minds to believe in something.
Hoover extended the depression with public spending? This is revisionist history, please provide your so called "evidence." Err, people don't have to "pay" for programs. You honestly believe the government has been relying on federal tax dollars to "pay for" things? They can create dollars from thin air. We've been doing it! Iraq war? One example. "Whatever you put into the public sector comes out of the private sector." BWHAHAHAHA. Deficit spending, in all cases, HELPS the private sector.
The clinton "surplus" screwed the private sector, which can't handle debt well.

Obama has put us deeper into debt? So has every president for decades, it's not a bad thing. Reagan loved deficits!
Debt is always bad, being in debt is being a slave...
Please explain to me what you think the national debt is.
Debt is debt, simple as that...
So you want to be like every other willfully ignorant debt hawk? The national debt is necessary for the existence of money for the private sector. It's literally the currency issued that has yet to be taxed away/destroyed by inflation. The us govt can create dollars from thin air, so default is impossible.

That's total bullshit.
Government spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the lowest in the developed world. By contrast, in 2008, U.S. government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP. If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.

'Course that would deprive insurance companies of massive annual profits...Can't Have That!!

Ask any person in Switzerland how they like waiting for years for a simple operation. Oh, and while you're at it - please remember that there are 350 million Americans - as opposed to what? 8 million Swiss? It's hard to compare apples and oranges.....
Hoover extended the depression with public spending? This is revisionist history, please provide your so called "evidence." Err, people don't have to "pay" for programs. You honestly believe the government has been relying on federal tax dollars to "pay for" things? They can create dollars from thin air. We've been doing it! Iraq war? One example. "Whatever you put into the public sector comes out of the private sector." BWHAHAHAHA. Deficit spending, in all cases, HELPS the private sector.
The clinton "surplus" screwed the private sector, which can't handle debt well.

Obama has put us deeper into debt? So has every president for decades, it's not a bad thing. Reagan loved deficits!
Debt is always bad, being in debt is being a slave...
Please explain to me what you think the national debt is.
Debt is debt, simple as that...
So you want to be like every other willfully ignorant debt hawk? The national debt is necessary for the existence of money for the private sector. It's literally the currency issued that has yet to be taxed away/destroyed by inflation. The us govt can create dollars from thin air, so default is impossible.

That's total bullshit.
Please tell me what you disagree with. I will kindly show you why you're wrong.
Debt is always bad, being in debt is being a slave...
Please explain to me what you think the national debt is.
Debt is debt, simple as that...
So you want to be like every other willfully ignorant debt hawk? The national debt is necessary for the existence of money for the private sector. It's literally the currency issued that has yet to be taxed away/destroyed by inflation. The us govt can create dollars from thin air, so default is impossible.

That's total bullshit.
Please tell me what you disagree with. I will kindly show you why you're wrong.
Printed paper is not wealth...
Please explain to me what you think the national debt is.
Debt is debt, simple as that...
So you want to be like every other willfully ignorant debt hawk? The national debt is necessary for the existence of money for the private sector. It's literally the currency issued that has yet to be taxed away/destroyed by inflation. The us govt can create dollars from thin air, so default is impossible.

That's total bullshit.
Please tell me what you disagree with. I will kindly show you why you're wrong.
Printed paper is not wealth...
No one said dollars have any actual "value." They only have 'value' because of taxation, which creates demand.
Debt is always bad, being in debt is being a slave...
Please explain to me what you think the national debt is.
Debt is debt, simple as that...
So you want to be like every other willfully ignorant debt hawk? The national debt is necessary for the existence of money for the private sector. It's literally the currency issued that has yet to be taxed away/destroyed by inflation. The us govt can create dollars from thin air, so default is impossible.

That's total bullshit.
Please tell me what you disagree with. I will kindly show you why you're wrong.

I disagree with every word of it. But for starters, take your claim that money couldn't exist without the National debt. That is easy to disprove.
Debt is debt, simple as that...
So you want to be like every other willfully ignorant debt hawk? The national debt is necessary for the existence of money for the private sector. It's literally the currency issued that has yet to be taxed away/destroyed by inflation. The us govt can create dollars from thin air, so default is impossible.

That's total bullshit.
Please tell me what you disagree with. I will kindly show you why you're wrong.
Printed paper is not wealth...
No one said dollars have any actual "value." They only have 'value' because of taxation, which creates demand.
The career politicians federal government is a banana republic, the tax, spend a print policies of theirs has assured this...
Debt is debt, simple as that...
So you want to be like every other willfully ignorant debt hawk? The national debt is necessary for the existence of money for the private sector. It's literally the currency issued that has yet to be taxed away/destroyed by inflation. The us govt can create dollars from thin air, so default is impossible.

That's total bullshit.
Please tell me what you disagree with. I will kindly show you why you're wrong.
Printed paper is not wealth...
No one said dollars have any actual "value." They only have 'value' because of taxation, which creates demand.

Taxation is the only thing that creates demand? You don't know the first thing about money.

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