Governor Christie Rises Above the Fray!


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
For better or worse, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has come to represent the dying breed of the pragmatic Northeast Republican. According to a new poll, it appears to be paying off—among Democrats.

Poll Shows Christie's Broad Appeal -

Do you mean Dems whom are disenchanted w/ Obama whom would never admit they voted for him, even tho' they did?

Praytell, inquiring minds want to know.
Do you mean Dems whom are disenchanted w/ Obama whom would never admit they voted for him, even tho' they did?

Praytell, inquiring minds want to know.

Try working on your grammar a bit. Here, let me help you: "Do you mean disenchanted Democrats who voted for Obama but would never admit it?"

I am merely passing on The Wall Street Journal's poll. You know the Holy Grail for conservatives and the newspaper version of Fox Noise.
Do you mean Dems whom are disenchanted w/ Obama whom would never admit they voted for him, even tho' they did?

Praytell, inquiring minds want to know.

Try working on your grammar a bit. Here, let me help you: "Do you mean disenchanted Democrats who voted for Obama but would never admit it?"

I am merely passing on The Wall Street Journal's poll. You know the Holy Grail for conservatives and the newspaper version of Fox Noise.

Obama promised transparency.

At least, you have delivered.........:lol:.
That's all good and well for him. But he is losing support among Republicans. Kind of important for his reelection effort or any future political endevours.
Are you new? Christie has risen above nothing. He is up for re-election in November. Everything he has done, is doing, and will do is politically motivated. He his working hard to appeal to the Democrat majority in New Jersey while at the same time not alienate the Republicans. It is a very fine line he is walking...
That's all good and well for him. But he is losing support among Republicans. Kind of important for his reelection effort or any future political endevours.

It's a blue state. New Jersey.

He's going to win re-election by a landslide. Buono not only looks desperate on camera, she sounds desperate, too.
Are you new? Christie has risen above nothing. He is up for re-election in November. Everything he has done, is doing, and will do is politically motivated. He his working hard to appeal to the Democrat majority in New Jersey while at the same time not alienate the Republicans. It is a very fine line he is walking...

Did you just fall off the turnip truck? Since when has a politician not been motivated for the next election?

He's what used to be called a moderate. But they are virtually extinct now that the Tea Party has the GOP's collective balls in their little silk purse. And a noose around Boehner's neck.
That's all good and well for him. But he is losing support among Republicans. Kind of important for his reelection effort or any future political endevours.

he will probably switch parties..see how they love him then..
That's all good and well for him. But he is losing support among Republicans. Kind of important for his reelection effort or any future political endevours.

He's got a 40% approval rating among republicans. I think you are confusing the screeching howler monkey nutters with actual normal republicans.

40% approval among Republicans isn't exactly good for him.
Funny how the Republicans were literally begging him to run for POTUS, but when he acted like a human being who really cared that his state had just been blown to hell by a super storm and worked WITH Obama, they turned on him like the myopic, mean-spirited pygmies that they truly are.
That's all good and well for him. But he is losing support among Republicans. Kind of important for his reelection effort or any future political endevours.
You are the same people who said Romney was a shoe-in. :eusa_eh: So you people can't pick winners. :dunno: Tell us something we don't know.
Are you new? Christie has risen above nothing. He is up for re-election in November. Everything he has done, is doing, and will do is politically motivated. He his working hard to appeal to the Democrat majority in New Jersey while at the same time not alienate the Republicans. It is a very fine line he is walking...

Did you just fall off the turnip truck? Since when has a politician not been motivated for the next election?

He's what used to be called a moderate. But they are virtually extinct now that the Tea Party has the GOP's collective balls in their little silk purse. And a noose around Boehner's neck.

^ that
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That's all good and well for him. But he is losing support among Republicans. Kind of important for his reelection effort or any future political endevours.

he will probably switch parties..see how they love him then..

I doubt that. I'd much rather him stay a Republican.

I'd vote for him if he somehow won the GOP Primaries in 2016. Hell, I would have voted for him last year, but instead somehow Romney wins. WTF.
Christie just needs to get a voter registration form, check democrat, and the transformation will be complete.

Maybe I'll send him a form.
Christie just needs to get a voter registration form, check democrat, and the transformation will be complete.

Maybe I'll send him a form.

In all seriousness, please tell me why so many Republicans see him as a RINO. I have no idea, personally.

Was it the hurricane thing? Because if I were governor, I'd totally buddy up with my worst enemy if it meant fixing things (whether or not it did is a different story entirely).
Let's put it this way, Christie is the kind of democrat that republicans like to deal with. He might have to fake the (R) to get elected against a democrat but once he appoints a democrat to the senate to fill the Lout's term the cat is out of the bag and he might as well come out of the political closet like the governor of R.I. did recently.

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