GQ names Colin Kaepernick "Citizen Of The Year"

Yeah, your total reasoning above is you dont like him because you think he doesnt like you. Yanno, just like high school

I'm certainly not going look up to someone that has contempt for me.

You calling it "high school" is just you not having a real answer.

You're right, beliving that someone you don't know doesn't like you is a reasonable adult response and consideration.

I don't like Brussels sprouts but that' because they don't like me. Grow up.

He's stated that he considers America a racist and oppressive place.
Fuck him.

Yes and since you consider yourself America and also must feel guilty about said racism you decided to shoulder the shame personally and that's Kaps fault.

No, since he expressed his opinion by disrespecting the flag that represents America as a whole,

it was clear that he meant all of US, except for those how agree with him.

So, he has contempt for me, I have contempt back.

And that is his fault. I had no opinion on him at all, until he decided to insult America and Americans.

Everything looks like a nail to a hammer. Go on being offended, thats your goal so you're always finding new enemies
Sort of. It's disgusting. A sign of how fucked up this country is.

That any sizable collection of American citizens would call a piece of shit like him a "hero".
The shit-sucking kaperdick was already a hero to BLM scum.
GQ have also had Louis CK & Kevin Spacey on the cover. someday they will put Weinstein & Takei...
And they'll get around to having the asshole trump on the cover, too.

At least the orange doosh will be in fitting company...
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There is no difference between this symbol and the Nazi Swastika. They represent similar ideologies.
Kap stood up (so to speak ) for injustice . And he’s been blackballed since .

Not many people put themsleves out like that .

Prove it.

"Blackballed" implies collusion. Don't go around making such a claim unless you have proof. Wait for the court case to play out first.
Instead of recognizing REAL heroes like the first responders during the Las Vegas massacre, or the man that chased the Texas church shooter away, GQ recognizes a cop-hating, military disrespecting, America-hating loser. You're not only embarrassing GQ, your entire staff is dispicable.
Actually , if for no other reason GQ should be applauded for not falling for the ridiculous bullshit and lies that ignorant trash like trump and yourself ignorantly trumpet...
Thank GOD that some people will exercise their Constitutional Rights no matter how loud the mindless "patriots" scream.

Britt McHenry: It's 'a joke' GQ honored Colin Kaepernick

Britt McHenry is taking a stand against GQ naming Colin Kaepernick its "Citizen of the Year" for taking a knee.

Britt McHenry: It's 'a joke' GQ honored Colin Kaepernick

Yeah, this entitled white bitch seems to really be an expert on etiquette and

She has been trying to redeem herself from that incident.
This is a good way to do so.

Britt McHenry: It's 'a joke' GQ honored Colin Kaepernick

Britt McHenry is taking a stand against GQ naming Colin Kaepernick its "Citizen of the Year" for taking a knee.

Britt McHenry: It's 'a joke' GQ honored Colin Kaepernick

Yeah, this entitled white bitch seems to really be an expert on etiquette and

She has been trying to redeem herself from that incident.
This is a good way to do so.

So your example of virtue, respect and decorum has a history of being an disrespective, entitled and elitist slob; but I should cite her as an example of what is wrong about Kaepernick???

Britt McHenry: It's 'a joke' GQ honored Colin Kaepernick

Britt McHenry is taking a stand against GQ naming Colin Kaepernick its "Citizen of the Year" for taking a knee.

Britt McHenry: It's 'a joke' GQ honored Colin Kaepernick

Yeah, this entitled white bitch seems to really be an expert on etiquette and

She has been trying to redeem herself from that incident.
This is a good way to do so.

So your example of virtue, respect and decorum has a history of being an disrespective, entitled and elitist slob; but I should cite her as an example of what is wrong about Kaepernick???

It was a disgusting moment between her and the towing company. Hopefully she learned a powerful lesson from being outed.
Cop hater, only those cops who shoot unarmed blacks , stand trial, and get off.
You mean innocent police?

No I mean police who should not be police or carry guns.
But you specified ones found innocent in court. No one would disagree that bad cops should be on the street, no one. But the ones they are "protesting" were found innocent in a court of law. Now you want the court of law to be your "feelings?"

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