GRAPHIC Video: Black Protesters Beat White Man with Hammer in Berkeley

The video doesn't show "protesters" attack a "white man".

It shows a protester being attacked by looters using the protest as cover.
Wow, who would have thought that someone would try to minimize a violent racist attack with a hammer? You really need to do some serious self reflection man.

What makes you think it was a "racist" attack?
...because its an occurrence we see far too often to dismiss it.... a white guy getting harassed and attacked by a group of black guys. I can literally post hundreds of videos of that kind of violent racist attacks. Do I KNOW it was racially motivated? No, but I think its a pretty safe bet. It looks like more of that knock out game garbage to me.

It only "looks" like the "knock out game" if that's what you really want to see.

The video shows a protester trying to stop people from looting a store, and being attacked for it.
And that's better???

It's not any "better", but it does fuck up your "scary racist black guys" narrative.
Now that's some goofy spin.

The guy was attacked because he was trying to stop them from looting, not because he was white.
Wow. You were there. And the gist of your post is...cold. He was trying to stop them from looting. Looting. So they beat him with a hammer. And you were there during this? You saw it up close and personal? Did you bother to try to help that guy????
Now that's some goofy spin.

The guy was attacked because he was trying to stop them from looting, not because he was white.
Wow. You were there. And the gist of your post is...cold. He was trying to stop them from looting. Looting. So they beat him with a hammer. And you were there during this? You saw it up close and personal? Did you bother to try to help that guy????
The answer to all those questions is "no", but that wont stop him from his apologist agenda.
Now that's some goofy spin.

The guy was attacked because he was trying to stop them from looting, not because he was white.
Wow. You were there. And the gist of your post is...cold. He was trying to stop them from looting. Looting. So they beat him with a hammer. And you were there during this? You saw it up close and personal? Did you bother to try to help that guy????

I was there, but I didn't see this happen. If I had, I would have helped.

There were a few thousand people there, spread out over many, many blocks.
Now that's some goofy spin.

The guy was attacked because he was trying to stop them from looting, not because he was white.
Wow. You were there. And the gist of your post is...cold. He was trying to stop them from looting. Looting. So they beat him with a hammer. And you were there during this? You saw it up close and personal? Did you bother to try to help that guy????
The answer to all those questions is "no", but that wont stop him from his apologist agenda.

Who is it that you think I'm "apologizing" for?
Well. Looky who is back and flaunting it in faces with his moniker and avie. Good to know. On ignore he goes.
Now that's some goofy spin.

The guy was attacked because he was trying to stop them from looting, not because he was white.
Wow. You were there. And the gist of your post is...cold. He was trying to stop them from looting. Looting. So they beat him with a hammer. And you were there during this? You saw it up close and personal? Did you bother to try to help that guy????
The answer to all those questions is "no", but that wont stop him from his apologist agenda.

Who is it that you think I'm "apologizing" for?
Thugs, obviously. I understand the Walter Mitty stuff, but it's a bit much. Being able to express your "courage" on some chat site is a long way from entering a fray where black thugs are beating up some white guy.
Now that's some goofy spin.

The guy was attacked because he was trying to stop them from looting, not because he was white.
Wow. You were there. And the gist of your post is...cold. He was trying to stop them from looting. Looting. So they beat him with a hammer. And you were there during this? You saw it up close and personal? Did you bother to try to help that guy????
The answer to all those questions is "no", but that wont stop him from his apologist agenda.

Who is it that you think I'm "apologizing" for?
Thugs, obviously. I understand the Walter Mitty stuff, but it's a bit much. Being able to express your "courage" on some chat site is a long way from entering a fray where black thugs are beating up some white guy.
I have lived my life. If I were there and saw that happening and I was close enough to do something..I would have. It isn't "courage". It's just doing the right thing to do regardless of the consequences. But, judging someone you don't know on a chat site seems to be the "in" thing to do.
1). It isn't entirely clear what is going on in the video.

2). The source refers to protesters as "far left" which makes the source biased. Do you have an account from an unbiased source?
Uppity white done throwed the first punch. I seed it on the video.
What I found ironic was the protesters where shouting peaceful protest and was pushing this old man who decided to fight back and another protester hit like a girl with a hammer.
I have lived my life. If I were there and saw that happening and I was close enough to do something..I would have. It isn't "courage". It's just doing the right thing to do regardless of the consequences. But, judging someone you don't know on a chat site seems to be the "in" thing to do.
I cannot judge you by your actions, or what you claim you would do. We both know that words are cheap, so I can only judge you by the cheap words you select and useless tautologies like "I have lived my life."
after viewing the video several times, this is what I can decipher:

> Crowd is yelling "peaceful protest!" at a group of masked interlopers who appear to be looting.

> Hippie white guy is struggling with one of them, who either is light-skinned or is wearing light colored gloves.

> Another interloper who is either dark-skinned or is wearing dark gloves comes from behind the other masked guy who is fighting and strikes the hippie guy with something.

> A white guy in a fairly revealing balaclava comes from behind the hippie guy, and appears to rejoin fellow interlopers.

Seems pretty obvious that the OP (and the hate-site that OP referenced) have mischaracterized the event.
after viewing the video several times, this is what I can decipher:

> America doesn't have a police problem......its has a black problem

> The culture has been fucked by the progressives

> Gun sales will continue to skyrocket ftmfw

> moral equivalence efforts by k00k far lefties is gay
By the way......pretty hysterical last night a fool white protestor, being used as a pawn, gets clubbed to shit with hammers by blacks also protesting:2up:. Stoopid kid morons don't know shit about shit.........I would suggest they show up to protest only in full riot gear or some savages might be using their heads as nails!!!:beer:
There is a culture of racism, perhaps not by all cops in all places, and not specifically amongst cops: in the USA there is a culture of racism, just read the multitudinous threads on the board that are penetratingly racist, white towards black, including this thread.

There isn't widespread racism towards blacks by cops, as the media is portraying it to be. There is no proof that race had anything to do with two incidents in question. Michael Brown was a thug who robbed and assaulted a store owner, and went on to assault a police officer. Eric Garner resisted arrest and had a record of 34 prior arrests and convictions, some of which included assault and theft. The left has a strange knack for constantly choosing criminals as civil rights symbols.
Now that's some goofy spin.

The guy was attacked because he was trying to stop them from looting, not because he was white.
Says the Doctor himself who recently marched among them.

Yes I did. I'm white, too.

Wouldn't the fact that I was there suggest that I might know better what was going on than someone relying on goofy clickbait?

Either way the police certainly would have been justified in shooting the perpetrator. Some people should be shot.... and often.
The white man in the video is RACIST.

He was a white man...trying to stop blacks from committing crime (looting).

When white cops try to stop a black criminal. ...hes called racist.

So...if YOU see a black committing a crime like robbery or asault...and you call 911 in an attempt to stop the crime...YOU are racist.

Basically. ..stopping black crime is racist.
Now that's some goofy spin.

The guy was attacked because he was trying to stop them from looting, not because he was white.

And how does THAT make it any better?

Why aren't they playing the video showing what these animals did to this old man over and over in the leftist media. Do certain ethnic groups have an inherent right to loot and be violent somehow?

It doesn't "make it better", it just doesn't quite fit the "look how scary and racist black people are" meme.

oh you mean the way cops shooting people who don't follow lawful commands doesn't make them racists?

Thanks for pointing that out.
Berkeley Protesters Block Highway, Stop Train

Newser ^

Protests against the grand jury decisions not to indict the police officers who killed Michael Brown and Eric Garner continued for a third consecutive night in Berkeley, Calif., yesterday, with more than 1,000 people blocking traffic. Protesters thronged both sides of Interstate 80 as well as train tracks in the city, forcing an Amtrak train to halt, the AP reports. The protests had started as a peaceful march earlier in the day; the group chanted, "Who do you protect? Peaceful protest!" at the Berkeley Police Department as officers in riot gear kept them from getting near. Then protesters sat outside...

How do protesters stop a train? Should have kept on trucking.
The white man in the video is RACIST.

He was a white man...trying to stop blacks from committing crime (looting).

When white cops try to stop a black criminal. ...hes called racist.

So...if YOU see a black committing a crime like robbery or asault...and you call 911 in an attempt to stop the crime...YOU are racist.

Basically. ..stopping black crime is racist.

And you can't say the word "black" when reporting a crime, otherwise they'll have a recording of you being a racist.

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