Green Party


It's your destiny, go for it radical lefties and pot head libertarians. Vote "green" and vote often if you can remember which day of the week election day falls on.
Take a look at this page full of outright lies.

And the Green Party dares to include the term "technology" in their graphic?

You are a deluded naive young lady.
hydraulic fracturing at Green Party of Pennsylvania
And you are a downright asshole. I said the articles were interesting. That was all I said about the situation.
Take a look at this page full of outright lies.

And the Green Party dares to include the term "technology" in their graphic?

You are a deluded naive young lady.
hydraulic fracturing at Green Party of Pennsylvania
And you are a downright asshole. I said the articles were interesting. That was all I said about the situation.
Are you insisting that The Green Party supports fracturing? If you are, the article says otherwise:
Here are a couple of excerpts:
Whereas Pittsburgh and Philadelphia have passed ordinances calling for a ban and a moratorium, respectively,
Be it resolved that, we, citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and members of the Green Party of Pennsylvania, call for the termination and prohibition of all natural gas extraction involving the use of our Commonwealth’s water resources. We call for a ban immediately stopping all high volume, slick water, horizontal fracturing of deep shale, including exploration, in Pennsylvania and worldwide.
Be it further resolved that the Green Party of Pennsylvania believes the short term economic benefits will be dwarfed by the long term economic and environmental consequences of natural gas extraction. Any and all political and legal means must be employed to protect our environment.
In the interim, the right of local communities to protect themselves and assert their rights through local ordinance is supported by the Green Party of Pennsylvania.
Previously adopted in 2009
The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania’s public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people.
- Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Article I, Section 27"

What Should We Do about Natural Gas Drilling & Fracking?
The Green Party of Pennsylvania believes that despite the apparent short-term economic benefits, Marcellus Shale gas drilling will have a net negative economic and environmental impact for Pennsylvania. We do not need these fossil fuels. We should instead be conserving energy, and developing clean, renewable energy sources, activities which if structured effectively can also create jobs and spur economic development.
The Green Party of Pennsylvania calls for…
• Termination and prohibition of all natural gas drilling involving the use of chemical additives or fracking in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Natural gas drillers must be required to comply with the Clean Water Act and must not be allowed to pump poisons in Pennsylvania.
• Drillers conformance to existing environmental laws should be vigorously enforced. Severe penalties should be placed on violations to ensure that all drill operations place a high value on protecting the environment and complying with the law.
• Enactment of a severance tax on removal of natural gas. The present and future citizens of PA ought to be compensated for the share of drilling costs externalized to them, the risk of pollution, and the loss of the resource to future generations as a result of its current privatization. Most states have a severance tax on the extraction of natural gas. Typically this tax is less than 10%. Pennsylvania is apparently the only major natural gas producing state that lacks a severance tax.
• Prohibition on any and all natural gas or other fossil fuel drilling on public lands. At the very least, no drilling should be allowed on public lands without the specific approval of the owners, i.e. the voters of Pennsylvania, in a public referendum.
• No drilling should be allowed without a water use and reclamation plan approved by both the Commonwealth environmental agencies and the local communities whose water resources would be adversely impacted. Such a plan must make the drillers responsible for the costs, rather than allow them to externalise costs to the community, avoid adversely impacting aquifers, and require that fracking water be recovered from the drill site, cleaned, and reclaimed.
• Promotion and investment instead in sustainable clean energy sources, e.g. solar and wind power.
The Green Party also supports the right of local communities to protect their local water systems from poisoning by drillers who frack by enacting local taxes and environmental ordinances. While the state believes their authority supersedes that of localities, the Green Party contends that power rests ultimately with the people in communities, who should in principle be free to enact local environmental protections more stringent than those enacted by the Commonwealth, and that as a matter of self-defense, it is imperative that they do so. Local communities need to develop local ordinances governing what is and is not acceptable to them, and vigorously enforce the statutes they create. We encourage local citizens to use groups like ActionPA and the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) which exist to aid local communities in these efforts. And we encourage community groups and the conscientious citizens that constitute them to consider running for public office to better protect their communities from this threat.
Take a look at this page full of outright lies.

And the Green Party dares to include the term "technology" in their graphic?

You are a deluded naive young lady.
hydraulic fracturing at Green Party of Pennsylvania
And you are a downright asshole. I said the articles were interesting. That was all I said about the situation.
He's a member of the whiskey party..
It's your destiny, go for it radical lefties and pot head libertarians. Vote "green" and vote often if you can remember which day of the week election day falls on.

It's tattooed on the back of their necks..
Just remember that when you vote for a president, your vote is merely a suggestion for the electoral college..
It's your destiny, go for it radical lefties and pot head libertarians. Vote "green" and vote often if you can remember which day of the week election day falls on.
The term "Green" does not mean pothead. It is the judgmental bigots such as yourself (which means:
1. a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race) that make everything seem like a bad thing.

Your words are really biased. What's up with the "leftist" talk?
Take a look at this page full of outright lies.

And the Green Party dares to include the term "technology" in their graphic?

You are a deluded naive young lady.
hydraulic fracturing at Green Party of Pennsylvania
And you are a downright asshole. I said the articles were interesting. That was all I said about the situation.
Are you insisting that The Green Party supports fracturing? If you are, the article says otherwise:
Here are a couple of excerpts:
Whereas Pittsburgh and Philadelphia have passed ordinances calling for a ban and a moratorium, respectively,
Be it resolved that, we, citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and members of the Green Party of Pennsylvania, call for the termination and prohibition of all natural gas extraction involving the use of our Commonwealth’s water resources. We call for a ban immediately stopping all high volume, slick water, horizontal fracturing of deep shale, including exploration, in Pennsylvania and worldwide.
Be it further resolved that the Green Party of Pennsylvania believes the short term economic benefits will be dwarfed by the long term economic and environmental consequences of natural gas extraction. Any and all political and legal means must be employed to protect our environment.
In the interim, the right of local communities to protect themselves and assert their rights through local ordinance is supported by the Green Party of Pennsylvania.
Previously adopted in 2009
The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania’s public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people.
- Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Article I, Section 27"

What Should We Do about Natural Gas Drilling & Fracking?
The Green Party of Pennsylvania believes that despite the apparent short-term economic benefits, Marcellus Shale gas drilling will have a net negative economic and environmental impact for Pennsylvania. We do not need these fossil fuels. We should instead be conserving energy, and developing clean, renewable energy sources, activities which if structured effectively can also create jobs and spur economic development.
The Green Party of Pennsylvania calls for…
• Termination and prohibition of all natural gas drilling involving the use of chemical additives or fracking in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Natural gas drillers must be required to comply with the Clean Water Act and must not be allowed to pump poisons in Pennsylvania.
• Drillers conformance to existing environmental laws should be vigorously enforced. Severe penalties should be placed on violations to ensure that all drill operations place a high value on protecting the environment and complying with the law.
• Enactment of a severance tax on removal of natural gas. The present and future citizens of PA ought to be compensated for the share of drilling costs externalized to them, the risk of pollution, and the loss of the resource to future generations as a result of its current privatization. Most states have a severance tax on the extraction of natural gas. Typically this tax is less than 10%. Pennsylvania is apparently the only major natural gas producing state that lacks a severance tax.
• Prohibition on any and all natural gas or other fossil fuel drilling on public lands. At the very least, no drilling should be allowed on public lands without the specific approval of the owners, i.e. the voters of Pennsylvania, in a public referendum.
• No drilling should be allowed without a water use and reclamation plan approved by both the Commonwealth environmental agencies and the local communities whose water resources would be adversely impacted. Such a plan must make the drillers responsible for the costs, rather than allow them to externalise costs to the community, avoid adversely impacting aquifers, and require that fracking water be recovered from the drill site, cleaned, and reclaimed.
• Promotion and investment instead in sustainable clean energy sources, e.g. solar and wind power.
The Green Party also supports the right of local communities to protect their local water systems from poisoning by drillers who frack by enacting local taxes and environmental ordinances. While the state believes their authority supersedes that of localities, the Green Party contends that power rests ultimately with the people in communities, who should in principle be free to enact local environmental protections more stringent than those enacted by the Commonwealth, and that as a matter of self-defense, it is imperative that they do so. Local communities need to develop local ordinances governing what is and is not acceptable to them, and vigorously enforce the statutes they create. We encourage local citizens to use groups like ActionPA and the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) which exist to aid local communities in these efforts. And we encourage community groups and the conscientious citizens that constitute them to consider running for public office to better protect their communities from this threat.

Frack these idiots.
Take a look at this page full of outright lies.

And the Green Party dares to include the term "technology" in their graphic?

You are a deluded naive young lady.
hydraulic fracturing at Green Party of Pennsylvania
And you are a downright asshole. I said the articles were interesting. That was all I said about the situation.
Are you insisting that The Green Party supports fracturing? If you are, the article says otherwise:
Here are a couple of excerpts:
Whereas Pittsburgh and Philadelphia have passed ordinances calling for a ban and a moratorium, respectively,
Be it resolved that, we, citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and members of the Green Party of Pennsylvania, call for the termination and prohibition of all natural gas extraction involving the use of our Commonwealth’s water resources. We call for a ban immediately stopping all high volume, slick water, horizontal fracturing of deep shale, including exploration, in Pennsylvania and worldwide.
Be it further resolved that the Green Party of Pennsylvania believes the short term economic benefits will be dwarfed by the long term economic and environmental consequences of natural gas extraction. Any and all political and legal means must be employed to protect our environment.
In the interim, the right of local communities to protect themselves and assert their rights through local ordinance is supported by the Green Party of Pennsylvania.
Previously adopted in 2009
The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania’s public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people.
- Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Article I, Section 27"

What Should We Do about Natural Gas Drilling & Fracking?
The Green Party of Pennsylvania believes that despite the apparent short-term economic benefits, Marcellus Shale gas drilling will have a net negative economic and environmental impact for Pennsylvania. We do not need these fossil fuels. We should instead be conserving energy, and developing clean, renewable energy sources, activities which if structured effectively can also create jobs and spur economic development.
The Green Party of Pennsylvania calls for…
• Termination and prohibition of all natural gas drilling involving the use of chemical additives or fracking in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Natural gas drillers must be required to comply with the Clean Water Act and must not be allowed to pump poisons in Pennsylvania.
• Drillers conformance to existing environmental laws should be vigorously enforced. Severe penalties should be placed on violations to ensure that all drill operations place a high value on protecting the environment and complying with the law.
• Enactment of a severance tax on removal of natural gas. The present and future citizens of PA ought to be compensated for the share of drilling costs externalized to them, the risk of pollution, and the loss of the resource to future generations as a result of its current privatization. Most states have a severance tax on the extraction of natural gas. Typically this tax is less than 10%. Pennsylvania is apparently the only major natural gas producing state that lacks a severance tax.
• Prohibition on any and all natural gas or other fossil fuel drilling on public lands. At the very least, no drilling should be allowed on public lands without the specific approval of the owners, i.e. the voters of Pennsylvania, in a public referendum.
• No drilling should be allowed without a water use and reclamation plan approved by both the Commonwealth environmental agencies and the local communities whose water resources would be adversely impacted. Such a plan must make the drillers responsible for the costs, rather than allow them to externalise costs to the community, avoid adversely impacting aquifers, and require that fracking water be recovered from the drill site, cleaned, and reclaimed.
• Promotion and investment instead in sustainable clean energy sources, e.g. solar and wind power.
The Green Party also supports the right of local communities to protect their local water systems from poisoning by drillers who frack by enacting local taxes and environmental ordinances. While the state believes their authority supersedes that of localities, the Green Party contends that power rests ultimately with the people in communities, who should in principle be free to enact local environmental protections more stringent than those enacted by the Commonwealth, and that as a matter of self-defense, it is imperative that they do so. Local communities need to develop local ordinances governing what is and is not acceptable to them, and vigorously enforce the statutes they create. We encourage local citizens to use groups like ActionPA and the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) which exist to aid local communities in these efforts. And we encourage community groups and the conscientious citizens that constitute them to consider running for public office to better protect their communities from this threat.

Frack these idiots.
If you disagree with them so much, do you have any better ideas to help make this country (and world) a better place to live in? I'd like details please.

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