Grimm Trend: More Witch-Hunts Please! Go Thought-Police!

How Do You Feel About the Thought Police?

  • Fine, we need them. I'll keep patronizing media that covers it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not fine. It's a waste of time. I'll be switching channels.

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Ambivalent, what do I care?

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • There is no such thing as a political witch hunt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Here's another way of writing it:

What's the difference between a public stoning and the media witch hunts and thought police here in the US? The answer is: the public stonings are a lot more humane. At least there when they're done, you have a chance of healing from the welts and bruising and getting on with your life. Here you're done. Everything you worked for your entire life, gone. You might as well be dead..
Pretty soon you won't be able to tell the difference between America and Iran.

Sorry to see this country go down this street.

No doubt. What's the difference between a public stoning and the media witch hunts and thought police here in the US? The answer is: the public stonings are a lot more humane. At least there when they're done, you have a chance of healing from the welts and bruising and getting on with your life. Here you're done. Everything you worked for your entire life, gone. You might as well be dead..

You are aware that public stoning is a form of capital punishment, right?

No one "gets on with their life" afterwards, by definition.
Pretty soon you won't be able to tell the difference between America and Iran.

Sorry to see this country go down this street.

No doubt. What's the difference between a public stoning and the media witch hunts and thought police here in the US? The answer is: the public stonings are a lot more humane. At least there when they're done, you have a chance of healing from the welts and bruising and getting on with your life. Here you're done. Everything you worked for your entire life, gone. You might as well be dead..

You are aware that public stoning is a form of capital punishment, right?

No one "gets on with their life" afterwards, by definition.

OK, public whipping then.
Whether or not he's really guilty (Remember Tom DeLay?) the mechanics is that this case was built and held until after Grimm's name was on the ballot. That was purely political and an indication of just how sick this entire regime really is.
I didn't get the impression the case was held until after his name was on the ballot. Nonetheless, while I agree that would be political posturing, if he is guilty or has that much evidence against him, wouldn't you want to know as a voter before you supported him?
Time to fight you fascist and cowards.

That's all you're!


Fucking pussy, if there were ever a civil war, your pussy ass would be under your kitchen table in the fetal position.

And learn English, I'm tired of trying to decipher your illiterate posts, you pussy.
Every now and again it's nice to be reminded of the true meaning of:

Liberal Civility.

Thank You, Nutz!
What is "liberal civility"?

Rather than a description, an example from the previous page of this thread:


Fucking pussy, if there were ever a civil war, your pussy ass would be under your kitchen table in the fetal position.

And learn English, I'm tired of trying to decipher your illiterate posts, you pussy.
What is "liberal civility"?

Rather than a description, an example from the previous page of this thread:


Fucking pussy, if there were ever a civil war, your pussy ass would be under your kitchen table in the fetal position.

And learn English, I'm tired of trying to decipher your illiterate posts, you pussy.

Why should liberals be any more civil than conservatives?
Every now and again it's nice to be reminded of the true meaning of:

Liberal Civility.

Thank You, Nutz!

I'm not a liberal, I just despise racist pussies like Matthew and the nonsense he spews. Aren't you Jewish? He wants you DEAD. Go ahead and side with him. I'll toss a flower on your grave after he murders you for being Jewish.
See, now that's free speech. Ugly, yes. Raw and coarse, vulgar. But it's protected under the 1st Amendment. Should we tar and feather someone for it? Let them take their own falls. After hearing that I'll just ignore the person. I don't have to ruin his career. He'll do that on his own I think..

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