Grimm Trend: More Witch-Hunts Please! Go Thought-Police!

How Do You Feel About the Thought Police?

  • Fine, we need them. I'll keep patronizing media that covers it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not fine. It's a waste of time. I'll be switching channels.

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Ambivalent, what do I care?

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • There is no such thing as a political witch hunt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
He can call it whatever he likes, in this case he is a witch. Lucky for him we no longer burn them here.

As usual, a snarky comment adding zero substance to the conversation. Only serving as a non sequitur. If you were on my website I'd have banned you eons ago. Do you ever contribute anything of substance or is your sole function to derail topics?

Your posts are mixed-up irrational nonsense. You're lucky I even bother to comment on them.

If you would, it is possible for you to please not bother?
To be clear: Are you suggesting that prosecuting Grimm for his crimes is a pointless witch hunt?

Depends upon the evidence.
While the rules of evidence in a federal prosecution are not quite as rigid as a state prosecution, federal prosecutors are not immune from having malicious prosecution charges brought against them.
He can call it whatever he likes, in this case he is a witch. Lucky for him we no longer burn them here.

In other words, guilty until proven innocent.

Liberal values are so inspiring.

What are you talking about?

He'll have his day in court.

Yeah, but you think the guy is guilty. And will throw a shit fit if he's either not tried due to lack of sufficient evidence or he is acquitted.
Now, if the guy were a democrat, you'd be circling the wagons.
Let the process work itself out.
If he's found guilty so be it.
Unfortunately that is not the goal here. The goal has already been achieved. That is to poison the guy in the minds of the voters.
In other words, guilty until proven innocent.

Liberal values are so inspiring.

What are you talking about?

He'll have his day in court.

Yeah, but you think the guy is guilty. And will throw a shit fit if he's either not tried due to lack of sufficient evidence or he is acquitted.
Now, if the guy were a democrat, you'd be circling the wagons.
Let the process work itself out.
If he's found guilty so be it.
Unfortunately that is not the goal here. The goal has already been achieved. That is to poison the guy in the minds of the voters.

Yep. And the GOP could make great strides in returning the volley if they would but begin to crack open the book "The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk", and begin reading quotes from it. The entire middle block of voters would be viscerally poisoned against the entire democratic party.

Maybe Harvey Milk and the cult of LGBT need to be indicted in the minds of voters?

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