Griner needs to be brought back home

So, IYO, NONE of the J6 violence arose from trump supporters?
Asking for a friend.
Under the encouragement and direction of the FBI. As more and more comes out it is extremely apparent that this was an orchestrated event. Much like the Gretchen Witmer kidnapping. These events are designed to create political dissidents to become political prisoners.

Just like every other despotic government throughout history. Right now we are rotting away, waiting for our dictator to arrive.
NEVER happened Shitstain.

Winco doesn't know the real truth about January 6.

---Said Gaetz: “Some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters, they were masquerading as Trump supporters and in fact were members of the violent terrorist group Antifa.”---

that’s the point that’s why I said it’s against Christianity ….because the punishment doesn’t fit the crime.
Totally irrelevant.

Nine years is excessive from our standpoint. But she is not in our country nor is it our decision.

I do believe that she is a political prisoner. She is a pawn and whose fault is that? President Obama. He negotiated with the Taliban to release a worthless individual, Paul Bergdahl in exchange for four of the most violent terrorists being held at Gitmo.

As you know, our government and others, hunted down Russian Victor Bout, a notorious arms dealer and terrorist for years. He was finally captured and tried and is serving 25 years in prison.

Paul Whelan, retired Marine was visiting Russia to attend a friends wedding. He was arrested and charged with espionage and is serving a 16 year sentence. He is innocent of the charges and far more deserving of being released than Griner who actually committed a crime.

Arguing that Griner should be released for humanitarian reasons is a total waste of time. It has nothing, whatsoever to do with reality.
So, IYO, NONE of the J6 violence arose from trump supporters?
Asking for a friend.
Sure, the riot was a terrible thing.

As you know, it was instigated by the far left; Nancy Pelosi was a major factor along with, apparently, the FBI.

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Biden is a feckless CVNT if he cant get her home.

Are you cult fucks on this?

Pressure your corrupt cabal of money grubbing pieces of shit to get her home,

Will you?
why should he even try! She broke the law in Russia, she deserves to suffer the same punishment any Russian gets for breaking that law. Being American shouldn’t cut her any slack.
I cant agree with you man. I understand your angle, but she is an American Citizen, and that has rights. She exercised her free speech rights to shit on our awesome nation…but I do not think she deserves to die in a Russian labor camp for some thc vape.

What if, just what if she had an epiphany and then came back and was a flag waver?

I dunno, man. I have had a change of heart since I heard a guy on a pod talk about the conditions of these labor camps.

I am a Christian and I forgive.

It's on Russia to do the forgiving, she broke their laws. And do you seriously think they will be in a forgiving mood when we are spending hundreds of billions of dollars to kill their sons and daughters in their military? Get freaking real man.

Sorry, for a moment I thought you're talking about Democrats.
...our justice system is separate and equal branch of government. Judges are independent, there is an appeal process and convictions are made by jury of peers.

When you say ignorant partisan nonsense like this you are just taking a shit on our system and bring equivalence to the injustice of Russia's backward, corrupt system.
If you leftists would have taught Griner this instead of she’s been oppressed her entire therefore she can do or say whatever she wants she wouldn’t be in a Russian prison.
Griner is just another victim of the folly of leftism.
I'm sorry wtf did you want me to do with Griner and how?

She is an American citizen who has become a political pawn and a victim of vicious injustice.

What else do you need to know to want her release? That she agrees with all your politics?
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Why should my tax dollars be used to secure her freedom when she CLEARLY broke the law?
Ten years in jail for possession of 0.7oz of weed?

There is no law requiring minimum like that, she could've, and absolutely should have, been given a much shorter term.
I am serious. She has been punished enough. The woke cult needs to take the loss and profess they understand that the US is not so bad.

She is a misguided soul fooled from very bad domestic communists trying to take down the USA.

She does NOT deserve to be in a Russian labor camp.

Biden, get her home.

I know I am a hardcore TRUMPER, but this is sincere.
If Trump was still President this wouldn't have ever happened. Biden is weak.
Ten years in jail for possession of 0.7oz of weed?

There is no law requiring minimum like that, she could've, and absolutely should have, been given a much shorter term.

Here we have another legal scholar in Russian law. With a minor from Feelz University.
Totally irrelevant.

Nine years is excessive from our standpoint. But she is not in our country nor is it our decision.

I do believe that she is a political prisoner. She is a pawn and whose fault is that? President Obama. He negotiated with the Taliban to release a worthless individual, Paul Bergdahl in exchange for four of the most violent terrorists being held at Gitmo.

As you know, our government and others, hunted down Russian Victor Bout, a notorious arms dealer and terrorist for years. He was finally captured and tried and is serving 25 years in prison.

Paul Whelan, retired Marine was visiting Russia to attend a friends wedding. He was arrested and charged with espionage and is serving a 16 year sentence. He is innocent of the charges and far more deserving of being released than Griner who actually committed a crime.

Arguing that Griner should be released for humanitarian reasons is a total waste of time. It has nothing, whatsoever to do with reality.
What’s up brother. I actually don’t know much about that Victor guy other than apparently the movie Lord of war is based on him?

Let me explain to you I voted for Donald Trump in 2020. I am a democrat but in the past two or three years the great majority of candidates I have voted for are republican. I assume there’s a lot we agree on so I don’t wanna get bogged down at any one point we disagree on. I don’t laugh at peoples posts I don’t believe in negativity I don’t personally insult others…. I don’t use negative emoticons with other posters. I saw you have already laughed at one of my posts and use some sort of a other emoticon. I’m an old-school guy and I’m not into that kind of stuff. Please disregard any typos I am physically disabled suffering from a brutal spinal cord injury.

I do know that there is a long history of individuals, organizations even countries paying ransoms it goes back thousands of years of history. I don’t view President Obama or America as having payed a “ransom” to the Taliban. Donald Trump made a deal with the Taliban.

Point is that Republicans and Democrats have both negotiated with the Taliban. I don’t agree with us I think the better route would’ve been to destroy them in 2003…. although the thing goes back long in the history. The Soviet communist influence Afghanistan of the 1980s was at least much more free and better than the hell hole that the Taliban controlled Afghanistan was and is.

Republicans and Democrats have had bad policies toward the Taliban they’re both responsible. We didn’t do enough to eliminate the Taliban in 2003 we should’ve took it over Afghanistan. That’s my opinion it’s not changing I blame both Democrats and Republicans for American troubles related to Afghanistan.

I don’t know about the Paul Whelan case. I’ve only heard his name that’s it. i’m more up-to-date with Britney Griner.

Going back to victor bout … I also understand that there are arms dealers/hired guns all over the world even the United States has or at least used to have private arms contractors like black water and they had all sorts of controversies associated with them.

So in the grand scheme of things maybe it still is the right thing to exchange Britney for Victor bout.

I’m not arguing one point to this thread but there are many ways of looking at the situation. I look at this from a multitude of different angles. One was Brittany framed? …if not does the punishment fit the crime? yes she is in a different country but how do the Russian people feel about her sentence? how is the American media portraying how Russia feels about the situation and is the American media correct in that portrayal? This is a critical point if we are led to believe that these Russian people are these ultra paternalistic types that hate drug users. No I don’t think that’s the case no I think that often Russian prosecutors give people a much lesser sentence but this case might just be politically motivated which explains Britney getting nine years what other people make it much lesser of a sentence for the same crime.

Also I don’t think it is appropriate, paternalistic or in line with American values to say well if you’re in another country you have to follow the rules in if you get sent to jail for nine years for having a Vape pen it’s your fault. No we’re missing something here. And there’s not just one way to respond to this there’s a multitude of ways.

There’s a lot going on here.

Another thing we are all providing our opinions on this. I in many other Americans are not gonna change this. We believe Brittany is being miss treated the punishment does not fit the crime there’s going to be Russians and Americans we agree on that. Brittney might be viewed as a political prisoner or a prisoner regardless, regardless of that she is not comparable to Bo Bergdoll and Russia is not comparable to the Taliban.

I am not on the far left I disagreed with Britney on her politics. This is really straightforward I want her out of jail. I want to see her out. Regardless of anything that’s the bottom line for me.
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Here we have another legal scholar in Russian law. With a minor from Feelz University.
Moron, you don't need to be a schoolar to know that Griner got the miximum instead of minimum.

You just need to not be a helpless dupe.

Griner was found guilty of drug possession and drug smuggling with criminal intent. The judge fined her 1 million rubles, roughly $16,300 U.S. dollars, in addition to sentencing Griner to just shy of the maximum 10 years that she was eligible to receive.

Anyone who belives that taking 0.7zo of prescribed weed with you is "drug smuggling with criminal intent" that deserves the same punishment as getting caught with a suitcase full of cocaine is fucked in the head.

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Moron, most people agree her punishment way too harsh. You’re a moron because there’s nothing we can do about Russian law. All your feelings add up to nada, zip, nothing .

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