Griner needs to be brought back home

You said well familiar. What makes you this woman is knowledgeable about Russian law? Do you think she understood the consequences of being caught with pot and was willing to risk a 9 years sentence for pot, dumbass?
That's just goofy. Even you know it's goofy.

So they can be criminals here? Don't we have enough criminals flooding across our borders today? We need more?

My great grandfather died in a Stalin Gulag.

I get why so many want her to pay.

I do not. I cannot rejoice in her suffering.
OK. just go over to one of those countries, break a law, and see what happens to you. Your judgement will not matter.
You still don’t get it. Stop being deliberately obtuse. I didn’t say we had a right to break their laws. We still do have a right to judge them for how they apply their laws and for their laws themselves.

You get no input. It is NOT your country. It is just like you are not entitled to bitch about my state outlawing abortion when your state supports it up until the age of 3 years old!

Stfu. You’re busy arguing against your own strawman. Act like an adult.
I am saying a US citizen got busted in Russia with personal use weed vape and I dont want her to die in a gulag and I get flamed?

Check yourselves.
I am saying a US citizen got busted in Russia with personal use weed vape and I dont want her to die in a gulag and I get flamed?

Check yourselves.

You started a flamebait thread about a done issue to get attention & virtue signaling points.

You actually think your opinion is so important it warrants a new thread rather than just participation in the existing, active Griner thread in CE?

Check yourself, because you're acting like a narcissistic fool.

Stalin is dead, and despite the anti-Russia BS you've gobbled up, Griner will be fine.
I said she was fooled by communists. I did not say she was a communist.

Thanks for agreeing, but please read my post again.

I truly believe her sense of entitlement led to this.

I smoke weed. No motherfucking way in goddamn hell would I bring any weed product into Putin’s Russia.

In one of my previous jobs, I dealt with the Malaysian government. we hosted a group of 5 Malaysians. They shared with us that drug dealers are executed in Malaysia. Drug users get serious prison sentences.

So, if I were to ever visit Malaysia, I sure as fuck would not bring any type of weed.

Griner should have known this about Russia, but her life experience of no consequences fucked her bad on this one.
BY that do you mean her spoiled American entitlement attitude?

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