Grover Norquist

And the Democrats pledge with Warren Buffet to RAISE taxes on the citizens of this country, so much so they named the damn thing after him..

really give us all a break..

Two lies in one sentence. Very right of you. First off, the Democrats made no such pledge, liar. Second, the plan that Buffet supports does not raise taxes on citizens. Buffet proposed that the tax system become more fair and a touch more progressive on a very small number of people (who knows their citizenship).

lol, more fair..only in a liberal la la land would they see raising taxes ON ANYONE as being, more fair

Yes, more fair is that those with the most disposable income ought to pay a bit more in taxes. Does someone who makes 1000 times more than I do, pay 1000 times more property tax? Do they buy underwear that costs 1000 times more? Do they eat 1000 times more?

Yes, more fair is that those who are smart and wealthy enough to leverage the gift of American citizenship ought to pay a bit higher percent unfair? Did they pay more, out of income, for roads, airports, seaports? Did they pay more for education and mass transit?

Did they profit more from public roads, airports, seaports, education, and mass transit that gave them the opportunity to leverage?
Two lies in one sentence. Very right of you. First off, the Democrats made no such pledge, liar. Second, the plan that Buffet supports does not raise taxes on citizens. Buffet proposed that the tax system become more fair and a touch more progressive on a very small number of people (who knows their citizenship).

lol, more fair..only in a liberal la la land would they see raising taxes ON ANYONE as being, more fair

Yes, more fair is that those with the most disposable income ought to pay a bit more in taxes. Does someone who makes 1000 times more than I do, pay 1000 times more property tax? Do they buy underwear that costs 1000 times more? Do they eat 1000 times more?

Yes, more fair is that those who are smart and wealthy enough to leverage the gift of American citizenship ought to pay a bit higher percent unfair? Did they pay more, out of income, for roads, airports, seaports? Did they pay more for education and mass transit?

Did they profit more from public roads, airports, seaports, education, and mass transit that gave them the opportunity to leverage?

I love this argument.

They do pay more. They pay it once as income tax and keep eating tax on the money they make from that which they've already been taxed on. Lest we forget, profit it taxed before it goes to the Romney's of the world...where it is taxed again.

Yes, that is fair.

Joe Biden says paying taxes is patriotic....he must really think so because he donates virtually no money to charity (how much did Romney give last year ?).

Building roads is just a way to keep the pols in bed with orgs like unions. Just like bailing out GM.
Oh, denial is a river that flows through the GOP.


Back to the meaningless one-liners again.

How fast they regress.......

It is unfortunate that so many on your side are reduced to almost nothing to say (and none of it meaningful).

Romney is making a run at Obama and our Moron-In-Chief is running scared. David Axelrod is reduced to bucking up Obama's staff because they all know they could very well be out of work in Jan 2013 !

Obama's GST ads and his Bain attacks are a fail (as is his promise to move away from this kind of ccrap).
lol, more fair..only in a liberal la la land would they see raising taxes ON ANYONE as being, more fair

Yes, more fair is that those with the most disposable income ought to pay a bit more in taxes. Does someone who makes 1000 times more than I do, pay 1000 times more property tax? Do they buy underwear that costs 1000 times more? Do they eat 1000 times more?

Yes, more fair is that those who are smart and wealthy enough to leverage the gift of American citizenship ought to pay a bit higher percent unfair? Did they pay more, out of income, for roads, airports, seaports? Did they pay more for education and mass transit?

Did they profit more from public roads, airports, seaports, education, and mass transit that gave them the opportunity to leverage?

I love this argument.

They do pay more. They pay it once as income tax and keep eating tax on the money they make from that which they've already been taxed on. Lest we forget, profit it taxed before it goes to the Romney's of the world...where it is taxed again.

Yes, that is fair.

Joe Biden says paying taxes is patriotic....he must really think so because he donates virtually no money to charity (how much did Romney give last year ?).

Building roads is just a way to keep the pols in bed with orgs like unions. Just like bailing out GM.

Is it proportional? Not even close.

Based on your argument, it sounds like you want to give a free ride on those who won the ovarian bingo game, and tax their rates lower. The real builders in this country pay a slightly higher percent of their personal income in taxes, but get back so much more. Too bad you're too stupid to understand.
Yes, more fair is that those with the most disposable income ought to pay a bit more in taxes. Does someone who makes 1000 times more than I do, pay 1000 times more property tax? Do they buy underwear that costs 1000 times more? Do they eat 1000 times more?

Yes, more fair is that those who are smart and wealthy enough to leverage the gift of American citizenship ought to pay a bit higher percent unfair? Did they pay more, out of income, for roads, airports, seaports? Did they pay more for education and mass transit?

Did they profit more from public roads, airports, seaports, education, and mass transit that gave them the opportunity to leverage?

I love this argument.

They do pay more. They pay it once as income tax and keep eating tax on the money they make from that which they've already been taxed on. Lest we forget, profit it taxed before it goes to the Romney's of the world...where it is taxed again.

Yes, that is fair.

Joe Biden says paying taxes is patriotic....he must really think so because he donates virtually no money to charity (how much did Romney give last year ?).

Building roads is just a way to keep the pols in bed with orgs like unions. Just like bailing out GM.

Is it proportional? Not even close.

Based on your argument, it sounds like you want to give a free ride on those who won the ovarian bingo game, and tax their rates lower. The real builders in this country pay a slightly higher percent of their personal income in taxes, but get back so much more. Too bad you're too stupid to understand.

More class envy.

What do they get back ? They get to see so many of their dollars used by our federal government to support a nanny state that has half of America paying virtually no income tax. Hard to get less proportional than that.

I am afraid that what is really sorry is that you haven't figured out that the third grader who is feeding your political doctrine is just screwing with you.

Funny, but that video doesn't show Norquist speaking at all, even tho it appears to in the cut/paste. It's some lib host talking about the comments and showing the same pic that the op used.

Full video here. :)

Grover Norquist At CPAC: ‘The Left Is Made Up… Of Competing Parasites’ | Mediaite

So charismatic. You can see why the republican representatives fall all over themselves to please him. Gawd, what a bunch of losers.
Funny, but that video doesn't show Norquist speaking at all, even tho it appears to in the cut/paste. It's some lib host talking about the comments and showing the same pic that the op used.

Full video here. :)

Grover Norquist At CPAC: ‘The Left Is Made Up… Of Competing Parasites’ | Mediaite

So charismatic. You can see why the republican representatives fall all over themselves to please him. Gawd, what a bunch of losers.

That and the money.

Money talks, and they say things like "You know, I quite like that third eye in the middle of his forehead. He's HAWT!"
Two lies in one sentence. Very right of you. First off, the Democrats made no such pledge, liar. Second, the plan that Buffet supports does not raise taxes on citizens. Buffet proposed that the tax system become more fair and a touch more progressive on a very small number of people (who knows their citizenship).

lol, more fair..only in a liberal la la land would they see raising taxes ON ANYONE as being, more fair

Yes, more fair is that those with the most disposable income ought to pay a bit more in taxes. Does someone who makes 1000 times more than I do, pay 1000 times more property tax? Do they buy underwear that costs 1000 times more? Do they eat 1000 times more?

Yes, more fair is that those who are smart and wealthy enough to leverage the gift of American citizenship ought to pay a bit higher percent unfair? Did they pay more, out of income, for roads, airports, seaports? Did they pay more for education and mass transit?

Did they profit more from public roads, airports, seaports, education, and mass transit that gave them the opportunity to leverage?

I don't know did they? who gets to decide that, YOU?
dear gawd save us if this is public education
Did anyone actually listen to this?

if you want to know the truth of what he said, watch the video. What was posted in the op was taken in bits and pasted together, and is not an actual quote. He said much, much more than that, lots of words missing in between that gives it all a completely different context. That's why I wanted to see the actual clip of his comments.

But, what else is new, all they know is dishonesty.

Oh, I watched the video. Grover is a cancer, and I'm glad the young don't applaud when he shows his ass.

Sorry, but you must be losing your eyesight, along with your sanity, in your old age. I didn't see that at all, nor was there anything accurate about the quote you used in your op. You're just posting bullshit as usual. Hopefully more people actually watch the video. I understand now why it took you 8 pages to post the real thing. ;)

The full video takes away nothing. It actually amplifies everything wrong with Norquist.
Oh, denial is a river that flows through the GOP.

How much does that "success story" still owe the treasury?

C'mon....You can tell us.

As of February, accvording to one source:

How much money does General Motors owe the United States federal government?

As of February 2012 General Motors has only paid back Uncle Sam $26-billion of the $49.5-billion in bailout money they received. They also accumulated $13-billion in stock losses and reported record profits of $7.6-billion in 2011. This means that for every $1 of profit, the U.S. government paid $4. Taxpayers also spent another $27-billion to buy General Motors stock and currently own about 30% of the company in stock. 47,500 blue-collar workers will be receiving profit sharing checks of up to $7,000.
-- How much money does General Motors owe the United States federal government?
Did anyone actually listen to this?

if you want to know the truth of what he said, watch the video. What was posted in the op was taken in bits and pasted together, and is not an actual quote. He said much, much more than that, lots of words missing in between that gives it all a completely different context. That's why I wanted to see the actual clip of his comments.

But, what else is new, all they know is dishonesty.

Wait, it's bits pasted together but he did say it. Of course he said more in a 4 minute clip but he did say those things. Deny it all you want.

When you divorce words from the other words they went with to change the context and then call it a quote is when you are desperate. But, whatever makes you happy dude, keep living in fantasy land. :lol:

The context wasnt changed. He said those things and instead of denying he said it you play the context game. Want to know why there wasnt a quote of the 4 minute speech? Because that wouldnt be a quote, it would be a transcript.

You've replied several times and even you cannot say that he was misquoted, instead you whine about skipping quote length
You would think the lefties said the repubs didnt want a strong leader the way they attack everyone. Grover said it. At CPAC. And was applauded. The left isnt to blame for Grovers words
lol, a strong leader..I thought that was Rush Limbaugh

can't you make up your minds?
He is insane. Certifiably insane.

I watched the video of the actual quote. When they filmed the audience, you know who wasn't clapping? The young adults.

GOP believes in a Puppet President - Grover Norquist - CPAC 2012 - YouTube

Did anyone actually listen to this?

if you want to know the truth of what he said, watch the video. What was posted in the op was taken in bits and pasted together, and is not an actual quote. He said much, much more than that, lots of words missing in between that gives it all a completely different context. That's why I wanted to see the actual clip of his comments.

But, what else is new, all they know is dishonesty.

Oh, I watched the video. Grover is a cancer, and I'm glad the young don't applaud when he shows his ass.

And we’ve got nitwit TPM members of the House following this loon.
lol, I think a love affair is blooming..

maybe ole Grover isn't so bad afterall...

Two lies in one sentence. Very right of you. First off, the Democrats made no such pledge, liar. Second, the plan that Buffet supports does not raise taxes on citizens. Buffet proposed that the tax system become more fair and a touch more progressive on a very small number of people (who knows their citizenship).

lol, more fair..only in a liberal la la land would they see raising taxes ON ANYONE as being, more fair

Yes, more fair is that those with the most disposable income ought to pay a bit more in taxes. Does someone who makes 1000 times more than I do, pay 1000 times more property tax? Do they buy underwear that costs 1000 times more? Do they eat 1000 times more?

Yes, more fair is that those who are smart and wealthy enough to leverage the gift of American citizenship ought to pay a bit higher percent unfair? Did they pay more, out of income, for roads, airports, seaports? Did they pay more for education and mass transit?

Did they profit more from public roads, airports, seaports, education, and mass transit that gave them the opportunity to leverage?

So if we both use 10 miles of freeway and I'm richer, I should pay more? Wow, that's a stupid arguement. And what about the people that use those same roads and pay no taxes, should we stop them from using infrastructure until they can pay taxes?
lol, more fair..only in a liberal la la land would they see raising taxes ON ANYONE as being, more fair

Yes, more fair is that those with the most disposable income ought to pay a bit more in taxes. Does someone who makes 1000 times more than I do, pay 1000 times more property tax? Do they buy underwear that costs 1000 times more? Do they eat 1000 times more?

Yes, more fair is that those who are smart and wealthy enough to leverage the gift of American citizenship ought to pay a bit higher percent unfair? Did they pay more, out of income, for roads, airports, seaports? Did they pay more for education and mass transit?

Did they profit more from public roads, airports, seaports, education, and mass transit that gave them the opportunity to leverage?

So if we both use 10 miles of freeway and I'm richer, I should pay more? Wow, that's a stupid arguement. And what about the people that use those same roads and pay no taxes, should we stop them from using infrastructure until they can pay taxes?

I'll love to hear the answer..

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