Growing list of democrats who want to target Trump supporters


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Democrats are not happy just to win an election. No, no, no. They now want to destroy what is left of Trump as well as anyone who has ever supported him in their life. Tactics such as creating black lists so that people won't get hired, public shaming so that all their social media will either be censored or flat out prevented, creating truth commissions that democrats will run to expunge all lies that conflict with the DNC party narrative, and even erasing people in photos, Stalin style. In fact, it would not surprise me that all memory of Trump might some day be expunged from society.

You have to love the fascists.

Gee, when does Biden unite us all again?

Banana Republicans, aka Trumpybear supporters in Congress, should be targeted during their next re-election campaign only. Nothing in their personal life should ever be targeted for anything. No one who simply voted or donated to old Trumpybear should be singled out for retribution, ever.
Banana Republicans, aka Trumpybear supporters in Congress, should be targeted during their next re-election campaign only. Nothing in their personal life should ever be targeted for anything. No one who simply voted or donated to old Trumpybear should be singled out for retribution, ever.
With the number of votes Trump raked in, surpassing any previous GOP candidate, that will probably help them.
Wow, I do keep hearing rhetoric like that, I heard it on a friend of mine FB page. I ignored it, b/c I just did not want to start conflict or have her believe I am a Trump supporter, but. . . more to the point, I just believe in empirical reality.

The left talks about the Trump administration literally causing hundreds of thousands of deaths. . . are they talking about him being a mass murderer who anyone that supported needs to be brought up on charges of supporting genocide, because he is personally responsible for the COVID deaths, is that it?

Do they actually believe that he is personally responsible? Is that what corporate and NPR/PBS propaganda have them believing? Are they serious with that shit?


Wow, I do keep hearing rhetoric like that, I heard it on a friend of mine FB page. I ignored it, b/c I just did not want to start conflict or have her believe I am a Trump supporter, but. . . more to the point, I just believe in empirical reality.

The left talks about the Trump administration literally causing hundreds of thousands of deaths. . . are they talking about him being a mass murderer who anyone that supported needs to be brought up on charges of supporting genocide, because he is personally responsible for the COVID deaths, is that it?

Do they actually believe that he is personally responsible? Is that what corporate and NPR/PBS propaganda have them believing? Are they serious with that shit?


Banana Republicans, aka Trumpybear supporters in Congress, should be targeted during their next re-election campaign only. Nothing in their personal life should ever be targeted for anything. No one who simply voted or donated to old Trumpybear should be singled out for retribution, ever.
Unfortunately that's not the plan. Trump supporters are to be personally hounded, blacklisted and shunned
in some segments of society. Abraham Lincoln called for humane and civil reconciliation after the war
but Biden supporters say fuck that...we want our pound of flesh.

I will believe Biden's calls to all come together and play nice when he does something about the
psychopaths who run his campaign (not that it will matter once the Supreme Court resets the scales of
justice and Biden's historic fraud is repudiated).
Wow, I do keep hearing rhetoric like that, I heard it on a friend of mine FB page. I ignored it, b/c I just did not want to start conflict or have her believe I am a Trump supporter, but. . . more to the point, I just believe in empirical reality.

The left talks about the Trump administration literally causing hundreds of thousands of deaths. . . are they talking about him being a mass murderer who anyone that supported needs to be brought up on charges of supporting genocide, because he is personally responsible for the COVID deaths, is that it?

Do they actually believe that he is personally responsible? Is that what corporate and NPR/PBS propaganda have them believing? Are they serious with that shit?


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First they came for the Rinos, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Rino

Then they came for the white collar man, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a white collar man.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Banana Republicans, aka Trumpybear supporters in Congress, should be targeted during their next re-election campaign only. Nothing in their personal life should ever be targeted for anything. No one who simply voted or donated to old Trumpybear should be singled out for retribution, ever.
With the number of votes Trump raked in, surpassing any previous GOP candidate, that will probably help them.

It might. Democrats need a new messaging manager because their messaging sucks.
Banana Republicans, aka Trumpybear supporters in Congress, should be targeted during their next re-election campaign only. Nothing in their personal life should ever be targeted for anything. No one who simply voted or donated to old Trumpybear should be singled out for retribution, ever.
With the number of votes Trump raked in, surpassing any previous GOP candidate, that will probably help them.

It might. Democrats need a new messaging manager because their messaging sucks.
Exactly they are starting a fucking war..
Banana Republicans, aka Trumpybear supporters in Congress, should be targeted during their next re-election campaign only. Nothing in their personal life should ever be targeted for anything. No one who simply voted or donated to old Trumpybear should be singled out for retribution, ever.
Unfortunately that's not the plan. Trump supporters are to be personally hounded, blacklisted and shunned
in some segments of society. Abraham Lincoln called for humane and civil reconciliation after the war
but Biden supporters say fuck that...we want our pound of flesh.

I will believe Biden's calls to all come together and play nice when he does something about the
psychopaths who run his campaign (not that it will matter once the Supreme Court resets the scales of
justice and Biden's historic fraud is repudiated).

I can only account for my actions and my thoughts. Funny how you go big with Lincolns plan but go small with Biden supporters and not Biden. Lincoln had a lot of supporters that wanted to to punish the South as traitors.

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