Gruber: 'US Citizens too stupid to govern themselves'. Pelosi proves him right.


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
Anyone care to defend the key White House Advisor on obamacare, who admitted that the whole thing was a scam, based upon Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance?





Anyone at all?
Anyone care to defend the key White House Advisor on obamacare, who admitted that the whole thing was a scam, based upon Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance?





Anyone at all?
Obama has already stated he didn't know him, found out about it on the news again. The only thing that proves Obama a lie, he actually met him at the white house.
He got paid $390,000 for his advice on obamacare, yet Pelosi and Obama claim they never heard of him,

Who in the hell gets paid $390K in a job and the idiots that hired him....never heard of him.
Anyone care to defend the key White House Advisor on obamacare, who admitted that the whole thing was a scam, based upon Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance?





Anyone at all?
Obama has already stated he didn't know him, found out about it on the news again. The only thing that proves Obama a lie, he actually met him at the white house.

Well, that is ONE thing which proves obama is a liar.

It seems that obama's gift in life is his ability to prove himself to be an inveterate liar.
He got paid $390,000 for his advice on obamacare, yet Pelosi and Obama claim they never heard of him,

Who in the hell gets paid $390K in a job and the idiots that hired him....never heard of him.

Such is the nature of evil...

No deceit, fraud or ignorance... no evil. Which FTR: is also the case with socialism.

Huh... I wonder what we should make of THAT?
I also heard he got paid on top of that for promoting it.
He got paid $390,000 for his advice on obamacare, yet Pelosi and Obama claim they never heard of him,

Who in the hell gets paid $390K in a job and the idiots that hired him....never heard of him.
Anyone care to defend the key White House Advisor on obamacare, who admitted that the whole thing was a scam, based upon Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance?





Anyone at all?
Obama has already stated he didn't know him, found out about it on the news again. The only thing that proves Obama a lie, he actually met him at the white house.

Add it to the list.....

“We agree on reforms that will finally reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums…”

“We’ve got shovel-ready projects all across the country that governors and mayors are pleading to fund”

“I will sign a universal health-care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

“We will close the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, the location of so many of the worst constitutional abuses in recent years.”

“We reject sweeping claims of ‘inherent’ presidential power.”

“Will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days.”

“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”
Anyone care to defend the key White House Advisor on obamacare, who admitted that the whole thing was a scam, based upon Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance?


Anyone at all?
Obama has already stated he didn't know him, found out about it on the news again. The only thing that proves Obama a lie, he actually met him at the white house.

yes and we know Obama would not lie about Obamacare!!
Rush brought up a good point.
If Americans are so stupid and would not understand what they were doing.
Why did they feel they had to pull a fast one on us.
I've heard there are like 5 out there now. They just keep on coming...

Anyone care to defend the key White House Advisor on obamacare, who admitted that the whole thing was a scam, based upon Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance?





Anyone at all?

Here'ssssssssss Nancy.....

Mainly because elitist liberals have contempt for those they think are beneath them.

Gruber was speaking of the rank and file Dems that blindly vote Dem.
Yes... I think old Doc Gruber has PERFECTLY exposed the Left for who and what they TRULY ARE:

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.
I guess I will never get my fill of watching the dishonest nature of the Ideological Left.

All those threads out there wherein they're defending obamacare, are all lies, defending LIARS, CHEATS AND THIEVES.

Liberals believe they are smarter than everyone and that lying to them is their way of twisting the knife in the backs of Americans.

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