Guantanamo detainee called ’20th Hijacker’ of 9/11 sent home by the Biden Administration, will get ‘mental health’ treatment


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
Xiden is releasing terrorists in hopes of getting some special oil pricing lol.

It would be interesting to see the Liberal Response if Mr. al-Qantani's "mental health" treatment was the same as was given to Mr. Khashoggi a few years ago.

The leader of the Saudi Kingdom, Moe B. Salman, impresses me to be a straight arrow and progressive thinker after all.
Radical Islamic terrorism is not a "mental illness."

It's "workplace violence." Just ask Obama.
Xiden is releasing terrorists in hopes of getting some special oil pricing lol.

Saudi. Huh. Figures.

Guantanamo detainee called ’20th Hijacker’ of 9/11 sent home by the Biden Administration​

Guess it is better to be a Gitmo detainee as a foreign terrorist than a political prisoner of the Biddum Administration for daring to challenge his fraudulent installation.
Xiden is releasing terrorists in hopes of getting some special oil pricing lol.

He should have been given a full frontal lobotomy before sending him back.

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