Guccifer releases second trove of Clinton emails


Senior Member
May 22, 2012

The hacker that has targeted Hillary Clinton and the Presidents Bush has leaked a new trove of classified emails to RT that discuss in detail the Algerian hostage crisis and the relationship between the United States and Egyptian governments.

An elusive hacker using the moniker Guccifer was credited earlier this week with infiltrating the email account of journalist Sidney Blumenthal and uncovering a collection of highly sensitive memos allegedly sent to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Now for the second time in only a week, the person known only by a three-syllable screen name has provided yet another compilation of correspondence that highlights America’s foreign diplomacy in ways that are rarely made public this side of WikiLeaks.

The first collection of correspondence, published by RT earlier this week, is believed to contain classified emails regarding last year’s terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya and shined a significant light on an event that, although culminating in the death of four Americans, remains relatively obscured from major discourse six months later. In the emails obtained by RT on Friday, though, Guccifer relays memos alleged to have been sent from Blumenthal to Sec. Clinton that dive into matters regarding the January 2013 Algerian hostage crisis that left three Americans dead, as well as info about the inner workings of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi’s office.

Blumenthal, 64, has neither confirmed nor denied the authenticity of the emails, and his son, journalist Max Blumenthal, told RT that his father would not comment on the leak. AOL, however, has admitted that the former White House aide’s account was indeed compromised. As with the correspondence detailing the Benghazi attack, though, the latest intelligence leaked to RT could prove to be quite substantial if and when their authenticity can be verified. And given Blumenthal’s relationship with Washington’s elite — he served as an aid during the administration of the secretary’s husband, former-US President Bill Clinton — the likelihood that the emails prove to be legitimate is not all that unlikely.

The four emails received by RT on Friday are all believed to be sent from Blumenthal to Clinton from his since-compromised AOL account and include correspondence dated December 8, 2012, January 18, 2013 and March 3, 2013. A fourth email, undated, discusses the June 2012 election of Egypt’s Pres. Morsi and is annotated as originating “from an extremely sensitive source” and should be “handled with care.”

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Guccifer releases second trove of Clinton emails ? RT USA
'Guccifer' Gets 52 Months in Prison...

'Guccifer' Hacker Gets 52 Months in US Prison
September 01, 2016 - The U.S. Department of Justice has sentenced a Romanian hacker nicknamed "Guccifer" to 52 months in prison, for hacking into the email accounts of about 100 Americans, in a case that exposed the private account used by Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state.
The Justice Department says 44-year-old Marcel Lehel Lazar was sentenced for unauthorized access to a protected computer and aggravated identity theft, committed between 2012 and 2014. Lazar pleaded guilty to the charges in a federal court in Virginia on May 25. Lazar admitted to releasing private emails, photographs, and medical and financial information belonging to his victims.

Now-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's private email server became the subject of an FBI investigation. The hacker was found to have breached the account of former Clinton political adviser Sidney Blumenthal, where he accessed emails sent to Hillary Clinton. He was also found to have hacked into the account of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Dorothy Bush Koch, sister of former U.S. President George W. Bush.

A separate hacker whose identity is not yet clear, nicknamed "Guccifer 2.0" and also claiming to be Romanian, has been taking credit for data breaches within the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

'Guccifer' Hacker Gets 52 Months in US Prison
'Guccifer' Gets 52 Months in Prison...

'Guccifer' Hacker Gets 52 Months in US Prison
September 01, 2016 - The U.S. Department of Justice has sentenced a Romanian hacker nicknamed "Guccifer" to 52 months in prison, for hacking into the email accounts of about 100 Americans, in a case that exposed the private account used by Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state.
The Justice Department says 44-year-old Marcel Lehel Lazar was sentenced for unauthorized access to a protected computer and aggravated identity theft, committed between 2012 and 2014. Lazar pleaded guilty to the charges in a federal court in Virginia on May 25. Lazar admitted to releasing private emails, photographs, and medical and financial information belonging to his victims.

Now-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's private email server became the subject of an FBI investigation. The hacker was found to have breached the account of former Clinton political adviser Sidney Blumenthal, where he accessed emails sent to Hillary Clinton. He was also found to have hacked into the account of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Dorothy Bush Koch, sister of former U.S. President George W. Bush.

A separate hacker whose identity is not yet clear, nicknamed "Guccifer 2.0" and also claiming to be Romanian, has been taking credit for data breaches within the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

'Guccifer' Hacker Gets 52 Months in US Prison
But Lanny Davis and other Hillary ass lickers have insisted all along that Guccifer didn't even really exist. That he was a "made up" non-person by the vast right wing conspiracy against poor old granny Hillary.
That the emails were "fake".
I guess Obama's Justice Department knew different Lanny.
Lanny Davis is the only man on the planet who would willingly have sexual intercourse with that fat ugly blob Hillary.
Not only is Lazar in prison, he lied about hacking Clinton.

Lazar said that after hacking into Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal's AOL account in March 2013, he used that as a stepping stone to the Clinton server. He said he accessed Clinton’s server “like twice,” though he described the contents as “not interest[ing]” to him at the time.

But Comey, responding to a question from Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), said that Lazar lied about hacking into Clinton's server and admitted it during questioning by the FBI.

"He did not. He admitted that was a lie," said Comey.

Lazar is currently in federal custody in Virginia.

Watch his remarks above.
Not only is Lazar in prison, he lied about hacking Clinton.

Lazar said that after hacking into Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal's AOL account in March 2013, he used that as a stepping stone to the Clinton server. He said he accessed Clinton’s server “like twice,” though he described the contents as “not interest[ing]” to him at the time.

But Comey, responding to a question from Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), said that Lazar lied about hacking into Clinton's server and admitted it during questioning by the FBI.

"He did not. He admitted that was a lie," said Comey.

Lazar is currently in federal custody in Virginia.

Watch his remarks above.
So the thousands of Hillary's emails Guccifer released are all fakes?
BREAKING: Hillary Just Received The Worst Possible - Putin Is Smiling!
Not only is Lazar in prison, he lied about hacking Clinton.

Lazar said that after hacking into Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal's AOL account in March 2013, he used that as a stepping stone to the Clinton server. He said he accessed Clinton’s server “like twice,” though he described the contents as “not interest[ing]” to him at the time.

But Comey, responding to a question from Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), said that Lazar lied about hacking into Clinton's server and admitted it during questioning by the FBI.

"He did not. He admitted that was a lie," said Comey.

Lazar is currently in federal custody in Virginia.

Watch his remarks above.
So the thousands of Hillary's emails Guccifer released are all fakes?
BREAKING: Hillary Just Received The Worst Possible - Putin Is Smiling!

That's what Comey's testimony suggests.
When has he supposedly released anything? He's been custody for some time.
Not only is Lazar in prison, he lied about hacking Clinton.

Lazar said that after hacking into Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal's AOL account in March 2013, he used that as a stepping stone to the Clinton server. He said he accessed Clinton’s server “like twice,” though he described the contents as “not interest[ing]” to him at the time.

But Comey, responding to a question from Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), said that Lazar lied about hacking into Clinton's server and admitted it during questioning by the FBI.

"He did not. He admitted that was a lie," said Comey.

Lazar is currently in federal custody in Virginia.

Watch his remarks above.
So the thousands of Hillary's emails Guccifer released are all fakes?
BREAKING: Hillary Just Received The Worst Possible - Putin Is Smiling!

That's what Comey's testimony suggests.
When has he supposedly released anything? He's been custody for some time.
If it wasn't for Guccifer Hillary's secret illegal private server would likely not been discovered. And the tens of thousands of Hillary's 'yoga' emails she was sure she had destroyed wouldn't have been discovered. The old bitch hasn't slithered out of being charged just yet.
You and many others will be very surprised when the FBI DOES recommend a series of felony charges be brought against Hillary.
My sources tell me the worst kept secret at the DNC and GOP headquarters is the FBI and Assange are going to drop a couple of fucking political and criminal Moabs on Hillary's head with the next four weeks.
The so-called 'October Surprise' for Hillary will resemble something like what Nagasaki looked like after the bomb was dropped.
If you suddenly see good old Biden and Warren showing up everyday on the LIB MSM you KNOW they are headed to the mound.
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Not only is Lazar in prison, he lied about hacking Clinton.

Lazar said that after hacking into Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal's AOL account in March 2013, he used that as a stepping stone to the Clinton server. He said he accessed Clinton’s server “like twice,” though he described the contents as “not interest[ing]” to him at the time.

But Comey, responding to a question from Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), said that Lazar lied about hacking into Clinton's server and admitted it during questioning by the FBI.

"He did not. He admitted that was a lie," said Comey.

Lazar is currently in federal custody in Virginia.

Watch his remarks above.

But, then again, Comey lied about not being able to indict that c*nt.
Not only is Lazar in prison, he lied about hacking Clinton.

Lazar said that after hacking into Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal's AOL account in March 2013, he used that as a stepping stone to the Clinton server. He said he accessed Clinton’s server “like twice,” though he described the contents as “not interest[ing]” to him at the time.

But Comey, responding to a question from Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), said that Lazar lied about hacking into Clinton's server and admitted it during questioning by the FBI.

"He did not. He admitted that was a lie," said Comey.

Lazar is currently in federal custody in Virginia.

Watch his remarks above.
So the thousands of Hillary's emails Guccifer released are all fakes?
BREAKING: Hillary Just Received The Worst Possible - Putin Is Smiling!

That's what Comey's testimony suggests.
When has he supposedly released anything? He's been custody for some time.
If it wasn't for Guccifer Hillary's secret illegal private server would likely not been discovered. And the tens of thousands of Hillary's 'yoga' emails she was sure she had destroyed wouldn't have been discovered. The old bitch hasn't slithered out of being charged just yet.
You and many others will be very surprised when the FBI DOES recommend a series of felony charges be brought against Hillary.
My sources tell me the worst kept secret at the DNC and GOP headquarters is the FBI and Assange are going to drop a couple of fucking political and criminal Moabs on Hillary's head with the next four weeks.
The so-called 'October Surprise' for Hillary will resemble something like what Nagasaki looked like after the bomb was dropped.
If you suddenly see good old Biden and Warren showing up everyday on the LIB MSM you KNOW they are headed to the mound.

WTF are you talking about?
I just showed you that Comey said the hack never happened. Nothing was "discovered" via Guccifer.That means your entire understanding is wrong.You've been fooled again.
Not only is Lazar in prison, he lied about hacking Clinton.

Lazar said that after hacking into Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal's AOL account in March 2013, he used that as a stepping stone to the Clinton server. He said he accessed Clinton’s server “like twice,” though he described the contents as “not interest[ing]” to him at the time.

But Comey, responding to a question from Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), said that Lazar lied about hacking into Clinton's server and admitted it during questioning by the FBI.

"He did not. He admitted that was a lie," said Comey.

Lazar is currently in federal custody in Virginia.

Watch his remarks above.

But, then again, Comey lied about not being able to indict that c*nt.

That's it, cover your foolishness that allowed you to believe something was true when it wasn't with a conspiracy.

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