Guess How Many Troops Obama Just Authorized 2B Deployed to Iraq?? Sound Familiar, LOL?

What a fucking lie: "The Iraq veterans who served in Iraq under Bush were unnecessarily demonized by the Left."

Both right and left supported the troops. What an asshole.

So you think comparing troops to Nazis and Soviet Operators is support? You think accusing troops of terrorizing women and children is support? Your profanity filled post is indicative of your level of denial of factual history.

You are a rabbit who roars: a roaring rabbit. :lol: :lol: You are confusing Vietnam with Iraq II. Talk to the commanders who preferred charges against their troops for criminal actions against civilians. You, little rabbit, are roaring at the wrong folks, and, yes, you are an asshole for lying.

John Kerry.

"And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs. Whether you like it or not..."


That's YOUR John Kerry.
It's called mission creep.

And Obama playing politics with foreign policy. Remember all those times you told me it wouldn't happen??????????????????????????


Just got the CNN alert below:

The White House announced Friday that President Barack Obama has authorized the deployment of up to 1,500 "additional U.S. military personnel in a non-combat role to train, advise, and assist Iraqi Security Forces, including Kurdish forces" against ISIS.

The deployment will bring the total number of U.S. troops there to about 2,900.

The White House said in a statement that it will also ask Congress for another $5.6 billion dollars to fund the fight against ISIS.

Get complete coverage of breaking news on CNN TV, and CNN Mobile.

Obama, which is Kenyan for Bush , provides clear and convincing evidence that there is NO DIFFERENCE between the democrats and Republicans. They are both owned by the War Party..

The troops will act as a tripwire which will justify further larger involvement.

While I agree with the notion of establishment types in both parties being very much're also saying that Cruz is no different from Nancy Pelosi. That's simply not true and I'm sure you know it.

Can't you come up with a little better way to make that distinction? Perhaps you could always put the word "establishment" in front of your sentence somewhere. :)
Iraq was Bush's baby. He destabilized the area for WMD's that were not there. He conned, deceived and mislead his way into this mess. Obama is stuck with the legacy of Camp Bucca. Way to go. Now we have all these nasty leeches, ISIL. Obama inherited this mess. Not his fault. But we are going to actually need boots on the ground to stop these bastards, before they can become a power that can launch attacks on the US homeland. Most of us WANT to put an end to these psychopathic mass murderers. We want them DEAD.

The problem is they have a lot of money. Enough to pull another hijacking. After early 2004 Al Queda's funding was so severely depleted that they couldn't do anything except strap bombs to suicide soldiers and try to get them on planes or into heavily populated areas, i.e. the underwear bomber who tried to fly to Detroit before they busted his shorts.

Bush's debacle with Al Queda morphing into ISIS has turned into Obama's headache.

You really are a ditz, aren't ya honey? Try reading history books instead of Cosmo. You have absolutely NO grasp of what the hell the topic is.
Give us a source for the quote of your John Kerry, Antares, please. And (yes, you will have to answer this), "were American troops convicted of such crimes against civilians?"

EconChick has absolutely in no way given any of us any reason to have faith in her fulminations.
Iraq was Bush's baby. He destabilized the area for WMD's that were not there. He conned, deceived and mislead his way into this mess. Obama is stuck with the legacy of Camp Bucca. Way to go. Now we have all these nasty leeches, ISIL. Obama inherited this mess. Not his fault. But we are going to actually need boots on the ground to stop these bastards, before they can become a power that can launch attacks on the US homeland. Most of us WANT to put an end to these psychopathic mass murderers. We want them DEAD.

The problem is they have a lot of money. Enough to pull another hijacking. After early 2004 Al Queda's funding was so severely depleted that they couldn't do anything except strap bombs to suicide soldiers and try to get them on planes or into heavily populated areas, i.e. the underwear bomber who tried to fly to Detroit before they busted his shorts.

Bush's debacle with Al Queda morphing into ISIS has turned into Obama's headache.

You really are a ditz, aren't ya honey? Try reading history books instead of Cosmo. You have absolutely NO grasp of what the hell the topic is.

She is a silly c**t.
Like Jake she pretends to be a christian.
Iraq was Bush's baby. He destabilized the area for WMD's that were not there. He conned, deceived and mislead his way into this mess. Obama is stuck with the legacy of Camp Bucca. Way to go. Now we have all these nasty leeches, ISIL. Obama inherited this mess. Not his fault. But we are going to actually need boots on the ground to stop these bastards, before they can become a power that can launch attacks on the US homeland. Most of us WANT to put an end to these psychopathic mass murderers. We want them DEAD.

Yes they were there. You're usually not flaky like this. Did you not see the New York Fucking Times admit it about a month ago????

We've done thread after thread on this topic.
Give us a source for the quote of your John Kerry, Antares, please.

EconChick has absolutely in no way given any of us any reason to have faith in her fulminations.

Just that it's documented in thread after thread that I'm right, shit-for-brains. LOL.

But we'll all play along with your senility just like we do with the old uncle at Thanksgiving.
Jake I don't have to answer for shit.

You know I don't post BS.

You may think those assholes walk on water but they don't.
Kerry has A VERY LONG HISTORY of this shit.
You do post crap at times, Antares, and we all know it. If you can't source it, we can ignore it.

So you are supporting those troops who committed crimes against civilians, yes?

We were taught during active duty often on the laws of war, and we were expected to follow them.

Most of us did. And those who did not paid the price. That's the way it is.

EconChick is simply a loony goony on the topic of military and war, easily ignored. Show us the combat units sent to Iraq
Iraq was Bush's baby. He destabilized the area for WMD's that were not there. He conned, deceived and mislead his way into this mess. Obama is stuck with the legacy of Camp Bucca. Way to go. Now we have all these nasty leeches, ISIL. Obama inherited this mess. Not his fault. But we are going to actually need boots on the ground to stop these bastards, before they can become a power that can launch attacks on the US homeland. Most of us WANT to put an end to these psychopathic mass murderers. We want them DEAD.

The problem is they have a lot of money. Enough to pull another hijacking. After early 2004 Al Queda's funding was so severely depleted that they couldn't do anything except strap bombs to suicide soldiers and try to get them on planes or into heavily populated areas, i.e. the underwear bomber who tried to fly to Detroit before they busted his shorts.

Bush's debacle with Al Queda morphing into ISIS has turned into Obama's headache.

You really are a ditz, aren't ya honey? Try reading history books instead of Cosmo. You have absolutely NO grasp of what the hell the topic is.

She is a silly c**t.
Like Jake she pretends to be a christian.

They both claim to be Christians? Wow. Well then I have a theory.

I'm not Catholic now but I was raised that way....went to Catholic School for a bit. Many relatives are.

I don't know what it is.....well, actually I do because so many "feel good" priests are basically Socialists when it comes to their economic beliefs....but I know a lot of Catholics that buy into the same stuff Fakey is peddling. It's because they DO listen to Priests who have expertise in spiritual matters but don't know squat about economics.

But the dummies parrot Priests' liberal sermons because they can't think for themselves.

So I'm betting Fakey is Catholic.
Listening to EC on religion, military, and war is similar to a kindergarten child babbling.
You do post crap at times, Antares, and we all know it. If you can't source it, we can ignore it.

So you are supporting those troops who committed crimes against civilians, yes?

We were taught during active duty often on the laws of war, and we were expected to follow them.

Most of us did. And those who did not paid the price. That's the way it is.

EconChick is simply a loony goony on the topic of military and war, easily ignored. Show us the combat units sent to Iraq

My predictions have been right time after time...I could care less who ignores them. :)You see libs ignore the truth on here on an hourly basis.

Just look at their silly ass threads about the election. Too many bad drugs. All one can do is laugh.
I could care less what you say, EC, because there are no combat ground units in Iraq, like you keep saying.

Honey, they don't exist.
Listening to EC on religion, military, and war is similar to a kindergarten child babbling.

Ooops, I hit a nerve didn't I Mr. Senile?????


Fakey, your ramblings about Iraq are documented. You can't hide from it darlin
You do post crap at times, Antares, and we all know it. If you can't source it, we can ignore it.

So you are supporting those troops who committed crimes against civilians, yes?

We were taught during active duty often on the laws of war, and we were expected to follow them.

Most of us did. And those who did not paid the price. That's the way it is.

EconChick is simply a loony goony on the topic of military and war, easily ignored. Show us the combat units sent to Iraq


YOU check it, he said it.
YOU think Kerry is right even though he was never there.

Good thing for you we will never meet,
You do post crap at times, Antares, and we all know it. If you can't source it, we can ignore it.

So you are supporting those troops who committed crimes against civilians, yes?

We were taught during active duty often on the laws of war, and we were expected to follow them.

Most of us did. And those who did not paid the price. That's the way it is.

EconChick is simply a loony goony on the topic of military and war, easily ignored. Show us the combat units sent to Iraq

You'd have been fragged jake, you are a c**t.
You posted it, your duty, so do it.

EC, all you are doing is babbling. :lol: Where are the combat units.

Antares, you are no threat to me, never will be, and you would never want to be.
(smile) Poor Jake.

We both know you never served, you'd have been fragged.

We both know you'd never say any of this shit to my face.

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