Guide To The Liberal Mind

you toss out a cherry-picked statistic about the Dow and presidents, then defend Keynesian economics...

If ANY president had the power and ability to control actual economic prosperity, would we ever see bad economic conditions happen? .

My "cherry picked statistic" about the better performance of the stock market under Democratic presidents comes from The Wall Street Journal.

What an Obama Win May Mean for Stocks - MarketBeat - WSJ

The Wall Street Journal has also reported that from the presidencies of Harry Truman to that of George W. Bush there have nearly always been more jobs created per year under Democratic presidents.

Bush On Jobs The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Now, let me address your point about presidents having "the power and ability to control academic prosperity."

I believe that Republican leaders like a fairly high degree of unemployment because it relieves employers of the need to compete for employees.

Their economic policies harm the stock market, because they are based on the dogmas of classical economics. Karl Marx pointed out that the natural tendency of unregulated capitalism is to accumulate wealth at the top, and to experience increasingly destructive economic downturns. That is just exactly what did happen until the adoption of Keynesian economic policies during the Roosevelt administration.

Keynesian economic policies increase average incomes by raising the minimum wage, and strengthening labor unions. They also raise taxes on the well to do, and spread the wealth around. Consequently, aggregate demand increases. Consumption increases. This encourages employers in the private sector to hire more people to produce and sell what is consumed.

Shorten this and keep it simple because it is sooo true what you are saying and somehow the righties just ignore the facts and keep on arguing for trickle down even though we've clearly went way too far with the tax breaks for the rich concept.

And they have to admit that whoever they run in the midterms or general election that righty is going to be just like GW Bush who got us in the mess we are in. The GOP obstructed Obama and now want to be rewarded that he didn't do a good enough job, so no we have to go back to what broke us in the first place?

Are the American people that dumb? They are. Why? Because they won't show up this November. They will in 2016 but midterms are how the rich keep their control over our democracy.
I should not be surprised a libtard could talk so much and say nothing. Simple republicans back big business, commies back liberals. I would rather back big business.
Big business destroys small business by gobbling them up or running them into the ground, that's what republicans back.
Please provide examples of this that Republicans support that isn't pure stereotypes.
Yup. Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, every GOP congressman's wife like McCain's rich **** wife. Even he calls her a ****. Rich spoiled bitches. Mitt Romney's wife? ****. LOL.

But I love Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Jennifer Granholm, Randi Rhodes, who's that lesbian on MSNBC?
Rachel Maddow.

Thanks. Bottom line is this. When the people of America get sick enough of it, they'll start showing up to vote. The right wing politicians rely on low voter turn out and they get it every midterm. So the American people get what they deserve. How many union guys in Michigan voted Republican and now we're a right to work state? Dummies. Ignorant arrogant Americans.

The rich that rule our country know not to make too many of us poor or make us all too poor. Every middle class American took a step back because of Bushanomics but they blame Clinton, Freddy, Fanny, Harry Reid, Obama, anyone but the real culprits who were the Mortgage Giants, Bankers and Wallstreet. They've even been found guilty but have the right wing defenders ever admitted they were wrong? NEVER
I'm sure there's plenty of blame to go around.
The GOP supports businesses. How evil of them. Democrats support unions which are deadset on punishing businesses. Businesses provide jobs. Unions chase away businesses. Businesses want a profit. How evil can you get.
Getting third-world slave labor to make your useless gadget is pretty bad, making our working class compete with slave labor is worse, getting Americans to accept their new serfdom without complaint is pure evil.
That's just another way of condemning job creation.
I can't get as excited as you about creating jobs in China.
Speaking of which:

Democrats support unions and unions kick back donations to Democrats. Without unions Democrats couldn't compete with Republicans for campaign funds. Unions chase businesses put of states and even chase em out of the country. So Democrats not only attack businesses with taxes and massive regulations, but they also back the groups primarily responsible for job loss in America.
Democrats support unions and unions kick back donations to Democrats. Without unions Democrats couldn't compete with Republicans for campaign funds. Unions chase businesses put of states and even chase em out of the country. So Democrats not only attack businesses with taxes and massive regulations, but they also back the groups primarily responsible for job loss in America.
The group most responsible for job loss is the heartless bunch known only as "the stockholders". Isn't capitalism great? You can demand a factory move to China and never even have to see the faces of the newly unemployed or feel your greed hurt someone.
you toss out a cherry-picked statistic about the Dow and presidents, then defend Keynesian economics...

If ANY president had the power and ability to control actual economic prosperity, would we ever see bad economic conditions happen? .

My "cherry picked statistic" about the better performance of the stock market under Democratic presidents comes from The Wall Street Journal.

What an Obama Win May Mean for Stocks - MarketBeat - WSJ

The Wall Street Journal has also reported that from the presidencies of Harry Truman to that of George W. Bush there have nearly always been more jobs created per year under Democratic presidents.

Bush On Jobs The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Now, let me address your point about presidents having "the power and ability to control academic prosperity."

I believe that Republican leaders like a fairly high degree of unemployment because it relieves employers of the need to compete for employees.

Their economic policies harm the stock market, because they are based on the dogmas of classical economics. Karl Marx pointed out that the natural tendency of unregulated capitalism is to accumulate wealth at the top, and to experience increasingly destructive economic downturns. That is just exactly what did happen until the adoption of Keynesian economic policies during the Roosevelt administration.

Keynesian economic policies increase average incomes by raising the minimum wage, and strengthening labor unions. They also raise taxes on the well to do, and spread the wealth around. Consequently, aggregate demand increases. Consumption increases. This encourages employers in the private sector to hire more people to produce and sell what is consumed.

Shorten this and keep it simple because it is sooo true what you are saying and somehow the righties just ignore the facts and keep on arguing for trickle down even though we've clearly went way too far with the tax breaks for the rich concept.

And they have to admit that whoever they run in the midterms or general election that righty is going to be just like GW Bush who got us in the mess we are in. The GOP obstructed Obama and now want to be rewarded that he didn't do a good enough job, so no we have to go back to what broke us in the first place?

Are the American people that dumb? They are. Why? Because they won't show up this November. They will in 2016 but midterms are how the rich keep their control over our democracy.
I should not be surprised a libtard could talk so much and say nothing. Simple republicans back big business, commies back liberals. I would rather back big business.

Sure if those were your only choices or if they were even true.

Us Liberal Progressive Democrats realize the value of corporations, free markets, capitalism and the rich. We know they are job creators. We get all that. We know we need them.

The problem is they don't think they need us anymore. In fact they can not only hire cheaper labor elsewhere, they can also sell their products and services in those countries who's economies are booming because those countries (governments) are investing in themselves.

Corporations only invest in countries/ideas/people/business' that invest in themselves. We haven't invested in America in years. Bush decided instead of infrastructure, he'd give the rich tax breaks and said they'd create jobs. They did not. They sent their money off shore and are sitting on that cash. And now our roads and bridges are falling apart and they are going to raise YOUR taxes you dumb asses!
Speaking of which:

Democrats support unions and unions kick back donations to Democrats. Without unions Democrats couldn't compete with Republicans for campaign funds. Unions chase businesses put of states and even chase em out of the country. So Democrats not only attack businesses with taxes and massive regulations, but they also back the groups primarily responsible for job loss in America.

Who besides unions speaks for the workers? Do you not like it that labor has a seat at the table with our politicians and corporations and billionaires? What is wrong with you?

If a company wants to move to a non union state, go for it. If they go out of the country, tax and tariff their asses and then the government should invest in small start up companies that will be MADE IN AMERICA.

Republicans want corporations to rule. That's free unregulated capitalism. We want our government to be the referee in the game called economics.

You guys have been attacking unions/labor/the middle class for over 30 years now. Don't you think enough is enough?
Speaking of which:

Democrats support unions and unions kick back donations to Democrats. Without unions Democrats couldn't compete with Republicans for campaign funds. Unions chase businesses put of states and even chase em out of the country. So Democrats not only attack businesses with taxes and massive regulations, but they also back the groups primarily responsible for job loss in America.

Who besides unions speaks for the workers? Do you not like it that labor has a seat at the table with our politicians and corporations and billionaires? What is wrong with you?

If a company wants to move to a non union state, go for it. If they go out of the country, tax and tariff their asses and then the government should invest in small start up companies that will be MADE IN AMERICA.

Republicans want corporations to rule. That's free unregulated capitalism. We want our government to be the referee in the game called economics.

You guys have been attacking unions/labor/the middle class for over 30 years now. Don't you think enough is enough?
It's never enough until that glorious day when we finally reach wage parity with China.
Speaking of which:

Democrats support unions and unions kick back donations to Democrats. Without unions Democrats couldn't compete with Republicans for campaign funds. Unions chase businesses put of states and even chase em out of the country. So Democrats not only attack businesses with taxes and massive regulations, but they also back the groups primarily responsible for job loss in America.

Why did unions push companies out of the USA?

In 1998 Ford had record profits and employees got record level profit sharing.

You righties like to blame unions for things the GOP and Corporations did to themselves on purpose. They were able to go bankrupt and renig on pensions, move jobs overseas, cut wages and benefits, lower wages, get tax breaks passed that normally we wouldn't give but we were in a "recession" and they said it would help job creation.

And now you guys want to blame Obama because wages are down. If Romney would Prez you'd be bragging about this recovery. Fuck you guys.
Speaking of which:

Democrats support unions and unions kick back donations to Democrats. Without unions Democrats couldn't compete with Republicans for campaign funds. Unions chase businesses put of states and even chase em out of the country. So Democrats not only attack businesses with taxes and massive regulations, but they also back the groups primarily responsible for job loss in America.

Who besides unions speaks for the workers? Do you not like it that labor has a seat at the table with our politicians and corporations and billionaires? What is wrong with you?

If a company wants to move to a non union state, go for it. If they go out of the country, tax and tariff their asses and then the government should invest in small start up companies that will be MADE IN AMERICA.

Republicans want corporations to rule. That's free unregulated capitalism. We want our government to be the referee in the game called economics.

You guys have been attacking unions/labor/the middle class for over 30 years now. Don't you think enough is enough?
It's never enough until that glorious day when we finally reach wage parity with China.

Republicans have such a revisionist history. They see the greatest time in economic history the 50's to 2000 as the time when liberals and socialists ruined a good thing.

Fact is it was conservative economics that caused the great recession and great depression. It was liberal progressive pro worker pro middle class policies that created the American dream we could all share.

Republicans are really greedy. The rich ones are. The rest are really dumb.
Democrats support unions and unions kick back donations to Democrats. Without unions Democrats couldn't compete with Republicans for campaign funds. Unions chase businesses put of states and even chase em out of the country. So Democrats not only attack businesses with taxes and massive regulations, but they also back the groups primarily responsible for job loss in America.
The group most responsible for job loss is the heartless bunch known only as "the stockholders". Isn't capitalism great? You can demand a factory move to China and never even have to see the faces of the newly unemployed or feel your greed hurt someone.
That goes back to this penchant by liberals for attacking job creation at it's core. Profit is evil. Businesses are here only to provide jobs. Both of which are totally fallacious arguments by the left.
Speaking of which:

Democrats support unions and unions kick back donations to Democrats. Without unions Democrats couldn't compete with Republicans for campaign funds. Unions chase businesses put of states and even chase em out of the country. So Democrats not only attack businesses with taxes and massive regulations, but they also back the groups primarily responsible for job loss in America.

Who besides unions speaks for the workers? Do you not like it that labor has a seat at the table with our politicians and corporations and billionaires? What is wrong with you?

If a company wants to move to a non union state, go for it. If they go out of the country, tax and tariff their asses and then the government should invest in small start up companies that will be MADE IN AMERICA.

Republicans want corporations to rule. That's free unregulated capitalism. We want our government to be the referee in the game called economics.

You guys have been attacking unions/labor/the middle class for over 30 years now. Don't you think enough is enough?
It's never enough until that glorious day when we finally reach wage parity with China.

Republicans have such a revisionist history. They see the greatest time in economic history the 50's to 2000 as the time when liberals and socialists ruined a good thing.

Fact is it was conservative economics that caused the great recession and great depression. It was liberal progressive pro worker pro middle class policies that created the American dream we could all share.

Republicans are really greedy. The rich ones are. The rest are really dumb.
The great prosperity that followed WWII was Squandered on huge short-term profits with nary a thought for the future of America. The American working class built the greatest industrial base in the world and then they just sold it out from under us for a pile of cash for a relative few.
All I want is when fucking bankers crash the economy and cause untold misery at least a few of them should be jailed and made as poor as the people they swindled. How is that communism? How is it communism to have extreme distaste at how institutionalized the buying and selling of influence is? How money equals speech and how it talks louder than any number of regular people? No, communism is not hating the plutocrats and their aristocracy, it is as American as apple pie to hate unaccountable power, pity the right forgot that.

Well bankers don't crash the economy. It is a very simple-minded view this is the case. Bankers are capitalists, they operate by the same free market capitalist principles as all other capitalists. You see, you've been systematically brainwashed by Socialists to believe bankers are bad. It just automatically computes in your mind that bankers are these people who have all the money and they won't give it to you and I because they are greedy hoarders who want it all for themselves.

As for swindling people and breaking laws, we DO send people to prison for that. We have all kinds of anti-trust laws, and powerful corrupt people are brought down every single day. You see, it's in the system you advocate that this doesn't happen. Whenever you've turned control over to the central government, those people become the "ruling class" and are forever protected. They don't go to prison for corruption, you never hear about the Enron scandals. There is no buying or selling of influence because the ruling class controls all the power AND money.

In a free society, money does equal speech. Sorry, that's a fact of life in a free society. If I have more money than you, I can buy time on radio and TV, have my speech printed in magazines and newspapers, hire people to go out and speak for me, etc. There is no way to limit that without limiting free speech itself. Now we can do that, but we're cutting off our nose to spite our face. But keep in mind, free speech doesn't mean mind control. Just because someone has the money to put their message out, doesn't mean you have to listen or believe it.

We have a system of government where our representatives are elected by us. If you don't like who is influencing your politician, don't vote for them. You have that power, you also have the power to go out there and campaign against them, convince others to not vote for them. Are you scared to be free man?
It's one thing to ignore a broken system, that's just natural human laziness, it's quite another to defend it as good. The answer to the broken system that leaves us ruled by a defacto aristocracy is to do just what I and many others are doing, setting straight people such as yourself who seem to like having no voice in government policy or foolishly think the interests of billionaires coincide with the rest of us.

We don't have a broken system. Again, our system has created more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever devised by man. We are not ruled by a de facto aristocracy. You're not setting me straight, I have a voice in policy through my vote.

Why would the interest of a billionaire need to be the same as mine or anyone elses? We are a nation of individuals, all with our own self interests. It's one of those beautiful things freedom affords us. Speaking as a practicing capitalist for most of my life, I can assure you that no capitalist is interested in people being poor and unable to buy their product or service.

Speaking of laziness, what you continue to demonstrate is a laziness to comprehend world history. You seem completely unaware that all this crap you've bought into is straight out of the mouths of Marxists and Maoists. You're attempting to destroy the greatest system ever devised by man in order to implement a modernized version of a system that has repeatedly failed and often ends in mass genocide.
Democrats support unions and unions kick back donations to Democrats. Without unions Democrats couldn't compete with Republicans for campaign funds. Unions chase businesses put of states and even chase em out of the country. So Democrats not only attack businesses with taxes and massive regulations, but they also back the groups primarily responsible for job loss in America.
The group most responsible for job loss is the heartless bunch known only as "the stockholders". Isn't capitalism great? You can demand a factory move to China and never even have to see the faces of the newly unemployed or feel your greed hurt someone.
That goes back to this penchant by liberals for attacking job creation at it's core. Profit is evil. Businesses are here only to provide jobs. Both of which are totally fallacious arguments by the left.
The argument from the left is that big business has no moral compass and no sense of patriotism or duty to any country or market and the republicans gladly and without embarrassment let corporate people like that run our country for their own selfish ends.
Speaking of which:

Democrats support unions and unions kick back donations to Democrats. Without unions Democrats couldn't compete with Republicans for campaign funds. Unions chase businesses put of states and even chase em out of the country. So Democrats not only attack businesses with taxes and massive regulations, but they also back the groups primarily responsible for job loss in America.

Who besides unions speaks for the workers? Do you not like it that labor has a seat at the table with our politicians and corporations and billionaires? What is wrong with you?

If a company wants to move to a non union state, go for it. If they go out of the country, tax and tariff their asses and then the government should invest in small start up companies that will be MADE IN AMERICA.

Republicans want corporations to rule. That's free unregulated capitalism. We want our government to be the referee in the game called economics.

You guys have been attacking unions/labor/the middle class for over 30 years now. Don't you think enough is enough?
It's never enough until that glorious day when we finally reach wage parity with China.

Republicans have such a revisionist history. They see the greatest time in economic history the 50's to 2000 as the time when liberals and socialists ruined a good thing.

Fact is it was conservative economics that caused the great recession and great depression. It was liberal progressive pro worker pro middle class policies that created the American dream we could all share.

Republicans are really greedy. The rich ones are. The rest are really dumb.

Or could it be Democrats encouraging reckless policies that caused the recession, not to mention the constant negativity they preached 24/7. Most recessions are caused by a lack of confidence. If our politicians are out there telling depositors to run on banks and telling everyone they getting screwed by evil bankers using predatory lending practices they themselves demanded, how the fuck do you think the market would react??? How would proven high-risk borrowers react to all of this encouragement from Democrats to default??? Answer: They walked. They defaulted in droves. Democrats told us everyone should own a home regardless their incomes. If you don't agree you're a friggen racist.
Speaking of which:

Democrats support unions and unions kick back donations to Democrats. Without unions Democrats couldn't compete with Republicans for campaign funds. Unions chase businesses put of states and even chase em out of the country. So Democrats not only attack businesses with taxes and massive regulations, but they also back the groups primarily responsible for job loss in America.

Who besides unions speaks for the workers? Do you not like it that labor has a seat at the table with our politicians and corporations and billionaires? What is wrong with you?

If a company wants to move to a non union state, go for it. If they go out of the country, tax and tariff their asses and then the government should invest in small start up companies that will be MADE IN AMERICA.

Republicans want corporations to rule. That's free unregulated capitalism. We want our government to be the referee in the game called economics.

You guys have been attacking unions/labor/the middle class for over 30 years now. Don't you think enough is enough?
30 years?

Got a link?????
Oooo scary, you got all serious and shit. No one wants to bring it down Mr. Big Bossman they just want to take the Psychopaths out of the equation. Do you think capitalism can work without undue exploitation or fraud? If it's that awesome then a return of some lost faith is nothing but a good thing. A lot of people have lost faith in capitalism because they did everything right and still failed. Shouting at people and calling them commies and infidels for noticing the warts and blemishes of your awesome economic religion is never going to restore anyone's faith.
The framers of the Constitution created a government with tremendous powers compared to the governments they were replacing. The framers were of different political persuasions but they were intent on creating a stronger national government at the expense of the state governments. The framers template for government at that time was from the Age of Enlightenment, even as Jefferson had written it in the Declaration of Independence. Pure and simple liberalism.

You are patently incorrect. There were two main factions at the time of our founding. The Federalists and the Anti-federalists. We were governed by the Articles of Confederation which essentially wrested all power in state governments. Federalists argued there was a way to establish a Federal government with LIMITED powers they would specifically enumerate, enabling a stronger unity between the states... a "united" states. Anti-federalists were afraid of this, they believed any such configuration would eventually devolve into an all-powerful federal government rendering states powerless. The Federalists argued this was nonsense because you could enumerate powers and establish limitations through a constitution and Bill of Rights. The Federalists prevailed.

The idea of self-governing through a constitution which limited the power of federal government and endowed inalienable rights and freedoms to the people and states, was a liberal idea of the time. Not to be confused with modern liberalism, which is essentially repackaged Marxism.
Speaking of which:

Democrats support unions and unions kick back donations to Democrats. Without unions Democrats couldn't compete with Republicans for campaign funds. Unions chase businesses put of states and even chase em out of the country. So Democrats not only attack businesses with taxes and massive regulations, but they also back the groups primarily responsible for job loss in America.

Why did unions push companies out of the USA?

In 1998 Ford had record profits and employees got record level profit sharing.

You righties like to blame unions for things the GOP and Corporations did to themselves on purpose. They were able to go bankrupt and renig on pensions, move jobs overseas, cut wages and benefits, lower wages, get tax breaks passed that normally we wouldn't give but we were in a "recession" and they said it would help job creation.

And now you guys want to blame Obama because wages are down. If Romney would Prez you'd be bragging about this recovery. Fuck you guys.

I know some guys that worked in Detroit. Making $45/hr to do something a Japanese company will only pay $20/hr to do to make a much better product.

Not much surprise when American companies discovered they couldn't compete.
Oooo scary, you got all serious and shit. No one wants to bring it down Mr. Big Bossman they just want to take the Psychopaths out of the equation. Do you think capitalism can work without undue exploitation or fraud? If it's that awesome then a return of some lost faith is nothing but a good thing. A lot of people have lost faith in capitalism because they did everything right and still failed. Shouting at people and calling them commies and infidels for noticing the warts and blemishes of your awesome economic religion is never going to restore anyone's faith.
America never put a guarantee to succeed in the bill of rights. Communism sure doesn't.
Speaking of which:

Democrats support unions and unions kick back donations to Democrats. Without unions Democrats couldn't compete with Republicans for campaign funds. Unions chase businesses put of states and even chase em out of the country. So Democrats not only attack businesses with taxes and massive regulations, but they also back the groups primarily responsible for job loss in America.

Why did unions push companies out of the USA?

In 1998 Ford had record profits and employees got record level profit sharing.

You righties like to blame unions for things the GOP and Corporations did to themselves on purpose. They were able to go bankrupt and renig on pensions, move jobs overseas, cut wages and benefits, lower wages, get tax breaks passed that normally we wouldn't give but we were in a "recession" and they said it would help job creation.

And now you guys want to blame Obama because wages are down. If Romney would Prez you'd be bragging about this recovery. Fuck you guys.

I know some guys that worked in Detroit. Making $45/hr to do something a Japanese company will only pay $20/hr to do to make a much better product.

Not much surprise when American companies discovered they couldn't compete.
Well here we see the one area of capitalism where a person can make too much money.

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