Guide To The Liberal Mind

Yes, you got rich in America, where you went to a good public school, and your parents could afford it because their companies back then paid well and healthcare was affordable and so was college.

Either your dad was in a union or worked for a company that was afraid it's employees would unionize so they paid wages comparable to union wages. Today unions are gone, so companies aren't worried about the competition.

And then liberals up and ruined it by importing millions of people to inject into the labor market and onto their big government schemes.

Wages are determined by LABOR SCARCITY, not unions defying laws of economics. A unionized workforce depends on the delta between union priced labor and non-union priced labor not being so high that employers have a clear economic incentive to strike break at all costs.
To write a book on the mind, don't you have to have one first?

Not only do you need a mind but the ability to write coherently would be an essential requirement too.

But this does raise an interesting question. Why do those least qualified to write on a topic believe that they should tackle the subject matter? Isn't one of the basic premises that books are written by those who actually have a grasp of the subject matter concerned? Instead we have clueless buffoons who believe that they are "experts" spouting utter gibberish to their equally uninformed audiences.

The OP should start with something more within his own range of "expertise". The 'Dummy's Guide to Pretentious Obliviousness' would be an appropriate topic for the OP since that covers all of his threads to date.
I think he can write a chapter or two on how liberals think they're smarter than everyone else.

We are. If you are poor or middle class and conservative, you have a screw or two missing.

If you are rich then we don't claim to be better than you we claim that you are a greedy fuck who's selfish to the core.

Conservatives hate government so they hate it anytime the government has to be the solution to a problem. Global Warming for example. We need our government to pass laws so citizens recycle and corporations clean up their act and we move toward green energy. This is why republicans hate admitting global warming is real and man made because they know you can't just ask and hope people stop pollutting. They won't. The government has to regulate it, and that kills Republicans.
Liberals cannot even fathom the meaning of 'greedy".....Your version is that anyone who believes what they earn this THEIRS, is greedy. I don't owe you a fucking thing. Get that straight. I owe you NOTHING.
Define "green energy"...Then explain how it would be practical in terms of today and for the next couple of centuries. Offer examples of technology currently available today which can take the place of fossil fuels that would seamlessly permit the commerce to operate as it does right now.

We all got to pay taxes. Stop crying and screaming about what's fair. You should be asking "What works"? GET IT? If what works is when the workers have 25% of the nations wealth but we only have 10%, the government needs to step in and fix that.

Even most smart rich people agree this is true, they just don't agree on how to redistribute that wealth. I have many ideas. Strengthen SS and Medicare by taxing the rich and corporations.

Why can't we do that? Because the rich and corporations own our government now. Stupid fucking Americans.

Great example of how lazy and stupid Americans are. These rich people who sent their kids to private schools ran for the public school board in their area and they won. So what did they do? Immediately started cutting public school funding. HA Ha stupid fucking Americans you get what you deserve.

Just like Michigan Union workers voted for Rick Snyder and he made Michigan a Right to Work State. They didn't think he would do it. Think again dummies. LOL
Yes, you got rich in America, where you went to a good public school, and your parents could afford it because their companies back then paid well and healthcare was affordable and so was college.

Either your dad was in a union or worked for a company that was afraid it's employees would unionize so they paid wages comparable to union wages. Today unions are gone, so companies aren't worried about the competition.

And then liberals up and ruined it by importing millions of people to inject into the labor market and onto their big government schemes.

Wages are determined by LABOR SCARCITY, not unions defying laws of economics. A unionized workforce depends on the delta between union priced labor and non-union priced labor not being so high that employers have a clear economic incentive to strike break at all costs.

Thom Hartmann - News info from the 1 progressive radio show News. Opinion. Debate

Americans are concerned that a "flood of illegal immigrants" coming primarily across our southern border is, to paraphrase Lou Dobbs, "wiping out the American middle class."

But Dobbs and his fellow Republicans say the solution is to "secure our border" with a fence like that used by East Germany, but that stretches a distance about the same as that from Washington, DC to Chicago. It'll be a multi-billion-dollar boon to Halliburton but it won't stop illegal immigration. Instead, people will just legally come in on tourist and other visas, and not leave when their visas expire.

The fact is that we had an open border with Mexico for several centuries, and "illegal immigration" was never a serious problem. Before Reagan's presidency, an estimated million or so people a year came into the US from Mexico - and the same number, more or less, left the US for Mexico at the end of the agricultural harvest season. Very few stayed, because there weren't jobs for them.

Non-citizens didn't have access to the non-agricultural US job market, in large part because of the power of US labor unions (before Reagan 25% of the workforce was unionized; today the private workforce is about 7% unionized), and because companies were unwilling to risk having non-tax-deductible labor expenses on their books by hiring undocumented workers without valid Social Security numbers.

But Reagan put an end to that. His 1986 amnesty program, combined with his aggressive war on organized labor (begun in 1981), in effect told both employers and non-citizens that there would be few penalties and many rewards to increasing the US labor pool (and thus driving down wages) with undocumented immigrants. A million people a year continued to come across our southern border, but they stopped returning to Latin America every fall because instead of seasonal work they were able to find permanent jobs.

The magnet drawing them? Illegal Employers.

Yet in the American media, Illegal Employers are almost never mentioned.

This should be all the evidence you need who let the illegals in:

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."
More concepts coming out of the Liberal Mind..
1. The 40-hour work week.
2. Weekends
3. Vacations
4. Women’s Voting Rights
5. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
6. The right of people of all colors to use schools and facilities.
7. Public schools.
8. Child-labor laws.
9. The right to unionize
10. Health care benefits
11. National Parks
12. National Forests
13. Interstate Highway System
14. GI Bill
15. Labor Laws/Worker’s Rights
16. Marshall Plan
17. FDA
18. Direct election of Senators by the people.
19. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workplace safety laws
20. Social Security

8211 150 Achievements Of Liberalism That Conservatives Seek To Destroy

There is a whole study done on poor and middle class people who vote for the rich and against social security and medicare and they called it something like the "Lottery Mentality"

In other words those people imagine one day they might strike it rich and they wouldn't want to be taxed heavily so the reasons have to do with ignorance as well as greed. A lot of people have been taught that it should be eery man for himself, not a community where we are all in this together. They like survival of the fittest, government stay out, do not metal, do not regulate. Especially the Libertarians. THey are anarchists.
Genius..We are NOT in anything together. No one else is going to pay my bills. And nor should they. They are not supposed to be responsible for me. And I certainly do not want some bureaucrat telling me I am responsible for someone else. I have my own problems.
Now, if you think you have the resources to be your brother's or sister's keeper, write a check. But don't you dare tell me I must do the same. I have my own problems.

You wouldn't have so many problems if you weren't an island.

OMG, I was trying to find something that would explain how yes we are all in this together and I found your position on THE ONION!

Like Hell We re All In This Together The Onion - America s Finest News Source

Yes we are all in this together. See, this is the problem with NAFTA and international corporations. The rich in America don't think they need us anymore. They can get it cheaper somewhere else.

Well guess what jackass? We will tax your company accordingly. If you aren't hiring American workers then we will tariff your imports. No more hiding your money in the Caymen or Canada like BK.

Yes, you got rich in America, where you went to a good public school, and your parents could afford it because their companies back then paid well and healthcare was affordable and so was college.

Either your dad was in a union or worked for a company that was afraid it's employees would unionize so they paid wages comparable to union wages. Today unions are gone, so companies aren't worried about the competition.

Americans are stupid. Most of the right wingers I'm arguing with are either poor or middle class.
"Well guess what jackass?"...
Ahh. Here we go...So frustrated is the liberal who sees themselves unable to lord over someone with an opposing viewpoint that they invariably resort to hurling insults...
Guess what? You just lost the argument.
The Onion? What is that? Some kind of sick joke?
NAFTa had zero to do with the rich or "corporations"...Like how you libs use "corporation" as a convenient buzz term to gin up excitement for your silly cause....
NAFTA ( I opposed it then and still do today) was a concept that if we exported our expertise and technology to poor countries in North America, those nations would in theory also become prosperous. it was a dismal failure from the start. A wealthy nation cannot engage in free trade with a poor nation. NAFTA is another failed idea of liberalism that while in theory one can raise those at the bottom never works that way. It is always the top that is punished. NAFTA is an economic dumbing down of US based business.
Who is "we"?...Speak only for yourself.
I am not rich...Although I'd like to be. But that would be through MY HARD WORK......Tariff is a noun. Not a verb....And the placement of tariffs will NOT happen. Trade wars are fruitless. Nobody wins.
So....Please point out where I insulted you....
Yes, you got rich in America, where you went to a good public school, and your parents could afford it because their companies back then paid well and healthcare was affordable and so was college.

Either your dad was in a union or worked for a company that was afraid it's employees would unionize so they paid wages comparable to union wages. Today unions are gone, so companies aren't worried about the competition.

And then liberals up and ruined it by importing millions of people to inject into the labor market and onto their big government schemes.

Wages are determined by LABOR SCARCITY, not unions defying laws of economics. A unionized workforce depends on the delta between union priced labor and non-union priced labor not being so high that employers have a clear economic incentive to strike break at all costs.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So Clinton kept his eye on the ball here and Bush turned a blind eye and ENCOURAGED those illegals. Now today the conservatives want to appeal to their racist stupid base who doesn't get it that it was the GOP that fucked them!!! Fucking idiots every Con I swear.
More concepts coming out of the Liberal Mind..
1. The 40-hour work week.
2. Weekends
3. Vacations
4. Women’s Voting Rights
5. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
6. The right of people of all colors to use schools and facilities.
7. Public schools.
8. Child-labor laws.
9. The right to unionize
10. Health care benefits
11. National Parks
12. National Forests
13. Interstate Highway System
14. GI Bill
15. Labor Laws/Worker’s Rights
16. Marshall Plan
17. FDA
18. Direct election of Senators by the people.
19. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workplace safety laws
20. Social Security

8211 150 Achievements Of Liberalism That Conservatives Seek To Destroy
Oh please......Modern liberals could not even begin to conceptualize ANY of these things.
Your side gets ZERO credit for any item on this list....And do not insist. Because you'd be wrong
"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter the produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
General Douglas MacArthur.
Yes things change. It was the Republicans that freed the slaves. That doesn't make the GOP today the party for black people today. There is a long history after the Civil war where the GOP lost the black vote. Republicans want to forget that history when they say Lincoln freed the slaves.

And Reagan would be run out of the GOP today for being a flaming liberal. That's how far to the right the GOP has gone. A moderate Republican today is still too extreme.

And there are no moderate democrats.

I actually don't think there are enough left wing democrats. Sure they're left on social issues bfd. I want them to be pro union, increase minimum wage, social security and medicare and Obamacare. Instead today's Democrats toe the line on the concept that "we don't have the money". Well we did before all the Bush tax breaks. Hell, they gave corporations tax breaks for moving overseas. Why would our government do that? Maybe because it isn't our government anymore.

If you mean Global Warming I think anyone that denies GW isn't fit to be a politician and should be impeached for stupidity.

What are you?
Notice how every one of your concepts involves the taking of assets from one and giving them to another.
Unions are DEAD. At latest count 6.7% pf private sector workers are members of labor collectives. While public sector workers are represented in a greater percentage, there is a developing revolt by taxpayer groups to rein in these out of control unions. They will be eliminated or at least brought under control. Taxpayers need relief.
The minimum wage is simply a ploy by democrat operatives to solidify a voting base.
Global warming is a myth. So much so that the GW people had to change the name of their cause to climate change. Any person with a bit of intelligence is aware that the Earth's climate is cyclical.
Most jobs "sent overseas" are entry level customer service jobs. The main reason....American consumers demand 24 hour availability of service.
Companies "move" their headquarters off shore to avoid the confiscatory 35% corp tax rate here.

Unions will come back. Funny they are strong in other countries still. But America is the heart/start of unions so they destroyed them here first, almost, and they will do it to the workers of other countries too in the future for sure.

Class warfare exists. Don't act like it doesn't. And social engineering occurs too whether you like it or not. Governments set the tax rates, wages, etc. The rich have been trying to take over our country from the minute it was founded. Thank god our founders knew to not let the aristocracy rule. But they didn't give up. For hundreds of years they've been slowly but surely taking over our democracy.

They didn't count on the Roosevelts, Kennedys, Carter or Obama. They were able to deal with Clinton. He was the great triangulator.

But Reagan and GW Bush really fucked over the American people. Makes me sick my union dad wants to dig reagan up and blow him he loves that guy so much. He didn't realize that 10 years from now Reagans policies would start to destroy the middle class.

My dad knows Bush sucked but he loved him some Reagan. He was a great actor. Really sold us down the river. May he rot.
Unions will come back? How do you expect to unring that bell? No cupcake, unions have burned too many bridges.
Class warfare is a political tool created by the left. Quite frankly is an exercise in futility. Even if democrats who campaign under this nonsense win their respective elections, they nor anyone else can do anything about those who are less fortunate. They have had over 70 years of welfare state programs that were supposed to eliminate poverty. All that has happened is the creation of a permanent underclass of people who have been programmed to believe they are owed a check every month.
Social engineering is garbage. It has made things worse by herding people into groups and then pitting them against each other. Your posts prove that out.
You haven't the ability to look at the typical man/woman on the street and immediately label them and conceptualize which groups to which you believe they belong. You do not see a "person"....

Listen you stupid piece of shit. Poverty isn't something you fix once and it is forever fixed. We did handle poverty. For decades. Everything was going fine. It wasn't the poor that banrkupted us. Do you think it was? It was the bankers, healthcare, defense and oil contractors. It was the manufacturing companies that went overseas and got the government to give them tax breaks to help them move.

Back in the 90's, the rich were rich, the middle class was booming and it wasn't even that bad being poor in America. Even the poor had vcr's and smart phones. The rich didn't like this. We made too much. But you ignore that the middle class from the 50's to 2000 were the biggest and best middle class the world has ever seen. It didn't fail. The GOP trashed the economy to prove government doesn't work. What doesn' work is Republican government. Government isn't the problem. The rich owning our government is the problem.

Listen. Don't ask me, ask the Pope about unregulated capitalism. It doesn't work. What works is what us liberals do. And trust me, either unions are coming back or the government will eventually start passing tax laws that don't fuck us and unfairly help the rich and corporations.

Idiots like you don't realize we had a tax system in place 50 years ago, and every time the rich bribed our government and our government gave them breaks while the debt went up, that not only shifted the burden onto you and I, that was CLASS Warefare my friend. When reagan broke the air traffic unions, that was class warfare. When bush gave the rich tax breaks and deregulated the mortgage and banking industries, that was all class warfare you stupid shit and you lost. When they got NAFTA passed and didn't protect vital American industries like Manufacturing, that's class warfare.

Is it really your tactic to cry to us while you wage war on us? You cry we are fighting you as you stab us in the backs? Fuck you.

FIFTY people showed up. Out of a muslim population of over 40,000. Glad that at least 1 in 1,000 are moderate.

Again, go to a funeral of a U.S. Servicemen who is being protested by the Westboro klan. You will find HUNDREDS of patriot guard riders there to protect the family from them.

What do you want from them? How come I don't hear American Jews speaking out against the war crimes Israel is committing in the Gaza?

I am a Greek American. Do I have to speak out against Greece or you'll find me unpatriotic? I hate this unpatriotic bullshit frenzy we get into after something like 9-11. It allows ignorant racists to act very unamerican but feel patriotic about it.
Which crimes are those? Prove it...
From here, I see the Palestinians firing rockets into Israel. I see Arab nations that refuse the right of Israel to exist.
What the hell does your Greek heritage have to do with anything?
I love to read hardcore conservatives trying to tell the world what the liberals think, regular folks have no problem comprehending the thought processes that have produced humanity's greatest steps away from barbarism, it's only the self-centered authoritarian with no empathy or optimism that have trouble figuring out why anyone would give a shit about people they do not even know or necessarily like.
It never happens. Because liberals "feel"...They do not think.
More concepts out of a Liberal Mind

1. Abolition of slavery
2. Womens rights
3. Civil rights
4. Environmental protection
5. Gay rights
6. Worker protection
7. Domestic violence laws
8. Universal Healthcare
9. Social Security

Liberals were against freeing slaves and granting equal rights to minorities. Their environmental protection is the excuse behind wealth redistribution. Social security likely won't be there for future generations. Obamacare sucks. The left believes they are the only ones who care about worker safety, women's rights and domestic violence. It's almost laughable. Liberal judges tend to be softer on crime.

More concepts out of a Liberal Mind

1. Abolition of slavery
2. Womens rights
3. Civil rights
4. Environmental protection
5. Gay rights
6. Worker protection
7. Domestic violence laws
8. Universal Healthcare
9. Social Security

Liberals were against freeing slaves and granting equal rights to minorities. Their environmental protection is the excuse behind wealth redistribution. Social security likely won't be there for future generations. Obamacare sucks. The left believes they are the only ones who care about worker safety, women's rights and domestic violence. It's almost laughable. Liberal judges tend to be softer on crime.

Somehow I suspect you are unable to differentiate between a liberal and a 19th century. Democrat

Let me guess? Home schooled?
Liberals today are nothing like during the founding of our country. The commies control libtards today. Rightwingtit, keep up the lies liar.
To write a book on the mind, don't you have to have one first?

Not only do you need a mind but the ability to write coherently would be an essential requirement too.

But this does raise an interesting question. Why do those least qualified to write on a topic believe that they should tackle the subject matter? Isn't one of the basic premises that books are written by those who actually have a grasp of the subject matter concerned? Instead we have clueless buffoons who believe that they are "experts" spouting utter gibberish to their equally uninformed audiences.

The OP should start with something more within his own range of "expertise". The 'Dummy's Guide to Pretentious Obliviousness' would be an appropriate topic for the OP since that covers all of his threads to date.
I think he can write a chapter or two on how liberals think they're smarter than everyone else. Make sure to use lots of big words so they''ll be impressed.

The extreme right derides education because it cannot compete. Their low self esteem is their problem. Ignorance can be cured through education but stupidity is a life sentence.

Only a liberal could write a position which is self-refuting. Liberals complain that the Right can't compete while at the same time complaining that the Right has won the economic competition and has too much money.
Libtards are jealous because the rich r smart enough to get rich, they aren't.
Liberals founded this nation

What were they thinking?

Oh yeah, then why didn't they make provisions for homosexuals to marry, for special programs to advantage blacks, for welfare for single mothers, for "liberals" to dig up dead people and allow them to vote, etc, all key liberal beliefs?
Rightwingtiter always comes out with lie liberals founded this country.
So Clinton kept his eye on the ball here and Bush turned a blind eye and ENCOURAGED those illegals. Now today the conservatives want to appeal to their racist stupid base who doesn't get it that it was the GOP that fucked them!!! Fucking idiots every Con I swear.

Life existed before Clinton and Bush. This problem has its roots in 1965. It took a few years for the effects to eat up the slack in the labor market and that's when the tide turned for income inequality. Look at that low point in 1976, the year Carter was elected. Reagan was still in the future.

And there are no moderate democrats.

I actually don't think there are enough left wing democrats. Sure they're left on social issues bfd. I want them to be pro union, increase minimum wage, social security and medicare and Obamacare. Instead today's Democrats toe the line on the concept that "we don't have the money". Well we did before all the Bush tax breaks. Hell, they gave corporations tax breaks for moving overseas. Why would our government do that? Maybe because it isn't our government anymore.

If you mean Global Warming I think anyone that denies GW isn't fit to be a politician and should be impeached for stupidity.

What are you?
Notice how every one of your concepts involves the taking of assets from one and giving them to another.
Unions are DEAD. At latest count 6.7% pf private sector workers are members of labor collectives. While public sector workers are represented in a greater percentage, there is a developing revolt by taxpayer groups to rein in these out of control unions. They will be eliminated or at least brought under control. Taxpayers need relief.
The minimum wage is simply a ploy by democrat operatives to solidify a voting base.
Global warming is a myth. So much so that the GW people had to change the name of their cause to climate change. Any person with a bit of intelligence is aware that the Earth's climate is cyclical.
Most jobs "sent overseas" are entry level customer service jobs. The main reason....American consumers demand 24 hour availability of service.
Companies "move" their headquarters off shore to avoid the confiscatory 35% corp tax rate here.

Unions will come back. Funny they are strong in other countries still. But America is the heart/start of unions so they destroyed them here first, almost, and they will do it to the workers of other countries too in the future for sure.

Class warfare exists. Don't act like it doesn't. And social engineering occurs too whether you like it or not. Governments set the tax rates, wages, etc. The rich have been trying to take over our country from the minute it was founded. Thank god our founders knew to not let the aristocracy rule. But they didn't give up. For hundreds of years they've been slowly but surely taking over our democracy.

They didn't count on the Roosevelts, Kennedys, Carter or Obama. They were able to deal with Clinton. He was the great triangulator.

But Reagan and GW Bush really fucked over the American people. Makes me sick my union dad wants to dig reagan up and blow him he loves that guy so much. He didn't realize that 10 years from now Reagans policies would start to destroy the middle class.

My dad knows Bush sucked but he loved him some Reagan. He was a great actor. Really sold us down the river. May he rot.
Unions will come back? How do you expect to unring that bell? No cupcake, unions have burned too many bridges.
Class warfare is a political tool created by the left. Quite frankly is an exercise in futility. Even if democrats who campaign under this nonsense win their respective elections, they nor anyone else can do anything about those who are less fortunate. They have had over 70 years of welfare state programs that were supposed to eliminate poverty. All that has happened is the creation of a permanent underclass of people who have been programmed to believe they are owed a check every month.
Social engineering is garbage. It has made things worse by herding people into groups and then pitting them against each other. Your posts prove that out.
You haven't the ability to look at the typical man/woman on the street and immediately label them and conceptualize which groups to which you believe they belong. You do not see a "person"....

Listen you stupid piece of shit. Poverty isn't something you fix once and it is forever fixed. We did handle poverty. For decades. Everything was going fine. It wasn't the poor that banrkupted us. Do you think it was? It was the bankers, healthcare, defense and oil contractors. It was the manufacturing companies that went overseas and got the government to give them tax breaks to help them move.

Back in the 90's, the rich were rich, the middle class was booming and it wasn't even that bad being poor in America. Even the poor had vcr's and smart phones. The rich didn't like this. We made too much. But you ignore that the middle class from the 50's to 2000 were the biggest and best middle class the world has ever seen. It didn't fail. The GOP trashed the economy to prove government doesn't work. What doesn' work is Republican government. Government isn't the problem. The rich owning our government is the problem.

Listen. Don't ask me, ask the Pope about unregulated capitalism. It doesn't work. What works is what us liberals do. And trust me, either unions are coming back or the government will eventually start passing tax laws that don't fuck us and unfairly help the rich and corporations.

Idiots like you don't realize we had a tax system in place 50 years ago, and every time the rich bribed our government and our government gave them breaks while the debt went up, that not only shifted the burden onto you and I, that was CLASS Warefare my friend. When reagan broke the air traffic unions, that was class warfare. When bush gave the rich tax breaks and deregulated the mortgage and banking industries, that was all class warfare you stupid shit and you lost. When they got NAFTA passed and didn't protect vital American industries like Manufacturing, that's class warfare.

Is it really your tactic to cry to us while you wage war on us? You cry we are fighting you as you stab us in the backs? Fuck you.
Liar liar liar. One point proves you a liar. You said back in the 90's even the poor had smart phones. Nobody had smart phones in the 90's. The lie of Clinton economy booming is hysterical. When Bush was running for Pontus they calling the economic situation the Clinton recession. Joke is you pumpkin.
And there are no moderate democrats.

I actually don't think there are enough left wing democrats. Sure they're left on social issues bfd. I want them to be pro union, increase minimum wage, social security and medicare and Obamacare. Instead today's Democrats toe the line on the concept that "we don't have the money". Well we did before all the Bush tax breaks. Hell, they gave corporations tax breaks for moving overseas. Why would our government do that? Maybe because it isn't our government anymore.

If you mean Global Warming I think anyone that denies GW isn't fit to be a politician and should be impeached for stupidity.

What are you?
Notice how every one of your concepts involves the taking of assets from one and giving them to another.
Unions are DEAD. At latest count 6.7% pf private sector workers are members of labor collectives. While public sector workers are represented in a greater percentage, there is a developing revolt by taxpayer groups to rein in these out of control unions. They will be eliminated or at least brought under control. Taxpayers need relief.
The minimum wage is simply a ploy by democrat operatives to solidify a voting base.
Global warming is a myth. So much so that the GW people had to change the name of their cause to climate change. Any person with a bit of intelligence is aware that the Earth's climate is cyclical.
Most jobs "sent overseas" are entry level customer service jobs. The main reason....American consumers demand 24 hour availability of service.
Companies "move" their headquarters off shore to avoid the confiscatory 35% corp tax rate here.

Unions will come back. Funny they are strong in other countries still. But America is the heart/start of unions so they destroyed them here first, almost, and they will do it to the workers of other countries too in the future for sure.

Class warfare exists. Don't act like it doesn't. And social engineering occurs too whether you like it or not. Governments set the tax rates, wages, etc. The rich have been trying to take over our country from the minute it was founded. Thank god our founders knew to not let the aristocracy rule. But they didn't give up. For hundreds of years they've been slowly but surely taking over our democracy.

They didn't count on the Roosevelts, Kennedys, Carter or Obama. They were able to deal with Clinton. He was the great triangulator.

But Reagan and GW Bush really fucked over the American people. Makes me sick my union dad wants to dig reagan up and blow him he loves that guy so much. He didn't realize that 10 years from now Reagans policies would start to destroy the middle class.

My dad knows Bush sucked but he loved him some Reagan. He was a great actor. Really sold us down the river. May he rot.
Unions will come back? How do you expect to unring that bell? No cupcake, unions have burned too many bridges.
Class warfare is a political tool created by the left. Quite frankly is an exercise in futility. Even if democrats who campaign under this nonsense win their respective elections, they nor anyone else can do anything about those who are less fortunate. They have had over 70 years of welfare state programs that were supposed to eliminate poverty. All that has happened is the creation of a permanent underclass of people who have been programmed to believe they are owed a check every month.
Social engineering is garbage. It has made things worse by herding people into groups and then pitting them against each other. Your posts prove that out.
You haven't the ability to look at the typical man/woman on the street and immediately label them and conceptualize which groups to which you believe they belong. You do not see a "person"....

Listen you stupid piece of shit. Poverty isn't something you fix once and it is forever fixed. We did handle poverty. For decades. Everything was going fine. It wasn't the poor that banrkupted us. Do you think it was? It was the bankers, healthcare, defense and oil contractors. It was the manufacturing companies that went overseas and got the government to give them tax breaks to help them move.

Back in the 90's, the rich were rich, the middle class was booming and it wasn't even that bad being poor in America. Even the poor had vcr's and smart phones. The rich didn't like this. We made too much. But you ignore that the middle class from the 50's to 2000 were the biggest and best middle class the world has ever seen. It didn't fail. The GOP trashed the economy to prove government doesn't work. What doesn' work is Republican government. Government isn't the problem. The rich owning our government is the problem.

Listen. Don't ask me, ask the Pope about unregulated capitalism. It doesn't work. What works is what us liberals do. And trust me, either unions are coming back or the government will eventually start passing tax laws that don't fuck us and unfairly help the rich and corporations.

Idiots like you don't realize we had a tax system in place 50 years ago, and every time the rich bribed our government and our government gave them breaks while the debt went up, that not only shifted the burden onto you and I, that was CLASS Warefare my friend. When reagan broke the air traffic unions, that was class warfare. When bush gave the rich tax breaks and deregulated the mortgage and banking industries, that was all class warfare you stupid shit and you lost. When they got NAFTA passed and didn't protect vital American industries like Manufacturing, that's class warfare.

Is it really your tactic to cry to us while you wage war on us? You cry we are fighting you as you stab us in the backs? Fuck you.
Ahh....Another bout of name calling.
You are very much in the old LOSS column on this one.
Poverty was never going to be "fixed". The concept was doomed to fail from its inception.
Bankrupted? Who was bankrupted? From where do your facts come?
Today's so called "poor" have cell phones, high speed internet and flat panel tv's. There are also more people than ever participating in some social program. Now, how is this possible? Was it not the purpose of social payments to offer a way for people to help themselves out of poverty? All this social nonsense does it make poverty comfortable.
Umm..The so called "rich" have owned everything inside the Beltway for a very long time. You libs have no concept of life before 1980.....Someone has told you what to believe( Reagan was the anti Christ) and you people simply spew the talking points.
I don't know your age, but I will tell you a few things.
Both Nixon and Carter were social engineers. Nixon may have had an (R) next to his name but he was a dyed in the wool California socialist. Carter was a big government liberal. Nixon thought he could fix our stagnating economy by instituting wage and price controls. Carter went right down the same road after campaigning against it. Carter took it a step further. He decided that Americans should prepare for and get used to a lower standard of living.
Who said capitalism should be unregulated? Straw man. The Pope? Sorry. Not Catholic. Not my guy.
Government incurs debt because it spends too much. Our predicament is due to the lack of fiscal responsibility. That is all.
"either unions are coming back or the government will eventually start passing tax laws that don't fuck us and unfairly help the rich and corporations.".....
Just a minute. That's not what you wrote earlier. You stated "unions will come back" you want me to quote your entire previous post? Now you are backing off with an "if"...
Tax laws? For what? To what end? Oh this is real rich..So, you are so pro union. so in need to have a labor collective to lead you around, that you believe the absence of labor collectives should be replaced by some kind of federal sanction in the form of a TAX?....
"When Reagan broke the air traffic unions, that was class warfare.".......No you are incorrect. PATCO had in its contract with the federal government a clause that barred the members from participating in any job action that would cause members to miss their shifts or to disrupt the nation's ATC system. The CONTRACT was clear. If a PATCO member failed to show for work to participate in a worker protest, it was grounds for immediate termination and loss of any and all benefits.
I know this from first hand. You do't know anything. I know but I refuse to disclose matters of a personal nature on a public message board.
"When bush gave the rich tax breaks and deregulated the mortgage and banking industries"......You will NOT be permitted to further make these claims without providing factual examples of this. And don't use the Onion. Because that is not a source of information. Nor is any other opinion driven blog. Have at it. Otherwise, you have lied.
I am waging war on you? BTW, who is "us"?.....Who are you? Do you believe everything you read in The Onion or Mother Jones?.....
Please point out where I insulted you.....
rightwinger, post: 9804590, member: 20321"]Liberals founded this nation

What were they thinking?[/QUOTE]

:bsflag: .... :hellno: ...... you have no fucking idea of what liberalism is, those Pilgrims were the epitome conservatism :up:

therefore ........................ :fu:
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Liberal moral compass has no needle

Bullshit. If a woman is going to have a baby that can't bend it's joints and is going to live a horrible life, we say that woman should be able to have a late term abortion. You want to saddle those parents and that child with a horrible life. I say let them late term abort if they want.

I wouldn't have put us in Iraq and killed all those people for Haloburton and Oil $.

I want free range animals. i think slaughter houses are horrible.

I think circus' and zoo's are evil, cruel should be illegal.

Rapists should die.

I say let gay couples get the same benefits straight couples get.

I say we need to go green and clean this planet up.

I say the rich should pay more so the poor don't have to pay taxes. Progressive tax systems.

Like the Pope I don't think unregulated capitalism is good. Our way the rich have 75% of the $, your way they have 90% of it. our way works for everyone, yours does not.

I say feed the poor and heal the sick even if they don't have a lot of money. Insure everyone just like every other civilized country in the world.

I liked America when we had the biggest and best middle class the world had every seen plus it was a place a poor person could come and make his way. My dad has a 20 year pension (he took the buy out), social security, medicare 2 homes and $200K. He did this because he worked for a union, insurance was free basically, he made 10% on his safe investments. Today what do you get 1% at a bank? So you have to be an investor today. Too risky. I like the New Deal. FDR and Teddy were the best.
Umm. Those people made conscious choice to create a life. They or anyone else don't get to change the rules of the game at the 11th hour because they don't like the hand of cards they were dealt.
You want free range animals because you don't like slaughter houses?....Ok look,. I am about to fall out of my chair from laughter....Question, what difference does it make whether a feed cattle is raised on a farm or as you see "free range" (which is nothing more than a bigger farm) as to the method of slaughter?
"I think circus' and zoo's are evil, cruel should be illegal."....Umm animal cruelty IS illegal.....
"I say we need to go green and clean this planet up."...define "go green".....Are YOU going green? Do you use electricity? drive a car? Use mass transit? Wear synthetic fabrics? Walk or other wise travel on any asphalt surfaced roadway? If you do any or all of these things, you should just shut up about the "green" crap. Because YOU are part of the problem.
"I say the rich should pay more so the poor don't have to pay taxes. Progressive tax systems. "...Holy shit.....Our tax code is already progressive. The more one earns, the higher the percentage of their income is subject to federal and state (where applicable) income tax.
Nearly half the population pays little or no tax to the federal government.
The Pope is an economist now? Gotta tel ya sweetheart, with every post you leave no doubt as to your middling level of intelligence. We don't have unregulated capitalism here.. In fact it is over regulated.
Now this one has me and most probably anyone who has half a brain, scratching their heads in utter bewilderment just trying to decipher your mental hieroglyphics...
"Our way the rich have 75% of the $, your way they have 90% of it. our way works for everyone, yours does not. "...
Gotta ask...Who represents "our way"....And you have not explained what this "way" is.....Way what?....Who is "they "?
"works for everyone"....Do you mean like a collective?
Just from reading your incoherent rants, I can see that you will struggle for the rest of your life to earn half of the wealth your old man did.
BTW, that union...the one you mentioned above? How many businesses had to close or relocate as a result of those cadillac deals the union coerced out of the employers?
Yes coerced. There has never been in the history of industrialized civilization a "union vs employer negotiation"...In the past, the union had the business over a barrel. Union bosses thought this was going to last forever. They were wrong. because the union thugs found out that if you push someone too far, eventually they will push back.
This is why unions are so dead in the water. Nobody. Not business and not the people in general want them....Example....Chattanooga's VW Plant.....While it was a close vote, the union LOST THREE times.
Just stop with the union shit. Santa Claus is not coming.
The new bs GOP started by Raygun has wrecked the nonrich and the country. See graph above. Not to mention their dumbass chickenhawk/covert foreign policy. Tax the rich and giant corps their fair share and invest it in America.

1. Seems only yesterday you, McCain and Romney were saying the illegals were only here doing "jobs Americans won't do". It was 2007.

2. Do the Westborough Baptists & KKK Christian churches down south represent Christianity? How about the Christian Cult in China who killed the woman just because she wouldn't give them her telephone number and convert? Do Christians take credit for them?

Then shut the fuck up on that one.

3. Clinton handed Bush a surplus, what'd he do with it? Exactly. What did Bush hand Obama? And considering the opposition, I'd say Obama has done all he can and a pretty darn good job too if you ask me.
The Republican congress gave Clinton a surplus. Liberals always take credit for conservative successes. Clinton caused the dot com collapse by having the DOJ split up Microsoft. That was the first domino.

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