Guide To The Liberal Mind

To write a book on the mind, don't you have to have one first?

Not only do you need a mind but the ability to write coherently would be an essential requirement too.

But this does raise an interesting question. Why do those least qualified to write on a topic believe that they should tackle the subject matter? Isn't one of the basic premises that books are written by those who actually have a grasp of the subject matter concerned? Instead we have clueless buffoons who believe that they are "experts" spouting utter gibberish to their equally uninformed audiences.

The OP should start with something more within his own range of "expertise". The 'Dummy's Guide to Pretentious Obliviousness' would be an appropriate topic for the OP since that covers all of his threads to date.
I think he can write a chapter or two on how liberals think they're smarter than everyone else.

We are. If you are poor or middle class and conservative, you have a screw or two missing.

If you are rich then we don't claim to be better than you we claim that you are a greedy fuck who's selfish to the core.

Conservatives hate government so they hate it anytime the government has to be the solution to a problem. Global Warming for example. We need our government to pass laws so citizens recycle and corporations clean up their act and we move toward green energy. This is why republicans hate admitting global warming is real and man made because they know you can't just ask and hope people stop pollutting. They won't. The government has to regulate it, and that kills Republicans.

The government has proven time and again that the do everything in a less efficient manner and in a more expensive way.

Also, Democrats lie. It's the only thing they're any good at.

Ted Kennedy, one of the main sponsors of the 1965 Immigration Reform spoke the following:

"First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same.... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset.... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia.... In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.... The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs."

Senator Hubert Humphrey speaking in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

". . . declared that if anyone could find in the law 'any language which provides that an employer will have to hire on the basis of percentage or quota . . ., I will start eating the pages one after another, because it is not in there.'"​

Back in 1989 the backers of a Mass. anti-discrimination law specifically noted that it "does not legalize 'gay marriage' or confer any right on homosexual, lesbian or unmarried heterosexual couples to 'domestic benefits.' Nor does passage of the bill put Massachusetts on a 'slippery slope' toward such rights." However, it was the very existence of these reforms which the New Jersey Supreme Court relied on to justify their ruling in favor of homosexual "marriage"

In addressing plaintiffs' claimed interest in equality of treatment, we begin with a retrospective look at the evolving expansion of rights to gays and lesbians in this State. Today, in New Jersey, it is just as unlawful to discriminate against individuals on the basis of sexual orientation as it is to discriminate against them on the basis of race, national origin, age, or sex. Over the last three decades, through judicial decisions and comprehensive legislative enactments, this State, step by step, has protected gay and lesbian individuals from discrimination on account of their sexual orientation.

When a Liberal opens his mouth, he's lying.

To write a book on the mind, don't you have to have one first?

Not only do you need a mind but the ability to write coherently would be an essential requirement too.

But this does raise an interesting question. Why do those least qualified to write on a topic believe that they should tackle the subject matter? Isn't one of the basic premises that books are written by those who actually have a grasp of the subject matter concerned? Instead we have clueless buffoons who believe that they are "experts" spouting utter gibberish to their equally uninformed audiences.

The OP should start with something more within his own range of "expertise". The 'Dummy's Guide to Pretentious Obliviousness' would be an appropriate topic for the OP since that covers all of his threads to date.
I think he can write a chapter or two on how liberals think they're smarter than everyone else.

We are. If you are poor or middle class and conservative, you have a screw or two missing.

If you are rich then we don't claim to be better than you we claim that you are a greedy fuck who's selfish to the core.

Conservatives hate government so they hate it anytime the government has to be the solution to a problem. Global Warming for example. We need our government to pass laws so citizens recycle and corporations clean up their act and we move toward green energy. This is why republicans hate admitting global warming is real and man made because they know you can't just ask and hope people stop pollutting. They won't. The government has to regulate it, and that kills Republicans.

The government has proven time and again that the do everything in a less efficient manner and in a more expensive way.

Also, Democrats lie. It's the only thing they're any good at.

Ted Kennedy, one of the main sponsors of the 1965 Immigration Reform spoke the following:

"First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same.... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset.... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia.... In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.... The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs."

Senator Hubert Humphrey speaking in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

". . . declared that if anyone could find in the law 'any language which provides that an employer will have to hire on the basis of percentage or quota . . ., I will start eating the pages one after another, because it is not in there.'"​

Back in 1989 the backers of a Mass. anti-discrimination law specifically noted that it "does not legalize 'gay marriage' or confer any right on homosexual, lesbian or unmarried heterosexual couples to 'domestic benefits.' Nor does passage of the bill put Massachusetts on a 'slippery slope' toward such rights." However, it was the very existence of these reforms which the New Jersey Supreme Court relied on to justify their ruling in favor of homosexual "marriage"

In addressing plaintiffs' claimed interest in equality of treatment, we begin with a retrospective look at the evolving expansion of rights to gays and lesbians in this State. Today, in New Jersey, it is just as unlawful to discriminate against individuals on the basis of sexual orientation as it is to discriminate against them on the basis of race, national origin, age, or sex. Over the last three decades, through judicial decisions and comprehensive legislative enactments, this State, step by step, has protected gay and lesbian individuals from discrimination on account of their sexual orientation.

When a Liberal opens his mouth, he's lying.

I only need to read one sentence to see where you have immediately gone wrong. Before Reagan, migrant workers came and went at the end of crop picking season. They didn't stay because only those migrant jobs were available.

Then comes Reagan and long story short, they started taking jobs Americans would do. Cook, airport, construction, maids, etc. Republicans loved using them to lower wages and fuck the middle class.

When you fuck the poor you fuck the middle class too. Trickle up economics.

Cons will just dismiss this. I have pointed out we have an illegal employer problem, not an illegal worker problem. Put the go after the employers and the workers will go home because they won't have jobs to stay to.

Article Thom Hartmann Reclaiming the Issues It s an Illegal Employer Problem OpEdNews

The fact you can't explain this to a Conservative says a lot about them. They are so brainwashed they can't even think of blaming the "job creators". Just look how the bankers/wallstreet fucked us and they called the 99% protesters hippies.

Same for global warming. Cons know we are destroying the planet but they can't admit that this is going to take government regulations to collectively solve this problem. That to them means big gubment. They can't see beyond that talking point. That or abortion. The GOP is a party for either the really rich and greedy or very stupid. Wedge issue voters who vote against themselves financially.

These same whites say blacks are stupid for voting GOP. That's another reason a lot of stupid white poor ass Americans vote GOP. If the Democrats are the party for blacks, they gotta be the party for whites. So stupid.
Liberal moral compass has no needle

Bullshit. If a woman is going to have a baby that can't bend it's joints and is going to live a horrible life, we say that woman should be able to have a late term abortion. You want to saddle those parents and that child with a horrible life. I say let them late term abort if they want.

I wouldn't have put us in Iraq and killed all those people for Haloburton and Oil $.

I want free range animals. i think slaughter houses are horrible.

I think circus' and zoo's are evil, cruel should be illegal.

Rapists should die.

I say let gay couples get the same benefits straight couples get.

I say we need to go green and clean this planet up.

I say the rich should pay more so the poor don't have to pay taxes. Progressive tax systems.

Like the Pope I don't think unregulated capitalism is good. Our way the rich have 75% of the $, your way they have 90% of it. our way works for everyone, yours does not.

I say feed the poor and heal the sick even if they don't have a lot of money. Insure everyone just like every other civilized country in the world.

I liked America when we had the biggest and best middle class the world had every seen plus it was a place a poor person could come and make his way. My dad has a 20 year pension (he took the buy out), social security, medicare 2 homes and $200K. He did this because he worked for a union, insurance was free basically, he made 10% on his safe investments. Today what do you get 1% at a bank? So you have to be an investor today. Too risky. I like the New Deal. FDR and Teddy were the best.
I want free range animals. i think slaughter houses are horrible.

I think circus' and zoo's are evil, cruel should be illegal.

To write a book on the mind, don't you have to have one first?

Not only do you need a mind but the ability to write coherently would be an essential requirement too.

But this does raise an interesting question. Why do those least qualified to write on a topic believe that they should tackle the subject matter? Isn't one of the basic premises that books are written by those who actually have a grasp of the subject matter concerned? Instead we have clueless buffoons who believe that they are "experts" spouting utter gibberish to their equally uninformed audiences.

The OP should start with something more within his own range of "expertise". The 'Dummy's Guide to Pretentious Obliviousness' would be an appropriate topic for the OP since that covers all of his threads to date.
I think he can write a chapter or two on how liberals think they're smarter than everyone else.

We are. If you are poor or middle class and conservative, you have a screw or two missing.

If you are rich then we don't claim to be better than you we claim that you are a greedy fuck who's selfish to the core.

Conservatives hate government so they hate it anytime the government has to be the solution to a problem. Global Warming for example. We need our government to pass laws so citizens recycle and corporations clean up their act and we move toward green energy. This is why republicans hate admitting global warming is real and man made because they know you can't just ask and hope people stop pollutting. They won't. The government has to regulate it, and that kills Republicans.

The government has proven time and again that the do everything in a less efficient manner and in a more expensive way.

Also, Democrats lie. It's the only thing they're any good at.

Ted Kennedy, one of the main sponsors of the 1965 Immigration Reform spoke the following:

"First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same.... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset.... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia.... In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.... The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs."

Senator Hubert Humphrey speaking in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

". . . declared that if anyone could find in the law 'any language which provides that an employer will have to hire on the basis of percentage or quota . . ., I will start eating the pages one after another, because it is not in there.'"​

Back in 1989 the backers of a Mass. anti-discrimination law specifically noted that it "does not legalize 'gay marriage' or confer any right on homosexual, lesbian or unmarried heterosexual couples to 'domestic benefits.' Nor does passage of the bill put Massachusetts on a 'slippery slope' toward such rights." However, it was the very existence of these reforms which the New Jersey Supreme Court relied on to justify their ruling in favor of homosexual "marriage"

In addressing plaintiffs' claimed interest in equality of treatment, we begin with a retrospective look at the evolving expansion of rights to gays and lesbians in this State. Today, in New Jersey, it is just as unlawful to discriminate against individuals on the basis of sexual orientation as it is to discriminate against them on the basis of race, national origin, age, or sex. Over the last three decades, through judicial decisions and comprehensive legislative enactments, this State, step by step, has protected gay and lesbian individuals from discrimination on account of their sexual orientation.

When a Liberal opens his mouth, he's lying.

Hey, maybe YOUR doctor doesn't take Obamacare but we can't let that stop us from reforming the healthcare system.

Remember Romney was for the individual mandate before he was against it?

Tit meet tat.
More concepts coming out of the Liberal Mind..
1. The 40-hour work week.
2. Weekends
3. Vacations
4. Women’s Voting Rights
5. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
6. The right of people of all colors to use schools and facilities.
7. Public schools.
8. Child-labor laws.
9. The right to unionize
10. Health care benefits
11. National Parks
12. National Forests
13. Interstate Highway System
14. GI Bill
15. Labor Laws/Worker’s Rights
16. Marshall Plan
17. FDA
18. Direct election of Senators by the people.
19. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workplace safety laws
20. Social Security

8211 150 Achievements Of Liberalism That Conservatives Seek To Destroy
Oh please......Modern liberals could not even begin to conceptualize ANY of these things.
Your side gets ZERO credit for any item on this list....And do not insist. Because you'd be wrong
It is more of a flow chart than a book.

Does it get more votes for Democrats? Yes, do it. No, make it seem like a Republican idea.

Can we blame the Republicans? Yes, alert the media. No, claim no facts presented or blame Bush.

Can we tax it? Yes, enact it. No, compromise with Republicans to tax it.
Liberals founded this nation

What were they thinking?

If you had ANY of the Founding Fathers in government today, you would run shrieking in horror to the nearest fainting couch. They would probably be fomenting revolution from prison.

Yes things change. It was the Republicans that freed the slaves. That doesn't make the GOP today the party for black people today. There is a long history after the Civil war where the GOP lost the black vote. Republicans want to forget that history when they say Lincoln freed the slaves.

And Reagan would be run out of the GOP today for being a flaming liberal. That's how far to the right the GOP has gone. A moderate Republican today is still too extreme.

And there are no moderate democrats.

I actually don't think there are enough left wing democrats. Sure they're left on social issues bfd. I want them to be pro union, increase minimum wage, social security and medicare and Obamacare. Instead today's Democrats toe the line on the concept that "we don't have the money". Well we did before all the Bush tax breaks. Hell, they gave corporations tax breaks for moving overseas. Why would our government do that? Maybe because it isn't our government anymore.

If you mean Global Warming I think anyone that denies GW isn't fit to be a politician and should be impeached for stupidity.

What are you?
Notice how every one of your concepts involves the taking of assets from one and giving them to another.
Unions are DEAD. At latest count 6.7% pf private sector workers are members of labor collectives. While public sector workers are represented in a greater percentage, there is a developing revolt by taxpayer groups to rein in these out of control unions. They will be eliminated or at least brought under control. Taxpayers need relief.
The minimum wage is simply a ploy by democrat operatives to solidify a voting base.
Global warming is a myth. So much so that the GW people had to change the name of their cause to climate change. Any person with a bit of intelligence is aware that the Earth's climate is cyclical.
Most jobs "sent overseas" are entry level customer service jobs. The main reason....American consumers demand 24 hour availability of service.
Companies "move" their headquarters off shore to avoid the confiscatory 35% corp tax rate here.
'obamacare' is a nebulous term and the notion that a doctor could just choose to 'not take' it is silly.
More concepts coming out of the Liberal Mind..
1. The 40-hour work week.
2. Weekends
3. Vacations
4. Women’s Voting Rights
5. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
6. The right of people of all colors to use schools and facilities.
7. Public schools.
8. Child-labor laws.
9. The right to unionize
10. Health care benefits
11. National Parks
12. National Forests
13. Interstate Highway System
14. GI Bill
15. Labor Laws/Worker’s Rights
16. Marshall Plan
17. FDA
18. Direct election of Senators by the people.
19. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workplace safety laws
20. Social Security

8211 150 Achievements Of Liberalism That Conservatives Seek To Destroy

There is a whole study done on poor and middle class people who vote for the rich and against social security and medicare and they called it something like the "Lottery Mentality"

In other words those people imagine one day they might strike it rich and they wouldn't want to be taxed heavily so the reasons have to do with ignorance as well as greed. A lot of people have been taught that it should be eery man for himself, not a community where we are all in this together. They like survival of the fittest, government stay out, do not metal, do not regulate. Especially the Libertarians. THey are anarchists.
Genius..We are NOT in anything together. No one else is going to pay my bills. And nor should they. They are not supposed to be responsible for me. And I certainly do not want some bureaucrat telling me I am responsible for someone else. I have my own problems.
Now, if you think you have the resources to be your brother's or sister's keeper, write a check. But don't you dare tell me I must do the same. I have my own problems.
Liberals founded this nation

What were they thinking?

If you had ANY of the Founding Fathers in government today, you would run shrieking in horror to the nearest fainting couch. They would probably be fomenting revolution from prison.

Yes things change. It was the Republicans that freed the slaves. That doesn't make the GOP today the party for black people today. There is a long history after the Civil war where the GOP lost the black vote. Republicans want to forget that history when they say Lincoln freed the slaves.

And Reagan would be run out of the GOP today for being a flaming liberal. That's how far to the right the GOP has gone. A moderate Republican today is still too extreme.

And there are no moderate democrats.

I actually don't think there are enough left wing democrats. Sure they're left on social issues bfd. I want them to be pro union, increase minimum wage, social security and medicare and Obamacare. Instead today's Democrats toe the line on the concept that "we don't have the money". Well we did before all the Bush tax breaks. Hell, they gave corporations tax breaks for moving overseas. Why would our government do that? Maybe because it isn't our government anymore.

If you mean Global Warming I think anyone that denies GW isn't fit to be a politician and should be impeached for stupidity.

What are you?
Notice how every one of your concepts involves the taking of assets from one and giving them to another.
Unions are DEAD. At latest count 6.7% pf private sector workers are members of labor collectives. While public sector workers are represented in a greater percentage, there is a developing revolt by taxpayer groups to rein in these out of control unions. They will be eliminated or at least brought under control. Taxpayers need relief.
The minimum wage is simply a ploy by democrat operatives to solidify a voting base.
Global warming is a myth. So much so that the GW people had to change the name of their cause to climate change. Any person with a bit of intelligence is aware that the Earth's climate is cyclical.
Most jobs "sent overseas" are entry level customer service jobs. The main reason....American consumers demand 24 hour availability of service.
Companies "move" their headquarters off shore to avoid the confiscatory 35% corp tax rate here.

Unions will come back. Funny they are strong in other countries still. But America is the heart/start of unions so they destroyed them here first, almost, and they will do it to the workers of other countries too in the future for sure.

Class warfare exists. Don't act like it doesn't. And social engineering occurs too whether you like it or not. Governments set the tax rates, wages, etc. The rich have been trying to take over our country from the minute it was founded. Thank god our founders knew to not let the aristocracy rule. But they didn't give up. For hundreds of years they've been slowly but surely taking over our democracy.

They didn't count on the Roosevelts, Kennedys, Carter or Obama. They were able to deal with Clinton. He was the great triangulator.

But Reagan and GW Bush really fucked over the American people. Makes me sick my union dad wants to dig reagan up and blow him he loves that guy so much. He didn't realize that 10 years from now Reagans policies would start to destroy the middle class.

My dad knows Bush sucked but he loved him some Reagan. He was a great actor. Really sold us down the river. May he rot.
To write a book on the mind, don't you have to have one first?

Not only do you need a mind but the ability to write coherently would be an essential requirement too.

But this does raise an interesting question. Why do those least qualified to write on a topic believe that they should tackle the subject matter? Isn't one of the basic premises that books are written by those who actually have a grasp of the subject matter concerned? Instead we have clueless buffoons who believe that they are "experts" spouting utter gibberish to their equally uninformed audiences.

The OP should start with something more within his own range of "expertise". The 'Dummy's Guide to Pretentious Obliviousness' would be an appropriate topic for the OP since that covers all of his threads to date.
I think he can write a chapter or two on how liberals think they're smarter than everyone else.

We are. If you are poor or middle class and conservative, you have a screw or two missing.

If you are rich then we don't claim to be better than you we claim that you are a greedy fuck who's selfish to the core.

Conservatives hate government so they hate it anytime the government has to be the solution to a problem. Global Warming for example. We need our government to pass laws so citizens recycle and corporations clean up their act and we move toward green energy. This is why republicans hate admitting global warming is real and man made because they know you can't just ask and hope people stop pollutting. They won't. The government has to regulate it, and that kills Republicans.
Liberals cannot even fathom the meaning of 'greedy".....Your version is that anyone who believes what they earn this THEIRS, is greedy. I don't owe you a fucking thing. Get that straight. I owe you NOTHING.
Define "green energy"...Then explain how it would be practical in terms of today and for the next couple of centuries. Offer examples of technology currently available today which can take the place of fossil fuels that would seamlessly permit the commerce to operate as it does right now.
More concepts coming out of the Liberal Mind..
1. The 40-hour work week.
2. Weekends
3. Vacations
4. Women’s Voting Rights
5. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
6. The right of people of all colors to use schools and facilities.
7. Public schools.
8. Child-labor laws.
9. The right to unionize
10. Health care benefits
11. National Parks
12. National Forests
13. Interstate Highway System
14. GI Bill
15. Labor Laws/Worker’s Rights
16. Marshall Plan
17. FDA
18. Direct election of Senators by the people.
19. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workplace safety laws
20. Social Security

8211 150 Achievements Of Liberalism That Conservatives Seek To Destroy

There is a whole study done on poor and middle class people who vote for the rich and against social security and medicare and they called it something like the "Lottery Mentality"

In other words those people imagine one day they might strike it rich and they wouldn't want to be taxed heavily so the reasons have to do with ignorance as well as greed. A lot of people have been taught that it should be eery man for himself, not a community where we are all in this together. They like survival of the fittest, government stay out, do not metal, do not regulate. Especially the Libertarians. THey are anarchists.
Genius..We are NOT in anything together. No one else is going to pay my bills. And nor should they. They are not supposed to be responsible for me. And I certainly do not want some bureaucrat telling me I am responsible for someone else. I have my own problems.
Now, if you think you have the resources to be your brother's or sister's keeper, write a check. But don't you dare tell me I must do the same. I have my own problems.

No kidding, we are not in this together. Some Mexican gang-banger qualified to be an American and now he and I are blood brothers, I'm supposed to care about him, sacrifice for him? Not even close. I wouldn't sacrifice one penny that goes to my family to help that guy, that stranger, that foreigner. I'm not in anything with him.

Liberals wanted a multicultural society, they got it, and what they gave up is the community they used to have.
More concepts coming out of the Liberal Mind..
1. The 40-hour work week.
2. Weekends
3. Vacations
4. Women’s Voting Rights
5. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
6. The right of people of all colors to use schools and facilities.
7. Public schools.
8. Child-labor laws.
9. The right to unionize
10. Health care benefits
11. National Parks
12. National Forests
13. Interstate Highway System
14. GI Bill
15. Labor Laws/Worker’s Rights
16. Marshall Plan
17. FDA
18. Direct election of Senators by the people.
19. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workplace safety laws
20. Social Security

8211 150 Achievements Of Liberalism That Conservatives Seek To Destroy

There is a whole study done on poor and middle class people who vote for the rich and against social security and medicare and they called it something like the "Lottery Mentality"

In other words those people imagine one day they might strike it rich and they wouldn't want to be taxed heavily so the reasons have to do with ignorance as well as greed. A lot of people have been taught that it should be eery man for himself, not a community where we are all in this together. They like survival of the fittest, government stay out, do not metal, do not regulate. Especially the Libertarians. THey are anarchists.
Genius..We are NOT in anything together. No one else is going to pay my bills. And nor should they. They are not supposed to be responsible for me. And I certainly do not want some bureaucrat telling me I am responsible for someone else. I have my own problems.
Now, if you think you have the resources to be your brother's or sister's keeper, write a check. But don't you dare tell me I must do the same. I have my own problems.

You wouldn't have so many problems if you weren't an island.

OMG, I was trying to find something that would explain how yes we are all in this together and I found your position on THE ONION!

Like Hell We re All In This Together The Onion - America s Finest News Source

Yes we are all in this together. See, this is the problem with NAFTA and international corporations. The rich in America don't think they need us anymore. They can get it cheaper somewhere else.

Well guess what jackass? We will tax your company accordingly. If you aren't hiring American workers then we will tariff your imports. No more hiding your money in the Caymen or Canada like BK.

Yes, you got rich in America, where you went to a good public school, and your parents could afford it because their companies back then paid well and healthcare was affordable and so was college.

Either your dad was in a union or worked for a company that was afraid it's employees would unionize so they paid wages comparable to union wages. Today unions are gone, so companies aren't worried about the competition.

Americans are stupid. Most of the right wingers I'm arguing with are either poor or middle class.
If you had ANY of the Founding Fathers in government today, you would run shrieking in horror to the nearest fainting couch. They would probably be fomenting revolution from prison.

Yes things change. It was the Republicans that freed the slaves. That doesn't make the GOP today the party for black people today. There is a long history after the Civil war where the GOP lost the black vote. Republicans want to forget that history when they say Lincoln freed the slaves.

And Reagan would be run out of the GOP today for being a flaming liberal. That's how far to the right the GOP has gone. A moderate Republican today is still too extreme.

And there are no moderate democrats.

I actually don't think there are enough left wing democrats. Sure they're left on social issues bfd. I want them to be pro union, increase minimum wage, social security and medicare and Obamacare. Instead today's Democrats toe the line on the concept that "we don't have the money". Well we did before all the Bush tax breaks. Hell, they gave corporations tax breaks for moving overseas. Why would our government do that? Maybe because it isn't our government anymore.

If you mean Global Warming I think anyone that denies GW isn't fit to be a politician and should be impeached for stupidity.

What are you?
Notice how every one of your concepts involves the taking of assets from one and giving them to another.
Unions are DEAD. At latest count 6.7% pf private sector workers are members of labor collectives. While public sector workers are represented in a greater percentage, there is a developing revolt by taxpayer groups to rein in these out of control unions. They will be eliminated or at least brought under control. Taxpayers need relief.
The minimum wage is simply a ploy by democrat operatives to solidify a voting base.
Global warming is a myth. So much so that the GW people had to change the name of their cause to climate change. Any person with a bit of intelligence is aware that the Earth's climate is cyclical.
Most jobs "sent overseas" are entry level customer service jobs. The main reason....American consumers demand 24 hour availability of service.
Companies "move" their headquarters off shore to avoid the confiscatory 35% corp tax rate here.

Unions will come back. Funny they are strong in other countries still. But America is the heart/start of unions so they destroyed them here first, almost, and they will do it to the workers of other countries too in the future for sure.

Class warfare exists. Don't act like it doesn't. And social engineering occurs too whether you like it or not. Governments set the tax rates, wages, etc. The rich have been trying to take over our country from the minute it was founded. Thank god our founders knew to not let the aristocracy rule. But they didn't give up. For hundreds of years they've been slowly but surely taking over our democracy.

They didn't count on the Roosevelts, Kennedys, Carter or Obama. They were able to deal with Clinton. He was the great triangulator.

But Reagan and GW Bush really fucked over the American people. Makes me sick my union dad wants to dig reagan up and blow him he loves that guy so much. He didn't realize that 10 years from now Reagans policies would start to destroy the middle class.

My dad knows Bush sucked but he loved him some Reagan. He was a great actor. Really sold us down the river. May he rot.
Unions will come back? How do you expect to unring that bell? No cupcake, unions have burned too many bridges.
Class warfare is a political tool created by the left. Quite frankly is an exercise in futility. Even if democrats who campaign under this nonsense win their respective elections, they nor anyone else can do anything about those who are less fortunate. They have had over 70 years of welfare state programs that were supposed to eliminate poverty. All that has happened is the creation of a permanent underclass of people who have been programmed to believe they are owed a check every month.
Social engineering is garbage. It has made things worse by herding people into groups and then pitting them against each other. Your posts prove that out.
You haven't the ability to look at the typical man/woman on the street and immediately label them and conceptualize which groups to which you believe they belong. You do not see a "person"....

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