Guide To The Liberal Mind

I wondered what that "King" shit was...Sallow used it earlier...I guess you get the same talking points.

So you have no clue who King George III was? The villain of the DoI?

Thanks for proving the point about the sheer ignorance of the extreme right.
I wondered what that "King" shit was...Sallow used it earlier...I guess you get the same talking points.

So you have no clue who King George III was? The villain of the DoI?

Thanks for proving the point about the sheer ignorance of the extreme right.
You know how to google, ehhhh?

Your lack of an education is not my problem. Perhaps you should complain to your parents for home schooling you instead of allowing to attend a real school with professional teachers.
I wondered what that "King" shit was...Sallow used it earlier...I guess you get the same talking points.

So you have no clue who King George III was? The villain of the DoI?

Thanks for proving the point about the sheer ignorance of the extreme right.
You know how to google, ehhhh?

Your lack of an education is not my problem. Perhaps you should complain to your parents for home schooling you instead of allowing to attend a real school with professional teachers.

Professional communists.
There are different kinds of liberalism. One should not assume that those who consider themselves to be liberals agree on everything, or even most things.

I am liberal on most economic issues. I believe that the economic policies of John Maynard Keynes ended the Great Depression, and that America's retreat from Keynesian economic policies, which began during the Reagan administration, is responsible for the fact that recessions have gotten deeper and longer, that we have what are called "jobless recoveries," and that economic growth increasingly goes to capital, rather than labor.

I believe that man made global warming is a serious problem that can only be curbed by restraints on economic growth and private property rights.

At the same time, I have always disliked the sexual revolution. I believe that it is the reason for the increase in single parent homes, and that children raised to adulthood by both parents living together in matrimony tend to do much better in life.

I am disappointed with the results of the civil rights legislation, and have come reluctantly do believe that racial differences in ability levels and behavior are significant, innate, and the result of evolving in response to different population pressures for thousands of years.

I believe that nature is more important than nurture, that crime is a genetic inclination, and that the criminal justice system should get and keep criminals off of the streets, and out of the gene pool.

Generally speaking, I am reactionary on social issues, but I am in favor of legal abortion. I agree with the book Freakonomics that the increase in abortion that followed the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision is largely responsible for the decline in the rate of violent crime that has happened after 1991. Since the Roe decision, many more potential criminals have been aborted than potential nice guys.

You get the quote of the day award. While I disagree with your Keynsian economics, you elucidate your positions very well. Thank you for your post.

Thank you.

Keynsian economic policies raised taxes on the rich, while encouraging their employees to join labor unions. That is probably why you dislike Keynsianism.

Nevertheless, "Since 1900, the Dow has averaged a 7.8% annual gain under Democratic presidents, compared with a 3% annual gain under Republicans, WSJ reported earlier this year."
What an Obama Win May Mean for Stocks - MarketBeat - WSJ

When he wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1847 Karl Marx pointed out that the natural tendency of capitalism is to concentrate wealth at the top, where it stagnates. By spreading the wealth around, Keynsian economic policies contribute to more economic growth, and more job creation.
There are different kinds of liberalism. One should not assume that those who consider themselves to be liberals agree on everything, or even most things.

I am liberal on most economic issues. I believe that the economic policies of John Maynard Keynes ended the Great Depression, and that America's retreat from Keynesian economic policies, which began during the Reagan administration, is responsible for the fact that recessions have gotten deeper and longer, that we have what are called "jobless recoveries," and that economic growth increasingly goes to capital, rather than labor.

I believe that man made global warming is a serious problem that can only be curbed by restraints on economic growth and private property rights.

At the same time, I have always disliked the sexual revolution. I believe that it is the reason for the increase in single parent homes, and that children raised to adulthood by both parents living together in matrimony tend to do much better in life.

I am disappointed with the results of the civil rights legislation, and have come reluctantly do believe that racial differences in ability levels and behavior are significant, innate, and the result of evolving in response to different population pressures for thousands of years.

I believe that nature is more important than nurture, that crime is a genetic inclination, and that the criminal justice system should get and keep criminals off of the streets, and out of the gene pool.

Generally speaking, I am reactionary on social issues, but I am in favor of legal abortion. I agree with the book Freakonomics that the increase in abortion that followed the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision is largely responsible for the decline in the rate of violent crime that has happened after 1991. Since the Roe decision, many more potential criminals have been aborted than potential nice guys.
Otherwise you are a socialist.

I believe that a dictatorship is an inappropriate government for a socialist economy. While democratic socialism has been a popular ideal internationally for over a century, it has never existed anywhere. There I am skeptical that it can work. Social democracy exists and works. I favor a well financed public sector of the economy paid for by imposing a very heavy tax burden on the well to do. I favor a high minimum wage, and strong labor unions.
Liberals founded this nation

What were they thinking?
There you go lying again.

Our founding fathers were the leading LIBERALS of their day

CONSERVATIVES supported the king

Conservatives, being pro authoritarian, will probably never rebel I don't care how many guns they hoard, or rant on about the 2nd Amendment. Look at the occupy wall street movement. This infuriated conservatives and they were screaming for the occupiers heads. I agree, conservatives would have probably been siding with the British back in those days.

They did

As usual, Conservatives followed the money. The money was with the crown

It was the liberals who took a chance on forming a new country
More concepts out of a Liberal Mind

1. Abolition of slavery
2. Womens rights
3. Civil rights
4. Environmental protection
5. Gay rights
6. Worker protection
7. Domestic violence laws
8. Universal Healthcare
9. Social Security

Liberals were against freeing slaves and granting equal rights to minorities. Their environmental protection is the excuse behind wealth redistribution. Social security likely won't be there for future generations. Obamacare sucks. The left believes they are the only ones who care about worker safety, women's rights and domestic violence. It's almost laughable. Liberal judges tend to be softer on crime.
More concepts out of a Liberal Mind

1. Abolition of slavery
2. Womens rights
3. Civil rights
4. Environmental protection
5. Gay rights
6. Worker protection
7. Domestic violence laws
8. Universal Healthcare
9. Social Security

Liberals were against freeing slaves and granting equal rights to minorities. Their environmental protection is the excuse behind wealth redistribution. Social security likely won't be there for future generations. Obamacare sucks. The left believes they are the only ones who care about worker safety, women's rights and domestic violence. It's almost laughable. Liberal judges tend to be softer on crime.

More concepts out of a Liberal Mind

1. Abolition of slavery
2. Womens rights
3. Civil rights
4. Environmental protection
5. Gay rights
6. Worker protection
7. Domestic violence laws
8. Universal Healthcare
9. Social Security

Liberals were against freeing slaves and granting equal rights to minorities. Their environmental protection is the excuse behind wealth redistribution. Social security likely won't be there for future generations. Obamacare sucks. The left believes they are the only ones who care about worker safety, women's rights and domestic violence. It's almost laughable. Liberal judges tend to be softer on crime.

Somehow I suspect you are unable to differentiate between a liberal and a 19th century. Democrat

Let me guess? Home schooled?
I've been thinking of writing a book on this. I think it would make an excellent read and would shed some insight into the workings of the typical liberal mind. Once was the time these afflicted people represented such a small and insignificant number of Americans it wasn't worth the bother, but they now seem to dominate the political landscape. Some have said Liberalism is a mental disorder and perhaps they are correct. I am not as concerned with a diagnosis as I am with a cure. I believe the secret to finding a cure is through a clearer understanding of how their minds work.

The first thing to remember is, they cannot help their condition, as a matter of fact, they are not even aware they have a condition. From the liberal's perspective, they are completely normal and their ideas are totally valid. They view those of us who are not liberal as the ones with the problem. We are often seen as greedy, uncaring and bigoted, simply because we do not accept the liberal ideology. They believe there is simply no hope for us until we become indoctrinated into the liberal philosophy.

In the liberal's mind, they were put here on this earth to solve all the world's problems through liberal initiatives. Only the liberal's initiatives will ultimately work, all other ideas are inadequate solutions. It does not matter about results. This is an important aspect to remember. The liberal will always discover reasons why their liberal initiatives fail and it usually involves those of us who are not liberal and our not going along with their liberal approach. If only the entire world were liberal, all the problems could be resolved and everyone would be happy.

Here's how it works: The Liberal sees a "problem" ...even if there is really no problem at all. You can try to explain how this "problem" is just a normal aspect of life, but to the liberal, you are wrong... it's a problem, a very real and urgent problem that needs to be fixed by their ingenious liberal solution. You can try to reason with them about this "problem" and how their solution is not going to ever fix it, but in their minds, you are just being a greedy and selfish bigot, as everyone who is not a liberal always is.

So they push for a liberal solution to the so-called problem, relentlessly, endlessly, through the media, through entertainment, through academia. Eventually, given enough time, they will convince enough people there is actually a problem that needs fixing. This could take years, or maybe even decades, but that's okay because it's what the liberal does. They exist for the cause. To fight the good fight. It doesn't matter if it takes a century to convince the masses, they are determined.

Once the public seemingly accepts there is a problem, the liberal then begins the push for the liberal solution to the problem. Most of the time, this involves some form of government action, a stiff regulation or restriction, a fine or tax on those who are successful, or a redistribution of wealth from one group to another. We need a new agency of the government to address this problem, we need massive amounts of funding, we need thousands of new laws and legislation passed. The solutions are never simple or easy, they always involve massive expansion of government and massive amounts of tax dollars devoted to the problem.

In spite of all those who fought against their proposals telling them how their plans would not work to resolve the problem, when they ultimately get all the things they set out to get and the problem is not fixed, the blame is always cast upon those who opposed them. It's never ever because the liberal solution was stupid or the problem could never be fixed, it's always because the greedy bigoted meanies on the right were opposed. Not enough funding was appropriated, we didn't do enough of the liberal idea, too many compromises had to be made. When the abject failure of their plan is so awful it can't be excused by lack of funding, etc., they will even attempt to claim the solution was not their idea at all, it was their adversaries who pushed this on us, and they were always opposed to it.

Likewise, whenever their so-called "solutions" to the "problem" end up creating an even bigger problem, they find a way to blame that on the ones who opposed them as well. A great example of this is what recently happened with the housing and financial sectors crashing and causing a recession. The liberal "problem" was that so many poor people could never afford to buy a new home and live the American Dream. They pushed and prodded for years and years until they finally had a consensus of lawmakers who passed a series of initiatives to help poor families get low-interest loans to buy homes. In spite of all the warnings this wasn't a good idea because poor people wouldn't be able to afford the payments, it was passed into law amid the glee of the liberals who saw it as a major victory at the time. The result was catastrophic. As the poor people defaulted on their loans, banks and lending institutions began to collapse, and the housing bubble burst. Now, who do the liberals blame? George W. Bush and the Republicans, of course!

Another prime example is the Student Loan program. Years ago, a bunch of liberals were on a mission to solve another "problem" that wasn't really a problem but a fact of life. Too many poor people couldn't afford to pay for college. So they pushed and prodded, called people names, cajoled politicians, lobbied and protested until they got their liberal solution, a government-backed student loan program. Those "greedy selfish bigots" who opposed their liberal solution had warned the result would be an exorbitant increase in the cost of education. Guess what has happened? Of course, as the cost of education increased, the liberal solution was to simply keep increasing the amount of student loans which could be available. And now... we hear the laments from the liberals.... people can't afford to repay their student loans! Something MUST be done, and it HAS to be a liberal solution because nothing else will ever work!

On and on I could go with this. Environmental "problems" that required the liberal solutions restricting our energy sector and the high prices of energy we now face as we've become increasingly dependent on foreign sources. Social entitlement programs that have utterly failed to bring people out of poverty in spite of TRILLIONS we've spent. Choking and stifling corporate taxation which has resulted in less and less jobs in the manufacturing sector and more and more corporations turning to offshore solutions to remain viable. An education system that simply no longer functions to educate. A health care system that no longer functions as it was intended. And when you talk to the liberal about these real problems, they look at you with Nancy Pelosi eyes and blame all of the problems on the evil and greedy right and their capitalist billionaires.

The Liberal exists to trot out NEW liberal solutions to the problems they helped create. More liberal solutions that will not work, will not fix the problems and will ultimately require even MORE liberal solutions in the future. And they honestly believe, in their heart of hearts, if we all got on board and thought like liberals, these "problems" could all be fixed and everything would be great in America.
How can a guide be written to something that does not exist.
I've been thinking of writing a book on this. I think it would make an excellent read and would shed some insight into the workings of the typical liberal mind. Once was the time these afflicted people represented such a small and insignificant number of Americans it wasn't worth the bother, but they now seem to dominate the political landscape. Some have said Liberalism is a mental disorder and perhaps they are correct. I am not as concerned with a diagnosis as I am with a cure. I believe the secret to finding a cure is through a clearer understanding of how their minds work.

The first thing to remember is, they cannot help their condition, as a matter of fact, they are not even aware they have a condition. From the liberal's perspective, they are completely normal and their ideas are totally valid. They view those of us who are not liberal as the ones with the problem. We are often seen as greedy, uncaring and bigoted, simply because we do not accept the liberal ideology. They believe there is simply no hope for us until we become indoctrinated into the liberal philosophy.

In the liberal's mind, they were put here on this earth to solve all the world's problems through liberal initiatives. Only the liberal's initiatives will ultimately work, all other ideas are inadequate solutions. It does not matter about results. This is an important aspect to remember. The liberal will always discover reasons why their liberal initiatives fail and it usually involves those of us who are not liberal and our not going along with their liberal approach. If only the entire world were liberal, all the problems could be resolved and everyone would be happy.

Here's how it works: The Liberal sees a "problem" ...even if there is really no problem at all. You can try to explain how this "problem" is just a normal aspect of life, but to the liberal, you are wrong... it's a problem, a very real and urgent problem that needs to be fixed by their ingenious liberal solution. You can try to reason with them about this "problem" and how their solution is not going to ever fix it, but in their minds, you are just being a greedy and selfish bigot, as everyone who is not a liberal always is.

So they push for a liberal solution to the so-called problem, relentlessly, endlessly, through the media, through entertainment, through academia. Eventually, given enough time, they will convince enough people there is actually a problem that needs fixing. This could take years, or maybe even decades, but that's okay because it's what the liberal does. They exist for the cause. To fight the good fight. It doesn't matter if it takes a century to convince the masses, they are determined.

Once the public seemingly accepts there is a problem, the liberal then begins the push for the liberal solution to the problem. Most of the time, this involves some form of government action, a stiff regulation or restriction, a fine or tax on those who are successful, or a redistribution of wealth from one group to another. We need a new agency of the government to address this problem, we need massive amounts of funding, we need thousands of new laws and legislation passed. The solutions are never simple or easy, they always involve massive expansion of government and massive amounts of tax dollars devoted to the problem.

In spite of all those who fought against their proposals telling them how their plans would not work to resolve the problem, when they ultimately get all the things they set out to get and the problem is not fixed, the blame is always cast upon those who opposed them. It's never ever because the liberal solution was stupid or the problem could never be fixed, it's always because the greedy bigoted meanies on the right were opposed. Not enough funding was appropriated, we didn't do enough of the liberal idea, too many compromises had to be made. When the abject failure of their plan is so awful it can't be excused by lack of funding, etc., they will even attempt to claim the solution was not their idea at all, it was their adversaries who pushed this on us, and they were always opposed to it.

Likewise, whenever their so-called "solutions" to the "problem" end up creating an even bigger problem, they find a way to blame that on the ones who opposed them as well. A great example of this is what recently happened with the housing and financial sectors crashing and causing a recession. The liberal "problem" was that so many poor people could never afford to buy a new home and live the American Dream. They pushed and prodded for years and years until they finally had a consensus of lawmakers who passed a series of initiatives to help poor families get low-interest loans to buy homes. In spite of all the warnings this wasn't a good idea because poor people wouldn't be able to afford the payments, it was passed into law amid the glee of the liberals who saw it as a major victory at the time. The result was catastrophic. As the poor people defaulted on their loans, banks and lending institutions began to collapse, and the housing bubble burst. Now, who do the liberals blame? George W. Bush and the Republicans, of course!

Another prime example is the Student Loan program. Years ago, a bunch of liberals were on a mission to solve another "problem" that wasn't really a problem but a fact of life. Too many poor people couldn't afford to pay for college. So they pushed and prodded, called people names, cajoled politicians, lobbied and protested until they got their liberal solution, a government-backed student loan program. Those "greedy selfish bigots" who opposed their liberal solution had warned the result would be an exorbitant increase in the cost of education. Guess what has happened? Of course, as the cost of education increased, the liberal solution was to simply keep increasing the amount of student loans which could be available. And now... we hear the laments from the liberals.... people can't afford to repay their student loans! Something MUST be done, and it HAS to be a liberal solution because nothing else will ever work!

On and on I could go with this. Environmental "problems" that required the liberal solutions restricting our energy sector and the high prices of energy we now face as we've become increasingly dependent on foreign sources. Social entitlement programs that have utterly failed to bring people out of poverty in spite of TRILLIONS we've spent. Choking and stifling corporate taxation which has resulted in less and less jobs in the manufacturing sector and more and more corporations turning to offshore solutions to remain viable. An education system that simply no longer functions to educate. A health care system that no longer functions as it was intended. And when you talk to the liberal about these real problems, they look at you with Nancy Pelosi eyes and blame all of the problems on the evil and greedy right and their capitalist billionaires.

The Liberal exists to trot out NEW liberal solutions to the problems they helped create. More liberal solutions that will not work, will not fix the problems and will ultimately require even MORE liberal solutions in the future. And they honestly believe, in their heart of hearts, if we all got on board and thought like liberals, these "problems" could all be fixed and everything would be great in America.

I already pre-ordered it on Amazon. Amazing what a real website can do. The Liberal Obama website, which cost over $1Billion couldn't process a pre-order and would have no way of telling me or anyone if I actually bought the product
That's 3.5 Trillion...
To write a book on the mind, don't you have to have one first?
That resp[onse right there is the reason why such an idea must be explored.
Liberalism is not known for thought. It is steeped in emotion. This is why liberals begin a point with "I feel"...Not "I think"...
Liberals constantly hammer on "compassion"....THEIR version of compassion....Compassion is a human emotion....Liberal compassion is always tied to finance. It always begins in someone else's bank account. Never their own.
Ask a lib about an issue or cause with which they "feel" is important, and the first thing they trot out is "how do we tax people ( other than ourselves) to make sure everyone else is mandated to participate".
The liberal brain is made from decades of inbreeding between close relatives and some monkeys thrown in there too.
Liberals founded this nation

What were they thinking?

Oh yeah, then why didn't they make provisions for homosexuals to marry, for special programs to advantage blacks, for welfare for single mothers, for "liberals" to dig up dead people and allow them to vote, etc, all key liberal beliefs?
Anyway, the GOP way doesn't work. Their way the rich control 90% and we 10%. A great society doesn't work that way. They need to give back what they stole. The rich have been taking over our government since Reagan and its time we take the country back. Undo citizens united.

Go search the Reaganism thread and you'll see that the GOP way works better than the alternative way that European nations have followed since 1981.

Secondly, keeping more of what you earn is not stealing.

Thirdly, it's nice to see you honestly arguing your religion for once.

1. Seems only yesterday you, McCain and Romney were saying the illegals were only here doing "jobs Americans won't do". It was 2007.

2. Do the Westborough Baptists & KKK Christian churches down south represent Christianity? How about the Christian Cult in China who killed the woman just because she wouldn't give them her telephone number and convert? Do Christians take credit for them?

Then shut the fuck up on that one.

3. Clinton handed Bush a surplus, what'd he do with it? Exactly. What did Bush hand Obama? And considering the opposition, I'd say Obama has done all he can and a pretty darn good job too if you ask me.

Why are you defending Muslims? Weren't you pretending to be an Atheist in another thread?

There was no Clinton Surplus. You've bought the Democratic Kool-Aid propaganda.
Liberals founded this nation

What were they thinking?

Oh yeah, then why didn't they make provisions for homosexuals to marry, for special programs to advantage blacks, for welfare for single mothers, for "liberals" to dig up dead people and allow them to vote, etc, all key liberal beliefs?

We are getting there on gay marriage......conservatives will once again be on the wrong side of history

Single mothers are victims of deadbeat fathers

Dead people only exist in conservative fantasies
To write a book on the mind, don't you have to have one first?

Not only do you need a mind but the ability to write coherently would be an essential requirement too.

But this does raise an interesting question. Why do those least qualified to write on a topic believe that they should tackle the subject matter? Isn't one of the basic premises that books are written by those who actually have a grasp of the subject matter concerned? Instead we have clueless buffoons who believe that they are "experts" spouting utter gibberish to their equally uninformed audiences.

The OP should start with something more within his own range of "expertise". The 'Dummy's Guide to Pretentious Obliviousness' would be an appropriate topic for the OP since that covers all of his threads to date.
I think he can write a chapter or two on how liberals think they're smarter than everyone else. Make sure to use lots of big words so they''ll be impressed.

The extreme right derides education because it cannot compete. Their low self esteem is their problem. Ignorance can be cured through education but stupidity is a life sentence.

Only a liberal could write a position which is self-refuting. Liberals complain that the Right can't compete while at the same time complaining that the Right has won the economic competition and has too much money.

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