Guide To The Liberal Mind

Why are you guys so blind when it comes to US Muslims? You told the same lies after 9-11. "Muslims NEVER condemn terrorism"

CAIR Condemns ISIS Violence and Rejects Calls to Join Extremists Fighting Abroad - CAIR

American Muslims view the actions of ISIS as un-Islamic and morally repugnant. No religion condones the murder of civilians, the beheading of religious scholars or the desecration of houses of worship. We condemn the actions of ISIS and reject its assertion that all Muslims are required to pay allegiance to its leader.
"CAIR strongly urges American imams and other community leaders to continue to speak out against American Muslims traveling abroad to join extremist groups and sectarian militias. While ISIS uses romanticized imagery in its propaganda materials, its human rights abuses on the ground are well-documented."

I never said never. However I do not see it being widespread. The VAST majority of Christian groups castigate the Westboro klan. The same cannot be said for Islamic groups and ISIS, CAIR, Hamas, etc.

CAIR is the unindicted co-conspirator to the to various terror-finance schemes? They talk about peace, but then help fund Hamas (and various other terror groups).
Why are you guys so blind when it comes to US Muslims? You told the same lies after 9-11. "Muslims NEVER condemn terrorism"

CAIR Condemns ISIS Violence and Rejects Calls to Join Extremists Fighting Abroad - CAIR

American Muslims view the actions of ISIS as un-Islamic and morally repugnant. No religion condones the murder of civilians, the beheading of religious scholars or the desecration of houses of worship. We condemn the actions of ISIS and reject its assertion that all Muslims are required to pay allegiance to its leader.
"CAIR strongly urges American imams and other community leaders to continue to speak out against American Muslims traveling abroad to join extremist groups and sectarian militias. While ISIS uses romanticized imagery in its propaganda materials, its human rights abuses on the ground are well-documented."

I never said never. However I do not see it being widespread. The VAST majority of Christian groups castigate the Westboro klan. The same cannot be said for Islamic groups and ISIS, CAIR, Hamas, etc.

CAIR is the unindicted co-conspirator to the to various terror-finance schemes? They talk about peace, but then help fund Hamas (and various other terror groups).

You are a prejudiced, sick fucker

Your turn me a SINGLE quote from a US Muslim mosque supporting ISIS

Just one
Why are you guys so blind when it comes to US Muslims? You told the same lies after 9-11. "Muslims NEVER condemn terrorism"

CAIR Condemns ISIS Violence and Rejects Calls to Join Extremists Fighting Abroad - CAIR

American Muslims view the actions of ISIS as un-Islamic and morally repugnant. No religion condones the murder of civilians, the beheading of religious scholars or the desecration of houses of worship. We condemn the actions of ISIS and reject its assertion that all Muslims are required to pay allegiance to its leader.
"CAIR strongly urges American imams and other community leaders to continue to speak out against American Muslims traveling abroad to join extremist groups and sectarian militias. While ISIS uses romanticized imagery in its propaganda materials, its human rights abuses on the ground are well-documented."

I never said never. However I do not see it being widespread. The VAST majority of Christian groups castigate the Westboro klan. The same cannot be said for Islamic groups and ISIS, CAIR, Hamas, etc.

CAIR is the unindicted co-conspirator to the to various terror-finance schemes? They talk about peace, but then help fund Hamas (and various other terror groups).
Westboro doesn't cut people's heads off......
Your logical fallacy is Strawman.

You misrepresented someone's argument to make it easier to attack.

By exaggerating, misrepresenting, or just completely fabricating someone's argument, it's much easier to present your own position as being reasonable, but this kind of dishonesty serves to undermine honest rational debate.
Your logical fallacy is strawman


No one can claim to understand a point of view unless that person can express that point of view in such a way that those who have the point of view would agree that the expression is an accurate description of the way they think.
There are different kinds of liberalism. One should not assume that those who consider themselves to be liberals agree on everything, or even most things.

I am liberal on most economic issues. I believe that the economic policies of John Maynard Keynes ended the Great Depression, and that America's retreat from Keynesian economic policies, which began during the Reagan administration, is responsible for the fact that recessions have gotten deeper and longer, that we have what are called "jobless recoveries," and that economic growth increasingly goes to capital, rather than labor.

I believe that man made global warming is a serious problem that can only be curbed by restraints on economic growth and private property rights.

At the same time, I have always disliked the sexual revolution. I believe that it is the reason for the increase in single parent homes, and that children raised to adulthood by both parents living together in matrimony tend to do much better in life.

I am disappointed with the results of the civil rights legislation, and have come reluctantly do believe that racial differences in ability levels and behavior are significant, innate, and the result of evolving in response to different population pressures for thousands of years.

I believe that nature is more important than nurture, that crime is a genetic inclination, and that the criminal justice system should get and keep criminals off of the streets, and out of the gene pool.

Generally speaking, I am reactionary on social issues, but I am in favor of legal abortion. I agree with the book Freakonomics that the increase in abortion that followed the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision is largely responsible for the decline in the rate of violent crime that has happened after 1991. Since the Roe decision, many more potential criminals have been aborted than potential nice guys.
To write a book on the mind, don't you have to have one first?

Not only do you need a mind but the ability to write coherently would be an essential requirement too.

But this does raise an interesting question. Why do those least qualified to write on a topic believe that they should tackle the subject matter? Isn't one of the basic premises that books are written by those who actually have a grasp of the subject matter concerned? Instead we have clueless buffoons who believe that they are "experts" spouting utter gibberish to their equally uninformed audiences.

The OP should start with something more within his own range of "expertise". The 'Dummy's Guide to Pretentious Obliviousness' would be an appropriate topic for the OP since that covers all of his threads to date.
I think he can write a chapter or two on how liberals think they're smarter than everyone else.

We are. If you are poor or middle class and conservative, you have a screw or two missing.

If you are rich then we don't claim to be better than you we claim that you are a greedy fuck who's selfish to the core.

Conservatives hate government so they hate it anytime the government has to be the solution to a problem. Global Warming for example. We need our government to pass laws so citizens recycle and corporations clean up their act and we move toward green energy. This is why republicans hate admitting global warming is real and man made because they know you can't just ask and hope people stop pollutting. They won't. The government has to regulate it, and that kills Republicans.

The government has proven time and again that the do everything in a less efficient manner and in a more expensive way.
Facts not in evidence!

Medicare overhead is less than 5%. The private HMO's are 20%.

Fire departments, police departments and courts are way more efficient and effective than depending upon privatized fire, police and courts.

Highways and roads are maintained more efficiently and effectively by governments than private corporations.
Also, Democrats lie. It's the only thing they're any good at.

Ironic given the evidence of the Republicans who lie to the nation in order to wage war that costs taxpayers trillions.
To write a book on the mind, don't you have to have one first?

Not only do you need a mind but the ability to write coherently would be an essential requirement too.

But this does raise an interesting question. Why do those least qualified to write on a topic believe that they should tackle the subject matter? Isn't one of the basic premises that books are written by those who actually have a grasp of the subject matter concerned? Instead we have clueless buffoons who believe that they are "experts" spouting utter gibberish to their equally uninformed audiences.

The OP should start with something more within his own range of "expertise". The 'Dummy's Guide to Pretentious Obliviousness' would be an appropriate topic for the OP since that covers all of his threads to date.
I think he can write a chapter or two on how liberals think they're smarter than everyone else. Make sure to use lots of big words so they''ll be impressed.

The extreme right derides education because it cannot compete. Their low self esteem is their problem. Ignorance can be cured through education but stupidity is a life sentence.
Ignorance can be taught.

I agree, just listen to right wing Hate AM and watch FauxNews.
To write a book on the mind, don't you have to have one first?

Not only do you need a mind but the ability to write coherently would be an essential requirement too.

But this does raise an interesting question. Why do those least qualified to write on a topic believe that they should tackle the subject matter? Isn't one of the basic premises that books are written by those who actually have a grasp of the subject matter concerned? Instead we have clueless buffoons who believe that they are "experts" spouting utter gibberish to their equally uninformed audiences.

The OP should start with something more within his own range of "expertise". The 'Dummy's Guide to Pretentious Obliviousness' would be an appropriate topic for the OP since that covers all of his threads to date.
I think he can write a chapter or two on how liberals think they're smarter than everyone else. Make sure to use lots of big words so they''ll be impressed.

You seem to feel inadequate about your fluency with written English.
You are a prejudiced, sick fucker

Your turn me a SINGLE quote from a US Muslim mosque supporting ISIS

Just one

The OP can add this to his liberals typically turn discussions and disagreements personal.

I doubt I'm an prejudiced than anyone else. As to being a "sick fucker" or "asshole"...well, those names belong in the kindergarden playground. Try to grow up just a wee-little-bit.

I haven't looked, but I doubt anyone could find a US mosque who declares public support for ISIS. However public support isn't what this discussion was about. This discussion was about public denouncements. Christians publicly denounce the Westboro Klan. All of them do. Openly and repeatedly. Furthermore, if you go into the services, they do so privately as well.

Yes, CAIR has issued a statement that they disagee with ISIS, however they openly support Hamas and other terrorist organizations.

My moderate Muslim friends say they fear any public reprisal to ISIS, CAIR, or other muslim organization. What is the penalty for renouncing Islam? What is the penalty for renouncing Christianity??

Big difference...
To write a book on the mind, don't you have to have one first?

Not only do you need a mind but the ability to write coherently would be an essential requirement too.

But this does raise an interesting question. Why do those least qualified to write on a topic believe that they should tackle the subject matter? Isn't one of the basic premises that books are written by those who actually have a grasp of the subject matter concerned? Instead we have clueless buffoons who believe that they are "experts" spouting utter gibberish to their equally uninformed audiences.

The OP should start with something more within his own range of "expertise". The 'Dummy's Guide to Pretentious Obliviousness' would be an appropriate topic for the OP since that covers all of his threads to date.
I think he can write a chapter or two on how liberals think they're smarter than everyone else.

We are. If you are poor or middle class and conservative, you have a screw or two missing.

If you are rich then we don't claim to be better than you we claim that you are a greedy fuck who's selfish to the core.

Conservatives hate government so they hate it anytime the government has to be the solution to a problem. Global Warming for example. We need our government to pass laws so citizens recycle and corporations clean up their act and we move toward green energy. This is why republicans hate admitting global warming is real and man made because they know you can't just ask and hope people stop pollutting. They won't. The government has to regulate it, and that kills Republicans.

The government has proven time and again that the do everything in a less efficient manner and in a more expensive way.
Facts not in evidence!

Medicare overhead is less than 5%. The private HMO's are 20%.

Fire departments, police departments and courts are way more efficient and effective than depending upon privatized fire, police and courts.

Highways and roads are maintained more efficiently and effectively by governments than private corporations.
Also, Democrats lie. It's the only thing they're any good at.

Ironic given the evidence of the Republicans who lie to the nation in order to wage war that costs taxpayers trillions.
Obviously you're in denial.
To write a book on the mind, don't you have to have one first?

Not only do you need a mind but the ability to write coherently would be an essential requirement too.

But this does raise an interesting question. Why do those least qualified to write on a topic believe that they should tackle the subject matter? Isn't one of the basic premises that books are written by those who actually have a grasp of the subject matter concerned? Instead we have clueless buffoons who believe that they are "experts" spouting utter gibberish to their equally uninformed audiences.

The OP should start with something more within his own range of "expertise". The 'Dummy's Guide to Pretentious Obliviousness' would be an appropriate topic for the OP since that covers all of his threads to date.
I think he can write a chapter or two on how liberals think they're smarter than everyone else. Make sure to use lots of big words so they''ll be impressed.

The extreme right derides education because it cannot compete. Their low self esteem is their problem. Ignorance can be cured through education but stupidity is a life sentence.
Ignorance can be taught.

I agree, just listen to right wing Hate AM and watch FauxNews.
Or been to college.

Why are so many college students so angry?

You should listen to them lately. And they don't seem to know anything.
You are a prejudiced, sick fucker

Your turn me a SINGLE quote from a US Muslim mosque supporting ISIS

Just one

The OP can add this to his liberals typically turn discussions and disagreements personal.

I doubt I'm an prejudiced than anyone else. As to being a "sick fucker" or "asshole"...well, those names belong in the kindergarden playground. Try to grow up just a wee-little-bit.

I haven't looked, but I doubt anyone could find a US mosque who declares public support for ISIS. However public support isn't what this discussion was about. This discussion was about public denouncements. Christians publicly denounce the Westboro Klan. All of them do. Openly and repeatedly. Furthermore, if you go into the services, they do so privately as well.

Yes, CAIR has issued a statement that they disagee with ISIS, however they openly support Hamas and other terrorist organizations.

My moderate Muslim friends say they fear any public reprisal to ISIS, CAIR, or other muslim organization. What is the penalty for renouncing Islam? What is the penalty for renouncing Christianity??

Big difference...

No, seriously

You are one sick fucker spreading your holier than thou Christian hate against American Muslims

American Muslims have done nothing but condemn terrorism and you post your hate that "They never speak out against terrorism"

You give all Christians a bad name
There are different kinds of liberalism. One should not assume that those who consider themselves to be liberals agree on everything, or even most things.

I am liberal on most economic issues. I believe that the economic policies of John Maynard Keynes ended the Great Depression, and that America's retreat from Keynesian economic policies, which began during the Reagan administration, is responsible for the fact that recessions have gotten deeper and longer, that we have what are called "jobless recoveries," and that economic growth increasingly goes to capital, rather than labor.

I believe that man made global warming is a serious problem that can only be curbed by restraints on economic growth and private property rights.

At the same time, I have always disliked the sexual revolution. I believe that it is the reason for the increase in single parent homes, and that children raised to adulthood by both parents living together in matrimony tend to do much better in life.

I am disappointed with the results of the civil rights legislation, and have come reluctantly do believe that racial differences in ability levels and behavior are significant, innate, and the result of evolving in response to different population pressures for thousands of years.

I believe that nature is more important than nurture, that crime is a genetic inclination, and that the criminal justice system should get and keep criminals off of the streets, and out of the gene pool.

Generally speaking, I am reactionary on social issues, but I am in favor of legal abortion. I agree with the book Freakonomics that the increase in abortion that followed the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision is largely responsible for the decline in the rate of violent crime that has happened after 1991. Since the Roe decision, many more potential criminals have been aborted than potential nice guys.

You get the quote of the day award. While I disagree with your Keynsian economics, you elucidate your positions very well. Thank you for your post.
To write a book on the mind, don't you have to have one first?

Not only do you need a mind but the ability to write coherently would be an essential requirement too.

But this does raise an interesting question. Why do those least qualified to write on a topic believe that they should tackle the subject matter? Isn't one of the basic premises that books are written by those who actually have a grasp of the subject matter concerned? Instead we have clueless buffoons who believe that they are "experts" spouting utter gibberish to their equally uninformed audiences.

The OP should start with something more within his own range of "expertise". The 'Dummy's Guide to Pretentious Obliviousness' would be an appropriate topic for the OP since that covers all of his threads to date.
I think he can write a chapter or two on how liberals think they're smarter than everyone else. Make sure to use lots of big words so they''ll be impressed.

You seem to feel inadequate about your fluency with written English.
Must have struck a nerve.

And no.

FIFTY people showed up. Out of a muslim population of over 40,000. Glad that at least 1 in 1,000 are moderate.

Again, go to a funeral of a U.S. Servicemen who is being protested by the Westboro klan. You will find HUNDREDS of patriot guard riders there to protect the family from them.

What do you want from them? How come I don't hear American Jews speaking out against the war crimes Israel is committing in the Gaza?

I am a Greek American. Do I have to speak out against Greece or you'll find me unpatriotic? I hate this unpatriotic bullshit frenzy we get into after something like 9-11. It allows ignorant racists to act very unamerican but feel patriotic about it.

FIFTY people showed up. Out of a muslim population of over 40,000. Glad that at least 1 in 1,000 are moderate.

Again, go to a funeral of a U.S. Servicemen who is being protested by the Westboro klan. You will find HUNDREDS of patriot guard riders there to protect the family from them.

What do you want from them? How come I don't hear American Jews speaking out against the war crimes Israel is committing in the Gaza?

I am a Greek American. Do I have to speak out against Greece or you'll find me unpatriotic? I hate this unpatriotic bullshit frenzy we get into after something like 9-11. It allows ignorant racists to act very unamerican but feel patriotic about it.

I never used nor inferred the term "unpatriotic".

Someone compared the lack of Islamic protests against ISIS to a perceived lack of Christian protests against the Westboro klan. They were wrong because virtually every Christian organization publicly AND privately denounces the Westboro klan, whereas although there are a few Muslims who denounce ISIS, many who do publicly change their tune privately.
You are a prejudiced, sick fucker

Your turn me a SINGLE quote from a US Muslim mosque supporting ISIS

Just one

The OP can add this to his liberals typically turn discussions and disagreements personal.

I doubt I'm an prejudiced than anyone else. As to being a "sick fucker" or "asshole"...well, those names belong in the kindergarden playground. Try to grow up just a wee-little-bit.

I haven't looked, but I doubt anyone could find a US mosque who declares public support for ISIS. However public support isn't what this discussion was about. This discussion was about public denouncements. Christians publicly denounce the Westboro Klan. All of them do. Openly and repeatedly. Furthermore, if you go into the services, they do so privately as well.

Yes, CAIR has issued a statement that they disagee with ISIS, however they openly support Hamas and other terrorist organizations.

My moderate Muslim friends say they fear any public reprisal to ISIS, CAIR, or other muslim organization. What is the penalty for renouncing Islam? What is the penalty for renouncing Christianity??

Big difference...

No, seriously

You are one sick fucker spreading your holier than thou Christian hate against American Muslims

American Muslims have done nothing but condemn terrorism and you post your hate that "They never speak out against terrorism"

You give all Christians a bad name

I agree. They say, "don't judge Christianity by the members or churches. Just focus on the main message and don't let all that other stuff distract you.

Really? I think the first thing I do when deciding if I want to join a club is get to know the members. And if they are all lying ignorant fucks, I'm not going to join.

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