Gun background checks in August set another record....good for us. More guns = less crime.

The vast majority of violent crime in this country is in urban progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws...
Firearms have nothing to do with violent crime
"extremely strict gun control laws" The laws don't work, time to try or find something new. Or let me guess, you don't care about violence in cities.

Yes. we care, you guys don't care you just want to take guns away from people who do not use them for crime.

We know what works, you don't. We know that if you lock up known, repeat, known and repeat, violent gun offenders who are the ones shooting people, the gun crime rate in democrat cities would go down. But what do your democrats do? They keep letting known, violent, repeat gun offenders out on bail and out of jail...over and over again.

Why do they do that? Can you explain that?
So lock up and throw away the AFTER they've killed someone. Is that all you've got? Because that's laughable. We have almost the stiffest sentences in the world already.

People kill people
People have always killed people
People will always kill people

These are three facts as irrefutable as gravity
The vast majority of violent crime in this country is in urban progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws...
Firearms have nothing to do with violent crime
"extremely strict gun control laws" The laws don't work, time to try or find something new. Or let me guess, you don't care about violence in cities.

Yes. we care, you guys don't care you just want to take guns away from people who do not use them for crime.

We know what works, you don't. We know that if you lock up known, repeat, known and repeat, violent gun offenders who are the ones shooting people, the gun crime rate in democrat cities would go down. But what do your democrats do? They keep letting known, violent, repeat gun offenders out on bail and out of jail...over and over again.

Why do they do that? Can you explain that?
So lock up and throw away the AFTER they've killed someone. Is that all you've got? Because that's laughable. We have almost the stiffest sentences in the world already. have seen my posts for the last few know my plan which has been shown to work because this is the way Japan does it.

If you use a gun to commit a crime, rape, robbery, attempted go to prison for 30 years.

If you are a felon caught in possession of an illegal gun, you get 30 years.

If you commit murder with a gun, you get the death penalty.

The problem we have now is that left wing, SJW judges keep letting known, violent gun offenders out on bail, and out of jail...over and over again. The guy caught murdering someone today was carrying an illegal gun yesterday......and likely he was caught with that gun, went to court, and was released on bail, or was sentenced to less than 3 years, he gets out, and gets another illegal gun and murders someone.

The revolving door policy for gun criminals is fueling our gun violence, not law abiding citizens who own and carry guns for self defense. Lock up the violent repeat offenders caught in the commission of violent crime and you end the flood.
I don't disagree with keeping them in jail, but it still won't solve the gun problems in the US, we already lock up more people then anywhere else in the world.

We lock most people up for drug offenses than anything else as part of the failed war on drugs.

But you never thought that the illicit drug trade that is rampant in inner cities is actually a larger cause of inner city violence than guns have you
But if more guns is the answer, why aren't those cities the safest places on earth?

Guns are a neutral entity in the equation.
So you're saying that guns don't make anyone safer.

They make 1.1 million Americans safer every year, according to the CDC research.

Also, you still won't explain how gun murder went down 49%, gun crime went down 75%, violent crime went down 72% as more Americans now own and carry guns....over 17.2 million Americans who now can carry guns for self defense...and all that crime went down.

You haven't answered that.

You also haven't answered how Britain, who did exactly what you want, banning and confiscating island no less, now has increasing gun violence and crime..

You can't explain that...

No explanation needed. The CDC got out of that business. It seems that they were found to be partisan in their research on that subject and told to stop doing that research. Besides, you have yet to present those CDC reports you keep claiming to exist other than File Not Found.

And the number of guns sold has increased but the percentage of people that own guns has remained the same since 1991. Therefore, there must be other reasons the crime rates have gone down.
More firearms never equal more violent crime you fucking dumbass

Until it reaches a saturation point then it does. You want it to reach that saturation point. Guess you want a lot of dead people. Chances are, you will be one of them.
But if more guns is the answer, why aren't those cities the safest places on earth?

Guns are a neutral entity in the equation.
So you're saying that guns don't make anyone safer.

They make 1.1 million Americans safer every year, according to the CDC research.

Also, you still won't explain how gun murder went down 49%, gun crime went down 75%, violent crime went down 72% as more Americans now own and carry guns....over 17.2 million Americans who now can carry guns for self defense...and all that crime went down.

You haven't answered that.

You also haven't answered how Britain, who did exactly what you want, banning and confiscating island no less, now has increasing gun violence and crime..

You can't explain that...
So why isn't Chicago the safest place on earth.

"They make 1.1 million Americans safer every year, according to the CDC research." So in 400 years we might all be safe. Good to know.

Doesn't matter

Guns in the hands of law abiding people neither cause nor prevent crime

And as I have said before and as you have ignored violence in inner cities has nothing to do with guns.

No, you have only recently started saying that. Guess what I have been pounding into you is starting to make sense.
Britain is already more violent than the U.S. and getting more violent by the day......

Again, you dodged the question, and the point.....

According to you, more guns = more gun crime. That is not happening in the United States...our gun crime rate is down 75%......can you understand that number.....down 75%, our gun murder rate is down 49%, our violent crime rate is down more Americans own and carry guns. This shows that your argument for gun control is wrong, and not based in truth, facts or reality......

Can you explain why your argument is wrong?
Our gun rates are still sky high compared to other rich countries. When we get in their neighbourhood, you can come back and compare them.
Dumbass, firearms outnumber people in rural areas many, many times over and there is next to no violent crime… The same cannot be said for progressive controlled urban areas
You said that already. it's still nonsense.
I know the facts hurt you, An armed America is a polite America...
Buy more guns and ammo...

So we arm everyone on the street. Yah, that works. And we remove all the restriction where they can be armed. Now we have a bunch of angry drunks running around settling scores. And a drunk is more likely to hit innocents rather than his intended target. Welcome to Dallas Tx circa 1870.

You make things up, and talk out of your have no idea what you are talking about...

You can't explain the fact that as more Americans now own and carry guns, our gun crime rates have gone down, not up, showing that what you just posted is silly and wrong........

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

And then we have the CDC research that shows you are wrong......AMericans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals...they are not using them to commit crimes.......

A Second Look at a Controversial Study About Defensive Gun Use

Shortly after that study was released, however, Robert VerBruggen of National Review (who has been of inestimable help in thinking through these issues) tweeted that he noticed, by studying the raw survey data himself, that Kleck had mistaken what were in fact surveys limited to small numbers of states per year for a national survey, analogous to Kleck/Gertz's own national surveys.

in direct response to queries from Reason, who first directly notified Kleck of his error, he worked through and has since issued a revised version of the paper, published as was the original as a working paper on the Social Science Research Network. In the new version, Kleck re-analyzes the BRFSS survey data accurately as limited to a small number of states, and ultimately concludes, when their surveys are analyzed in conjunction with his NSDS, that their surveys indicate likely over 1 million defensive uses of guns (DGUs) a year nationally, compared to the over 2 million of his own NSDS.

Here's how Kleck got to that new conclusion. The BRFSS, as Kleck describes it in his paper, "are high-quality telephone surveys of very large probability samples of U.S. adults...even just the subset of four to seven state surveys that asked about DGU in 1996-1998 interviewed 3,197-4,500 adults, depending on the year. This is more people than were asked about this topic in any other surveys, other than the National Self-Defense Survey conducted in 1993 by Kleck and Gertz (1995), who asked DGU questions of 4,977 people." The BRFSS asked about defensive uses of guns in seven states in 1996, seven in 1997, and four in 1998.

Kleck judged the "wording of the DGU question in the BRFSS surveys" as "also excellent, avoiding many problems with the wording that afflicted the DGU questions used in other surveys."

The BRFSS results were designed to exclude "uses by military, police and others with firearm-related jobs" and "uses against animals." The survey was designed to garner "yes" answers as long as a gun was used in presumed self-defense in any location (not just the home), whether or not the gun was actually fired (as, per Kleck's survey, around 3/4 of the time one needn't fire the gun to have found it useful in deterring an intruder or attacker).

Since Kleck's survey did not include Alaska and Hawaii and the BRFSS did (in 1996 and 1997 respectively), he kept them out of the comparison. The states for which a meaningful comparison could be made between his NSDS and this CDC survey, then, were, in 1996, Kentucky, Louisiana (also surveyed in 1998), Maryland, New Hampshire (also surveyed in 1997), New York, and West Virginia; in 1997, Colorado, Missouri, New Jersey (also surveyed in 1998), North Dakota, and Ohio; and in 1998, Montana and Pennsylvania.
Just look at Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, etc... All progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws. Basically like Third World countries in more ways than one
But if more guns is the answer, why aren't those cities the safest places on earth?

Guns are a neutral entity in the equation.
So you're saying that guns don't make anyone safer.

They make 1.1 million Americans safer every year, according to the CDC research.

Also, you still won't explain how gun murder went down 49%, gun crime went down 75%, violent crime went down 72% as more Americans now own and carry guns....over 17.2 million Americans who now can carry guns for self defense...and all that crime went down.

You haven't answered that.

You also haven't answered how Britain, who did exactly what you want, banning and confiscating island no less, now has increasing gun violence and crime..

You can't explain that...

No explanation needed. The CDC got out of that business. It seems that they were found to be partisan in their research on that subject and told to stop doing that research. Besides, you have yet to present those CDC reports you keep claiming to exist other than File Not Found.

And the number of guns sold has increased but the percentage of people that own guns has remained the same since 1991. Therefore, there must be other reasons the crime rates have gone down.

Here is the research.....newly revised, and ready to go....

1.1 million defensive gun uses by Americans......from the CDC...

What Do CDC's Surveys Say About the Frequency of Defensive Gun Uses? by Gary Kleck :: SSRN
Just look at Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, etc... All progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws. Basically like Third World countries in more ways than one
But if more guns is the answer, why aren't those cities the safest places on earth?

Guns are a neutral entity in the equation.
So you're saying that guns don't make anyone safer.

They make 1.1 million Americans safer every year, according to the CDC research.

Also, you still won't explain how gun murder went down 49%, gun crime went down 75%, violent crime went down 72% as more Americans now own and carry guns....over 17.2 million Americans who now can carry guns for self defense...and all that crime went down.

You haven't answered that.

You also haven't answered how Britain, who did exactly what you want, banning and confiscating island no less, now has increasing gun violence and crime..

You can't explain that...

No explanation needed. The CDC got out of that business. It seems that they were found to be partisan in their research on that subject and told to stop doing that research. Besides, you have yet to present those CDC reports you keep claiming to exist other than File Not Found.

And the number of guns sold has increased but the percentage of people that own guns has remained the same since 1991. Therefore, there must be other reasons the crime rates have gone down.

And no, the rates of gun ownership have gone up since the have the rates of concealed carry permits...from 4.7 million concealed carry permits in the 1990s to now over 17.25 million in 2018...with the gun murder rate going down 49%, the gun crime rate going down 75%, and the violent crime rate going down 72%....

You are wrong and you can't explain the fact that as more Americans own and carry guns, our crime rates have gone down....which shows that law abiding gun owners do not increase the gun crime rate..which destroys your entire argument for gun control.
Yep.....people keep going in and getting background checks, which likely means more and more people are buying guns...which is a good thing for a free society...

August NICS Background Checks Another New Record - The Truth About Guns

More guns sales doesn't equal more people. The number of people that actually own guns is still right around 40% and hasn't changed even with the gun sales skyrocketing. But the number of guns in the respective arsenals have increased exponentially. And there hasn't been one credible report that tells that more guns equals less crime. Stop making shit up.

Wrong.... this is NBC with their anti gun bias....even they say you are wrong as all of those NICS checks actually mean more gun ownership...

NBC Poll: Does Gun Ownership Increase Or Decrease Safety? Anti-Gun Activists Won't Like The Results.

nearly 6 in 10 Americans believe that getting guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens increases safety.

"In the poll, 58 percent agree with the statement that gun ownership does more to increase safety by allowing law-abiding citizens to protect themselves," NBC News reports. "By contrast, 38 percent say that gun ownership reduces safety by giving too many people access to firearms, increasing the chances for accidental misuse."


NBC notes that the overall result is a "reversal" of the findings of a 1999 survey that found that 52 percent of respondents believed gun ownership reduced safety. The more positive perspective on gun ownership is partly reflected in gun ownership trends: "47 percent of American adults say they have a firearm in the household, which is up from 44 percent in 1999."

And you won't answer this question...

How is it that as more Americans own and carry guns..... our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, our violent crime rate went down 72%, while in Britain, where they banned and confiscated guns, their gun crime rate is going up, and their violent crime rate is going through the roof?

Care to answer that question?

Not an easy question to answer. Especially to a mental midget like you. The number of people that own guns has NOT gone up since 1991 yet the amount of guns sold has gone up exponentially. So those two are not connected in any way. it's still the same percentage. But the crime rate has gone down. What has changed? People have changed, communities have changed, it's a social issue not a gun issue and always was. Even the CCW card holders only carry their guns about a fourth of the time for various reasons so the increase in CCW numbers aren't as high as you believe that are carrying on the street at any given time. You really believe I go outside to the local quick stop and want to take my sidearm? It's right down the friggin street. Or do I really want to go to the supermarket packing all the time? Do I want to work on my car in the driveway with that gun on my hip snagging on just about everything? Jogging, the gun chafes me. Now, if I am carrying a large amount of money, arm up, of course. Or if I am forced to go into a rough section of town, break out the iron. But most of the time, carrying that weapon is not only uncomfortable but just plain silly. My dick is already the right size.

You are an idiot........ There are over 17.25 million Americans who have concealed carry permits in 2018....over that because many states are Constitutional Carry states which means you can carry your legal gun without needing a permit.... so more Americans than ever before have permits to carry guns wether they carry every day or not.....and as this number has mental midget........ the gun murder rate went down 49%, the gun crime rate went down 75%, the violent crime rate went down 72%....

This shows you don't know what you are talking about.....

And you won't answer this question...

How is it that as more Americans own and carry guns..... our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, our violent crime rate went down 72%, while in Britain, where they banned and confiscated guns, their gun crime rate is going up, and their violent crime rate is going through the roof?

Care to answer that question?

Not an easy question to answer. Especially to a mental midget like you. The number of people that own guns has NOT gone up since 1991 yet the amount of guns sold has gone up exponentially. So those two are not connected in any way. it's still the same percentage. But the crime rate has gone down. What has changed? People have changed, communities have changed, it's a social issue not a gun issue and always was. Even the CCW card holders only carry their guns about a fourth of the time for various reasons so the increase in CCW numbers aren't as high as you believe that are carrying on the street at any given time. You really believe I go outside to the local quick stop and want to take my sidearm? It's right down the friggin street. Or do I really want to go to the supermarket packing all the time? Do I want to work on my car in the driveway with that gun on my hip snagging on just about everything? Jogging, the gun chafes me. Now, if I am carrying a large amount of money, arm up, of course. Or if I am forced to go into a rough section of town, break out the iron. But most of the time, carrying that weapon is not only uncomfortable but just plain silly. My dick is already the right size.

You are an idiot........ There are over 17.25 million Americans who have concealed carry permits in 2018....over that because many states are Constitutional Carry states which means you can carry your legal gun without needing a permit.... so more Americans than ever before have permits to carry guns wether they carry every day or not.....and as this number has mental midget........ the gun murder rate went down 49%, the gun crime rate went down 75%, the violent crime rate went down 72%....

This shows you don't know what you are talking about.....

And yet only about 25% of the concealed weapons carry people are carrying at any one time. And there has been not one single credible report that shows that this has anything to do with the reduction in crime. But the return of jobs to the inner cities certainly has been a huge factor as well as the better law enforcement and community support. Those are the reasons. Not the fact that there were more guns sold to the same people over and over again. Only 40% of the population owns guns and that hasn't changed since 1991. Yet the percentage of crime has gone down. There is absolutely no correlation between gun ownership and reduction of crime or the increase of crime. And since there has been absolutely no credible study proving this done you can't prove otherwise.

Stop making shit up.
Yep.....people keep going in and getting background checks, which likely means more and more people are buying guns...which is a good thing for a free society...

August NICS Background Checks Another New Record - The Truth About Guns

More guns sales doesn't equal more people. The number of people that actually own guns is still right around 40% and hasn't changed even with the gun sales skyrocketing. But the number of guns in the respective arsenals have increased exponentially. And there hasn't been one credible report that tells that more guns equals less crime. Stop making shit up.

Wrong.... this is NBC with their anti gun bias....even they say you are wrong as all of those NICS checks actually mean more gun ownership...

NBC Poll: Does Gun Ownership Increase Or Decrease Safety? Anti-Gun Activists Won't Like The Results.

nearly 6 in 10 Americans believe that getting guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens increases safety.

"In the poll, 58 percent agree with the statement that gun ownership does more to increase safety by allowing law-abiding citizens to protect themselves," NBC News reports. "By contrast, 38 percent say that gun ownership reduces safety by giving too many people access to firearms, increasing the chances for accidental misuse."


NBC notes that the overall result is a "reversal" of the findings of a 1999 survey that found that 52 percent of respondents believed gun ownership reduced safety. The more positive perspective on gun ownership is partly reflected in gun ownership trends: "47 percent of American adults say they have a firearm in the household, which is up from 44 percent in 1999."

It's a frigging poll. And we both know how accurate a poll is. I guess we have been duped into thinking the Donald is really the President since Hillary won the polls hands down. Are you really that stupid? Of course you are. Stop making shit up.
But if more guns is the answer, why aren't those cities the safest places on earth?

Guns are a neutral entity in the equation.
So you're saying that guns don't make anyone safer.

They make 1.1 million Americans safer every year, according to the CDC research.

Also, you still won't explain how gun murder went down 49%, gun crime went down 75%, violent crime went down 72% as more Americans now own and carry guns....over 17.2 million Americans who now can carry guns for self defense...and all that crime went down.

You haven't answered that.

You also haven't answered how Britain, who did exactly what you want, banning and confiscating island no less, now has increasing gun violence and crime..

You can't explain that...

No explanation needed. The CDC got out of that business. It seems that they were found to be partisan in their research on that subject and told to stop doing that research. Besides, you have yet to present those CDC reports you keep claiming to exist other than File Not Found.

And the number of guns sold has increased but the percentage of people that own guns has remained the same since 1991. Therefore, there must be other reasons the crime rates have gone down.

Here is the research.....newly revised, and ready to go....

1.1 million defensive gun uses by Americans......from the CDC...

What Do CDC's Surveys Say About the Frequency of Defensive Gun Uses? by Gary Kleck :: SSRN

Here we go again. Got a good grip on your ass? Hope it's held on by velco otherwise this is going to painful once again. Here is the real truth about your survey by Gary Kleck. I won't post the whole thing, just the beginning but enough of the critique to get the idea that you are just making shit up again. There is a lot more to this report by the Virginia Center for Public Safety.

Contradictions of Kleck

The Contradictions of the Kleck Study


In a 1992 survey, Gary Kleck, a Florida State University criminologist, found that there are 2.5 million defensive gun uses (DGU's) per year by “law-abiding” citizens in the United States. Another study from the same period, the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), estimated 65,000 DGUs annually. The NCVS survey differed from Kleck’s study in that it only interviewed those who reported a threatened, attempted, or completed victimization for one of six crimes: rape, robbery, assault, burglary, non-business larceny, and motor vehicle theft. That accounts for the discrepancy in the two results. A National Research Council report said that Kleck's estimates appeared to be exaggerated and that it was almost certain that "some of what respondents designate[d] as their own self-defense would be construed as aggression by others" (Understanding and Preventing Violence, 266, Albert J. Reiss, Jr. & Jeffrey A. Roth, eds., 1992).

The 2.5 million figure would lead us to conclude that, in a serious crime, the victim is three to four times more likely than the offender to have and use a gun. Although the criminal determines when and where a crime occurs, although pro-gun advocates claim that criminals can always get guns, although few potential victims carry guns away from home, the criminal, according to Kleck’s survey, is usually outgunned by the individual he is trying to assault, burglarize, rob or rape.

Kleck’s survey also included gun uses against animals and did not distinguish civilian uses from military of police uses. Kleck’s Interviewers do not appear to have questioned a random individual at a given telephone number, but rather asked to speak to the male head of the household. Males from the South and West were oversampled. The results imply that many hundreds of thousands of murders should have been occurring when a private gun was not available for protection. Yet guns are rarely carried, less than a third of adult Americans personally own guns, and only 27,000 homicides occurred in 1992.
Our gun rates are still sky high compared to other rich countries. When we get in their neighbourhood, you can come back and compare them.
Dumbass, firearms outnumber people in rural areas many, many times over and there is next to no violent crime… The same cannot be said for progressive controlled urban areas
You said that already. it's still nonsense.
I know the facts hurt you, An armed America is a polite America...
Buy more guns and ammo...

So we arm everyone on the street. Yah, that works. And we remove all the restriction where they can be armed. Now we have a bunch of angry drunks running around settling scores. And a drunk is more likely to hit innocents rather than his intended target. Welcome to Dallas Tx circa 1870.

You make things up, and talk out of your have no idea what you are talking about...

You can't explain the fact that as more Americans now own and carry guns, our gun crime rates have gone down, not up, showing that what you just posted is silly and wrong........

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

And then we have the CDC research that shows you are wrong......AMericans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals...they are not using them to commit crimes.......

A Second Look at a Controversial Study About Defensive Gun Use

Shortly after that study was released, however, Robert VerBruggen of National Review (who has been of inestimable help in thinking through these issues) tweeted that he noticed, by studying the raw survey data himself, that Kleck had mistaken what were in fact surveys limited to small numbers of states per year for a national survey, analogous to Kleck/Gertz's own national surveys.

in direct response to queries from Reason, who first directly notified Kleck of his error, he worked through and has since issued a revised version of the paper, published as was the original as a working paper on the Social Science Research Network. In the new version, Kleck re-analyzes the BRFSS survey data accurately as limited to a small number of states, and ultimately concludes, when their surveys are analyzed in conjunction with his NSDS, that their surveys indicate likely over 1 million defensive uses of guns (DGUs) a year nationally, compared to the over 2 million of his own NSDS.

Here's how Kleck got to that new conclusion. The BRFSS, as Kleck describes it in his paper, "are high-quality telephone surveys of very large probability samples of U.S. adults...even just the subset of four to seven state surveys that asked about DGU in 1996-1998 interviewed 3,197-4,500 adults, depending on the year. This is more people than were asked about this topic in any other surveys, other than the National Self-Defense Survey conducted in 1993 by Kleck and Gertz (1995), who asked DGU questions of 4,977 people." The BRFSS asked about defensive uses of guns in seven states in 1996, seven in 1997, and four in 1998.

Kleck judged the "wording of the DGU question in the BRFSS surveys" as "also excellent, avoiding many problems with the wording that afflicted the DGU questions used in other surveys."

The BRFSS results were designed to exclude "uses by military, police and others with firearm-related jobs" and "uses against animals." The survey was designed to garner "yes" answers as long as a gun was used in presumed self-defense in any location (not just the home), whether or not the gun was actually fired (as, per Kleck's survey, around 3/4 of the time one needn't fire the gun to have found it useful in deterring an intruder or attacker).

Since Kleck's survey did not include Alaska and Hawaii and the BRFSS did (in 1996 and 1997 respectively), he kept them out of the comparison. The states for which a meaningful comparison could be made between his NSDS and this CDC survey, then, were, in 1996, Kentucky, Louisiana (also surveyed in 1998), Maryland, New Hampshire (also surveyed in 1997), New York, and West Virginia; in 1997, Colorado, Missouri, New Jersey (also surveyed in 1998), North Dakota, and Ohio; and in 1998, Montana and Pennsylvania.

Kleck used both civilian, Law Enforcement to come up with those figures and has largely been debunked. The rest of your post actually goes back to Lott who's funny math was found to be incorrect and he was discredited. You want your ass back now? You can have it back once you just stop making shit up.
Guns are a neutral entity in the equation.
So you're saying that guns don't make anyone safer.

They make 1.1 million Americans safer every year, according to the CDC research.

Also, you still won't explain how gun murder went down 49%, gun crime went down 75%, violent crime went down 72% as more Americans now own and carry guns....over 17.2 million Americans who now can carry guns for self defense...and all that crime went down.

You haven't answered that.

You also haven't answered how Britain, who did exactly what you want, banning and confiscating island no less, now has increasing gun violence and crime..

You can't explain that...

No explanation needed. The CDC got out of that business. It seems that they were found to be partisan in their research on that subject and told to stop doing that research. Besides, you have yet to present those CDC reports you keep claiming to exist other than File Not Found.

And the number of guns sold has increased but the percentage of people that own guns has remained the same since 1991. Therefore, there must be other reasons the crime rates have gone down.
More firearms never equal more violent crime you fucking dumbass

Until it reaches a saturation point then it does. You want it to reach that saturation point. Guess you want a lot of dead people. Chances are, you will be one of them.
Stopping firearm sales to law-abiding people will not eliminate violent crime like you think... obviously you have no common sense
Sorry Dorfus - More guns = More crime and more death

More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows

Up to a certain point, more guns has absolutely no affect on the decrease of gun crime. None. Until you saturate the street with firearms and then a whole new set of problems occur. We are not any where near the saturation level at this time so more guns have zero affect.
So you're saying that guns don't make anyone safer.

They make 1.1 million Americans safer every year, according to the CDC research.

Also, you still won't explain how gun murder went down 49%, gun crime went down 75%, violent crime went down 72% as more Americans now own and carry guns....over 17.2 million Americans who now can carry guns for self defense...and all that crime went down.

You haven't answered that.

You also haven't answered how Britain, who did exactly what you want, banning and confiscating island no less, now has increasing gun violence and crime..

You can't explain that...

No explanation needed. The CDC got out of that business. It seems that they were found to be partisan in their research on that subject and told to stop doing that research. Besides, you have yet to present those CDC reports you keep claiming to exist other than File Not Found.

And the number of guns sold has increased but the percentage of people that own guns has remained the same since 1991. Therefore, there must be other reasons the crime rates have gone down.
More firearms never equal more violent crime you fucking dumbass

Until it reaches a saturation point then it does. You want it to reach that saturation point. Guess you want a lot of dead people. Chances are, you will be one of them.
Stopping firearm sales to law-abiding people will not eliminate violent crime like you think... obviously you have no common sense

Oh, mind reader, now you are telling me what I think. Stop making shit up. If you want more guns, go buy them legally. Be my guest. But leave the rest of us alone. And stop making shit up.
Sorry Dorfus - More guns = More crime and more death

More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows

Up to a certain point, more guns has absolutely no affect on the decrease of gun crime. None. Until you saturate the street with firearms and then a whole new set of problems occur. We are not any where near the saturation level at this time so more guns have zero affect.

Hmmm - Wouldn't you say that more guns in US than there are people is some sort of saturation point?

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