Gun control and firearms ban

My brother's got a friend who's selling a number of guns. We've already decided we're buying whatever he's selling. The beauty of it is these guns are completely undocumented. No one knows we'll have them, as there's no requirement to register them here.

The trick is finding ammunition. I've got a buddy reloading some rifle rounds for me, but finding .45 ACP is like trying to find a unicorn...
obama didn't forget he just didn't have the political support in Congress to do anything after the 2010 election
But what does that have to do with the first push for a gun ban was against revolvers? You gun grabber couldn't get your way with them and have forgotten that was your first target to go after
obama didn't forget he just didn't have the political support in Congress to do anything after the 2010 election
But what does that have to do with the first push for a gun ban was against revolvers? You gun grabber couldn't get your way with them and have forgotten that was your first target to go after
It is always a gun ban, for items that Law Abiding citizens purchase, but never a gun ban on illegal weapons and criminals use. Of course the only way to stop criminals from using illegal weapons, is the execute them when they use them. No repeat offenders that way...

But it is always the way of Socialists to take away weapons.

the first call for ban on a firearm was a revolver back in the 70's then the gun grabbers went for semiautomatics
They will never stop

When the jack booted thugs show up at your door, demanding your weapons, aim for the head, then look for the next closest Biden voter and take them out also.

head shot will be hard to do against a ballistic helmet maybe a face shot
the first call for ban on a firearm was a revolver back in the 70's then the gun grabbers went for semiautomatics
They will never stop

Actually the demand for control began before the 70's. See:

"Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort".
the first call for ban on a firearm was a revolver back in the 70's then the gun grabbers went for semiautomatics
They will never stop

Actually the demand for control began before the 70's. See:

"Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort".

I agree but the first big push was against the revolver You could go all the way back to 1934 NFA
My brother's got a friend who's selling a number of guns. We've already decided we're buying whatever he's selling. The beauty of it is these guns are completely undocumented. No one knows we'll have them, as there's no requirement to register them here.

The trick is finding ammunition. I've got a buddy reloading some rifle rounds for me, but finding .45 ACP is like trying to find a unicorn...

Thanks . . . for informing the entire internet. Ammo is no problem, really. Just pull up and search whatever caliber. A few calibers, such as 45-70 and 6.5 Grendel are running scarce. But even those calibers can be found . . . if you delve deeply enough into search results.
the first call for ban on a firearm was a revolver back in the 70's then the gun grabbers went for semiautomatics
They will never stop

See 1934 and the National Firearms Act. Taxation without adequate or competent representation.

and see the first call for gun bans was against the revolver the act of 68 was to regulate firearms not ban them
the first call for ban on a firearm was a revolver back in the 70's then the gun grabbers went for semiautomatics
They will never stop

When the jack booted thugs show up at your door, demanding your weapons, aim for the head, then look for the next closest Biden voter and take them out also.

head shot will be hard to do against a ballistic helmet maybe a face shot

Most feds stick their face into the doorway so they can look in, that is the best time. Then take your time on a prog slave, for they dont have any weapons, because guns are too scary for them....
My brother's got a friend who's selling a number of guns. We've already decided we're buying whatever he's selling. The beauty of it is these guns are completely undocumented. No one knows we'll have them, as there's no requirement to register them here.

The trick is finding ammunition. I've got a buddy reloading some rifle rounds for me, but finding .45 ACP is like trying to find a unicorn...

Thanks . . . for informing the entire internet. Ammo is no problem, really. Just pull up and search whatever caliber. A few calibers, such as 45-70 and 6.5 Grendel are running scarce. But even those calibers can be found . . . if you delve deeply enough into search results.
I have passed up a lot of ammo this year some people need ammo more than I do. I started buying years ago. so I figure I'll let someone have my share this year.
My brother's got a friend who's selling a number of guns. We've already decided we're buying whatever he's selling. The beauty of it is these guns are completely undocumented. No one knows we'll have them, as there's no requirement to register them here.

The trick is finding ammunition. I've got a buddy reloading some rifle rounds for me, but finding .45 ACP is like trying to find a unicorn...

Thanks . . . for informing the entire internet. Ammo is no problem, really. Just pull up and search whatever caliber. A few calibers, such as 45-70 and 6.5 Grendel are running scarce. But even those calibers can be found . . . if you delve deeply enough into search results.
I have passed up a lot of ammo this year some people need ammo more than I do. I started buying years ago. so I figure I'll let someone have my share this year.
i recently bought some green tip 5.56mm NATO rounds.....Since Russia isnt a threat to Europe anymore, i just figured i might need a few since XiBiden, might take over next year...

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