Gun Control Debate Rendered Moot!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012
With this news, we no longer ever have to have this debate ever again, it is rendered moot.

Thank gawd. Unfortunately, only the very rich with access to 3D printers and ammo are set. :abgg2q.jpg:

DOJ Settles In Landmark Gun Suit, Safeguarding The Second Amendment
The age of the downloadable gun is here.
DOJ Settles In Landmark Gun Suit, Safeguarding The Second Amendment

". . .I barely put a million bucks into this and I got you the Second Amendment forever," he boasted to The Daily Wire in a phone interview. "What has the NRA done for you lately?"

Due to the terms of the surprising settlement of the United States government, Wilson can begin posting his open-source technical data, including files for every gun up to .50 caliber available through commerce, on July 27. An irrevocable content dump, according to Wilson, which renders gun control efforts increasingly futile.

Moreover, in the settlement, "the government expressly acknowledges that non-automatic firearms up to .50-caliber – including modern semi-auto sporting rifles such as the popular AR-15 and similar firearms – are not inherently military," notes a press release from the Second Amendment Foundation. In other words, the handful of liberal states that currently ban "assault weapons" like the AR-15, such as New York state via the SAFE Act, could potentially face legal challenges. . ."

3D Printed Guns for Everyone! - #NewWorldNextWeek


And long live the 1st amendment as well. It was also on the chopping block.
Actually, I wanted to post a thread about how Ross Ulbricht Denied Supreme Court Hearing and a forum administrator is getting thrown in prison for just operating an online market place.

No criminal record, no priors, nothing.

The police state violated his rights, and threw him jail.

But I didn't want it just thrown in media or legal. Such is life.

You should view the whole video. Most folks here only want to view what the corporate media tell them is news.

3D Printed Guns for Everyone! - #NewWorldNextWeek
If the Moon Bats knew how they got fucked with their anti right to keep and bear arms agenda then their heads would be exploding. However, they are too stupid to know they got screwed.
And long live the 1st amendment as well. It was also on the chopping block.
Actually, I wanted to post a thread about how Ross Ulbricht Denied Supreme Court Hearing and a forum administrator is getting thrown in prison for just operating an online market place.
Good idea, Ross Ulbricht is a case of someone getting royally screwed by the Feds and then to add insult to injury using a bogus attempted murder charge to prejudice the sentencing, it's not enough that they colored outside the lines collecting evidence to convict the guy they had to make sure that he got fucked over on the sentence too.

Just goes to show ya, when it comes to carrying out Justice in a politicized case, SCOTUS isn't worth a shit.

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