Gun Control - What's the Problem?

So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems

What makes you think there is one, because the Democrat party told you there was?

The Democrats are opportunists. Every single time there is a mass shooting, out comes the gun control themes or trying to relate it to conservatives somehow. These last two mass murders no different.

Thinking a Democrat gives a damn if you get gunned down in a mass murder is the same kind of thinking that led people to believe Democrats cared if you had health insurance or not. Obviously that was not their intent, otherwise everybody would be insured today. But that didn't happen, now did it?
They do it so shamelessly I honestly believe they are trying to make mass shootings happen.


Agreed. They have parties when another mass shooting takes place. Just like they are trying to create a recession. But then again, when were the Democrats ever for the better of the country instead of the better for themselves?
Nazis fear gun control. If you take guns away from the Nazi antisemites. How will Nazis shoot up synagogues?
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems

What makes you think there is one, because the Democrat party told you there was?

The Democrats are opportunists. Every single time there is a mass shooting, out comes the gun control themes or trying to relate it to conservatives somehow. These last two mass murders no different.

Thinking a Democrat gives a damn if you get gunned down in a mass murder is the same kind of thinking that led people to believe Democrats cared if you had health insurance or not. Obviously that was not their intent, otherwise everybody would be insured today. But that didn't happen, now did it?
They do it so shamelessly I honestly believe they are trying to make mass shootings happen.


Agreed. They have parties when another mass shooting takes place. Just like they are trying to create a recession. But then again, when were the Democrats ever for the better of the country instead of the better for themselves?
Ray you've now become a bullshit artist Maybe if you had a child killed by one of these AH's you'd think differently

Maybe if you had a child killed by one of these AH's you'd think differently

I'd blame the AH, not the weapon.
Will I don't want to screw over any gun owners BUT I do need people in positions of power to do SOMETHING to get these mass murders lessened Whatever it takes

ed, they created the 18th Amendment because people thought there was an alcohol problem.

After it was passed, drunk driving decreased by 50%.

Think about that...

couldn't buy a drink ANYWHERE, but drunk driving only decreased by half.

It was an abysmal fail.

WHY do you think banning 'assault' weapons would be any different?
Maybe it'd be just a start ? Something positive has to be done We can't have murderers walking into schools churches concerts blowing people away can we ?
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems

What makes you think there is one, because the Democrat party told you there was?

The Democrats are opportunists. Every single time there is a mass shooting, out comes the gun control themes or trying to relate it to conservatives somehow. These last two mass murders no different.

Thinking a Democrat gives a damn if you get gunned down in a mass murder is the same kind of thinking that led people to believe Democrats cared if you had health insurance or not. Obviously that was not their intent, otherwise everybody would be insured today. But that didn't happen, now did it?
They do it so shamelessly I honestly believe they are trying to make mass shootings happen.


Agreed. They have parties when another mass shooting takes place. Just like they are trying to create a recession. But then again, when were the Democrats ever for the better of the country instead of the better for themselves?
Ray you've now become a bullshit artist Maybe if you had a child killed by one of these AH's you'd think differently

No, I would just come to the realization that not every problem can be legislated out of existence.

You people laugh at us when we say get rid of gun free zones and have more armed citizens and school teachers to curb gun violence, but say then that more useless laws will do the same with a straight face.

No matter what democrats propose, it will have nothing to do with mass shootings or any shooting. They know this. They know it can't be solved with more regulations. But these mass shootings give them the free pass to try and pass incremental legislation to eventually disarm society.
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems

What makes you think there is one, because the Democrat party told you there was?

The Democrats are opportunists. Every single time there is a mass shooting, out comes the gun control themes or trying to relate it to conservatives somehow. These last two mass murders no different.

Thinking a Democrat gives a damn if you get gunned down in a mass murder is the same kind of thinking that led people to believe Democrats cared if you had health insurance or not. Obviously that was not their intent, otherwise everybody would be insured today. But that didn't happen, now did it?
They do it so shamelessly I honestly believe they are trying to make mass shootings happen.


Agreed. They have parties when another mass shooting takes place. Just like they are trying to create a recession. But then again, when were the Democrats ever for the better of the country instead of the better for themselves?
Ray you've now become a bullshit artist Maybe if you had a child killed by one of these AH's you'd think differently

Maybe if you had a child killed by one of these AH's you'd think differently

I'd blame the AH, not the weapon.
I'd blame both The AH 90%
Will I don't want to screw over any gun owners BUT I do need people in positions of power to do SOMETHING to get these mass murders lessened Whatever it takes

ed, they created the 18th Amendment because people thought there was an alcohol problem.

After it was passed, drunk driving decreased by 50%.

Think about that...

couldn't buy a drink ANYWHERE, but drunk driving only decreased by half.

It was an abysmal fail.

WHY do you think banning 'assault' weapons would be any different?
Maybe it'd be just a start ? Something positive has to be done We can't have murderers walking into schools churches concerts blowing people away can we ?

My dad had a belt buckle 40 years ago, with the logo...

"if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns."

unless you have a magic wand, people that want guns to commit mass murders, will find guns to commit mass murders.


No legislation is going to stop it.
Will I don't want to screw over any gun owners BUT I do need people in positions of power to do SOMETHING to get these mass murders lessened Whatever it takes

ed, they created the 18th Amendment because people thought there was an alcohol problem.

After it was passed, drunk driving decreased by 50%.

Think about that...

couldn't buy a drink ANYWHERE, but drunk driving only decreased by half.

It was an abysmal fail.

WHY do you think banning 'assault' weapons would be any different?
Maybe it'd be just a start ? Something positive has to be done We can't have murderers walking into schools churches concerts blowing people away can we ?
Maybe it'd be just a start ?
That's what we're concerned about. EVERYBODY knows won't do anything. It's just to get the ball rolling down the slippery slope.

What makes you think there is one, because the Democrat party told you there was?

The Democrats are opportunists. Every single time there is a mass shooting, out comes the gun control themes or trying to relate it to conservatives somehow. These last two mass murders no different.

Thinking a Democrat gives a damn if you get gunned down in a mass murder is the same kind of thinking that led people to believe Democrats cared if you had health insurance or not. Obviously that was not their intent, otherwise everybody would be insured today. But that didn't happen, now did it?
They do it so shamelessly I honestly believe they are trying to make mass shootings happen.


Agreed. They have parties when another mass shooting takes place. Just like they are trying to create a recession. But then again, when were the Democrats ever for the better of the country instead of the better for themselves?
Ray you've now become a bullshit artist Maybe if you had a child killed by one of these AH's you'd think differently

Maybe if you had a child killed by one of these AH's you'd think differently

I'd blame the AH, not the weapon.
I'd blame both The AH 90%

why blame the gun?

how many guns have gone out on their own to kill?
so while yes it's a "true" statement it's presented in a manner to make people think you can buy guns galore at a show and never have a check run on you.

It is a TRUE statement. Many gun show sales are done without background checks. Full stop.

Also...400,000 gun are stolen every year and 80% of guns used in crimes are either stolen (because there are so many unsecured in our society) or purchased through straw purchases or without background checks
lord you're a turdball.

prove it.

Actually, according to the Chicago Police Chief, 60% of the guns involved were purchased legally in Indianna and other looser than a goose states close by. They weren't stolen. Although they were transported illegally over the state line. But it's not like the Cops are going to put up a checkpoint and stop every car, truck or pickup coming in across the state line.
And that is the way it should be. The last thing I want to see is a druggie wheeling around in an 80,000 lb 70 foot death machine.

Yes and no. I mean........I certainly don't want to drive around anybody who is intoxicated, especially in an 18 wheeler. However there is a distinct difference between being intoxicated and having residual drugs or alcohol in your system from what you were doing in your off duty hours.

A friend of mine works for ConWay express which was recently sold to another company. He told me that every driver gets pulled for a drug test after vacation. Why? Because vacation is when people let loose a bit, and residual THC can stay in your system from three to four weeks.

So they were not testing to see if you came back loaded, they tested to see what you did while on vacation, and to me, that's an invasion of privacy.

You want the job, stay clean. If you are using during your vacation then chances are you are also using when you aren't on vacation. Don't lie about it. It means a lot of lives are on the line for certain jobs. It's like when I was an Aircraft Specialist. Do you really want to fly on an Aircraft that a druggie worked on? Or when I worked High Scale. Certain jobs MUST be completely clean for the safety of everyone. I don't find ConWays drug policy wrong at all. If you do then maybe you should go work at something less dangerous.

So your stance is that it's wrong if somebody comes to work totally straight, but uses drugs on weekends or after hours. But it's okay to come to work straight, as long as you don't use while not on duty.

To me, I don't see the difference really, just as long as you are not intoxicated while on the job.

I didn't say even close to what you "Think" is said. Once again, you are telling me what I think. If you have a dangerous job you shouldn't be using drugs at all. And your drinking should be held to an extreme minimum. I don't know about you but when I was a driver, I was on call most of the time. Not on call officially but I was available on call when needed. When I did High Scale, ANY amount of booze or drugs even a day or two was probably dangerous. Yah, I know, High Scalers don't pay much attention to that but they should for booze. But when you are operating without a "Net" 400 to 1000 feet in the air in high winds anything can happen. The Company had a zero tolerance. Even so, I would have never taken the chance. The money was just too damned good. You made the money and then got the hell away from it as soon as you could.

I disagree because I smoked pot for many years starting as a teen. I gave it up for my career, but when I did, I didn't notice a thing between not smoking or the day or week after smoking. I still like my beer, and no affects the next day after drinking beer, although I haven't actually been drunk in quite a long time.

As for driving, I would rather be driving around an American in a semi who drank or smoked pot the previous day than I would a foreigner who never touched a joint or beer in his life. I consider those drivers to be the most dangerous because they never took a CDL test in the US and some can't even read our English road signs.

So you gave it up for your job. So did I. As for the rest or your post.....rationalize, rationalize, rationalize.....
so while yes it's a "true" statement it's presented in a manner to make people think you can buy guns galore at a show and never have a check run on you.

It is a TRUE statement. Many gun show sales are done without background checks. Full stop.

Also...400,000 gun are stolen every year and 80% of guns used in crimes are either stolen (because there are so many unsecured in our society) or purchased through straw purchases or without background checks
lord you're a turdball.

prove it.

Actually, according to the Chicago Police Chief, 60% of the guns involved were purchased legally in Indianna and other looser than a goose states close by. They weren't stolen. Although they were transported illegally over the state line. But it's not like the Cops are going to put up a checkpoint and stop every car, truck or pickup coming in across the state line.
There’s also that pesky 4th Amendment…
so while yes it's a "true" statement it's presented in a manner to make people think you can buy guns galore at a show and never have a check run on you.

It is a TRUE statement. Many gun show sales are done without background checks. Full stop.

Also...400,000 gun are stolen every year and 80% of guns used in crimes are either stolen (because there are so many unsecured in our society) or purchased through straw purchases or without background checks
lord you're a turdball.

prove it.

Actually, according to the Chicago Police Chief, 60% of the guns involved were purchased legally in Indianna and other looser than a goose states close by. They weren't stolen. Although they were transported illegally over the state line. But it's not like the Cops are going to put up a checkpoint and stop every car, truck or pickup coming in across the state line.
There’s also that pesky 4th Amendment…

Unless it's Fruit going onto California or anyone with brown skin within 300 miles of the southern border.
So how does a new background check law stop a mass shooting?

So far haven't most mass shooters been able to pass a background check?

And if they can't pass a background check do you think that will stop them from illegally obtaining a gun?
How about getting weapons of mass destruction off the streets Or will NRA spank Trump again if he dares suggest it?

A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems
And you think telling people who will never commit a mass shooting they can't own a specific rifle is going to solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Will I don't want to screw over any gun owners BUT I do need people in positions of power to do SOMETHING to get these mass murders lessened Whatever it takes
Be careful with the the "whatever it takes" stuff because it will bite you in the ass

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Will I don't want to screw over any gun owners BUT I do need people in positions of power to do SOMETHING to get these mass murders lessened Whatever it takes

ed, they created the 18th Amendment because people thought there was an alcohol problem.

After it was passed, drunk driving decreased by 50%.

Think about that...

couldn't buy a drink ANYWHERE, but drunk driving only decreased by half.

It was an abysmal fail.

WHY do you think banning 'assault' weapons would be any different?
Maybe it'd be just a start ? Something positive has to be done We can't have murderers walking into schools churches concerts blowing people away can we ?
Then don't let people walk into a school with guns

Problem solved

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
How about getting weapons of mass destruction off the streets Or will NRA spank Trump again if he dares suggest it?

A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems
And you think telling people who will never commit a mass shooting they can't own a specific rifle is going to solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Reducing the availability of assault weapons WILL do that. It has done it before
There is no such thing as a purist.
An assault weapons ban is just an absurd lie, deliberately intended as part of a total confiscation scheme of all weapons.
That is because there is nothing remotely unusual about the AR type of weapons that is about the only firearms made or sold any more. There is absolutely no reason at all to ban them, banning them would put almost all firearms manufacturers out of business, and it would make about 40 million people into criminals.

What you have to understand it that all weapons can be used as or considered assault weapons.
Historically that has included the blunderbuss or the sawed off shotgun of the Revolutionary war, the pair of revolvers of the Civil war cavalry units, the trench shot gun of WWI, the carbine of WWII, etc.
All of these weapons can easily be used to kill hundreds of people, and are technology hundreds of years old, that anyone can easily make themselves even.
The notion of attempting to ban anything dangerous in our modern technology is just insane.
It can not possibly be done.
Those proposing we try it anyway, have to be lying.
No one could be that stupid.
Obviously we instead have to fix what is making people so violent, like over population, future shock, lack of community, media hype, lack of job stability, etc.

Using your thought pattern, I bet you can't wait until Death Race 2020. Start sharpening up those hubcaps today.

Death Race was a movie about needless deaths and violence.
Firearms are used 99% of the time for defense.
Otherwise police would not be armed.
And I trust average people WAY more than I trust police, and in fact, there are few police I trust at all.
The democratic republic is also worth some risk.
We do not want to trade some imagined safety for freedom.
Freedom always comes with some risks and it is a very worth while trade off I think.
Gun control accomplishes nothing except make honest people helpless in the face of crime or government corruption.
That essentially is both foolish and treason, at the same time.

Just keep sharpening those hubcaps. You may get your chance someday, Road Warrior.

What is the alternative, other than establishing the equivalent of the KGB, Savik, Stazi, Gestapo, kapos, etc., here in the US?
We can NEVER rely on police for safety.
They will always have too long of a response time, and they themselves are too corrupt and trigger happy.
I much prefer everyone defend themselves.
I trust my neighbors.
I do not trust the police or the thieves in Congress.
If the police or Congress were trustworthy, there would be no War on Drugs.

Let's admit to some things first.

You are NEVER going to stop violent killings.
You are never going to stop mass shootings

Now that we have agreed to those two, let's go one step further. Violent killings will happen with or without guns. No change to that.

But there is something we can do for mass shootings (4 or more dead). We can limit the tools required to go for the record. They busted another one that was going for the record yesterday. He had the AR, the high capacity mags and the plan. He also had a big mouth. His Girl Friend turned him in. Now, what can we do to take away the tools from this type of situation. And please, more guns are not the answer. A bunch of people firing guns in a crowd only means a lot of collateral damage and confusion when the cops get there. One Good Guy with a Gun was already shot by a cop when he tried to stop a shooting.

So if we can't stop the mass shootings, we minimize the body count. That means change the tools available to the shooter. make it harder to get that AR. Make it nearly impossible to get that 30, 50 and 100 round mag. That's a good start. The Heller unwritten rule seems to be 15 but there isn't a whole lot of difference between 15 and 20 rounds. But there is between 15 and 50. Get the AR off the open streets. If someone is walking down the street with an AR or an AK a ton of bells should be going off and cops should be responding in Swat gear. There is no reason to be carrying an AR to go Grocery Shopping unless you are trying to get the best deal on your Cantaloupe. And do the universal background checks as well as the Red Flags. Doing these in one area and not the other areas means a person just jumps the state line, buys whatever the hell they want and then jumps back across the line again. AT least make getting the stuff more a sport than so easy.

You don't have to confiscate guns to minimize chances and body counts. Just make some simple changes and wait it out. The change won't happen over night but it will happen. Criminals hate it when they have to pay extra to get what they used to get so cheap.
Nothing could be dumber than the theory that guns can be made safe. The whole reason they are useful is the fact that they can kill people who are trying to rob you, harm you, or kill you. Hampering their lethality means detracting from their usefulness as a means of protection.

Anyone who supports this kind of Stalinist legislation is opposed to the fundamental concept of a free socieyt.
Will I don't want to screw over any gun owners BUT I do need people in positions of power to do SOMETHING to get these mass murders lessened Whatever it takes
Ah, the ancient conundrum of responsible governance – freedom from verses freedom to; the authority of the people to make laws verses the rights of the individual.

In theory a Constitutional balance is eventually realized; case law evolves as the progeny of the political and judicial processes.

We’ve managed to realize that balance with First Amendment jurisprudence: hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections unless it advocates for imminent lawlessness or violence; time, place, and manner restrictions on speech are Constitutional provided they’re content-neutral and narrowly tailored to address a specific concern.

Of course, Second Amendment jurisprudence is in its infancy – still evolving; indeed, it could be decades before there’s a comprehensive understanding of what weapons might be possessed within the scope of the Second Amendment’s protection and what weapons are not.

The Supreme Court has thus far shown little interest in addressing the many Second Amendment controversies, content to allow the case law to continue to evolve among the states and in the lower courts.
A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems
And you think telling people who will never commit a mass shooting they can't own a specific rifle is going to solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Reducing the availability of assault weapons WILL do that. It has done it before

Not it has not. That's why they never renewed the assault weapons ban. Yes, it did stop people from using those guns, but didn't stop the mass murders.
Using your thought pattern, I bet you can't wait until Death Race 2020. Start sharpening up those hubcaps today.

Death Race was a movie about needless deaths and violence.
Firearms are used 99% of the time for defense.
Otherwise police would not be armed.
And I trust average people WAY more than I trust police, and in fact, there are few police I trust at all.
The democratic republic is also worth some risk.
We do not want to trade some imagined safety for freedom.
Freedom always comes with some risks and it is a very worth while trade off I think.
Gun control accomplishes nothing except make honest people helpless in the face of crime or government corruption.
That essentially is both foolish and treason, at the same time.

Just keep sharpening those hubcaps. You may get your chance someday, Road Warrior.

What is the alternative, other than establishing the equivalent of the KGB, Savik, Stazi, Gestapo, kapos, etc., here in the US?
We can NEVER rely on police for safety.
They will always have too long of a response time, and they themselves are too corrupt and trigger happy.
I much prefer everyone defend themselves.
I trust my neighbors.
I do not trust the police or the thieves in Congress.
If the police or Congress were trustworthy, there would be no War on Drugs.

Let's admit to some things first.

You are NEVER going to stop violent killings.
You are never going to stop mass shootings

Now that we have agreed to those two, let's go one step further. Violent killings will happen with or without guns. No change to that.

But there is something we can do for mass shootings (4 or more dead). We can limit the tools required to go for the record. They busted another one that was going for the record yesterday. He had the AR, the high capacity mags and the plan. He also had a big mouth. His Girl Friend turned him in. Now, what can we do to take away the tools from this type of situation. And please, more guns are not the answer. A bunch of people firing guns in a crowd only means a lot of collateral damage and confusion when the cops get there. One Good Guy with a Gun was already shot by a cop when he tried to stop a shooting.

So if we can't stop the mass shootings, we minimize the body count. That means change the tools available to the shooter. make it harder to get that AR. Make it nearly impossible to get that 30, 50 and 100 round mag. That's a good start. The Heller unwritten rule seems to be 15 but there isn't a whole lot of difference between 15 and 20 rounds. But there is between 15 and 50. Get the AR off the open streets. If someone is walking down the street with an AR or an AK a ton of bells should be going off and cops should be responding in Swat gear. There is no reason to be carrying an AR to go Grocery Shopping unless you are trying to get the best deal on your Cantaloupe. And do the universal background checks as well as the Red Flags. Doing these in one area and not the other areas means a person just jumps the state line, buys whatever the hell they want and then jumps back across the line again. AT least make getting the stuff more a sport than so easy.

You don't have to confiscate guns to minimize chances and body counts. Just make some simple changes and wait it out. The change won't happen over night but it will happen. Criminals hate it when they have to pay extra to get what they used to get so cheap.
Nothing could be dumber than the theory that guns can be made safe. The whole reason they are useful is the fact that they can kill people who are trying to rob you, harm you, or kill you. Hampering their lethality means detracting from their usefulness as a means of protection.

Anyone who supports this kind of Stalinist legislation is opposed to the fundamental concept of a free socieyt.

I'll bet you typed that with a straight face. Well, I didn't read it with a straight face. Okay, maybe a little. But that is about the dumbest thing ever stated.

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