Gun Control - What's the Problem?

I don't buy that argument, as it is false on its face. Society has always placed a value on life, and those who use this argument always do it for things that won't effect them personally.

We could save tens of thousands of lives every year if we simply made it impossible for any vehicle to travel faster than maybe 30mph. We won't do that, because we value being able to drive fast over the lives lost.

We could save many lives every year if we simply closed swimming pool access to children and banned private ownership of pools. We won't do that, because we value playing in water over the lives lost.

And on it goes. Sure, if you don't own guns, it's easy to say it's worth it if one life is saved, but are you willing to save lives if it impacts you directly?

Exactly. "If it saves one life, it's worth it" has been trotted around as a given for too long. Often, it's just not.
for every one life five die. stats aren't in your favor. you should actually do research.

Can you restate that in standard English?
for every one life five die. stats aren't in your favor. you should actually do research.

Huh... ok. Well I can't make heads or tails out of that. Sorry.
Gun culture in this country has gotten pretty far out there... its got me shaking my head and i'm a gun owner,. #embarrassing

1min 40sec
Guns for sale - inside an American gun show - BBC News
You're not a damn gun owner and you know it.
I got 6 riffles in one closet and 5 handguns in the other. Why does that matter at all? Address the subject and stop with the personal insults that are based on stuff you know nothing about
So you own 11 guns, yet support all the politicians who are constantly trying to pass legislation to keep you from owning them. That only makes sense if you're stupid. More likely you're pretending to be a gun owner because you think it gives your gun grabbing argument credibility. I'm just sayin'.

Kind of like all the so-called well-to-do leftists in this forum that supports government taking much more of their money.
Nobody chooses dope over a job and career unless they can't stop using the stuff. That is unless you want to say they chose dope because they couldn't quit.

And that is the way it should be. The last thing I want to see is a druggie wheeling around in an 80,000 lb 70 foot death machine.

Yes and no. I mean........I certainly don't want to drive around anybody who is intoxicated, especially in an 18 wheeler. However there is a distinct difference between being intoxicated and having residual drugs or alcohol in your system from what you were doing in your off duty hours.

A friend of mine works for ConWay express which was recently sold to another company. He told me that every driver gets pulled for a drug test after vacation. Why? Because vacation is when people let loose a bit, and residual THC can stay in your system from three to four weeks.

So they were not testing to see if you came back loaded, they tested to see what you did while on vacation, and to me, that's an invasion of privacy.

You want the job, stay clean. If you are using during your vacation then chances are you are also using when you aren't on vacation. Don't lie about it. It means a lot of lives are on the line for certain jobs. It's like when I was an Aircraft Specialist. Do you really want to fly on an Aircraft that a druggie worked on? Or when I worked High Scale. Certain jobs MUST be completely clean for the safety of everyone. I don't find ConWays drug policy wrong at all. If you do then maybe you should go work at something less dangerous.

So your stance is that it's wrong if somebody comes to work totally straight, but uses drugs on weekends or after hours. But it's okay to come to work straight, as long as you don't use while not on duty.

To me, I don't see the difference really, just as long as you are not intoxicated while on the job.

I didn't say even close to what you "Think" is said. Once again, you are telling me what I think. If you have a dangerous job you shouldn't be using drugs at all. And your drinking should be held to an extreme minimum. I don't know about you but when I was a driver, I was on call most of the time. Not on call officially but I was available on call when needed. When I did High Scale, ANY amount of booze or drugs even a day or two was probably dangerous. Yah, I know, High Scalers don't pay much attention to that but they should for booze. But when you are operating without a "Net" 400 to 1000 feet in the air in high winds anything can happen. The Company had a zero tolerance. Even so, I would have never taken the chance. The money was just too damned good. You made the money and then got the hell away from it as soon as you could.

I disagree because I smoked pot for many years starting as a teen. I gave it up for my career, but when I did, I didn't notice a thing between not smoking or the day or week after smoking. I still like my beer, and no affects the next day after drinking beer, although I haven't actually been drunk in quite a long time.

As for driving, I would rather be driving around an American in a semi who drank or smoked pot the previous day than I would a foreigner who never touched a joint or beer in his life. I consider those drivers to be the most dangerous because they never took a CDL test in the US and some can't even read our English road signs.
so while yes it's a "true" statement it's presented in a manner to make people think you can buy guns galore at a show and never have a check run on you.

It is a TRUE statement. Many gun show sales are done without background checks. Full stop.

Also...400,000 gun are stolen every year and 80% of guns used in crimes are either stolen (because there are so many unsecured in our society) or purchased through straw purchases or without background checks

Most gun sellers at gun shows are licensed dealers that are required to do background checks on customer be it at a gun show or in their gun shop. There is no way around that. Most of the illegal guns used in crimes were purchased through straw buyers according to FBI statistics.
so while yes it's a "true" statement it's presented in a manner to make people think you can buy guns galore at a show and never have a check run on you.

It is a TRUE statement. Many gun show sales are done without background checks. Full stop.

Also...400,000 gun are stolen every year and 80% of guns used in crimes are either stolen (because there are so many unsecured in our society) or purchased through straw purchases or without background checks

Most gun sellers at gun shows are licensed dealers that are required to do background checks on customer be it at a gun show or in their gun shop. There is no way around that. Most of the illegal guns used in crimes were purchased through straw buyers according to FBI statistics.
and two of the last four mass shooters cleared background checks. so, please, all the intelligent folks it's your turn now.
And you think another law will change that?

Can you spell naive?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
How many mass shootings do we endure and not do anything?? Can you spell stupid?

So how does a new background check law stop a mass shooting?

So far haven't most mass shooters been able to pass a background check?

And if they can't pass a background check do you think that will stop them from illegally obtaining a gun?
How about getting weapons of mass destruction off the streets Or will NRA spank Trump again if he dares suggest it?

A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
How many mass shootings do we endure and not do anything?? Can you spell stupid?

So how does a new background check law stop a mass shooting?

So far haven't most mass shooters been able to pass a background check?

And if they can't pass a background check do you think that will stop them from illegally obtaining a gun?
How about getting weapons of mass destruction off the streets Or will NRA spank Trump again if he dares suggest it?

A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems
So how does a new background check law stop a mass shooting?

So far haven't most mass shooters been able to pass a background check?

And if they can't pass a background check do you think that will stop them from illegally obtaining a gun?
How about getting weapons of mass destruction off the streets Or will NRA spank Trump again if he dares suggest it?

A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems

.01% of gun owners cause mass shootings.

What do you suggest for a cure, that doesn't screw over the other 99.99% of gun owners?
So how does a new background check law stop a mass shooting?

So far haven't most mass shooters been able to pass a background check?

And if they can't pass a background check do you think that will stop them from illegally obtaining a gun?
How about getting weapons of mass destruction off the streets Or will NRA spank Trump again if he dares suggest it?

A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems

What makes you think there is one, because the Democrat party told you there was?

The Democrats are opportunists. Every single time there is a mass shooting, out comes the gun control themes or trying to relate it to conservatives somehow. These last two mass murders no different.

Thinking a Democrat gives a damn if you get gunned down in a mass murder is the same kind of thinking that led people to believe Democrats cared if you had health insurance or not. Obviously that was not their intent, otherwise everybody would be insured today. But that didn't happen, now did it?
So how does a new background check law stop a mass shooting?

So far haven't most mass shooters been able to pass a background check?

And if they can't pass a background check do you think that will stop them from illegally obtaining a gun?
How about getting weapons of mass destruction off the streets Or will NRA spank Trump again if he dares suggest it?

A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems
Arm everyone. Problem solved.

How about getting weapons of mass destruction off the streets Or will NRA spank Trump again if he dares suggest it?

A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems

What makes you think there is one, because the Democrat party told you there was?

The Democrats are opportunists. Every single time there is a mass shooting, out comes the gun control themes or trying to relate it to conservatives somehow. These last two mass murders no different.

Thinking a Democrat gives a damn if you get gunned down in a mass murder is the same kind of thinking that led people to believe Democrats cared if you had health insurance or not. Obviously that was not their intent, otherwise everybody would be insured today. But that didn't happen, now did it?
They do it so shamelessly I honestly believe they are trying to make mass shootings happen.

Will I don't want to screw over any gun owners BUT I do need people in positions of power to do SOMETHING to get these mass murders lessened Whatever it takes
A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems

What makes you think there is one, because the Democrat party told you there was?

The Democrats are opportunists. Every single time there is a mass shooting, out comes the gun control themes or trying to relate it to conservatives somehow. These last two mass murders no different.

Thinking a Democrat gives a damn if you get gunned down in a mass murder is the same kind of thinking that led people to believe Democrats cared if you had health insurance or not. Obviously that was not their intent, otherwise everybody would be insured today. But that didn't happen, now did it?
They do it so shamelessly I honestly believe they are trying to make mass shootings happen.


Agreed. They have parties when another mass shooting takes place. Just like they are trying to create a recession. But then again, when were the Democrats ever for the better of the country instead of the better for themselves?
How about getting weapons of mass destruction off the streets Or will NRA spank Trump again if he dares suggest it?

A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems
Arm everyone. Problem solved.

I do recall many years ago a town in Hicksville usa had their police dept go on strike People had carry permits and there was no crime,,,,,,less than when the police were there
Will I don't want to screw over any gun owners BUT I do need people in positions of power to do SOMETHING to get these mass murders lessened Whatever it takes

ed, they created the 18th Amendment because people thought there was an alcohol problem.

After it was passed, drunk driving decreased by 50%.

Think about that...

couldn't buy a drink ANYWHERE, but drunk driving only decreased by half.

It was an abysmal fail.

WHY do you think banning 'assault' weapons would be any different?
A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems
Arm everyone. Problem solved.

I do recall many years ago a town in Hicksville usa had their police dept go on strike People had carry permits and there was no crime,,,,,,less than when the police were there
Police usually cannot protect. They can only administer justice after the fact. So, it does not surprise me that the crime rate went down, when people took responsibility for their own protection, and quit relying on the false security NOT offered by police.

So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems

What makes you think there is one, because the Democrat party told you there was?

The Democrats are opportunists. Every single time there is a mass shooting, out comes the gun control themes or trying to relate it to conservatives somehow. These last two mass murders no different.

Thinking a Democrat gives a damn if you get gunned down in a mass murder is the same kind of thinking that led people to believe Democrats cared if you had health insurance or not. Obviously that was not their intent, otherwise everybody would be insured today. But that didn't happen, now did it?
They do it so shamelessly I honestly believe they are trying to make mass shootings happen.


Agreed. They have parties when another mass shooting takes place. Just like they are trying to create a recession. But then again, when were the Democrats ever for the better of the country instead of the better for themselves?
Ray you've now become a bullshit artist Maybe if you had a child killed by one of these AH's you'd think differently

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