Gun Control - What's the Problem?

How many?

And every sale brokered by anyone with a federal firearms license is subject to a background check and FYI that is the vast majority of gun purchases
The "vast majority" leaves hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) sold without background checks.
And you think another law will change that?

Can you spell naive?

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How many mass shootings do we endure and not do anything?? Can you spell stupid?

So how does a new background check law stop a mass shooting?

So far haven't most mass shooters been able to pass a background check?

And if they can't pass a background check do you think that will stop them from illegally obtaining a gun?
How about getting weapons of mass destruction off the streets Or will NRA spank Trump again if he dares suggest it?

Weapon of mass destruction? Since when are these guys using Sarin Gas...?
So how does a new background check law stop a mass shooting?

So far haven't most mass shooters been able to pass a background check?

And if they can't pass a background check do you think that will stop them from illegally obtaining a gun?
How about getting weapons of mass destruction off the streets Or will NRA spank Trump again if he dares suggest it?

A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

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We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems

What mass killing problem? We had a grand total of 12 in 2018, with 93 killed over 38,000.....we have a car killing problem......knives kill over 1,500 every single year...

93 vs. 1,500...

Can you tell which number is bigger?
Will I don't want to screw over any gun owners BUT I do need people in positions of power to do SOMETHING to get these mass murders lessened Whatever it takes

There were 12.... in 2018..... out of 320,000,000 people in this country...

Do you understand how small that number actually is?
so while yes it's a "true" statement it's presented in a manner to make people think you can buy guns galore at a show and never have a check run on you.

It is a TRUE statement. Many gun show sales are done without background checks. Full stop.

Also...400,000 gun are stolen every year and 80% of guns used in crimes are either stolen (because there are so many unsecured in our society) or purchased through straw purchases or without background checks
lord you're a turdball.

prove it.

Actually, according to the Chicago Police Chief, 60% of the guns involved were purchased legally in Indianna and other looser than a goose states close by. They weren't stolen. Although they were transported illegally over the state line. But it's not like the Cops are going to put up a checkpoint and stop every car, truck or pickup coming in across the state line.

Moron, you got the percentage wrong...that was 60% of the guns were acquired in Illinois..... and why is it, then, if those guns are so easy to get in Indiana, their gun crime rate isn't higher than Illinios? Riddle us that one, batman....
A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

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We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems
And you think telling people who will never commit a mass shooting they can't own a specific rifle is going to solve the problem

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Reducing the availability of assault weapons WILL do that. It has done it before didn't....actual research, which we have shown you asshats over and over again shows it didn't have any effect....
How about getting weapons of mass destruction off the streets Or will NRA spank Trump again if he dares suggest it?

A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems

What mass killing problem? We had a grand total of 12 in 2018, with 93 killed over 38,000.....we have a car killing problem......knives kill over 1,500 every single year...

93 vs. 1,500...

Can you tell which number is bigger?
Yea asshole..there's no mass murder problem...sure
A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems

What mass killing problem? We had a grand total of 12 in 2018, with 93 killed over 38,000.....we have a car killing problem......knives kill over 1,500 every single year...

93 vs. 1,500...

Can you tell which number is bigger?
Yea asshole..there's no mass murder problem...sure

12..... in 2018..... 93 killed....shitstain....

Knives kill over 1,500 every single year...can you tell which number is bigger? Lawn Mowers kill more people almost every year than mass shooters you want to ban lawn mowers?
So we shouldn't worry about events like El Paso, Dayton, Tree of Life, Parksville, Vegas,Sandy Hook, and on and on...meh...
Something like 3% of the population own HALF the fucking guns in the country.

And to keep those gun nuts happy we have to live with mass shootings every week or two?
That is totally inaccurate.

Just 3 percent of American adults own half of the nation's firearms, according to the results of a Harvard-Northeastern survey of 4,000 gun owners.

must be hard work being this gullible.

The Washington Post was bought by the Moonies a decade ago, and it no source of anything.
You should know it is nearly impossible to get gun stats.
Foolish post.
10000 people own 17 guns or more. Everybody else has 1 or 2. That's all the study suggests, but that is total bullshit. There are way more than 250 million guns.


Not only are there more than 400 millions guns in the US, but over 35% of homes are armed, to then 3% can't own most of the arms in the US.
So we shouldn't worry about events like El Paso, Dayton, Tree of Life, Parksville, Vegas,Sandy Hook, and on and on...meh...

Did I say that? No. Dealing with those attacks is different from regular gun don't handle them by banning guns from 18 million people. The way you stop mass public shootings?

1) End gun free zones....

2) Get the public to help in identifying dangerous people

3) Get the news media to cover these stories without the 24/7, round the clock, ego massaging coverage the shooters crave.

That is how you reduce mass public shootings, not by banning one rifle that is the least commonly used rifle in these types of dipshit...
So we shouldn't worry about events like El Paso, Dayton, Tree of Life, Parksville, Vegas,Sandy Hook, ander on and on...meh...

Of course you should be concerned with something causing that much pain that there are so many suicides.
But clearly firearms are not at all what is causing so many people to want to commit suicide.
Something else is.
It likely is over population, lack of job security, lack of opportunity, lack of access to mental health care, lack of social justice, over load media hype, senseless wars, the War on Drugs, hypocrisy, a police state, the highest incarceration rate in the world, etc,
Gun culture in this country has gotten pretty far out there... its got me shaking my head and i'm a gun owner,. #embarrassing

1min 40sec
Guns for sale - inside an American gun show - BBC News
You're not a damn gun owner and you know it.
I got 6 riffles in one closet and 5 handguns in the other. Why does that matter at all? Address the subject and stop with the personal insults that are based on stuff you know nothing about

You miss the point. The BBC film falsely implied you could buy guns at a gun show without a background check.
That is a lie. For at least the last 20 years, all gun shows required full background checks for a purchase.
Who doesn't want to keep their job and record clean? I would think anybody if they could. Hell, you can't even collect unemployment if you lose your job over dope.

Of course nobody will admit they are addicted to pot. Trust me, I smoked pot and so did most of my friends growing up and into early adulthood.

I remember many years ago there was a huge pot bust somewhere, and that left a lot of places dry. That one friend of mine I mentioned was going nuts. He was calling kids from school he hadn't talked to in 15 years. He was getting phone numbers of strangers he never met just to see if anybody had a joint or two for sale. He was shaking like a guy that went cold turkey on heroin.

Opioid products stay in your system for months unlike opioid drugs. When we get into income discussions, I bring up the fact that most anybody can get a better job than minimum wage, but they can't pass the drug test that better jobs require, so they opt to live paycheck to paycheck making crap money doing crap work.

I had a couple I was renting an apartment to a few years back. She and her boyfriend lived here for seven years. Both worked fast food places because they wouldn't or couldn't give up the pot. Yes, they made rent albeit late most times, but they always paid. They had one car between them, and the thing was fifteen years old and beat to all hell. They had to buy used tires every two weeks just to keep it on the road.
Yes they opt to

In other words they choose to

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Nobody chooses dope over a job and career unless they can't stop using the stuff. That is unless you want to say they chose dope because they couldn't quit.

And that is the way it should be. The last thing I want to see is a druggie wheeling around in an 80,000 lb 70 foot death machine.

Yes and no. I mean........I certainly don't want to drive around anybody who is intoxicated, especially in an 18 wheeler. However there is a distinct difference between being intoxicated and having residual drugs or alcohol in your system from what you were doing in your off duty hours.

A friend of mine works for ConWay express which was recently sold to another company. He told me that every driver gets pulled for a drug test after vacation. Why? Because vacation is when people let loose a bit, and residual THC can stay in your system from three to four weeks.

So they were not testing to see if you came back loaded, they tested to see what you did while on vacation, and to me, that's an invasion of privacy.

You want the job, stay clean. If you are using during your vacation then chances are you are also using when you aren't on vacation. Don't lie about it. It means a lot of lives are on the line for certain jobs. It's like when I was an Aircraft Specialist. Do you really want to fly on an Aircraft that a druggie worked on? Or when I worked High Scale. Certain jobs MUST be completely clean for the safety of everyone. I don't find ConWays drug policy wrong at all. If you do then maybe you should go work at something less dangerous.

That makes no sense and is an illegal invasion of privacy.
There is no drug that continues to have effect after 12 hours or so.
Just because the drug test can find minute traces in your urine, does not mean you are high, dangerous, or incapable of delicate work.
The government has no right or authority to say what you do, only that you do your job correctly.
And drug testing does not at all do that.
I still wanna know where it says people who have served jail sentences can't bear arms in the constitution.

It doesn't, but taking away rights is part of the sentence you get when you committed a crime you knew would deny you those rights. In that sense, it was an option to no longer have those rights that you chose.
Yes they opt to

In other words they choose to

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Nobody chooses dope over a job and career unless they can't stop using the stuff. That is unless you want to say they chose dope because they couldn't quit.

And that is the way it should be. The last thing I want to see is a druggie wheeling around in an 80,000 lb 70 foot death machine.

Yes and no. I mean........I certainly don't want to drive around anybody who is intoxicated, especially in an 18 wheeler. However there is a distinct difference between being intoxicated and having residual drugs or alcohol in your system from what you were doing in your off duty hours.

A friend of mine works for ConWay express which was recently sold to another company. He told me that every driver gets pulled for a drug test after vacation. Why? Because vacation is when people let loose a bit, and residual THC can stay in your system from three to four weeks.

So they were not testing to see if you came back loaded, they tested to see what you did while on vacation, and to me, that's an invasion of privacy.

You want the job, stay clean. If you are using during your vacation then chances are you are also using when you aren't on vacation. Don't lie about it. It means a lot of lives are on the line for certain jobs. It's like when I was an Aircraft Specialist. Do you really want to fly on an Aircraft that a druggie worked on? Or when I worked High Scale. Certain jobs MUST be completely clean for the safety of everyone. I don't find ConWays drug policy wrong at all. If you do then maybe you should go work at something less dangerous.

That makes no sense and is an illegal invasion of privacy.
There is no drug that continues to have effect after 12 hours or so.
Just because the drug test can find minute traces in your urine, does not mean you are high, dangerous, or incapable of delicate work.
The government has no right or authority to say what you do, only that you do your job correctly.
And drug testing does not at all do that.

In my case, drug testing is a government requirement. However it's not so in other industries. Companies get breaks in their Workman's Compensation insurance if they participate in drug screenings for employees. But because government forces us to comply, I do find that a violation of our fourth Amendment rights.
So we shouldn't worry about events like El Paso, Dayton, Tree of Life, Parksville, Vegas,Sandy Hook, and on and on...meh...

You can worry about them all you like, but not to pass legislation that would have little affect on the situation. You want to inconvenience tens of millions of Americans by creating laws that won't stop one mass shooter.

The laws talked about are nothing more than a stepping stone into virtual total disarmament of the American public. That's our biggest concern. As I stated earlier, what Republicans should do is tell Democrats they will go along with a couple of their suggestions, and in return, the Democrat party sign a contract with America that Democrats will never bring up the subject again. Then watch how fast they would vote their own bills down, because it has nothing to do with stopping any shooting.
A semiautomatic rifle is just a rifle nothing more

Your histrionics and hyperbole do not change that fact
So let me get this straight Your solution has nothing to do with guns just the mentally ill? Seems that's trumps solution After talking wit NRA
So you want to do nothing about the mentally ill and think telling people who aren't mentally ill they can't own one specific type of gun will solve the problem

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We need a group or a party not afraid of the NRA and starts looking for cures to our mass killing problems

What mass killing problem? We had a grand total of 12 in 2018, with 93 killed over 38,000.....we have a car killing problem......knives kill over 1,500 every single year...

93 vs. 1,500...

Can you tell which number is bigger?
Yea asshole..there's no mass murder problem...sure

There is a mass murder problem just like there are individual murder problems. But guess which one is more of a problem?

The media sensationalizes mass murders, but more people get killed on a holiday weekend in Chicago than most of our mass murders. And those more numerous murders are done with handguns, not AK's or AR's.
If you want to diminish drug use, you have to reduce the profits so there are fewer people selling it. And that means legalization, so you can under cut the black market prices.

That would never happen because no state will go that route unless they get a huge cut like in pot states. You are not going to diminish drug usage by making it legal. You will only increase the usage.

States that legalize, like CO, get huge profits from sales tax.
You are going to decrease usage when you make it legal, because then there no longer will be any anger or rebellion motivation. Government will gain back some credibility. People extremely resent drug prohibitions.

People don't use drugs out of anger or rebellion. They use drugs because they got hooked after taking prescription drugs, peer pressure where they didn't think much of it at the time, or recreational use to feel good, but not anger or rebellion.

Drugs have been around my entire life, and in fact, they considered my generation as the drug generation. Yet in spite of the laws that are no different today than back then, we have a huge problem with OD deaths and addiction. It's the ready availableness of the drugs that is the problem. You can't get hooked on something you have no access to.

Sure they do.
The government, your job, the news, etc., get you all upset, so you want pot to help you forget.
One does not smoke pot to get anger or rebellion, but to forget about anger, rebellion, frustration, etc.
But other drugs are entirely different, and far more dangerous.

You will stand an easier time getting people off of drugs than you will getting people to never have anger. But the anger you specified is that people can't get the drugs legally, and again, that's not why people use drugs. You don't use something because you are mad and angry that you can't legally use it.

With Prohibition of alcohol, use greatly increased. That was because speak easys became exotic, clandestine, and people felt they were sticking it to the man, whom they hated for attempting to interfere with their personal choices. When government prohibits something without any clear necessity, people are aware that is illegal and oppressive. They deliberately join a counter culture. When something is illegal, then profits are high, those dealing become powerful in the local social life. The credibility of the government, with its fake "Reefer Madness" videos becomes the enemy and considered evil. This is especially true in poor Black communities, where no one would ever consider cooperating with police. The police become the bad guy.
I still wanna know where it says people who have served jail sentences can't bear arms in the constitution.

It doesn't, but taking away rights is part of the sentence you get when you committed a crime you knew would deny you those rights. In that sense, it was an option to no longer have those rights that you chose.

That's contradictory, Ray.

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