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Gun crime across England and Wales up 23%,driven mostly by handguns, which are banned,

Define gun nut.
Are you a gun nut? The definition is common knowledge.
No it's not. I don't speak liberal. Define it.
I am not a liberal, and, no, you are not a mainstream conservative. Yes, you are a gun nut. DarkFury, no one is coming to confiscate your weapons.

You don't follow this issue do you? Obama stacked the courts with anti-gun judges and justices....they are making rulings that are making the 2nd Amendment pointless...the 4th Circuit just ruled that the 2nd Amendment doesn't protect weapons that have been used by the military, in a ruling banning guns that were never used by the military....the 9th ruled that you the government doesn't have to allow you to carry a gun for self defense....in the face of the Heller decision.....the anti gunners are coming for guns through the courts........
You are a gun nut then. You are concerned about weapons of war, and what that means, although there is no problem. There is no issue. Firearms are not being confiscated, are not being seized, and are not in danger of being seized. You probably don't realize the stats in the UK demonstrate they are about 40 years out before the catch up with us in the USA.

You are new.....you haven't researched this issue, so you are ignorant of the facts. The point.....the U.K. banned and confiscated guns in 1996 telling the British people it would make them safer.......21 years....there was no change in their gun murder rate, except it spiked for 10 years, and there was no change in their gun crime rate, which is going up, not down.....gun control for normal, law abiding people did nothing to the gun crime rate in Britain except to increase it...

We did the exact opposite....and all of our gun crime statistics went down....

So you don't know what you are talking about.

As to confiscation....the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has attacked the right to carry guns for self defense...in defiance of the Heller decision.

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that military weapons....are not protected by the 2nd Amendment, allowing a ban on rifles with magazines to stay in effect in New Jersey.....a decision that goes against the 2nd Amendment and the Heller decision....

You don't know the issue.....so please, read up, get informed, and then we can take your posts seriously.
Oh my! The biased media prints it and you swallow it hook line and sinker. No matter what you liars say or do, come get them!
Trump attacked our first amendment too. How`s that working out for him? Should there be a ban on reporting the results of university studies that confirm the ignorance of FOX viewers? What is it that I`m supposed to come and get btw?

How did he attack the 1st Amendmen?t....did he take the freedom of religion away from bakers, pizza makers, and wedding photographers...no, obama did that....

How exactly did Trump attack the first amendment?....did he riot to keep speakers off of college campuses like bernie and hilary supporters did?

Did he hire bob craemer and scot foval to incite riots at Trump rallies.....the way the democrat national committe, the hilary campaign and obama did?

Do you mean like that?
How did Trump attack the first amendment? By calling the free press the enemy of the people dumbass. The people that are chasing your Nazi friends off of college campuses are NOT the president of the U.S.

No...dumb ass...that is him exercising his freedom of speach....asswipe. It is your morons, on your side who are shutting down free speech on college campuses with violence, attacks against other people, and destruction of property....blocking entrances to lecture halls, pounding on walls to silence speakers, pulling fire alarms........

It is your side sending violent people into Trump rallies, under the direction of bob craemer and scot foval...two men who were working for the Democrat National Committee, taking fucking orders from their director of Special events, and they cooridnated their attacks on Trump rallies with the hilary campaign...

It is your assholes who tried to murder republican congressmen...a bernie sanders suppprter....

it is your assholes, who are murdering police.....

it is your assholes suing Religious people so they lose their businesses when they try to practice their freedom of religion, protected by the 1st Amendment......

Those are attacks on the 1st amendment, asswipe....actual attacks to silence the first Amendment...
An asswip of a President who attacks the free press and the asswipes who defend him are enemies of the 1st Amendment.

How did he attack the first Amendment?
One, I am new to USMB but not to gun issues. I know as much or more than you and am far more rational. We are in a safe place right now per the 2d, and SCOTUS will rule properly on weapons of war.

Two, you are dancing on the UK stats. It will be forty years before and if they catch up with us. We are going to need to get our opioid epidemic under control, along with meth and heroin and cocaine, to have a serious chance of getting our violence issue under control.
One, I am new to USMB but not to gun issues. I know as much or more than you and am far more rational. We are in a safe place right now per the 2d, and SCOTUS will rule properly on weapons of war.

Two, you are dancing on the UK stats. It will be forty years before and if they catch up with us. We are going to need to get our opioid epidemic under control, along with meth and heroin and cocaine, to have a serious chance of getting our violence issue under control.

That you use the Term "Weapons of War" reveals that you are in the anti-2nd Amendment camp. Every single type of gun has been a weapon of war, from the pump action shotgun, still in use...to the 6 shot revolver to the lever action rifle.

You are not aware of the rulings by the 9th Circuit on "Shall issue" laws or the 4th Circuit gutting the Heller decision and the 2nd Amendment.

It will not be 40 years...their rates of violence have gone through the roof and they are cutting their police funding to prop up their social welfare programs.......and they are handicapping their police with political correct attacks...so no, they are going to be rushing to catch up to our crime rates....that...and the fact that their singel teenage girls are having more children without fathers...which creates young males with little impulse control and little empathy for other human beings...the stabbings and acid attacks all over England show this sociopathic behavior.....
One, I am new to USMB but not to gun issues. I know as much or more than you and am far more rational. We are in a safe place right now per the 2d, and SCOTUS will rule properly on weapons of war.

Two, you are dancing on the UK stats. It will be forty years before and if they catch up with us. We are going to need to get our opioid epidemic under control, along with meth and heroin and cocaine, to have a serious chance of getting our violence issue under control.

Hey...how about you lay out your stances on the various gun issues for us.....? Let us go over what we each think and see where you actually stand....it is easy to say that you are rational....then lay it out, and explain the laws you want, and why they would work.....I have over and over here on U.S. message....do us the favor and do the same thing.
The term weapons of war is used by the courts, and you are no acceptable decider of what is appropriate or not, 2aguy. You are a joke on this issue, as others have pointed out to me.

You have no control of your impulses.

We have no gun problem in America in terms of gun grabbers.

Your stats in the UK are nonsense in terms of actual danger there.
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The term weapons of war is used by the courts, and you are no acceptable decider of what is appropriate or not, 2aguy. You are a joke on this issue, as others have pointed out to me.

You have no control of your impulses.

We have no gun problem in America in terms of gun grabbers.

Your stats in the UK are nonsense in terms of actual danger there.

So..you don't want to actually put out what you believe in guns...got it......and yes...using "weapons of war" to talk about guns immediately pegs you for a gun grabber.......thanks for playing...
The term weapons of war is used by the courts, and you are no acceptable decider of what is appropriate or not, 2aguy. You are a joke on this issue, as others have pointed out to me.

You have no control of your impulses.

We have no gun problem in America in terms of gun grabbers.

Your stats in the UK are nonsense in terms of actual danger there.

So..you don't want to actually put out what you believe in guns...got it......and yes...using "weapons of war" to talk about guns immediately pegs you for a gun grabber.......thanks for playing...
Only an illiterate like you would think so.
Obvious fake news.

Guns are tightly controlled in all of The United Kingdom so only responsible, licensed, vetted and pure-at-heart people have guns. And, of course, selected police.

So, you see, the alleged shootings never happened. Just fake news from folks afraid of everything but the crushing weight of excessive laws.
Who are you, HenryBHough? Are you over eighty? ninety? Because what you said makes no sense.

You must a purveyor of Alt Facts and Fake News from the far right.
Did you hear government is going to release its stash of 1911s?
Now that is good news!

here it is

The United States House of Representatives has just passed their version of the 2018 National DefenseAuthorization Act (NDAA), and included within it is a provision that will mandate the release of all M1911handguns currently in US Army inventory to the Civilian Marksmanship Program, for distribution to eligible US civilians. The new bill would overwrite the 2016 NDAA, which allowed for the release of 10,000 of the pistols, but did not mandate it. The text of Section 1064 of the 2018 NDAA is as follows:

(a) In General.—Section 40728(h) of title 36, United States Code, is amended—pistols.”; and

(3) by striking paragraph (2).

(b) Termination Of Pilot Program.—Section 1087 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114–92; 129 Stat. 1012) is amended by striking subsections (b) and (c).

BREAKING: House Passes Bill MANDATING Transfer of ALL US Army M1911 Handguns to the CMP - The Firearm Blog

I thought you were referring to the UK government.
Did you hear government is going to release its stash of 1911s?
Now that is good news!

here it is

The United States House of Representatives has just passed their version of the 2018 National DefenseAuthorization Act (NDAA), and included within it is a provision that will mandate the release of all M1911handguns currently in US Army inventory to the Civilian Marksmanship Program, for distribution to eligible US civilians. The new bill would overwrite the 2016 NDAA, which allowed for the release of 10,000 of the pistols, but did not mandate it. The text of Section 1064 of the 2018 NDAA is as follows:

(a) In General.—Section 40728(h) of title 36, United States Code, is amended—pistols.”; and

(3) by striking paragraph (2).

(b) Termination Of Pilot Program.—Section 1087 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114–92; 129 Stat. 1012) is amended by striking subsections (b) and (c).

BREAKING: House Passes Bill MANDATING Transfer of ALL US Army M1911 Handguns to the CMP - The Firearm Blog

I thought you were referring to the UK government.

the uk is hopelessly lost
Nonetheless, citizens in England and Wales are far safer than in America from gun violence.

It would take the Isle almost forty years to catch up with America with your statistics.

Are you one of those gun nuts?
Define gun nut.
Are you a gun nut? The definition is common knowledge.

No because the wacko gun control freaks call anyone who owns even one firearm a "gun nut"
You notice he can fling a term but when asked to define it he runs. Guess he no speaka da English eh?
Yep....new crime stats from Britain...and this is on top of the fact that gun crime in the City of London is up 42%.....

Crime rise is biggest in a decade, ONS figures show

Ministers will also be concerned that the country is becoming increasingly violent in nature, with gun crime rising 23% to 6,375 offences, largely driven by an increase in the use of handguns.


More alarmingly, the statisticians say the rise in crime is accelerating, with a 3% increase recorded in the year to March 2015, followed by an 8% rise in the following year, and now a 10% increase in the 12 months to this March.

And in America...where we didn't ban and confiscate guns from normal people.....?

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%


Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Concealed carry permit number....
New Study: Over 16.3 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

actual study...

Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2017 by John R. Lott :: SSRN

The spike in crimes also corresponds to the increase in Muslim population. You cannot overlook that.
Culture there as does our white opioid epidemic here infect each country.

However, it will take UK forty years to become as dangerous as us.
where do you live because crime in my county is near ZERO as it is in large portions of the country

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