Gun culture or parenting culture?

I'm not terrified about guns. I'm terrified about so many idiots with guns.

Well that's your problem right there, you are terrified of the wrong people:

A newly-released report suggests that concealed carry permit holders are the most law-abiding citizens in the U.S.

The report, written by Crime Prevention Research Center president John Lott, notes that it is "very rare for permit holders to violate the law" and compares the crimes committed by permit holders to police officers and the general population. The police committed 103 crimes per 100,000 officers, while the general population committed 3,813 per 100,000 people, 37 times as much as the police crime rate.

And yet, the same metric shows an even lower crime rate for permit holders.

"Combining the data for Florida and Texas data, we find that permit holders are convicted of misdemeanors and felonies at less than a sixth the rate for police officers," Lott writes. "Among police, firearms violations occur at a rate of 16.5 per 100,000 officers. Among permit holders in Florida and Texas, the rate is only 2.4 per 100,000.10 That is just 1/7th of the rate for police officers. But there's no need to focus on Texas and Florida — the data are similar in other states."

Report: Concealed Carry Permit Holders Are The Most Law-Abiding People In The Country

Yep. Good old John Lott. Putting him on the payroll was some of the most effective money the gun manufacturers and the NRA have ever spent.

So find credible evidence to discredit that report. I'll wait here.
No need. Research who the MAIN donors for the Crime Prevention Research Center are.

What does that have to do with it? You people believe scientists who are paid by governments when they talk about global warming.

The reason you have "no need" is because you know it there is nothing out there that even hints that CCW holders are dangerous to society. As the report shows, you are more likely to be endangered by a non-CCW holder or even a cop before a licensed armed citizen.
I'm not terrified about guns. I'm terrified about so many idiots with guns.

Well that's your problem right there, you are terrified of the wrong people:

A newly-released report suggests that concealed carry permit holders are the most law-abiding citizens in the U.S.

The report, written by Crime Prevention Research Center president John Lott, notes that it is "very rare for permit holders to violate the law" and compares the crimes committed by permit holders to police officers and the general population. The police committed 103 crimes per 100,000 officers, while the general population committed 3,813 per 100,000 people, 37 times as much as the police crime rate.

And yet, the same metric shows an even lower crime rate for permit holders.

"Combining the data for Florida and Texas data, we find that permit holders are convicted of misdemeanors and felonies at less than a sixth the rate for police officers," Lott writes. "Among police, firearms violations occur at a rate of 16.5 per 100,000 officers. Among permit holders in Florida and Texas, the rate is only 2.4 per 100,000.10 That is just 1/7th of the rate for police officers. But there's no need to focus on Texas and Florida — the data are similar in other states."

Report: Concealed Carry Permit Holders Are The Most Law-Abiding People In The Country

Yep. Good old John Lott. Putting him on the payroll was some of the most effective money the gun manufacturers and the NRA have ever spent.

So find credible evidence to discredit that report. I'll wait here.
No need. Research who the MAIN donors for the Crime Prevention Research Center are.

About Us

The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) is a research and education organization dedicated to conducting academic quality research on the relationship between laws regulating the ownership or use of guns, crime, and public safety; educating the public on the results of such research; and supporting other organizations, projects, and initiatives that are organized and operated for similar purposes. It has 501(C)(3) status, and does not accept donations from gun or ammunition makers or organizations such as the NRA or any other organizations involved in the gun control debate on either side of the issue.

Our goal is to provide an objective and accurate scientific evaluation of both the costs and benefits of gun ownership as well as policing activities.

About - Crime Prevention Research Center
I'm not terrified about guns. I'm terrified about so many idiots with guns.

Well that's your problem right there, you are terrified of the wrong people:

A newly-released report suggests that concealed carry permit holders are the most law-abiding citizens in the U.S.

The report, written by Crime Prevention Research Center president John Lott, notes that it is "very rare for permit holders to violate the law" and compares the crimes committed by permit holders to police officers and the general population. The police committed 103 crimes per 100,000 officers, while the general population committed 3,813 per 100,000 people, 37 times as much as the police crime rate.

And yet, the same metric shows an even lower crime rate for permit holders.

"Combining the data for Florida and Texas data, we find that permit holders are convicted of misdemeanors and felonies at less than a sixth the rate for police officers," Lott writes. "Among police, firearms violations occur at a rate of 16.5 per 100,000 officers. Among permit holders in Florida and Texas, the rate is only 2.4 per 100,000.10 That is just 1/7th of the rate for police officers. But there's no need to focus on Texas and Florida — the data are similar in other states."

Report: Concealed Carry Permit Holders Are The Most Law-Abiding People In The Country

Yep. Good old John Lott. Putting him on the payroll was some of the most effective money the gun manufacturers and the NRA have ever spent.

So find credible evidence to discredit that report. I'll wait here.
No need. Research who the MAIN donors for the Crime Prevention Research Center are.

What does that have to do with it? You people believe scientists who are paid by governments when they talk about global warming.

The reason you have "no need" is because you know it there is nothing out there that even hints that CCW holders are dangerous to society. As the report shows, you are more likely to be endangered by a non-CCW holder or even a cop before a licensed armed citizen.

The report is bullshit written by a long time gun nut. Just the type alternative facts that right wingers crave.
I'm not terrified about guns. I'm terrified about so many idiots with guns.

Well that's your problem right there, you are terrified of the wrong people:

A newly-released report suggests that concealed carry permit holders are the most law-abiding citizens in the U.S.

The report, written by Crime Prevention Research Center president John Lott, notes that it is "very rare for permit holders to violate the law" and compares the crimes committed by permit holders to police officers and the general population. The police committed 103 crimes per 100,000 officers, while the general population committed 3,813 per 100,000 people, 37 times as much as the police crime rate.

And yet, the same metric shows an even lower crime rate for permit holders.

"Combining the data for Florida and Texas data, we find that permit holders are convicted of misdemeanors and felonies at less than a sixth the rate for police officers," Lott writes. "Among police, firearms violations occur at a rate of 16.5 per 100,000 officers. Among permit holders in Florida and Texas, the rate is only 2.4 per 100,000.10 That is just 1/7th of the rate for police officers. But there's no need to focus on Texas and Florida — the data are similar in other states."

Report: Concealed Carry Permit Holders Are The Most Law-Abiding People In The Country

Yep. Good old John Lott. Putting him on the payroll was some of the most effective money the gun manufacturers and the NRA have ever spent.

So find credible evidence to discredit that report. I'll wait here.
No need. Research who the MAIN donors for the Crime Prevention Research Center are.

About Us

The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) is a research and education organization dedicated to conducting academic quality research on the relationship between laws regulating the ownership or use of guns, crime, and public safety; educating the public on the results of such research; and supporting other organizations, projects, and initiatives that are organized and operated for similar purposes. It has 501(C)(3) status, and does not accept donations from gun or ammunition makers or organizations such as the NRA or any other organizations involved in the gun control debate on either side of the issue.

Our goal is to provide an objective and accurate scientific evaluation of both the costs and benefits of gun ownership as well as policing activities.

About - Crime Prevention Research Center

Yep, and the KKK claims they are a Christian organization on their web site. What now?
Well that's your problem right there, you are terrified of the wrong people:

A newly-released report suggests that concealed carry permit holders are the most law-abiding citizens in the U.S.

The report, written by Crime Prevention Research Center president John Lott, notes that it is "very rare for permit holders to violate the law" and compares the crimes committed by permit holders to police officers and the general population. The police committed 103 crimes per 100,000 officers, while the general population committed 3,813 per 100,000 people, 37 times as much as the police crime rate.

And yet, the same metric shows an even lower crime rate for permit holders.

"Combining the data for Florida and Texas data, we find that permit holders are convicted of misdemeanors and felonies at less than a sixth the rate for police officers," Lott writes. "Among police, firearms violations occur at a rate of 16.5 per 100,000 officers. Among permit holders in Florida and Texas, the rate is only 2.4 per 100,000.10 That is just 1/7th of the rate for police officers. But there's no need to focus on Texas and Florida — the data are similar in other states."

Report: Concealed Carry Permit Holders Are The Most Law-Abiding People In The Country

Yep. Good old John Lott. Putting him on the payroll was some of the most effective money the gun manufacturers and the NRA have ever spent.

So find credible evidence to discredit that report. I'll wait here.
No need. Research who the MAIN donors for the Crime Prevention Research Center are.

About Us

The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) is a research and education organization dedicated to conducting academic quality research on the relationship between laws regulating the ownership or use of guns, crime, and public safety; educating the public on the results of such research; and supporting other organizations, projects, and initiatives that are organized and operated for similar purposes. It has 501(C)(3) status, and does not accept donations from gun or ammunition makers or organizations such as the NRA or any other organizations involved in the gun control debate on either side of the issue.

Our goal is to provide an objective and accurate scientific evaluation of both the costs and benefits of gun ownership as well as policing activities.

About - Crime Prevention Research Center

Yep, and the KKK claims they are a Christian organization on their web site. What now?

What now? Now you prove they get donations from the NRA and that their report is fictitious.
Your post is nothing worth replying to, but I see you're on to attacks and shit.
so what do you call a person who wants to tell people how to live their lives and then use taxes and price manipulation to do so?

I call them control freaks

Good for you.

What do you call people who don't want to improve their society, don't want to try and reduce the problems that exist? I call them selfish.

Who doesn't want to see their society improve? Everybody has their own idea how society should be improved, but some of us believe in improving society ourselves, and not have government force our will upon others.

People like you think that your ideas should be forced on people via government. Do you know what I ate for breakfast just now? I had a chocolate Hostess cupcake, and I'm going to have another one when I get to work. If it were up to you, those cupcakes would be taxed so it would cost me $5.00 each. That's what I'm against.

Well, by the looks of it, a lot of people don't want society to improve. They're more concerned only with themselves and couldn't give a stuff about others.

The problem is Ray, you're coming at me with stuff that doesn't work, for how to "improve" society. Seemingly there are people who want society to benefit them, and not others, and so want to keep people down for their own benefit. This isn't improving society.

The US is massively on the way down, it has so many problems that are just getting worse and worse.

Right, that's why so many are trying to sneak into this disastrous place.

A lot of people don't want society to improve? Not by the force of government we don't.

People want to get into the US because it's a rich country. You look at countries where you're going to earn $300 a month, then people see the US and think it'll get them $1,500 a month, or something like that.

That doesn't tell you whether a country is on the way up or the way down though.

A lot of people use smaller govt as an excuse not to improve things.
so what do you call a person who wants to tell people how to live their lives and then use taxes and price manipulation to do so?

I call them control freaks

Good for you.

What do you call people who don't want to improve their society, don't want to try and reduce the problems that exist? I call them selfish.

Who doesn't want to see their society improve? Everybody has their own idea how society should be improved, but some of us believe in improving society ourselves, and not have government force our will upon others.

People like you think that your ideas should be forced on people via government. Do you know what I ate for breakfast just now? I had a chocolate Hostess cupcake, and I'm going to have another one when I get to work. If it were up to you, those cupcakes would be taxed so it would cost me $5.00 each. That's what I'm against.

Well, by the looks of it, a lot of people don't want society to improve. They're more concerned only with themselves and couldn't give a stuff about others.

The problem is Ray, you're coming at me with stuff that doesn't work, for how to "improve" society. Seemingly there are people who want society to benefit them, and not others, and so want to keep people down for their own benefit. This isn't improving society.

The US is massively on the way down, it has so many problems that are just getting worse and worse.

Right, that's why so many are trying to sneak into this disastrous place.

A lot of people don't want society to improve? Not by the force of government we don't.

People want to get into the US because it's a rich country. You look at countries where you're going to earn $300 a month, then people see the US and think it'll get them $1,500 a month, or something like that.

That doesn't tell you whether a country is on the way up or the way down though.

A lot of people use smaller govt as an excuse not to improve things.

You are completely wrong. People move here because of opportunities that they didn't have in their country. In many of these places, if you are born poor, that's the way you will be the rest of your life because of no opportunities.

Here, a poor person can advance themselves very easily. Work long and hard, don't spend money on unnecessary things, and invest most if not all of your disposable income. That's it!

People from other countries save every dollar and open up their own business or buy into a franchise. Do you think that foreigners are given a 7-11 when the come here? No. But unlike many Americans, they know that it's possible.

The Indian guy that owns the beverage store I go to is a good example. He and his wife opened up the store, and because of their personalities, they drew a lot of customers. During that time, they bought rental property. Now I understand they bought a hotel in a small town outside of Cleveland.

These people from India found the American dream, but it didn't come without a cost. They are open every day including Christmas, Thanksgiving, New years day and New years eve trying to attract even more customers. It's a lot of hard work, but they reap the rewards. His wife quit working at the store so she could manage the hotel they just bought.

That's why people come to America.
Good for you.

What do you call people who don't want to improve their society, don't want to try and reduce the problems that exist? I call them selfish.

Who doesn't want to see their society improve? Everybody has their own idea how society should be improved, but some of us believe in improving society ourselves, and not have government force our will upon others.

People like you think that your ideas should be forced on people via government. Do you know what I ate for breakfast just now? I had a chocolate Hostess cupcake, and I'm going to have another one when I get to work. If it were up to you, those cupcakes would be taxed so it would cost me $5.00 each. That's what I'm against.

Well, by the looks of it, a lot of people don't want society to improve. They're more concerned only with themselves and couldn't give a stuff about others.

The problem is Ray, you're coming at me with stuff that doesn't work, for how to "improve" society. Seemingly there are people who want society to benefit them, and not others, and so want to keep people down for their own benefit. This isn't improving society.

The US is massively on the way down, it has so many problems that are just getting worse and worse.

Right, that's why so many are trying to sneak into this disastrous place.

A lot of people don't want society to improve? Not by the force of government we don't.

People want to get into the US because it's a rich country. You look at countries where you're going to earn $300 a month, then people see the US and think it'll get them $1,500 a month, or something like that.

That doesn't tell you whether a country is on the way up or the way down though.

A lot of people use smaller govt as an excuse not to improve things.

You are completely wrong. People move here because of opportunities that they didn't have in their country. In many of these places, if you are born poor, that's the way you will be the rest of your life because of no opportunities.

Here, a poor person can advance themselves very easily. Work long and hard, don't spend money on unnecessary things, and invest most if not all of your disposable income. That's it!

People from other countries save every dollar and open up their own business or buy into a franchise. Do you think that foreigners are given a 7-11 when the come here? No. But unlike many Americans, they know that it's possible.

The Indian guy that owns the beverage store I go to is a good example. He and his wife opened up the store, and because of their personalities, they drew a lot of customers. During that time, they bought rental property. Now I understand they bought a hotel in a small town outside of Cleveland.

These people from India found the American dream, but it didn't come without a cost. They are open every day including Christmas, Thanksgiving, New years day and New years eve trying to attract even more customers. It's a lot of hard work, but they reap the rewards. His wife quit working at the store so she could manage the hotel they just bought.

That's why people come to America.

Yes, that's basically what I said, they go for the MONEY. If you're born poor, you stay poor... but in the US they can earn more than in their home country. It's all about money. And again, in the US you can make a lot of money.

However, again, this doesn't comment on the state of the way the US is going. Things were good in the 1960s, they're good now, but will they be good in 50 years time? I'm going to say the US will be much poorer in 50 years time than 50 years ago.
Who doesn't want to see their society improve? Everybody has their own idea how society should be improved, but some of us believe in improving society ourselves, and not have government force our will upon others.

People like you think that your ideas should be forced on people via government. Do you know what I ate for breakfast just now? I had a chocolate Hostess cupcake, and I'm going to have another one when I get to work. If it were up to you, those cupcakes would be taxed so it would cost me $5.00 each. That's what I'm against.

Well, by the looks of it, a lot of people don't want society to improve. They're more concerned only with themselves and couldn't give a stuff about others.

The problem is Ray, you're coming at me with stuff that doesn't work, for how to "improve" society. Seemingly there are people who want society to benefit them, and not others, and so want to keep people down for their own benefit. This isn't improving society.

The US is massively on the way down, it has so many problems that are just getting worse and worse.

Right, that's why so many are trying to sneak into this disastrous place.

A lot of people don't want society to improve? Not by the force of government we don't.

People want to get into the US because it's a rich country. You look at countries where you're going to earn $300 a month, then people see the US and think it'll get them $1,500 a month, or something like that.

That doesn't tell you whether a country is on the way up or the way down though.

A lot of people use smaller govt as an excuse not to improve things.

You are completely wrong. People move here because of opportunities that they didn't have in their country. In many of these places, if you are born poor, that's the way you will be the rest of your life because of no opportunities.

Here, a poor person can advance themselves very easily. Work long and hard, don't spend money on unnecessary things, and invest most if not all of your disposable income. That's it!

People from other countries save every dollar and open up their own business or buy into a franchise. Do you think that foreigners are given a 7-11 when the come here? No. But unlike many Americans, they know that it's possible.

The Indian guy that owns the beverage store I go to is a good example. He and his wife opened up the store, and because of their personalities, they drew a lot of customers. During that time, they bought rental property. Now I understand they bought a hotel in a small town outside of Cleveland.

These people from India found the American dream, but it didn't come without a cost. They are open every day including Christmas, Thanksgiving, New years day and New years eve trying to attract even more customers. It's a lot of hard work, but they reap the rewards. His wife quit working at the store so she could manage the hotel they just bought.

That's why people come to America.

Yes, that's basically what I said, they go for the MONEY. If you're born poor, you stay poor... but in the US they can earn more than in their home country. It's all about money. And again, in the US you can make a lot of money.

However, again, this doesn't comment on the state of the way the US is going. Things were good in the 1960s, they're good now, but will they be good in 50 years time? I'm going to say the US will be much poorer in 50 years time than 50 years ago.

I would guess it all depends on the leadership. If we continue to allow people to sit home and live off of taxpayers, then you are correct, because, Democrats want to see poverty expanded. If we start restricting access to these programs and only use them for those who have no choice but to be on them, that influences people to work harder and make more responsible decisions in life.

Working people can pass down wealth and property to their children making their lives better. You can't pass down your food stamp card to your children.

Sent from my iPhone using
Well, by the looks of it, a lot of people don't want society to improve. They're more concerned only with themselves and couldn't give a stuff about others.

The problem is Ray, you're coming at me with stuff that doesn't work, for how to "improve" society. Seemingly there are people who want society to benefit them, and not others, and so want to keep people down for their own benefit. This isn't improving society.

The US is massively on the way down, it has so many problems that are just getting worse and worse.

Right, that's why so many are trying to sneak into this disastrous place.

A lot of people don't want society to improve? Not by the force of government we don't.

People want to get into the US because it's a rich country. You look at countries where you're going to earn $300 a month, then people see the US and think it'll get them $1,500 a month, or something like that.

That doesn't tell you whether a country is on the way up or the way down though.

A lot of people use smaller govt as an excuse not to improve things.

You are completely wrong. People move here because of opportunities that they didn't have in their country. In many of these places, if you are born poor, that's the way you will be the rest of your life because of no opportunities.

Here, a poor person can advance themselves very easily. Work long and hard, don't spend money on unnecessary things, and invest most if not all of your disposable income. That's it!

People from other countries save every dollar and open up their own business or buy into a franchise. Do you think that foreigners are given a 7-11 when the come here? No. But unlike many Americans, they know that it's possible.

The Indian guy that owns the beverage store I go to is a good example. He and his wife opened up the store, and because of their personalities, they drew a lot of customers. During that time, they bought rental property. Now I understand they bought a hotel in a small town outside of Cleveland.

These people from India found the American dream, but it didn't come without a cost. They are open every day including Christmas, Thanksgiving, New years day and New years eve trying to attract even more customers. It's a lot of hard work, but they reap the rewards. His wife quit working at the store so she could manage the hotel they just bought.

That's why people come to America.

Yes, that's basically what I said, they go for the MONEY. If you're born poor, you stay poor... but in the US they can earn more than in their home country. It's all about money. And again, in the US you can make a lot of money.

However, again, this doesn't comment on the state of the way the US is going. Things were good in the 1960s, they're good now, but will they be good in 50 years time? I'm going to say the US will be much poorer in 50 years time than 50 years ago.

I would guess it all depends on the leadership. If we continue to allow people to sit home and live off of taxpayers, then you are correct, because, Democrats want to see poverty expanded. If we start restricting access to these programs and only use them for those who have no choice but to be on them, that influences people to work harder and make more responsible decisions in life.

Working people can pass down wealth and property to their children making their lives better. You can't pass down your food stamp card to your children.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yes, it would depend on the leadership. And currently it seems the leadership is intent of continuing to mess things up. It's not just about letting people get money for no reason, that's part of it, but other things like seeing large parts of society that feel like they're not a part of the country because they're born into poverty and for most of them, there isn't a way out.
still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?

yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

well I obviously didn't endanger anyone since no one but me even knew I was carrying

I'm not scared of anything you are obviously scared of people legally carrying a weapon.

and I have lots of things that I might not ever need like homeowners insurance, term life insurance, disability insurance, car insurance but if I do ever need them I'll be god damned glad I had them

my firearm is self defense insurance and it is the least expensive of all of them

None of those insurance policies have the potential to kill the kid playing in your neighbor's yard. Since you say you haven't needed to use your gun for self defence for 25 years, the only two reasons you carry it are either, your fear that you aren't capable of surviving the same issues everybody else faces without a gun to boost your ego, or you're just nuts. When did your fear first start bothering you?


You know most of my friends don't even know I own any guns. I don't talk abut guns around people, I don't advertise that I own guns etc etc

I just grew up around guns and realize a gun is nothing but a tool no different that any other tool i own. I carry a pocket knife everyday too. It's just a habit I got into because I like to be prepared

and there are millions of things that have the potential to kill you are you afraid of all those too?
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well I obviously didn't endanger anyone since no one but me even knew I was carrying

I'm not scared of anything you are obviously scared of people legally carrying a weapon.

and I have lots of things that I might not ever need like homeowners insurance, term life insurance, disability insurance, car insurance but if I do ever need them I'll be god damned glad I had them

my firearm is self defense insurance and it is the least expensive of all of them

None of those insurance policies have the potential to kill the kid playing in your neighbor's yard. Since you say you haven't needed to use your gun for self defence for 25 years, the only two reasons you carry it are either, your fear that you aren't capable of surviving the same issues everybody else faces without a gun to boost your ego, or you're just nuts. When did your fear first start bothering you?

I have a ton of stories about "nuts" people who defended themselves from an attack with a firearm or saved others who were attacked. Would you like to read a couple?

When you go to sleep for the night, do you close your doors and lock them? Why would you do that unless you had a fear of something?

Being prepared for the worst is not fear, being prepared for the worst is proactive. Some people might live in places where a gun is unnecessary. Others live in places where a gun may just come in handy one day. I usually don't carry mine around during the day, but if I leave home at night, my gun is with me. I take it to the store, to my ATM machine, to visit friends or relatives, everywhere unless it's a gun restricted zone like a hospital or government outlet.

Locking the front door at night is a far cry from being so traumatized till you feel the need to be armed for combat before you have the courage to leave your front yard. Yes, if you are involved in an armed confrontation, that is combat.

The only one showing fear is you. I have yet to hear anyone carrying a gun for self defense state they were in a state of fear as they did it.

Fear is the emotion you have about guns....for gun owners, they are putting the weapon on their belt with the same emotion as they do their cell phone.....

I already told you lots of times, I'm not scared of guns. I'm scared of gun nuts.

no you're scared of guns and everything else that has the "potential" to kill so IOW you never leave the house

but wait most accidents happen in the home

HMMM are you afraid of houses too?
yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

HTF is carrying a loaded gun endangering the public????
Get ahold of an old NRA gun safety manual from at least 20 years ago. Before their focus changed from gun safety to gun sales. That will explain it quite well.

Dumb shit.....I went through the 8 hour NRA gun safety training...two year have no clue what the hell you are talking about......are you really this dumb....? Do you practice at being this dumb?

Did they teach you the potential dangers of a loaded gun in public, or are you just as uninformed as Ray?

the gun is only as dangerous as the person carrying it
carrying a gun doesn't make a person dangerous
None of those insurance policies have the potential to kill the kid playing in your neighbor's yard. Since you say you haven't needed to use your gun for self defence for 25 years, the only two reasons you carry it are either, your fear that you aren't capable of surviving the same issues everybody else faces without a gun to boost your ego, or you're just nuts. When did your fear first start bothering you?

I have a ton of stories about "nuts" people who defended themselves from an attack with a firearm or saved others who were attacked. Would you like to read a couple?

When you go to sleep for the night, do you close your doors and lock them? Why would you do that unless you had a fear of something?

Being prepared for the worst is not fear, being prepared for the worst is proactive. Some people might live in places where a gun is unnecessary. Others live in places where a gun may just come in handy one day. I usually don't carry mine around during the day, but if I leave home at night, my gun is with me. I take it to the store, to my ATM machine, to visit friends or relatives, everywhere unless it's a gun restricted zone like a hospital or government outlet.

Locking the front door at night is a far cry from being so traumatized till you feel the need to be armed for combat before you have the courage to leave your front yard. Yes, if you are involved in an armed confrontation, that is combat.

The only one showing fear is you. I have yet to hear anyone carrying a gun for self defense state they were in a state of fear as they did it.

Fear is the emotion you have about guns....for gun owners, they are putting the weapon on their belt with the same emotion as they do their cell phone.....

I already told you lots of times, I'm not scared of guns. I'm scared of gun nuts.

Define Gun Nut.
anyone who owns a gun
The only one showing fear is you. I have yet to hear anyone carrying a gun for self defense state they were in a state of fear as they did it.

Fear is the emotion you have about guns....for gun owners, they are putting the weapon on their belt with the same emotion as they do their cell phone.....

I already told you lots of times, I'm not scared of guns. I'm scared of gun nuts.

Define Gun Nut.

Anyone other than military or law enforcement who thinks they need to be armed every day. Here's one.

Okay, genius....tell us how you know which day you will need to carry your gun for self defense and which day you don't.....

Please.....tell us...we want to know....
Well, considering I'm well into my 60s, and I have never really needed a gun to defend myself, I'd say not very often. There have been times when if I would have had a gun with me, the situation would have turned out much worse than it did.
so IOW you can't control yourself so you know you are unfit to carry a gun

good for you

I can control myself
I'm not terrified about guns. I'm terrified about so many idiots with guns.

Well that's your problem right there, you are terrified of the wrong people:

A newly-released report suggests that concealed carry permit holders are the most law-abiding citizens in the U.S.

The report, written by Crime Prevention Research Center president John Lott, notes that it is "very rare for permit holders to violate the law" and compares the crimes committed by permit holders to police officers and the general population. The police committed 103 crimes per 100,000 officers, while the general population committed 3,813 per 100,000 people, 37 times as much as the police crime rate.

And yet, the same metric shows an even lower crime rate for permit holders.

"Combining the data for Florida and Texas data, we find that permit holders are convicted of misdemeanors and felonies at less than a sixth the rate for police officers," Lott writes. "Among police, firearms violations occur at a rate of 16.5 per 100,000 officers. Among permit holders in Florida and Texas, the rate is only 2.4 per 100,000.10 That is just 1/7th of the rate for police officers. But there's no need to focus on Texas and Florida — the data are similar in other states."

Report: Concealed Carry Permit Holders Are The Most Law-Abiding People In The Country

Yep. Good old John Lott. Putting him on the payroll was some of the most effective money the gun manufacturers and the NRA have ever spent.

Shit head...he does not take any money from the NRA or gun can email him...he will tell you himself....moron.
None of those insurance policies have the potential to kill the kid playing in your neighbor's yard. Since you say you haven't needed to use your gun for self defence for 25 years, the only two reasons you carry it are either, your fear that you aren't capable of surviving the same issues everybody else faces without a gun to boost your ego, or you're just nuts. When did your fear first start bothering you?

I have a ton of stories about "nuts" people who defended themselves from an attack with a firearm or saved others who were attacked. Would you like to read a couple?

When you go to sleep for the night, do you close your doors and lock them? Why would you do that unless you had a fear of something?

Being prepared for the worst is not fear, being prepared for the worst is proactive. Some people might live in places where a gun is unnecessary. Others live in places where a gun may just come in handy one day. I usually don't carry mine around during the day, but if I leave home at night, my gun is with me. I take it to the store, to my ATM machine, to visit friends or relatives, everywhere unless it's a gun restricted zone like a hospital or government outlet.

Locking the front door at night is a far cry from being so traumatized till you feel the need to be armed for combat before you have the courage to leave your front yard. Yes, if you are involved in an armed confrontation, that is combat.

The only one showing fear is you. I have yet to hear anyone carrying a gun for self defense state they were in a state of fear as they did it.

Fear is the emotion you have about guns....for gun owners, they are putting the weapon on their belt with the same emotion as they do their cell phone.....

I already told you lots of times, I'm not scared of guns. I'm scared of gun nuts.

no you're scared of guns and everything else that has the "potential" to kill so IOW you never leave the house

but wait most accidents happen in the home

HMMM are you afraid of houses too?

You've built a complete little world in your mind, haven't you?
25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

HTF is carrying a loaded gun endangering the public????
Get ahold of an old NRA gun safety manual from at least 20 years ago. Before their focus changed from gun safety to gun sales. That will explain it quite well.

Dumb shit.....I went through the 8 hour NRA gun safety training...two year have no clue what the hell you are talking about......are you really this dumb....? Do you practice at being this dumb?

Did they teach you the potential dangers of a loaded gun in public, or are you just as uninformed as Ray?

the gun is only as dangerous as the person carrying it
carrying a gun doesn't make a person dangerous

No. It doesn't have to,but it quite often does.
I have a ton of stories about "nuts" people who defended themselves from an attack with a firearm or saved others who were attacked. Would you like to read a couple?

When you go to sleep for the night, do you close your doors and lock them? Why would you do that unless you had a fear of something?

Being prepared for the worst is not fear, being prepared for the worst is proactive. Some people might live in places where a gun is unnecessary. Others live in places where a gun may just come in handy one day. I usually don't carry mine around during the day, but if I leave home at night, my gun is with me. I take it to the store, to my ATM machine, to visit friends or relatives, everywhere unless it's a gun restricted zone like a hospital or government outlet.

Locking the front door at night is a far cry from being so traumatized till you feel the need to be armed for combat before you have the courage to leave your front yard. Yes, if you are involved in an armed confrontation, that is combat.

The only one showing fear is you. I have yet to hear anyone carrying a gun for self defense state they were in a state of fear as they did it.

Fear is the emotion you have about guns....for gun owners, they are putting the weapon on their belt with the same emotion as they do their cell phone.....

I already told you lots of times, I'm not scared of guns. I'm scared of gun nuts.

no you're scared of guns and everything else that has the "potential" to kill so IOW you never leave the house

but wait most accidents happen in the home

HMMM are you afraid of houses too?

You've built a complete little world in your mind, haven't you?
just like you have
HTF is carrying a loaded gun endangering the public????
Get ahold of an old NRA gun safety manual from at least 20 years ago. Before their focus changed from gun safety to gun sales. That will explain it quite well.

Dumb shit.....I went through the 8 hour NRA gun safety training...two year have no clue what the hell you are talking about......are you really this dumb....? Do you practice at being this dumb?

Did they teach you the potential dangers of a loaded gun in public, or are you just as uninformed as Ray?

the gun is only as dangerous as the person carrying it
carrying a gun doesn't make a person dangerous

No. It doesn't have to,but it quite often does.

I am not responsible for the acts of people like you who can't control themselves

I have been shooting since I was 8 have owned guns since I was 16 had a CC permit at 21 and have 3 decades of never once having an accident with a firearm

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