Gun owner stops violent store where anti gunners have tried to ban guns...

You can't look at one spot and determine if something is working or not. If in 29 out of 30 states violence is down after enacting CCW laws, then statistically it must be working. There may be hotspots where its not, but you can't point a finger at one location and blanket the entire nation with that.

There have been thousands of car accidents where seat belts didn't save anyone, everyone still died. But does that mean seatbelts don't save lives? Of course not. But I can surely point to many accidents where they didn't save anyone. Doesn't mean they don't work.
There must have been 40 studies that disagree with you, and all you can say is "look at Chicago and Wisconsin?" Yea, lets look at Chicago.

Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry gun permit applications surge - Washington Times

Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry applications surge

You feel stupid now? You should.

That's from last year dummy. It's already back to real bad this year.

Murders shootings on the rise in Chicago

CHICAGO — After recording the fewest murders in decades last year, violence is soaring: a 40% increase in shootings and 29% more homicides in the first three months of the year.

again...we just got concealed carry...and only two very public cases of CCW people stopping crime hit the media....

And violence is soaring.

Brain.....violence in the entire country is going down....and Chicago keeps fighting allowing people to carry guns for self defense....they have prevented gun stores and ranges from opening in the sorry.....time will tell...and the studies show the longer a county has concealed carry the better their crime rates go down....

Blame hollywood and the music industry.....and video games.....

Yes country going down, Chicago who just got concealed carry up.

I do blame Hollywood.
Um Joe, the guy with the gun didn't know they were related and it wouldn't matter anyway. So its ok to beat the fuck out of your relative because you know them and those gun totin' right wing lunatics better holster their gun and let you do it? I don't think so.

Well, that depends, doesn't it? We don't know what this guy had done where SEVEN of his relatives were wailing on him, but it was probably something pretty bad. But along comes trigger in the heat of the moment, supposed one of the angry relatives did something that made him feel 'threatened".

Because thanks to ridiculous "Stand your Ground" laws, we've pretty much given the gun nuts a license to kill.

Not really, Joe. Although many attempt to use 'stand your ground as a defence, most of the time it is just a reach. The perpetrator wasn't standing his ground, he went far beyond it.
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Not really, Joe. Although many attempt to use 'stand your ground as a defence, most of the time it is just a reach. The perpetrator wasn't standing his ground, he went far beyond it.

He got involved in a fight that had nothing to do with him, and the police ultimately resolved.

"Although bleeding from the face, the uncle did not want to file any charges against his nephew according to police."

So someone without training pulls a gun in a tense situation. So many ways that could have turned tragic.
Whether or not the uncle decides to press charges is irrelevant as to whether deadly force could have been justifiably used. All the guy with the gun has to do is feel the guy being beaten's life is in danger. Then pop pop pop goes the Glock.

So now liberals are getting teary eyed when someone legally carrying a concealed weapon pulls it and doesn't pull the trigger, resulting in an end to a 7 on 1 fight? So liberals want people to die? You say he had no training, yet he didn't shoot anyone. Perhaps, had he had training, he might have?
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Whether or not the uncle decides to press charges is irrelevant as to whether deadly force could have been justifiably used.

Yeah, let's look at that. so some whack intervenes into a family argument, and then he gets all scared like most cowardly gun packers do and shoots the Nephew. Right. That would have been totally awesome.

So now liberals are getting teary eyed when someone legally carrying a concealed weapon pulls it and doesn't pull the trigger, resulting in an end to a 7 on 1 fight? So liberals want people to die? You say he had no training, yet he didn't shoot anyone. Perhaps, had he had training, he might have?

There's no indication that anyone but the nephew and uncle were fighting. Everyone else was just standing there. also, no one called about the fight, but man, the minute a gun got pulled, people called about that.
And look who went to jail, the people in the fight, not the one who drew his gun.

I don't know where liberals get this idea that the only time a person can draw a weapon is if his back is against the wall. And then there are some idiots that say getting your head pounded into the sidewalk MMA style still isn't enough.

Sometimes I wonder about liberals.
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Whether or not the uncle decides to press charges is irrelevant as to whether deadly force could have been justifiably used.

Yeah, let's look at that. so some whack intervenes into a family argument, and then he gets all scared like most cowardly gun packers do and shoots the Nephew. Right. That would have been totally awesome.

So now liberals are getting teary eyed when someone legally carrying a concealed weapon pulls it and doesn't pull the trigger, resulting in an end to a 7 on 1 fight? So liberals want people to die? You say he had no training, yet he didn't shoot anyone. Perhaps, had he had training, he might have?

There's no indication that anyone but the nephew and uncle were fighting. Everyone else was just standing there. also, no one called about the fight, but man, the minute a gun got pulled, people called about that.

Defenses do often go bad. Look at the story from a few weeks ago about the veteran who shot two homeless guys who knocked down a woman. Well it ended up all three were friends and one of the shot guys was her boyfriend. The woman got pushed down while trying to break up the two guys from fighting. The woman later said he shouldn't have shot them. Since they were two homeless guys guess who is paying for all the hospital bills?
And look who went to jail, the people in the fight, not the one who drew his gun.

actually, nobody went to jail. The uncle refused to press charges.

I don't know where liberals get this idea that the only time a person can draw a weapon is if his back is against the wall. And then there are some idiots that say getting your head pounded into the sidewalk MMA style still isn't enough.

And if he had kept his fat wannabe ass in the car, like the dispatcher told him, a scared kid wouldn't have been pounding his pussy ass into the sidewalk.

Sometimes I wonder about liberals.

Not a liberal, guy. I'm a pragmatist. Even Ronald Reagan supported common sense gun control laws, and George H. Bush quit the NRA when it called ATF Agents "Jack-booted thugs" when they arrested Nazis and Child molesting cultists. But that was before the Crazies took over the GOP on this issue.

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