Gun violence in the US seems to be primarily a black on black, city dwellers' problem...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
So why are blacks and city dwellers blaming Georgia crackers, and going after THEIR guns?

Shouldn't they be going after the guns in the cities?

Go ahead, call in your national guard, and confiscate all the guns from the blacks in the cities. Watch gun crime nationwide plummet.

Then watch fro crooked back gangs to start mowing down people in the streets at an accelerated rate.

But by all means...disarm the population that is causing the problem. Go for it.

Oh and we'll shut down ICE for you too.

Have fun.

"Within the United States, the odds of dying from firearm homicide are much higher for Americans who reside in cities."

"CDC data also show that within our nation’s cities, black Americans are, on average, eight times more likely to be killed by firearms than those who are white. The rate of death by gun homicide for black people exceeds those among whites in all 50 states, but there is tremendous variation in the magnitude of this disparity. In 2015, a black person living in Wisconsin was 26 times more likely to be fatally shot than a white person in that state. At the same time, a black person in Arizona was “only” 3.2 times more likely than a white person to be killed by a gun. The combination of being black and living in an urban area is even more deadly. In 2015, the black homicide rate for urban areas in Missouri was higher than the total death rate from any cause in New York State."

Gun Violence in the US Kills More Black People and Urban Dwellers | SPH | Boston University
I don't give a shit and I know for a fact the white left wing rich elitists don't give a shit either.
BTW, the author of that piece sounds Russian. Imagine that, Russian leftists agree with American leftists on things like..oh, gun control. Borders. Unimportant shit like that.

And the press is telling us that the Russians are enemies of the left?

The useful idiots are getting purged. Fucking morons. US progressives and politicians have been playing footsie with marxists for decades. And now they are discovering they are expendable.


Anita Knopov is a medical student at the School of Medicine and a predoctoral research fellow at SPH.

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