Gunny's Thread on Religion


Just because you don't like the truth doesn't mean it's not true


If I'm wrong, go refute my claims in the various threads where I've proven your religion an lie time and again

I have not read the entire Bible, but that sounds a whole lot like what happened to Yeshua in Jerusalem.
There are other prophesies that were fullfilled and they are referenced in the NT, but you will probably ignore those too.


iot sounds like what happened to countless people in the world :lol:

That all you can do is quote your falsified documents, fairy tales, and bedtime stories reveals that you are totally void of any real argument.

That wasn't a prophecy, btw. It was a lamentation on the part of David.
really, who are these countless people?

darn! you are dumb! but i guess i can't complain, you were given what you got, from God! :beer:
I have not read the entire Bible, but that sounds a whole lot like what happened to Yeshua in Jerusalem.
There are other prophesies that were fullfilled and they are referenced in the NT, but you will probably ignore those too.


iot sounds like what happened to countless people in the world :lol:

That all you can do is quote your falsified documents, fairy tales, and bedtime stories reveals that you are totally void of any real argument.

That wasn't a prophecy, btw. It was a lamentation on the part of David.
really, who are these countless people?

darn! you are dumb! but i guess i can't complain, you were given what you got, from God! :beer:
Who were they?

Here are a few

A Surfeit of Jesuses! But No "Jesus of Nazareth"

Damn, you're fucklin' retarded
'For he has said "he has an unclean spirit"'. there is no room for opinion. The sentence that states it is unforgivable defines it.

Penitent = getting away with everything you've ever done. Christianity ios a religion based on 'sinning' all you want and avoiding personal responsibility.

what a crock of baby poop on your idea of penitent! :lol:

FAIL on your interpretation or attempt to answer what sinning against the holy spirit is...!!!

it was attributing things that came from God, to the Devil...Beelzebub.

Attributing something that is from God=good, to
attributing something that is from the Devil=evil.

The pharisees said that Jesus healing the sick through his miracles came from Satan...Beelzebub!
I have not read the entire Bible, but that sounds a whole lot like what happened to Yeshua in Jerusalem.
There are other prophesies that were fullfilled and they are referenced in the NT, but you will probably ignore those too.


iot sounds like what happened to countless people in the world :lol:

That all you can do is quote your falsified documents, fairy tales, and bedtime stories reveals that you are totally void of any real argument.

That wasn't a prophecy, btw. It was a lamentation on the part of David.
really, who are these countless people?

darn! you are dumb! but i guess i can't complain, you were given what you got, from God! :beer:

Do you have original documents? Can you prove the Bible was falsified? Can you prove they are fairy tales? Why do people fear the stories of the Bible (to the point of killing those that tell the stories), when they do not fear fairy tales and do not prohibit fairy tales? Scrolls have been found that are thousands and thousands of years old that match the OT books. People were killed for centuries after Yeshua was crucified for not worshipping the gov declared god (usually a gov figure). Can you demonstrate any other movement/religion in history that has lived like that?
The Catholic church has documented miracles for centuries of people doing amazing things in the name of Yeshua. Do you have any proof that those are falsified?

Yes the passage from psalms was a lament of David, but it also described Yeshua on the cross (and we know of no event where David had his hands and feet pierced), a prophesy.
You claim to know the Bible, but I think you do not understand it. Your loss.
really, who are these countless people?

darn! you are dumb! but i guess i can't complain, you were given what you got, from God! :beer:

Do you have original documents? Can you prove the Bible was falsified? Can you prove they are fairy tales? Why do people fear the stories of the Bible (to the point of killing those that tell the stories), when they do not fear fairy tales and do not prohibit fairy tales? Scrolls have been found that are thousands and thousands of years old that match the OT books. People were killed for centuries after Yeshua was crucified for not worshipping the gov declared god (usually a gov figure). Can you demonstrate any other movement/religion in history that has lived like that?
The Catholic church has documented miracles for centuries of people doing amazing things in the name of Yeshua. Do you have any proof that those are falsified?

Yes the passage from psalms was a lament of David, but it also described Yeshua on the cross (and we know of no event where David had his hands and feet pierced), a prophesy.
You claim to know the Bible, but I think you do not understand it. Your loss.

I certainly hope you meant this post of yours to go to JB instead of me???

"No man comes to the Father but by Me."

So anyone from another religion like Islam who don't worship jesus are never going to get into heaven?

It doesn't matter what religion they are in. If they reject Jesus, they will not make it into Heaven.
it was attributing things that came from God, to the Devil...Beelzebub.

Attributing something that is from God=good, to
attributing something that is from the Devil=evil.

The pharisees said that Jesus healing the sick through his miracles came from Satan...Beelzebub!

Jesus said how can Satan cast out Satan?? its impossible, or what doth light have to do with darkness??

Matthew 12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
Matthew 12:26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?
Matthew 12:27 And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges.

What i meant earlier when i was refering to who created evil, I was refering to, Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things........ Now youve got to understand that this was written after Satan and a 1\3rd of the angels were cast down out of the heavens. And also after the fall of mankind in the garden and original sin, these are another story. However according to theology scholars the reason GOD allowed evil to be created was to seperate the wheat from the chaff, or the goats from the sheep at their own free will. See you wouldnt apply a broad herbicide to your entire garden just to kill a few weeds absolutely not! you'd burn up everything and have no produce to yield? Because of mans sin nature GOD sent his only begotten son Jesus the Christ(the weedout master) for all to except freely and escape the
harsh herbicidel deception to come or so to speak, once the harvest is ripe its all over but the crying for the weeds, which are you going to be, withering weeds or fruitful produce???
really, who are these countless people?

darn! you are dumb! but i guess i can't complain, you were given what you got, from God! :beer:

Do you have original documents?

Do you?

Why do people fear the stories of the Bible (to the point of killing those that tell the stories),


You mean like the Jews committing genocide becuse god told them to?

Scrolls have been found that are thousands and thousands of years old that match the OT books.

Wrong, dumbass.

Does Mark 16: 9-20 Belong in the Bible? Mark 16:9-20 - Its Legitimacy in the Text • Textual Criticism Should Mark 16:9-20 be in the Bible? The Ending of Mark (Mark 16:9-20) Nazareth – The Town that Theology Built
Codex Sinaiticus: The earliest Bible manuscript to appear on the Internet soon - Pravda.Ru

Even the current form doesn't agree with itself

101 Contradictions in the Bible - Think Atheist 194 Contradictions New Testament A List Of Biblical Contradictions Bible Inconsistencies: Bible Contradictions? Biblical Contradictions Contradictions in The Old Testament Errors and Contradictions in the Bible? Bible Contradictions New Testament Contradictions

eople were killed for centuries after Yeshua was crucified for not worshipping the gov declared god (usually a gov figure).

Kinda like all those killed for not worshiping YHWH?

The Catholic church has documented miracles for centuries of people doing amazing things in the name of Yeshua. Do you have any proof that those are falsified?


You have any proof that any miracles have occurred and are caused by god? You n
ear the burden of proof, dumbass

Yes the passage from psalms was a lament of David, but it also described Yeshua on the cross (and we know of no event where David had his hands and feet pierced), a prophesy.

Speaking of prophecy and lies...
really, who are these countless people?

darn! you are dumb! but i guess i can't complain, you were given what you got, from God! :beer:

Do you have original documents? Can you prove the Bible was falsified? Can you prove they are fairy tales? Why do people fear the stories of the Bible (to the point of killing those that tell the stories), when they do not fear fairy tales and do not prohibit fairy tales? Scrolls have been found that are thousands and thousands of years old that match the OT books. People were killed for centuries after Yeshua was crucified for not worshipping the gov declared god (usually a gov figure). Can you demonstrate any other movement/religion in history that has lived like that?
The Catholic church has documented miracles for centuries of people doing amazing things in the name of Yeshua. Do you have any proof that those are falsified?

Yes the passage from psalms was a lament of David, but it also described Yeshua on the cross (and we know of no event where David had his hands and feet pierced), a prophesy.
You claim to know the Bible, but I think you do not understand it. Your loss.

I certainly hope you meant this post of yours to go to JB instead of me???


Sorry, Yes I did
Do you have original documents? Can you prove the Bible was falsified?

Can you prove that its true? And I don't mean some of the historical aspects, but the whole thing?

Can you prove they are fairy tales?

Can anyone prove that fairy tales are just that, fairy tales?

Why do people fear the stories of the Bible (to the point of killing those that tell the stories), when they do not fear fairy tales and do not prohibit fairy tales?

Because many people have at least enough since to not take traditional fairy tales seriously, unlike those told in the Bible. When someone takes something seriously which doesn't align well with reality, they are dangerous and are commonly referred to as "insane" or "delusional".

Scrolls have been found that are thousands and thousands of years old that match the OT books.

Which just means that the Bible is old. And those scrolls are only a little less than a 2 thousand years old, b the way.

People were killed for centuries after Yeshua was crucified for not worshipping the gov declared god (usually a gov figure). Can you demonstrate any other movement/religion in history that has lived like that?

Yes, many:
Protestants vs. Catholics
Muslims vs. Jews
Nazis vs. Jews
China vs. Tibetan Buddhists
Muslims vs. Christians
Stalin vs. religion
Christians vs. Muslims
Sunni vs. Shi'ite
Muslims vs. Hindus
Anglicans vs. Puritans
Any monotheistic religion vs. any other religion

The Catholic church has documented miracles for centuries of people doing amazing things in the name of Yeshua. Do you have any proof that those are falsified?

So have many other religions, including the Mormons. They don't have any proof of their miracles, but do you?

Yes the passage from psalms was a lament of David, but it also described Yeshua on the cross (and we know of no event where David had his hands and feet pierced), a prophesy. You claim to know the Bible, but I think you do not understand it. Your loss.

I've read the Bible. And I didn't really understand it, either. It really didn't make a lot of sense. There were genocides instigated by God, wars, strange happenings (like Lot's wife - what's up with that?), vagueness (as in Genesis), lots of rules (like Leviticus), not very well written poetry (Psalms - I mean, only Christians read Psalms, its fairly meaningless and not very literate for the rest of us), and then there's Revelations. And it really doesn't matter a whole lot since the Bible has been translated how many times? And wasn't there some sort of council a millenium or so ago that decided what would and would not be included in the Bible? Wouldn't you think that has some bearing on its accuracy and its integrity? The Bible proves nothing except that the Prophets didn't collaborate well as writers and people desire to have control over others.
really, who are these countless people?

darn! you are dumb! but i guess i can't complain, you were given what you got, from God! :beer:

Do you have original documents?

Do you?

You are the one that is claiming the Bible is false, yet you offer nothing that proves it to be false. You have discovered some person's opinions that there are contradictions in one book in the NT. One instance (that is an opinion) out of all those books, could be a translation error.

Present the documents that show the Bible is false.



You mean like the Jews committing genocide becuse god told them to?


If you read the whole section, you will see that G*d told them why those were to be destroyed. It seems they despised the Lord; an insignificant population of Hebrews was given the power to destroy them to prove His point. There are a lot of people today that are making the same mistake, trying the patience of the Lord (including me).

Wrong, dumbass.

Does Mark 16: 9-20 Belong in the Bible? Mark 16:9-20 - Its Legitimacy in the Text • Textual Criticism Should Mark 16:9-20 be in the Bible? The Ending of Mark (Mark 16:9-20) Nazareth – The Town that Theology Built
Codex Sinaiticus: The earliest Bible manuscript to appear on the Internet soon - Pravda.Ru

Even the current form doesn't agree with itself

101 Contradictions in the Bible - Think Atheist 194 Contradictions New Testament A List Of Biblical Contradictions Bible Inconsistencies: Bible Contradictions? Biblical Contradictions Contradictions in The Old Testament Errors and Contradictions in the Bible? Bible Contradictions New Testament Contradictions


Like I said, you can read it, but with the above in mind, you will not understand it.

Kinda like all those killed for not worshiping YHWH?

Who has been killed for not worshiping G*d? How many? When?
Were they killed for not worshiping G*d or was it an excuse for not supporting someone politically? Anti-Christians are great at throwing up the inquisitition, while ignoring the hundreds of thousands that have been killed by muslims trying to force their political beliefs (via religion) onto others, while ignoring the millions killed by communists and dictators (that basically outlawed G*d in their countries).
If you want to put up some numbers, put up the comparisons. More people have died from diseases than have been killed for not worshiping G*d.

The Catholic church has documented miracles for centuries of people doing amazing things in the name of Yeshua. Do you have any proof that those are falsified?


You have any proof that any miracles have occurred and are caused by god? You n
ear the burden of proof, dumbass
Great arguement. You make a claim and can't back it up, and then tell me that I must prove to you. I am not trying to prove anything to you. I am trying to point out that you are intent on misleading people with no proof of your own.
If the people that performed the miracles called on the Lord, and thru Him, did things that were otherwise impossible, can you tell me who/what else was responsible?

Other religions have documented amazing things, why do you not attack them? Hebrews have documented amazing victories. They have been noted in other civilizations as being a great power in ancient times. Christians have been performing miracles since before Yeshua died. Why will you deny Him?

Yes the passage from psalms was a lament of David, but it also described Yeshua on the cross (and we know of no event where David had his hands and feet pierced), a prophesy.[/quote]

Speaking of prophecy and lies...[/QUOTE]

Again, you make a statement and use opinion as fact. The NT has several people that are witnesses to Yeshua and His sacrifice for us. They were there. The people that documented their words and works knew them or results of their miracles first hand. Now people that do not want to believe claim to know and you are going to take their word? Have you asked why would someone want to stop people from believing in Yeshua?

He only taught that salvation was with the individual, that if they worked to live according to G*d's Laws and believe in Him, Yeshua, they would have everlasting life. He said to spread the Good News, that salvation was possible for all mankind. How is that harmful to anyone?

The ones that despise Him teach "groups", "legion" must be a part. Maybe because it is a lot easier to control people that do not rely on their own actions to produce the outcome that they want (eternal salvation). They need people that will go against the will of G*d and their own principles to accomplish the goal of the "leader".
Present the documents that show the Bible is false.

The documents themselves prove that

Perhaps you're blind, so I'll repost the links from earlier

Jesus was not the Messiah

abrahamists and prophecy

A Surfeit of Jesuses! But No "Jesus of Nazareth"

Does Mark 16: 9-20 Belong in the Bible? Mark 16:9-20 - Its Legitimacy in the Text • Textual Criticism Should Mark 16:9-20 be in the Bible? The Ending of Mark (Mark 16:9-20) Nazareth – The Town that Theology Built
Codex Sinaiticus: The earliest Bible manuscript to appear on the Internet soon - Pravda.Ru

101 Contradictions in the Bible - Think Atheist 194 Contradictions New Testament A List Of Biblical Contradictions Bible Inconsistencies: Bible Contradictions? Biblical Contradictions Contradictions in The Old Testament Errors and Contradictions in the Bible? Bible Contradictions New Testament Contradictions

Since you've shown that you can't read, here's a collection of materials that spell it all out without requiring any literacy on your part

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.


You mean like the Jews committing genocide becuse god told them to?

If you read the whole section, you will see that G*d told them why those were to be destroyed. It seems they despised the Lord; an insignificant population of Hebrews was given the power to destroy them to prove His point. There are a lot of people today that are making the same mistake, trying the patience of the Lord (including me).
So they were killed for refusing to worship YHWH? Were't you just complainming about people being killed for refusing to worship someone else's deity?

[ame=""]YouTube - â–ºDeath Noteâ—„ Hypocrite â–ºAMVâ—„[/ame]
Like I said, you can read it, but with the above in mind, you will not understand it.
I understand it perfectly and for what it is. You, on the other handm understand nothing

Who has been killed for not worshiping G*d? How many?
The Amorites, the Caananites, the Aakadians, the Jebusites, the Hittitwes, the Perizzites, the Hivties, the Native Americans, the natives in America, anyone with the misfortune to line in the Middle or Dark Ages, the women at Salem, the Muslims in the ME...

Anti-Christians are great at throwing up the inquisitition, while ignoring the hundreds of thousands that have been killed by muslims trying to force their political beliefs (via religion) onto others,
Sop your defense amounts to 'they did it, to'? Then we agree, you are no different than they are.

If you want to put up some numbers.
Here, they did the counting for us

[ame=""]YouTube - Atheist Experience - Tallying God's kill count in the Bible (Part 1)[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Atheist Experience - Tallying God's kill count in the Bible (Part 2)[/ame]

Great arguement. You make a claim and can't back it up, and then tell me that I must prove to you.

you claimed miracles happen. You must prove it.

Hebrews have documented amazing victories
Because they practiced Guerrilla warfare when their enemies marched in columns

it's the same way we won our independence and the VietCong defeated America

. They have been noted in other civilizations as being a great power in ancient times.
So were the Akkadians. Isreal was destroyed, remember. Just because you name the Wests pet project after Isreal doesn't mean the nation con continued to exist

Christians have been performing miracles since before Yeshua died. Why will you deny Him?

Again, you make a statement and use opinion as fact.


Comparing what the book says to what happened is 'opinon'? :lol:

Do you people ever not lie?

The NT has several people that are witnesses to Yeshua and His sacrifice for us.

1)So they claim

2)to have written it decades later

3)With no evidence to their authenticity

4)When eyewitness testimony is among the least reliable evidence one can ever put forward

They were there. The people that documented their words and works
No, they didn't. The allegedly wrote memoirs decades later. Do you even know your own religion's official story? :cuckoo:
He only taught that salvation was with the individual, that if they worked to live according to G*d's Laws and believe in Him, Yeshua, they would have everlasting life. He said to spread the Good News, that salvation was possible for all mankind. How is that harmful to anyone?
Do you know what those laws are?

Do you have any virgin daughters, by chance?

Oh wait, you're not a Semite, are you? That means you have to die
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Do you have original documents? Can you prove the Bible was falsified? Can you prove they are fairy tales? Why do people fear the stories of the Bible (to the point of killing those that tell the stories), when they do not fear fairy tales and do not prohibit fairy tales? Scrolls have been found that are thousands and thousands of years old that match the OT books. People were killed for centuries after Yeshua was crucified for not worshipping the gov declared god (usually a gov figure). Can you demonstrate any other movement/religion in history that has lived like that?
The Catholic church has documented miracles for centuries of people doing amazing things in the name of Yeshua. Do you have any proof that those are falsified?

Yes the passage from psalms was a lament of David, but it also described Yeshua on the cross (and we know of no event where David had his hands and feet pierced), a prophesy.
You claim to know the Bible, but I think you do not understand it. Your loss.

I certainly hope you meant this post of yours to go to JB instead of me???


Sorry, Yes I did

i never denied psalms 22 was not prophesy of Jesus so i have no idea WHY you would even ask such a thing from me?

i have never denied miracles either?

so you must be confused...?
if you athies say its not hereidtsry or hand me down why does it bother you if someone says a prayer aloud wheter it be in school, in court, in church, why?
with america being rapidly taken over by the atheist and such (the ungodly)america must be the hidden country of bozrah.

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