Guns are great, great for killing, maiming and used for fun.

Simple, the law is there to weaken the second amendment until it is more or less voided.

The Op has no intention of enforcing the laws they are already granted and want more laws to enforce the police state they envision for the future generations.

Take a moment and ask the Op what type of background checks do they prefer and does it include psychological evaluation and using the flawed No-Fly list?

The watch how quickly they will get defend about how things like that can be weaponized against the average citizen and how it would deny honest citizens their constitutional right…
And for this reason, all federal state and local gun laws are hereby null and void, and any attempted of enforcement thereof will be met by extreme death and guts.

Machine guns or Valhalla.
P#1: I have a clear picture of the Bay Area having served for 32 years in law enforcement.

P#2: This is clear picture of foolishness. Penal codes, vehicle codes, health and welfare codes, and dozens of more codes are in effect and most of the people obey them. Municipal codes, rules and regulations as well as State and Federal laws exist do to problems, and when these problems require a solution, then new laws are promulgated.

The United States has a serious problem, and that problem is the use of firearms everyday causing the death and wounding of innocent people.
Simple solution keep the bad guys in prison and or execute those who do violent crimes
I doubt you ever worked as an officer and if you have you should have been fired many times over with threats of arrest and abuse of power!

Next, it isn’t the firearm that is the issue it is those that are delusional like you that think placing more laws on the books that police like you refuse to enforce will stop criminals from obtaining and using a firearm in a illegal manner!

You write about how you have been a LEO of thirty plus years but write like a naive child that has never dealt with firearms or the reality criminals never obey those laws!

In fact you want it where you make legal firearm owners and users into criminals so you can further the police state you prefer and enjoy!

So how about using the laws you have and doing your damn job if you are truly an officer of the law and stop punishing the average citizen for your unwillingness to do your job!
I went to several officer's funerals bozo, and three of those officers were on domestic violence calls.

Two officers that were murdered were on their radio when they responded to a 911 call, and entered the tunnel of the apartment building, walking up the stairs and knocking on the door. The next report were the sounds of gunfire.

I used the recording on the tape when training rookie officers, when the shots were fired on the tape. The silence from all 30 of the rookies was deafening.
I went to several officer's funerals bozo, and three of those officers were on domestic violence calls.

Two officers that were murdered were on their radio when they responded to a 911 call, and entered the tunnel of the apartment building, walking up the stairs and knocking on the door. The next report were the sounds of gunfire.

I used the recording on the tape when training rookie officers, when the shots were fired on the tape. The silence from all 30 of the rookies was deafening.
Don't care.

Machine guns or Valhalla

I'm certain to see this thread put in the proper forum, one that will immediately be able to post off topic posts and an excuse that mass shooting of innocent human beings is rare and no excuse to have gun controls.

Is it trolling, or some other excuse to allow the gun lovers to use the same claim that mass shooting is no reason to deny them with their absolute right: "shall not be infringed"? And innocent men, women and children maimed and murdered is simply a rare event - almost daily in the United States - and their rights to own, possess and have in their custody and control this right, and of course, their right to be armed to everyone will be the solution to these rare events.

Don't see your point?
Humans have developed lots of dangerous tech and there are lots of dysfunctional and violent people out there.
There is no way to stop violence by trying to constrain one single means of violence when there are infinite others.
For example, if a person does not use a gun to kill someone, is it any better if they instead just stab or poison them?
The advantage of the gun is that it is so loud that they likely will then be seen and caught in the act, while with a blade or poison, they can get away with it and do it over and over.

But ultimately as much as there are dangerous people with weapons, like criminals, gangsters, and dictators, the only solution if for the honest people to have the same and equal weapons.
It would be nice if no one ever needed weapons, but that obviously is unrealistic.
Even if something requiring weapons for defense does not happen in our lifetime, it is bound to happen often enough so that these defensive weapons are essential.
Good can only triumph over evil if we keep up on equal arms.
I went to several officer's funerals bozo, and three of those officers were on domestic violence calls.

Two officers that were murdered were on their radio when they responded to a 911 call, and entered the tunnel of the apartment building, walking up the stairs and knocking on the door. The next report were the sounds of gunfire.

I used the recording on the tape when training rookie officers, when the shots were fired on the tape. The silence from all 30 of the rookies was deafening.
Sure you did!

Describe the perp and tell the board did they legally own the firearm and when did this happen?
You aren't asking but we're telling.

And telling hasn't made a damn bit of difference.

I legally bought my first so called Assault Weapon during the Assault Weapons Ban ...
As well as the banned 30 round mags to go with it ... :auiqs.jpg:

Don't see your point?
Humans have developed lots of dangerous tech and there are lots of dysfunctional and violent people out there.
There is no way to stop violence by trying to constrain one single means of violence when there are infinite others.
For example, if a person does not use a gun to kill someone, is it any better if they instead just stab or poison them?
The advantage of the gun is that it is so loud that they likely will then be seen and caught in the act, while with a blade or poison, they can get away with it and do it over and over.

But ultimately as much as there are dangerous people with weapons, like criminals, gangsters, and dictators, the only solution if for the honest people to have the same and equal weapons.
It would be nice if no one ever needed weapons, but that obviously is unrealistic.
Even if something requiring weapons for defense does not happen in our lifetime, it is bound to happen often enough so that these defensive weapons are essential.
Good can only triumph over evil if we keep up on equal arms.
Don't give a rat fuck.

Machine guns or Valhalla. Swear to Woden.

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