Guns are great, great for killing, maiming and used for fun.

I own two shotguns…

One is a six shot and the other is a single shot.

I prefer the Russian made single shot over the Chinese garbage I have because that bitch is nice.

Now I want Rye to find a law in Texas where he can come arrest me for having those two firearms and when he can’t, well so sad buddy…
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I'm certain to see this thread put in the proper forum, one that will immediately be able to post off topic posts and an excuse that mass shooting of innocent human beings is rare and no excuse to have gun controls.

Is it trolling, or some other excuse to allow the gun lovers to use the same claim that mass shooting is no reason to deny them with their absolute right: "shall not be infringed"? And innocent men, women and children maimed and murdered is simply a rare event - almost daily in the United States - and their rights to own, possess and have in their custody and control this right, and of course, their right to be armed to everyone will be the solution to these rare events.
If the victims weren't unarmed, they wouldn't have been targets. Very rarely do these crimes take place where the targets are likely to shoot back.

I'm certain to see this thread put in the proper forum, one that will immediately be able to post off topic posts and an excuse that mass shooting of innocent human beings is rare and no excuse to have gun controls.

Is it trolling, or some other excuse to allow the gun lovers to use the same claim that mass shooting is no reason to deny them with their absolute right: "shall not be infringed"? And innocent men, women and children maimed and murdered is simply a rare event - almost daily in the United States - and their rights to own, possess and have in their custody and control this right, and of course, their right to be armed to everyone will be the solution to these rare events.
Maybe if you loons wouldn't be easy on criminals the innocent gun haters wouldn't get shot.
WOW! That certainly didn't take long for the left as always to go on about the evils of guns. Funny how you didn't mention anything about the undetonated explosives found in the subway. No its guns, guns, guns!

If someone wants to kill someone than there are numerous ways to do it without a gun. I seem to remember a guy running over a bunch people at a Christmas parade. I remember a guy just randomly walking around stabbing people as well. Shouldn't we ban cars and knives? What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do you not understand?
The shooter is black, so it's all they have left.
You aren't asking but we're telling.

But one can not make illegal what was previously legal, due to the Ex Post Facto legal principle.
Nor should anyone want government, the most corrupt source of authoritarian dictatorships in the world, to have a monopoly on the means of violence.

If one passes laws to prevent ordinary citizens from having the same arms as government, then eventually that ensures a dictatorship.
Governments are always the most suspect and corrupt concentration of wealth and power.
I want the absolute most extreme opposite direction we can get.

The only way to fight these assholes is to take away any and all gun control and make them live without anything. It's much much less than what they actually deserve.
Shall not be infringed

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