Guns are great, great for killing, maiming and used for fun.

What is it about N.Y.? we see so many attacks in public transportation venues and on public streets?

Is it racial hatred? ....undoubtedly much of it is.....aided and abetted by letting violent perps to post bail and continue to roam the streets of N.Y.

New Yorkers continue to vote democratic....thus do they deserve any sympathy for something they helped create?
If you let a bunch of criminals out of prison because of COVID what do you think will happen?
Answer: Crime

I'm certain to see this thread put in the proper forum, one that will immediately be able to post off topic posts and an excuse that mass shooting of innocent human beings is rare and no excuse to have gun controls.

Is it trolling, or some other excuse to allow the gun lovers to use the same claim that mass shooting is no reason to deny them with their absolute right: "shall not be infringed"? And innocent men, women and children maimed and murdered is simply a rare event - almost daily in the United States - and their rights to own, possess and have in their custody and control this right, and of course, their right to be armed to everyone will be the solution to these rare events.

So if you take away guns then what? The same people who would hurt others are still there. Or do you not care about fixing the actual problem? Because guns are the problem, they are inanimate objects.

Do you believe if someone drives a Ford f150 into a crowd of people that ford should be sued? Or that pickup trucks should be banned?

If guns are the problem then why does Switzerland have gun ownership that rivals America but has just about the lowest rate of gun related crime in Europe?

Gun violence has always been an issue, but it has sharply taken a upward turn in recent years. Why? Guns certainly haven't changed, but society in America certainly has. Find what's different and there's your answer.

Try looking for the actual problem instead of just ignoring facts and reality and going for the low hanging fruit.
Colonizers like you should leave.
I love and respect America

With their disrespect for their country its the haters like you who should leave along with the illegal aliens

you should be happy to go and the illegals should be forced to leave

I'm certain to see this thread put in the proper forum, one that will immediately be able to post off topic posts and an excuse that mass shooting of innocent human beings is rare and no excuse to have gun controls.

Is it trolling, or some other excuse to allow the gun lovers to use the same claim that mass shooting is no reason to deny them with their absolute right: "shall not be infringed"? And innocent men, women and children maimed and murdered is simply a rare event - almost daily in the United States - and their rights to own, possess and have in their custody and control this right, and of course, their right to be armed to everyone will be the solution to these rare events.
Poor disarmed idiots. If we had subways in Arizona I can say with 100% guarantee those criminals would need body bags. Cause in Arizona you don't pick on a little guy because over 1/2 the people are armed only the criminals don't know who is and who isn't and a place like a subway would be suicided If these people grew a pair and demanded their Second Amendment back. Never mind you are pathetic and don't deserve a cop and should be bitch slapped as the bitches you are. You blame it on a gun. I blame it on you little fags lack of one, sorry tinker bell little queers you deserve it.
Unlike Biden that you supported trump did nothing to violate my right.As I said we would not be having this discussion if Trump was in office.
so trump didnt ban bumpstocks?? and continue to allow the ATF to attack private gun owners for unconstitutional laws??

when did I support biden??

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