Guns are great, great for killing, maiming and used for fun.

I dont give a shit if an entire elementary school full of blind children gets massacred, youre still not taking my guns.
What about a background check that might have stopped the nut from getting a gun? You could still buy all the guns you want just like you always have.

But if you had a domestic disturbance, or a personal protection order against you, no you would not get a gun.
I support mandatory gun possesion at all times by everyone forever!

Failure to possess a firearm will result in a 30 year to life sentence.

I am going to pound gun culture into every commie brain out there until the brains ooze out the goddamn ears.

You fucking faggot leftists will except guns as your Lord and Savior, or you will be executed.
Only pussies need to hide behind a gun.
I dont give a shit if an entire elementary school full of blind children gets massacred, youre still not taking my guns.
You sound like the anti vaxer who said his freedom was more important than our health. Then he died of covid.

The only way Republicans will see the light is for something horrible to happen to them personally. Like Reagan woke up to things like gun legislation or stem cell research because it affected him personally. Until it affected him personally, he remained ignorant.

The younger generation might pass laws you don't like old timer.
Only pussies need to hide behind a gun.

And yet the 2nd A. with the "shall not be infringed" is based on Arms, and the federal government does infringe on many Arms. Your comment states the Rights of the People should be allowed to own, possess and have in their custody and control fragmentation grenades, service to air missiles, and other weapons of war. Those four words are not enforced, and for good reasons.

If you mean not asking me was a good reason ... Then I won't argue with that ... :auiqs.jpg:
I can see why you prefer people to be defenseless against the government.

I pledge allegiance to the machine gun
of the United States of blow your fucking ass off
And to the 30 caliber for which it stands
one machine gun, in each hand,
with belt-feds and high-cap mags for all.
How many shells does that gun hold? What is that gun used for? Hunting? Not for personal protection. Unless you mean in the homes.

You can keep your shotguns. Only 5 shell max capacity though. LOL. Hell I'd only let you own a muzzleloader. 1 round. Barney Fife style.

That's because you're a fascist.
How many shells does that gun hold? What is that gun used for? Hunting? Not for personal protection. Unless you mean in the homes.

You can keep your shotguns. Only 5 shell max capacity though. LOL. Hell I'd only let you own a muzzleloader. 1 round. Barney Fife style.
And you can keep your head on your shoulders if you do not one more thing to affect ownership and possession of firearms order accessories.

How's that sound?

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