Guns are not the problem but gun control is part of the solution


Mar 7, 2015
I've always been hesitant to elaborate on my thoughts on gun control, but after another mass-shooting, I felt it was my duty to share what I believe needs to be done to help fix this crisis that our great nation faces. For those of you that agree or disagree with me, please feel free to comment what your thoughts are. I hope that everyone learns something from this and that this piece will encourage more discussion as all of us unite to try to create a world where massacres are not a commonplace occurrence.

"Guns are not destroying this nation, but the way many in our country look at guns and their influence on public policy is the issue ... Weapons should only have one purpose: to injure or kill other living beings. However, many Americans do not share the same beliefs, and it is that cultural shift that needs to happen so we can begin to solve the gun crisis."

Guns are not the problem but gun control is part of the solution - Collegiate Times Opinion
That's funny I think it's the exact opposite. Guns ARE the problem, but gun control is NOT a solution. Not for this country anyways. Way too many guns, and way too powerful a gun lobby.
I've always been hesitant to elaborate on my thoughts on gun control, but after another mass-shooting, I felt it was my duty to share what I believe needs to be done to help fix this crisis that our great nation faces. For those of you that agree or disagree with me, please feel free to comment what your thoughts are. I hope that everyone learns something from this and that this piece will encourage more discussion as all of us unite to try to create a world where massacres are not a commonplace occurrence.

"Guns are not destroying this nation, but the way many in our country look at guns and their influence on public policy is the issue ... Weapons should only have one purpose: to injure or kill other living beings. However, many Americans do not share the same beliefs, and it is that cultural shift that needs to happen so we can begin to solve the gun crisis."

Guns are not the problem but gun control is part of the solution - Collegiate Times Opinion
I'm keeping MY guns.
next subject.
We need stupidity control.

Guns are merely a tool.

When stupid people get them, it's just as big a problems as when stupid people drive cars. There is no way to prevent either thing from happening. What needs to be done is to stop making people afraid of guns, and afraid of each other.

When we finally develop an educational system that creates individuals with critical thinking skills, there won't be nearly as many deaths from guns or cars.

There is no "gun crisis". Far more people are killed by drunk drivers, yet I don't hear anyone clamoring to outlaw alcohol or cars.
You could confiscate the guns from everyone and everywhere you find them but criminals would still have them.

This is why libs disgust me.
ok, all you in favor of gun control . go out and take the guns away from the gangs, criminals, etc. and then get back to us on it. Until then leave US responsible gun owners ALONE
I just put up this study in another thread. Australia has some of the tightest gun laws on the planet. And yes, the death by gun rate is at an all time low.

BUT death by knives are up a full 11%. Up to 41% of deaths are now by stabbing.

25% by beating to death.

There's an old saying...Where there is a will, there is a way. If someone wishes to do harm, they'll find a way to accomplish the dastardly deed.

Just last December a mother stabbed eight children to death down under.

No death is a good death, but hell's bells stabbing has got to be one hell of a lousy way to die feeling your life blood spilling out of you.

ETA: Whoopsies. forgot to add the study link.

Murders at a low but knife use on the rise
You want to CONTROL something go out and LOCK up all the mentally ill people in the country WHO thinks it's cool to go prey on the INNOCENT in these mass murders
I just put up this study in another thread. Australia has some of the tightest gun laws on the planet. And yes, the death by gun rate is at an all time low.

BUT death by knives are up a full 11%. Up to 41% of deaths are now by stabbing.

25% by beating to death.

There's an old saying...Where there is a will, there is a way. If someone wishes to do harm, they'll find a way to accomplish the dastardly deed.

Just last December a mother stabbed eight children to death down under.

No death is a good death, but hell's bells stabbing has got to be one hell of a lousy way to die feeling your life blood spilling out of you.

ETA: Whoopsies. forgot to add the study link.

Murders at a low but knife use on the rise
But knives are not an effective deterrent to government tyranny so this information will be dismissed.
I've always been hesitant to elaborate on my thoughts on gun control, but after another mass-shooting, I felt it was my duty to share what I believe needs to be done to help fix this crisis that our great nation faces. For those of you that agree or disagree with me, please feel free to comment what your thoughts are. I hope that everyone learns something from this and that this piece will encourage more discussion as all of us unite to try to create a world where massacres are not a commonplace occurrence.

"Guns are not destroying this nation, but the way many in our country look at guns and their influence on public policy is the issue ... Weapons should only have one purpose: to injure or kill other living beings. However, many Americans do not share the same beliefs, and it is that cultural shift that needs to happen so we can begin to solve the gun crisis."

Guns are not the problem but gun control is part of the solution - Collegiate Times Opinion

In other words, you believe in what you read in some article.

I recommend you good reading material, The Constitution - Bill of Rights.
Every country that has allowed themselves to disarmed the people has warned us here. Yet you can't get that through these peoples heads that disarming us will not PREVENT anything. Look at what happened in France, England, etc.

I've always been hesitant to elaborate on my thoughts on gun control, but after another mass-shooting, I felt it was my duty to share what I believe needs to be done to help fix this crisis that our great nation faces. For those of you that agree or disagree with me, please feel free to comment what your thoughts are. I hope that everyone learns something from this and that this piece will encourage more discussion as all of us unite to try to create a world where massacres are not a commonplace occurrence.

"Guns are not destroying this nation, but the way many in our country look at guns and their influence on public policy is the issue ... Weapons should only have one purpose: to injure or kill other living beings. However, many Americans do not share the same beliefs, and it is that cultural shift that needs to happen so we can begin to solve the gun crisis."

Guns are not the problem but gun control is part of the solution - Collegiate Times Opinion
Learn something? all of us unite? Apparently you haven't spent any time on a USMB gun control thread. Nobody is here to learn anything. Posters know all they need to know. Uniting gun control advocates and 2nd amendment defenders is about as likely as Atheists and Christian Evangelicals agreeing on religion.
That's funny I think it's the exact opposite. Guns ARE the problem, but gun control is NOT a solution. Not for this country anyways. Way too many guns, and way too powerful a gun lobby.
99.99712% of the guns in the US - 299,991,546 guns - are not involved in a murder each year
You look at the misuse of one gun and ignore the fact that >35,000 were not misused. Why?
I've always been hesitant to elaborate on my thoughts on gun control, but after another mass-shooting, I felt it was my duty to share what I believe needs to be done to help fix this crisis that our great nation faces. For those of you that agree or disagree with me, please feel free to comment what your thoughts are. I hope that everyone learns something from this and that this piece will encourage more discussion as all of us unite to try to create a world where massacres are not a commonplace occurrence.
"Guns are not destroying this nation, but the way many in our country look at guns and their influence on public policy is the issue ... Weapons should only have one purpose: to injure or kill other living beings. However, many Americans do not share the same beliefs, and it is that cultural shift that needs to happen so we can begin to solve the gun crisis."
Guns are not the problem but gun control is part of the solution - Collegiate Times Opinion
"Gun crisis"?
Gun-related crime and gun-related murders have been dropping for decades.
What "crisis"?
99.99712% of the guns in the US - 299,991,546 guns - are not involved in a murder each year
You look at the misuse of one gun and ignore the fact that >35,000 were not misused. Why?

Abject stupidity and a total lack of critical thinking skills.

That's funny I think it's the exact opposite. Guns ARE the problem, but gun control is NOT a solution. Not for this country anyways. Way too many guns, and way too powerful a gun lobby.
99.99712% of the guns in the US - 299,991,546 guns - are not involved in a murder each year
You look at the misuse of one gun and ignore the fact that >35,000 were not misused. Why?
I think you misunderstood my post. My opinion is that crimes committed that involved guns should carry far more severe punishments. That would be a much better deterent than banning guns.

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