GUNS must GO

Burp, when is the last time you used a gun to defend your rights? Never? Well, I suspect most of the rest of you noble heathens that support guns can say the same thing. Not that that means anything. Oh no, it means nothing at all.
Burp, when is the last time you used a gun to defend your rights? Never? Well, I suspect most of the rest of you noble heathens that support guns can say the same thing. Not that that means anything. Oh no, it means nothing at all.

You are right. The last time I used a good to defend myself, if at all, means nothing at all.

I've driven a car that can do over 200mph. I never drove it that fast but I could have.

Using your logic, cars shouldn't be made to go that fast.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Nothing about the right of the people to keep and bar Arms, only if they use them.
It is currently illegal for felons to own guns. There are additional penalties for people who commit crimes using guns. Yet even though it is illegal for felons to own guns, they still get them illegally. MAking guns illegal to them did not stop a thing. What do you say to this?
Burp, lord love a duck. I don't despise pro gun folks. I get "IT". I got over "IT". and I have no doubt you will to, eventually. I like cars that go 200 MPH. I have sneaking admiration of a gun that can spit out a Million rounds a minute, too. Based on a nothing more than sheer technical eleganance. But, does Joe pedestrian need either?
Burp, lord love a duck. I don't despise pro gun folks. I get "IT". I got over "IT". and I have no doubt you will to, eventually. I like cars that go 200 MPH. I have sneaking admiration of a gun that can spit out a Million rounds a minute, too. Based on a nothing more than sheer technical eleganance. But, does Joe pedestrian need either?

Should that matter in determining whether or not Joe should be allowed to have them?

And do you think we should ban alcohol yes or no?
Burp, lord love a duck. I don't despise pro gun folks. I get "IT". I got over "IT". and I have no doubt you will to, eventually. I like cars that go 200 MPH. I have sneaking admiration of a gun that can spit out a Million rounds a minute, too. Based on a nothing more than sheer technical eleganance. But, does Joe pedestrian need either?

Back to what Father Time said, just because someone doesn't "need" something, does that mean it needs to be outlawed?

Joe Pedestrian has the right to drive a Aston Martin Vanquish just as he has the right to own a Glock 19.
The argument can be made that citizens do need firearms in case we need another revolution. Hey didn't the British try to take firearms away from the citizen rebellion?

But let's put that aside. Saying you don't NEED something is not a good enough excuse to try to take it away from people. Nobody needs alcohol, it causes a lot of deaths and yet I doubt that you want to ban that as well.

Just as people can responsibly consume alcohol, people can responsibly own guns. Punishing those people because criminals abuse guns isn't fair.

No arguement here....that IS what the 2nd is for. To give the people the power over the government.

The anti's like to say it is for hunting , self defense , target practice , competition blah blah blah.
Burp, I am having a Sam Adams right now. Scotch ale, to be exact and the temperature here in Denver is like 68 degrees fondly fahrenheit .
No. No, not at all, Burp. But times have changed. I like the second amendment, too. But it doesn't fit the times, and I don't say that because it sounds nice. We really don't NEED guns anymore. Now, since the Constitution was written do you think they had flash drives or needed cell phones? UZIS? Or say, depleted Uranium rounds or mini-guns? Nukes? Technology has something to do with it. And the Fact the Brits are our friends now. God bless the Queen.

As long as we have a government....we NEED guns. End of story.
Thus point. Delusions, folks, and obfuscations, and debating with you is pointless. That is what this debate proves.

the only thing this debate proves is your another Chris.....go join him and his buds....just look for a VERY crowded asshole,im sure you can get your head up there....

WOW. Nice, you are not hostile and angry, and you really need a gun to protect yourself , yep. People like me need to be SHOT.

no people like you need to pull your head out of your ass.....
I must once again dispel the Kitten's outrageous comments with logic:


I woke up from the dream world crafted by the innocence of youth and saw the hard facts and evidence. YOU DO LIVE IN A DREAM WORLD IF YOU REALLY AND TRULY BELIEVE THAT CARRYING A PISTOL SOMEHOW IS A GOD GIVEN RIGHT RIGHT.

Yes, I was like you before, but then after I thought on it long, looked at the evidence objectively, and considered all the possibilities, I found that protecting this one right is probably one of the most important ones to protect ... YOU'VE NEVER BEEN LIKE MY DEAR LADY. I'M AN INTELECT AND YOU ARE, WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, WHAT IS COMMONLY REFERED TO AS "WHITE TRASH"

I don't want to live in Russia, and any tool that will prevent it is a good tool, regardless of the very few who abuse it. NO ONE SAID YOU LIVE IN RUSSIA AND THE ONLY WAY YOU'LL EVER LIVE IN RUSSIA IS TO MOVE THERE. OWNING AND CARRYING A PISTOL WILL NOT PREVENT YOU FROM MOVING TO RUSSIA. BE MY GUEST IN FACT.....[/quote]

Clearly, your Canadian "logic" is not like our Earth logic. See, in Earth logic, the things we say make sense and have some basis in fact, not merely the crazed hallucinations of a paranoid schizophrenic off his meds.

People are not "slaughtered daily by Second Amendment wackjobs", you lunatic. Try, TRY, to comprehend the difference between a law-abiding registered gun owner who supports the Second Amendment and a brutal killer who doesn't give a fat rat's ass WHAT the law is on guns, because he has every intention of doing whatever he wants with whatever tool is handy at the moment.

Leaving aside whether or not the ability to protecct and defend one's own life and property and that of his loved ones and neighbors is actually a God-given right, in America it is a Constitution-guaranteed right. Maybe in your country you just blow off and ignore the established laws whenever you choose to, but in the United States, some of us at least try to respect them.

As to the whole "Russia" thing, get a dictionary and have someone look up the word "analogy" for you and read you the definition.

Jesus Christ . I am so glad you are honest . It is about time already. I am honest as the day is long, and it doesn't seem to mater one way or the other.

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