GUNS must GO

WOW. Pro-gun folks: You fine people have turned self delusion into an art form. This board is at about 47 pages, and growing . So much anger and defensiveness, so much hostility, makes me nervous that you folks see yourselves as the ones that are rational and need firearms. I need some reassurance, not a bunch of tired sophistic crap. I am not kidding myself here, I know I can't change your mind, and as far as the "facts" go, I'm sure were ever you dredge up these "facts" you can also prove the earth is flat. The only persons that NEED weapons are either military or law enforcement officers. Nice try though. The second amendment is a relic of bygone times, and it should be either repealed or changed to reflect the technology and the changes in morals in American culture. In my opinion . That's pretty scary to some of you. Now, imagine society were the bad guys don't have firearms, then you guys couldn't indulge in this self-reinforcing argument that we need guns to protect ourselves from other people with guns. Oh, no we can't simplify the issue, we have to obfuscate everything with overcomplicated logic. Or, then hide behind the flag, mom and apple pie and that sacrosanct antique, the second amendment. Sorry, but that is how t looks to me.

The Second Amendment is a relic of bygone time?

If the 2nd goes, so do the rest.

Imagining a society where bad guys don't have firearms is just that - an imagination.

It's too late - it will never happen.

Your passion is against those who legally want to own guns because of some bad experiences.

Now..imagine a society where the bad guys know that the next crime they commit could be there last - because their victim is legally armed.
SW2SILVERQUASI is dismissing facts and assuming they're wrong solely because they don't fit with his view and he has the nerve to call himself rational?

You can't just say they're wrong and leave it at that you have to have a fucking source you fool.

And by the way it shouldn't be up to us to come up with a reason why we need guns it's up to you to think of a reason to take them away. The fact that criminals use guns is not good enough to take them away from everyone. That would be like saying a man can't eat steak because a baby can't chew it (I wonder if anyone knows what that quote was originally referencing).
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Burp, the Constitution was written by a bunch of well educated wealthy elitists. You know, they held that it was self evident that all men were created equal. And they owned slaves. Seems that even then there was a major disconnect THEN and some of you folks are following in that fine tradition now.
Burp, the Constitution was written by a bunch of well educated wealthy elitists. You know, they held that it was self evident that all men were created equal. And they owned slaves. Seems that even then there was a major disconnect THEN and some of you folks are following in that fine tradition now.


Wake me up when you have an actual argument and not ad hominem fallacies.
Burp, the Constitution was written by a bunch of well educated wealthy elitists. You know, they held that it was self evident that all men were created equal. And they owned slaves. Seems that even then there was a major disconnect THEN and some of you folks are following in that fine tradition now.

You also realize that the loudest of us asking that the right to own guns is protected don't own guns but use logic to see how dangerous our country would be with the ban ... right?
Oh, yes, Monday is the tenth anniversary of the slaughter at Columbine High. I live a few miles from Columbine. Should we arm every school kid ? Were does this end? Guns are like cigarettes. When used as designed, they kill. We make up the morality and we are the ones that assign responsibility.
Oh, yes, Monday is the tenth anniversary of the slaughter at Columbine High. I live a few miles from Columbine. Should we arm every school kid ? Were does this end? Guns are like cigarettes. When used as designed, they kill. We make up the morality and we are the ones that assign responsibility.

You can use guns and not kill things, quite easily. The Columbine kids got their guns illegally, and I don't think more gun control would've helped. They planned this event, they had homemade bombs and everything, it wasn't some spur of the moment thing, so I bet they just would've gotten their guns from the black market.
Oh, yes, Monday is the tenth anniversary of the slaughter at Columbine High. I live a few miles from Columbine. Should we arm every school kid ? Were does this end? Guns are like cigarettes. When used as designed, they kill. We make up the morality and we are the ones that assign responsibility.

You can use guns and not kill things, quite easily. The Columbine kids got their guns illegally, and I don't think more gun control would've helped. They planned this event, they had homemade bombs and everything, it wasn't some spur of the moment thing, so I bet they just would've gotten their guns from the black market.

I believe they made their bombs from designs they found on the internet.

Maybe that's the problem - this damn Internet.
Oh, yes, Monday is the tenth anniversary of the slaughter at Columbine High. I live a few miles from Columbine. Should we arm every school kid ? Were does this end? Guns are like cigarettes. When used as designed, they kill. We make up the morality and we are the ones that assign responsibility.

You can use guns and not kill things, quite easily. The Columbine kids got their guns illegally, and I don't think more gun control would've helped. They planned this event, they had homemade bombs and everything, it wasn't some spur of the moment thing, so I bet they just would've gotten their guns from the black market.

It doesn't seem to stop the anti-gunnuts from politicizing the tragedy for some reason, or any other tragedy. They only latch onto one fact while ignoring all the others.
Thus point. Delusions, folks, and obfuscations, and debating with you is pointless. That is what this debate proves.
Oh, yes, Monday is the tenth anniversary of the slaughter at Columbine High. I live a few miles from Columbine. Should we arm every school kid ? Were does this end? Guns are like cigarettes. When used as designed, they kill. We make up the morality and we are the ones that assign responsibility.

SW....when the day comes when you can explicitly trust the govt.,AND criminals dont have guns....then you can start spewing your tired old Brady bullshit.....and that responsibility you talk about,99% of gun owners exercise that responsibility.....the criminal element can care less about "GUN LAWS and REGULATIONS".....and guns are not like been talking to Chris haven't ya......your argument is ridiculous...
Thus point. Delusions, folks, and obfuscations, and debating with you is pointless. That is what this debate proves.

Tell us about your Avatar. The one with the guy carrying a rifle and a sidearm.
Thus point. Delusions, folks, and obfuscations, and debating with you is pointless. That is what this debate proves.

No, this debate has proven:

1. You want to politicize the tragic deaths for "shock value" even though they prove nothing.

2. You want to ignore logic and assume that if law abiding citizens are disarmed that somehow magically the criminals will give up their guns as well.

3. You believe your fantasy world of "everyone getting along" is reality.

4. You ignore the other implements of death just because you have an agenda that doesn't match any logic or reality.
Thus point. Delusions, folks, and obfuscations, and debating with you is pointless. That is what this debate proves.

the only thing this debate proves is your another Chris.....go join him and his buds....just look for a VERY crowded asshole,im sure you can get your head up there....
I am not trying to politicize anything, what are you "TRYING" to do, kitty? What happened at Columbine IS shocking and I hesitated to bring it up. So, should we give children firearms to defend themselves? What is the answer, Kitty?
Thus point. Delusions, folks, and obfuscations, and debating with you is pointless. That is what this debate proves.

the only thing this debate proves is your another Chris.....go join him and his buds....just look for a VERY crowded asshole,im sure you can get your head up there....

WOW. Nice, you are not hostile and angry, and you really need a gun to protect yourself , yep. People like me need to be SHOT.
I am not trying to politicize anything, what are you "TRYING" to do, kitty? What happened at Columbine IS shocking and I hesitated to bring it up. So, should we give children firearms to defend themselves? What is the answer, Kitty?

Columbine was shocking. But again, blaming firearms is not the answer. There are shocking airplane crashes; shocking bus accidents, etc.

It wasn't the "vehicle" that did the killing.

There is a group of people who think teachers should be armed. I find that interesting. Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University, Santana High School and yes, Columbine High School might all have turned out different had a teacher been armed.
I am not trying to politicize anything, what are you "TRYING" to do, kitty? What happened at Columbine IS shocking and I hesitated to bring it up. So, should we give children firearms to defend themselves? What is the answer, Kitty?

It has nothing to do with gun control laws, that's why it's considered politicizing. They were criminals, criminals don't obey the law no matter what you do. Often criminals are easily frightened when another gun is aimed at them, though not always because, get this, they are not thinking straight and nothing you do will stop them at that point. Also, no, they are not that shocking, it happens everywhere, in every country, even those with *gasp* complete bans on guns. The second amendment has many reasons for having been put into the constitution, one of the biggest reasons was to stop idiots from taking away our rights.
Kitty: I like guns. I like cars, I like machines in general. Look at the design. A bridge, a Hospital, a can opener, a computer. Anything can be misused, but firearms? The difference between positive and a negative is slim. They are not exactly something we NEED, and the harm they do VS the GOOD? Well I leave that to you to weigh. Be honest, with yourself, the hell with me.
The argument can be made that citizens do need firearms in case we need another revolution. Hey didn't the British try to take firearms away from the citizen rebellion?

But let's put that aside. Saying you don't NEED something is not a good enough excuse to try to take it away from people. Nobody needs alcohol, it causes a lot of deaths and yet I doubt that you want to ban that as well.

Just as people can responsibly consume alcohol, people can responsibly own guns. Punishing those people because criminals abuse guns isn't fair.

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