GUNS must GO

Actually our conservatives have a lot in common with the Mullahs in Iran.

Bush and Ahmedinajad are very similar characters.

Bullshit -just another leftist lie. Liberals have FAR more in common with them. Which explains why US conservatives are FAR more likely to consider Iran one of the most dangerous nations on earth -and why liberals are FAR more sympathetic to Iran and more likely to instead insist the US is to blame for the "misunderstanding" between the two nations. US conservatives don't consider it a "misunderstanding" when Iran has a system of total government control over nearly every aspect of their citizens' lives and state approved sermons urge citizens to envision a world without the existence of either Israel or the US, insisting they are both the cause of all the world's ills. Get real on this one -are liberals or conservatives more likely to agree with that bullshit? US liberals naturally understand Iran's state control and government coercion because they also firmly believe in the use of state control and state coercion -even if the way in which the mullahs exercise total government control isn't the identical way liberals intend to do in this country. The USE of government control and coercion is far more important to liberals than how such government coercion is used. All cultures are equal and none superior to another according to US liberals -so OF COURSE US liberals sympathize with the Iranian mullahs exercising total and oppressive governmental control over their people. Even when that state control means both political dissidents and rape victims alike are executed for "crimes of immorality" against the state.

You stupid people insisted that Bush was some kind of conservative religious whacko when in fact his religion -United Methodist - is one of the most tolerant, liberal MAINSTREAM Christian religions in this country. Are you really so stupid you ended up believing the lies and propaganda of your own side? Because the bullshit the left put out for years insisting Bush claimed to have received instructions from God and was some kind of conservative religious whacko -was just that. Total bullshit. Bush was neither a political conservative nor a religious whacko.

Bush only went to war over Islamofascism after thousands were slaughtered on OUR soil. Until then Bush was quite content to continue with Clinton's failed policy of pretending Islamofascism didn't even exist -in spite of at least six major attacks on US interests under Clinton. But once Bush decided to take actions to prevent it from happening again -conservatives understood and approved the need for that -while liberals promptly staged protests AGAINST it and shrilly demanded that all advantages should be given to those who have sworn to destroy us as a nation! How many liberals have insisted that Bush somehow WASTED the sympathy of the world? As if wallowing in useless victimhood was far more important than actually preventing another attack on our soil. A mind bogglingly DANGEROUS mentality -that history has repeatedly proven to be a lethal mentality. It is another topic entirely as to why liberals are reluctant to use force to protect this country's own citizens and instead are far more likely to respond by blaming the US for the existence of its enemies. Even though EVERY nation IN HISTORY has enemies and always will. Rather than understand the need to defend and protect the citizens of this country who have a far greater right to simply exist than our enemies have a right to kill us on our own soil - liberals are far more likely to write articles entitled "Why They Hate Us" instead. Conservatives don't give a shit why they hate us -because we always have the greater right to exist without the threat of attack on our own soil by our enemies. If our enemies believe otherwise -then taking them out is the only answer since THEY have ruled out peaceful coexistence. Not us. Gee, did we agonize over why Hitler and Nazi Germany hated us? LOL

Can't figure out why conservatives so clearly understand why Iran is an enemy of this country even while some may PERSONALLY share some of the same social positions - and why liberals usually find themselves on the same side as some of the world's most brutal and oppressive regimes instead -including Iran? I'll give you a major clue. That difference has NOTHING to do with the religious beliefs of anyone and NOTHING to do with where individuals on either side may PERSONALLY stand on social issues.

The difference between the two is only about who each side thinks should decide these issues -and that belief determines where those on each side fall. On the side of the oppressors of a nation -or on the side of the people. That's it.

Conservatives believe it is the people themselves, through their elected representatives who can be held accountable - who should decide those issues. Liberals believe their agenda is OH-SO "noble" and OH-SO "wonderful" that it justifies the use of government coercion and ramming it down the throats of the majority against their will. And the Iranian mullahs believe the EXACT same thing. Naturally liberals are FAR more sympathetic with the Iranian mullahs than US conservatives. They both believe in the use of government COERCION and control of the majority against their will -all in the name of their oh-so "noble and righteous" political agenda. Liberals believe their own agenda justifies the use of government coercion against the will of the majority and figure everyone else believes the same thing. Wrong -conservatives do not believe ANY agenda justifies the use of government coercion and force against the will of the majority but believe that people have the right of self-determination to decide what rules and laws THEY will live by. You either get that idea and understand it is the very foundation of political and economic freedom - or you don't get it. And liberals really don't -with MANY liberals who just flat-out disagree with it. Which can only mean such liberals believe that some people are so elite and special -that they have a greater "right" to rule over others than people have a right to their freedom and self-determination.

I'd rather swim with the fishes than be a liberal. Truly. For reasons most liberals haven't the intelligence and critical thinking skills to even understand.
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Conseravtaives are a lot like Mullahs. In fact they are a lot like Islamic fundamentalists. Both groups believe in strict adherance to a religious philosophy and both groups wnat their specific beliefs imposed on everyone. Live and let live is not in the Islamic or Conservative vocabulary. How sad.........
Saying "guns must go" is pretty silly. Whether I personally would want a gun or not, they're protected by the Second Amendment. The conditions of ownership aside, absent a repeal of the second, it's entitled to the same protection as any other constitutional provision.

I'm guessing here, but is Yukon a right winger? Because you are right. Only a right winger would title a thread GUNS MUST GO.

Because Republicans can't win any argument or debate being honest. They have to make it a wedge issue. GOD GAYS AND GUNS.

Can you believe they are against gun registration? They are so worried about Smith & Wesson's profits that they don't want the industry regulated?????
Conseravtaives are a lot like Mullahs. In fact they are a lot like Islamic fundamentalists. Both groups believe in strict adherance to a religious philosophy and both groups wnat their specific beliefs imposed on everyone. Live and let live is not in the Islamic or Conservative vocabulary. How sad.........

I accused you of being a right winger Yukon! Why did you title the thread GUNS MUST GO?

Do you believe guns must go or were you making a point.

I thought anyone who would title the thread that way must be a right winger. Unless you were being serious? I'm confused.
In no way am I a right-winger, that is an insult to me. Handguns MUST go. I do not believe that people should be permitted to own or carry a handgun. Rid your country of these tools of the devil and your murder rate will drop a thousand fold.
Handguns MUST go.

I do not believe that people should be permitted to own or carry a handgun.

Rid your country of these tools of the devil . . .
They are not "tools of the devil", they are tools for self-defense.

Unless, of course, you feel that self-defense is "the work of the devil."

. . . and your murder rate will drop a thousand fold.
This is demonstrably untrue.
In no way am I a right-winger, that is an insult to me. Handguns MUST go. I do not believe that people should be permitted to own or carry a handgun. Rid your country of these tools of the devil and your murder rate will drop a thousand fold.

LOL ... okay, at least that's partially true ... you are nothing in the US, not left or right, certainly not a liberal (too much hatred, for a true liberal think hippy with brains) neither a conservative (you are too ignorant on how commercialism works to come close), just a fringe nutcase with no one on your side ....

... guns however were used by those christians who FOUNDED our country (along with the atheists, pagans, etc.) and all who founded the countries on this continent, even yours. Without them, our countries would NOT exist. They are tools, but tools have no soul and cannot be good or evil, so this idea of yours that they are "of the devil" is a cop-out answer and nothing more.
Can you believe they are against gun registration? They are so worried about Smith & Wesson's profits that they don't want the industry regulated?????

Bobo nobody can be this fucking stupid?.....with guys like you and Chris this has to be an act.....that is not why they are against gun registration.....take your head out of the lefts collective ass and pay attention to at least 15 posts so far which have said WHY Gun owners are against has nothing to do with S&W's profits.....
This has probably been said before, but I dont have time to read every post right now.

Here are some statistics from Australia after they banned guns and took them away from their citizens:

# Countrywide, homicides are up 3.2 percent;

# Assaults are up 8.6 percent;

# Amazingly, armed robberies have climbed nearly 45 percent;

# In the Australian state of Victoria, gun homicides have climbed 300 percent;

# In the 25 years before the gun bans, crime in Australia had been dropping steadily;

# There has been a reported "dramatic increase" in home burglaries and assaults on the elderly.

In response to the first post:

1. Right now in America way more people are dying from being fat. Being fat is the 2nd biggest cause of preventable death.

2. Accidents happen. You will never keep people from killing themselves or hurting themselves.

3. There will always be another thing that will cause accidents and kill people.

4. Bad guys will ALWAYS get guns. ALWAYS. Good guys need to protect themselves.

5. The 2nd amendment is crucial to our freedom. The United States is a Republic, a nation ruled by law, governed by the people. If the guns are taken away, it is no longer a nation governed by the people. The 2nd Amendment states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The founding fathers understood that people, keeping and bearing arms, was crucial to keeping the states free. Free from terrorists, free from other countries, and also free from our own government, to keep it from abusing its powers.

6. A nation in which the citizens are unarmed are vulnerable to anything and everything. The citizens are no longer free, they are slaves. Nothing to stop opposing countries from invading, thieves from breaking into your home, or your government from taking away your rights.

If Osama bin Laden had more sense, he would have given everyone lifetime supplies of McDonalds gift certificates.
In no way am I a right-winger, that is an insult to me. Handguns MUST go. I do not believe that people should be permitted to own or carry a handgun. Rid your country of these tools of the devil and your murder rate will drop a thousand fold.

To Corporate America, the lives are not worth the money the gun manufacturers make. America doesn't manufacture hardly anything anymore. So imagine if we take this away.

PS. Notice that on every argument, the right wingers always start of denying there is a problem first.

Just like global warming, the collapsing economy, the quagmire in Iraq.

First we always have to spend a month arguing with the right wingers that the problems even exist. And then they have the balls to suggest they are the better party to fix the problem...that they didn't even admit existed until last second.

So why do people even listen to them anymore?

Anyways, last week the right wingers were denying that 95% of the illegal guns in Mexico are made in the USA and as of yesterday, that is a fact acknowledged by just about everyone.
In no way am I a right-winger, that is an insult to me. Handguns MUST go. I do not believe that people should be permitted to own or carry a handgun. Rid your country of these tools of the devil and your murder rate will drop a thousand fold.

To Corporate America, the lives are not worth the money the gun manufacturers make. America doesn't manufacture hardly anything anymore. So imagine if we take this away.

PS. Notice that on every argument, the right wingers always start of denying there is a problem first.

Just like global warming, the collapsing economy, the quagmire in Iraq.

First we always have to spend a month arguing with the right wingers that the problems even exist. And then they have the balls to suggest they are the better party to fix the problem...that they didn't even admit existed until last second.

So why do people even listen to them anymore?

Anyways, last week the right wingers were denying that 95% of the illegal guns in Mexico are made in the USA and as of yesterday, that is a fact acknowledged by just about everyone.
whos everybody Bobo?....hillery and barack
In no way am I a right-winger, that is an insult to me. Handguns MUST go. I do not believe that people should be permitted to own or carry a handgun. Rid your country of these tools of the devil and your murder rate will drop a thousand fold.

To Corporate America, the lives are not worth the money the gun manufacturers make. America doesn't manufacture hardly anything anymore. So imagine if we take this away.

PS. Notice that on every argument, the right wingers always start of denying there is a problem first.

Just like global warming, the collapsing economy, the quagmire in Iraq.

First we always have to spend a month arguing with the right wingers that the problems even exist. And then they have the balls to suggest they are the better party to fix the problem...that they didn't even admit existed until last second.

So why do people even listen to them anymore?

Anyways, last week the right wingers were denying that 95% of the illegal guns in Mexico are made in the USA and as of yesterday, that is a fact acknowledged by just about everyone.

Who gives a shit about Mexico???
Firearms, guns and second Amendment rights. Who would argue that? I would. After thirty years or so, so will you. After all the abuses. And no saving graces. I could have been blown away, I grabbed the gun away and chose NOT to use it. I am not a statistic, I am a real breathing human being. Too bad that isn't a new kind of political party. We might amount to something. I grabbed a gun right out of the hands of someone that was a decent human being to, too bad he was to far gone by then from booze and the affects of a war most of you forgot before you were born.
Firearms, guns and second Amendment rights. Who would argue that? I would. After thirty years or so, so will you. After all the abuses. And no saving graces. I could have been blown away, I grabbed the gun away and chose NOT to use it. I am not a statistic, I am a real breathing human being. Too bad that isn't a new kind of political party. We might amount to something. I grabbed a gun right out of the hands of someone that was a decent human being to, too bad he was to far gone by then from booze and the affects of a war most of you forgot before you were born.

I understand your statement.

I must counter one thing though. And you have heard it before. Had you not grabbed the gun away, the PERSON may have pulled the trigger and blown you away. The weapon would not have shot itself.

Yes. I agree. It may have been too easy for him to get the gun. I will agree there.

But for your story, there are many where the gun saved someone. Or even, the gun was never fired in self defense. But was there just in case.
Australians and Canadians, I love em. But on this topic, the Second Amendmendment? Last year I had ten cops with guns shove my old ass in the snow outside my back door. Not the criminals. My old man almost shot me too. That thought and irony of that hasn't escaped me. And I get threats from illegal aliens, and I hear gunshots all the time here in the United States of Barrioland. Pop, pop pop, sometimes I hear automatic weapons. I have had enough.
Australians and Canadians, I love em. But on this topic, the Second Amendmendment? Last year I had ten cops with guns shove my old ass in the snow outside my back door. Not the criminals. My old man almost shot me too. That thought and irony of that hasn't escaped me. And I get threats from illegal aliens, and I hear gunshots all the time here in the United States of Barrioland. Pop, pop pop, sometimes I hear automatic weapons. I have had enough.

So what are you going to do? You think banning handguns will stop the pop, pop, pop?

Of course you don't.

Why don't you move? Can't? Then what?

I have been stopped several times by the police since I earned my concealed carry permit. Each time I handed my license, insurance card, and permit to the officer. Only once was I asked where my gun was. I told him my glove compartment. Nothing else was said.

Everyone has a story.
Burp: Banning guns is BAD? Dude? The cockles of my heart are not exactly warming, ethier. Banning guns might stop all that " Pop pop pop". I'm willing to give a try any way. You?

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