GUNS must GO

Fools, your constitution is a shambles thanks to "national security" measures resulting from what might well be U.S. government sanctioned terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington D.C., provocations which were designed to justify a malevolent, poisonous, oil-based military economy.

How many of you give the slightest damn about the totalitarian measures your government is taking to keep its secret meetings, grubby files and treasonous activities from your eyes?
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Fools, your constitution is a shambles thanks to "national security" measures resulting from what might well be U.S. government sanctioned terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington D.C., provocations which were designed to justify a malevolent, poisonous, oil-based military economy.

How many of you give the slightest damn about the totalitarian measures your government is taking to keep its secret meetings, grubby files and treasonous activities from your eyes?

Which is all masked by getting morons like you riled up against gay marriage, science in schools, and smoking bans ... :eusa_whistle:
Fools, your constitution is a shambles thanks to "national security" measures resulting from what might well be U.S. government sanctioned terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington D.C., provocations which were designed to justify a malevolent, poisonous, oil-based military economy.

How many of you give the slightest damn about the totalitarian measures your government is taking to keep its secret meetings, grubby files and treasonous activities from your eyes?

Ours is not as much a shambles as YOURS is. Is that why you demand the US imitate and adopt the historically PROVEN failure of a system Canada has decided to go with? Every day I give thanks in this order: that I wasn't born to Muslim parents in the Middle East; I wasn't born French; I wasn't born Canadian.

Maybe you Canadians should provide for your own national defense instead of being parasites and expecting the US to do it for you -like more than 1/4 of the world does. That would sure help out with our budget deficit and the wild spending socialist Obama is out of control with, huh?
Fools, your constitution is a shambles thanks to "national security" measures resulting from what might well be U.S. government sanctioned terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington D.C., provocations which were designed to justify a malevolent, poisonous, oil-based military economy.

How many of you give the slightest damn about the totalitarian measures your government is taking to keep its secret meetings, grubby files and treasonous activities from your eyes?

Ours is not as much a shambles as YOURS is. Is that why you demand the US imitate and adopt the historically PROVEN failure of a system Canada has decided to go with? Every day I give thanks in this order: that I wasn't born to Muslim parents in the Middle East; I wasn't born French; I wasn't born Canadian.

Maybe you Canadians should provide for your own national defense instead of being parasites and expecting the US to do it for you -like more than 1/4 of the world does. That would sure help out with our budget deficit and the wild spending socialist Obama is out of control with, huh?

There is only one problem, we need to keep Canada in the hands of the morons lest someone with more ambition and intellect gains such an advantageous point to threaten us ... :eusa_whistle:
Fools, your constitution is a shambles thanks to "national security" measures resulting from what might well be U.S. government sanctioned terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington D.C., provocations which were designed to justify a malevolent, poisonous, oil-based military economy.

How many of you give the slightest damn about the totalitarian measures your government is taking to keep its secret meetings, grubby files and treasonous activities from your eyes?

Fascism with a smiley face showed up in YOUR country before it showed up in ours. But yes, once again -fascism is here. And once again will prove that fascism is the natural outcome of LIBERALISM, not American conservatism. I say "American conservatism" because the word "conservative" means different things in different countries. A conservative in Russia has little in common with American conservatives -but plenty in common with American liberals.

Fascism seems to be a political philosophy that western civilization is absolutely intent on adopting. No matter the fact that history has repeatedly proven it cannot succeed and results in utter disaster and increased human misery. Liberals just can't get enough of those faceless strangers insisting they know what is in our best interests MUCH better than we, as individuals - possibly could. I wouldn't turn over ANY decisions in my life to anyone living on my street -but liberals have no problem insisting that faceless strangers thousands of miles away are far more competent to make those decisions. Excuse me while I puke.

But Yukon -Americans are still far more resistant to a NANNY GOVERNMENT (which can only naturally turn to fascism with a smile) while Canadians are lining up to give it a blow job. Canadians haven't a clue about the natural rights of an individual human being. Those Canadians that actually understand this concept -have ended up becoming a naturalized citizen of this country. Canada only continues to exist as an independent nation because the most powerful nation on earth doesn't use its extraordinary power and wealth to conquer it and claim it for its own -along with trying to conquer the world. Think that would be true if the former Soviet Union had been your southern neighbor instead of the US? ROFL

Maybe they don't teach this in Canadian schools -but a nation that has amassed this kind of wealth and power yet did NOT use that wealth and power to try and conquer the world - is actually unhheard of. EXCEPT for the US. Maybe it would benefit the entire WORLD to figure out why that is and then try to imitate us - instead of some whiny, still-pissing-in-his-pants and mommy-needs-to-wipe-his-chin juvenile Canadian like you pretending he alone holds all the answers to the problems of the world and Americans are stupid and uneducated and the US should imitate some nation that has adopted a historically known failure of a system. I think that might be FAR more beneficial for mankind itself over reading the crap from someone like you whining about the fact that Americans claimed they had a right to own guns and expect government to honor that claim. And how about you stop with the bullshit you are repeating by pretending the US homicide rate is due to gun ownership when it is provably NOT TRUE!

You clearly have little understanding of US history -much less any understanding of the real lessons from world history. Which is really too bad for your descendants.
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ah yes liberals are the only ones who induce fascism.

God knows the conservatives griping about porn, the right to privacy and people not obeying God and blah blah blah, are perfectly fine.

There's bullshit tyranny from both sides of the fence you fool.
"...Yukon -Americans are still far more resistant to a NANNY GOVERNMENT (which can only naturally turn to fascism with a smile)...

You put your money in Government owned banks, buy your Insurance from Government owned insurance companies, and drive cars purchased from Government owned Auto Manufacturers.

Oh yes, I almost forgot, I live in Socialist Canada becuase I have Medicare and you live in the free-market, capitalistic United Soviets of America.

My, my but out of the mouths of babes..........................
"...Yukon -Americans are still far more resistant to a NANNY GOVERNMENT (which can only naturally turn to fascism with a smile)...

You put your money in Government owned banks, buy your Insurance from Government owned insurance companies, and drive cars purchased from Government owned Auto Manufacturers.

Oh yes, I almost forgot, I live in Socialist Canada becuase I have Medicare and you live in the free-market, capitalistic United Soviets of America.

My, my but out of the mouths of babes..........................

We had our money taken away from us by a President many people are disappointed in. He put it in government owned banks.

AIG isn't even in the top five of insurance companies - and again, the government put our money into it. We didn't.

I drive Fords (and Ford co-owned) vehicles. Also, Ford DID NOT take any funds.

Yeah...I've heard stories about your medical situation up there. Why do you think we are fighting against nationalized medical.

We don't want to be like you. Yours is a disaster.

There is no point whatsoever trying to debate with intellectual inferiors like you. Go play some B-Ball...........

There is no point whatsoever trying to debate with intellectual inferiors like you. Go play some B-Ball...........

Ooooh. Good come back.

Don't debate the points. Just come back with a lameness.

Go play with your stone and broom.

There is no point whatsoever trying to debate with intellectual inferiors like you. Go play some B-Ball...........

Ooooh. Good come back.

Don't debate the points. Just come back with a lameness.

Go play with your stone and broom.

In support of all the anti-gun tightasses out there I decided to add to my collection and bought a Taurus Tracker .357 Magnum, stainless with a 4 in. barrel yesterday. And before you go whining about my 6-shooter, it holds 7.;)

If it makes any of you snivelers happy, a police check was done by phone prior to my being able to purchase the weapon. Shamefully, I came up clean and could not be deprived of my 2nd Amendment Right.:lol:

There is no point whatsoever trying to debate with intellectual inferiors like you. Go play some B-Ball...........

Ooooh. Good come back.

Don't debate the points. Just come back with a lameness.

Go play with your stone and broom.

In support of all the anti-gun tightasses out there I decided to add to my collection and bought a Taurus Tracker .357 Magnum, stainless with a 4 in. barrel yesterday. And before you go whining about my 6-shooter, it holds 7.;)

If it makes any of you snivelers happy, a police check was done by phone prior to my being able to purchase the weapon. Shamefully, I came up clean and could not be deprived of my 2nd Amendment Right.:lol:

I love the look and feel of a 6 shooter (no perv jokes now). Never fired one but I've held one before, they feel so ... western to me. Dad was a rancher who loved Clint Eastwood, go figure.
In support of all the anti-gun tightasses out there I decided to add to my collection and bought a Taurus Tracker .357 Magnum, stainless with a 4 in. barrel yesterday. And before you go whining about my 6-shooter, it holds 7.;)

If it makes any of you snivelers happy, a police check was done by phone prior to my being able to purchase the weapon. Shamefully, I came up clean and could not be deprived of my 2nd Amendment Right.:lol:

Congrats!! Aren't those ported?? You should get the Taurus "Judge"....revolver that shoots 45 LC and chambers 410 shotshells too.

I brought home two more AR's about a week ago...that outta make my gun-taking buddies out there real happy.:cool:

P.S. - Should have the AK built here soon enough too......:evil:
ah yes liberals are the only ones who induce fascism.

God knows the conservatives griping about porn, the right to privacy and people not obeying God and blah blah blah, are perfectly fine.

There's bullshit tyranny from both sides of the fence you fool.

I think some of those things are generally attributed to the efforts of Evangelical Extremists and Neo-Cons......not true American Conservatives.
In support of all the anti-gun tightasses out there I decided to add to my collection and bought a Taurus Tracker .357 Magnum, stainless with a 4 in. barrel yesterday. And before you go whining about my 6-shooter, it holds 7.;)

If it makes any of you snivelers happy, a police check was done by phone prior to my being able to purchase the weapon. Shamefully, I came up clean and could not be deprived of my 2nd Amendment Right.:lol:

Congrats!! Aren't those ported?? You should get the Taurus "Judge"....revolver that shoots 45 LC and chambers 410 shotshells too.

I brought home two more AR's about a week ago...that outta make my gun-taking buddies out there real happy.:cool:

P.S. - Should have the AK built here soon enough too......:evil:

Yes, it's ported. A very nice piece.

I'm not keep on handguns that fire shotgun shells. I prefer the more traditional looking handguns.

I've thought about getting an AR a time or two, but for half the price, I have a Remingotn Model 700 in 7mm Mag with a 10x scope. It works like a charm.:)
Fools, your constitution is a shambles thanks to "national security" measures resulting from what might well be U.S. government sanctioned terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington D.C., provocations which were designed to justify a malevolent, poisonous, oil-based military economy.

How many of you give the slightest damn about the totalitarian measures your government is taking to keep its secret meetings, grubby files and treasonous activities from your eyes?

And you know all about these secret meetings, grubby files and treasonous activities that are hidden from the eyes of Americans -because you are a participant and it happens in front of YOUR eyes? LOL

Liberals have always taken the cake when it comes to paranoia -and it would be funny if it weren't just such a sad commentary on their critical thinking skills. But your problem Yukon is you want to pretend something that isn't even remotely true at all -is a fact. It is a fact that the US has one of the most transparent governments in the world where tightly held secrets are far and few between. Or do you just keep forgetting all those classified intelligence leaks that are so routine in this country? It is so many of those countries you liberals admire far more than the US -and also seem to think would all be joining hands and singing Kumbaya with the entire world were it not for the existence of the US -that operate under a cloak of secrecy and deception.

Is our system the one envisioned by our founders? No. Federal government is much, much larger and FAR more powerful than they ever intended. But do I still possess every Constitutionally guaranteed right I have had all my life? Yes -haven't lost a single one at ANY time in my life. Is the US a totalitarian system? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? Throwing that word out there only tells me you don't even know what one is -or understand where on the linear scale different political ideologies and thought fall.

First of all, let's get one term in particular straight. A conservative in this country applies only to this country - American conservatism has nothing to do with or anything in common with Iranian conservatism or Russian conservatism etc., so do not use the word "conservative" interchangeably with whatever is meant by "conservative" in other countries. A US conservative believes we should not significantly or radically deviate from the US Constitution as written -that is what makes them a conservative in the first place and the origin of the meaning of the word "conservative" when discussing US politics.

On either end of the linear scale are the political extremes. On the FAR right of political ideologies exists anarchy. Anarchy is a state of society without government or law and therefore no government control of any kind. On the FAR left exists totalitarianism -a state of society under the total authoritarian, autocratic government control which allows no political dissent and exercises dictatorial control over nearly every aspect of life. Communism lies just slightly to the right of totalitarianism. The US Constitution lies just slightly to the left of anarchy.

Try really, really hard to wrap your mind around this one, ok? If you think the US system of government has become a totalitarian system or becoming more of one in recent years - then it can only be due to those carrying out a far left liberal agenda. Not a US conservative political agenda because US conservatives believe in a SMALLER government with LESS control. A US conservative is the absolutely natural enemy of totalitarianism -and because communism is just shy of such a state, US conservatives are also the natural enemies of communism and its cousin, socialism.

You can figure this one out Yukon. Which political side in this country favors BIGGER government, an ever increasing nanny government, so admires socialism and/or communism they want to give it another whirl in this country and favor a government that has ever more regulatory powers? LIBERALS. YOUR side -not mine.

If you really think the US is a totalitarian country, then first of all you have a really deficient education because of all nations in the world, the US is one of the furthest from such a system even still. But if and when it becomes one, it will be ENTIRELY due to liberals. Not US conservatives who deplore and oppose having a government of that size and power to even be capable of becoming totalitarian in the first place!

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