CDZ Guy Fawkes terrorist or hero???


Active Member
Jun 13, 2015
What do you guys believe??? do you think Guy Fawkes was a terrorist or a hero for trying to stand up for what he & the others involved thought was right & believed in?? leave you're thoughts below.
Guy Fawkes is a character as old as time. One such rendition of the characterization of the rebel who rebels against criminal versions of governments is Don Quijote de la Mancha.

Please read the story yourself before passing judgment on the similarities.

A more obvious example, perhaps, of the same ideal character is Jesus, having had enough of the criminals who claim to be the authorities, and in that case the rebellion is strictly a voluntary association, rejecting aggressive violence, rejecting torture as a means of gaining information, rejecting aggressive murder often referred to as "collateral damage" these days: rejecting the idea that one must become a more powerful, deceitful, threatening, violent criminal, in order to beat the criminals at their own gain, and therefore end crime under the color of law, or false religion.

Of course those whose interest is a preserving of their piece of the criminal action, whatever that may be, 20 pieces of silver, or whatnot, are going to assassinate said characters who take on the role of truth teller, so called rebels without a cause, and often proven enough the occasional agent provocateur/lone gunman/controlled opposition/patsy.
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Guy Fawkes is a character as old as time. One such rendition of the characterization of the rebel who rebels against criminal versions of governments is Don Quijote de la Mancha.

Please read the story yourself before passing judgment on the similarities.

A more obvious example, perhaps, of the same ideal character is Jesus, having had enough of the criminals who claim to be the authorities, and in that case the rebellion is strictly a voluntary association, rejecting aggressive violence, rejecting torture as a means of gaining information, rejecting aggressive murder often referred to as "collateral damage" these days: rejecting the idea that one must become a more powerful, deceitful, threatening, violent criminal, in order to beat the criminals at their own gain, and therefore end crime under the color of law, or false religion.

Of course those whose interest is a preserving of their piece of the criminal action, whatever that may be, 20 pieces of silver, or whatnot, are going to assassinate said characters who take on the role of truth teller, so called rebels without a cause, and often proven enough the occasional agent provocateur/lone gunman/controlled opposition/patsy.

except that Guido Fawkes was a real person, not a fictional character from a book
Guy Fawkes terrorist or hero???

If the Topic concerned Guido Fawkes then would the Topic Title be written as:

Guido Fawkes terrorist or hero???

The point is offered that a criminal calling another criminal a terrorist is not the same thing as an accurate accounting of someone effectively preventing a crime such as terrorism. The claim is often made by criminals that their crime spree is perpetrated for the good of mankind. That certainly could work if all the criminals were torturing and murdering all the criminals until there was only one criminal left, and none of the criminals ever targeted an innocent victim for any reason whatsoever. The fact is that the criminals fight to get control over the innocent people who just so happen to be the source of all wealth as innocent people go about their lives in peace, harmony, and with a perfectly healthy ability to produce ever higher quality of life at ever lower costs through competitive free market, honest accounting, trading.

In other words when someone claims that it is necessary to become the worst criminal to end crime, to turn into a torturing mass murderer, robbing people to pay for their aggressive wars, to end crime, then those criminals are telling a very old lie that ought to be accurately accounted for and understood as a lie.

If the character in reality, or the character who wrote the fiction story, retell the same old lie, it is still a lie.

Terrorists terrorize, that is why they are terrorists.

The lie works because criminals are terrorized by anyone who is capable of exposing their criminal minds, their criminal lies, and their crimes to anyone who is capable of effective defense. Therefore anyone able to tell the truth about the criminals can be painted up as a terrorist because the terror is felt by all the criminals who share the stolen loot. The facts demonstrated as facts accurately accounting for the criminals as criminals is a source of terror for criminals for two reasons:

1. The criminals may then have to work for a living, which to them may be terrifying.
2. The criminals may face a very strict application of the rule of law depending upon what constitutes a strict punishment in any case, and uncertainty concerning said punishment may terrorize said criminals.

A hero of fellow criminals is not the same thing as a hero who effectively defends innocent people from harm by criminals and in doing so the hero does not willfully, and with malice aforethought, target innocent people for fun and profit.

Who is Guido Fawkes?
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Guy Fawkes terrorist or hero???

If the Topic concerned Guido Fawkes then would the Topic Title be written as:

Guido Fawkes terrorist or hero???

The point is offered that a criminal calling another criminal a terrorist is not the same thing as an accurate accounting of someone effectively preventing a crime such as terrorism. The claim is often made by criminals that their crime spree is perpetrated for the good of mankind. That certainly could work if all the criminals were torturing and murdering all the criminals until there was only one criminal left, and none of the criminals ever targeted an innocent victim for any reason whatsoever. The fact is that the criminals fight to get control over the innocent people who just so happen to be the source of all wealth as innocent people go about their lives in peace, harmony, and with a perfectly healthy ability to produce ever higher quality of life at ever lower costs through competitive free market, honest accounting, trading.

In other words when someone claims that it is necessary to become the worst criminal to end crime, to turn into a torturing mass murderer, robbing people to pay for their aggressive wars, to end crime, then those criminals are telling a very old lie that ought to be accurately accounted for and understood as a lie.

If the character in reality, or the character who wrote the fiction story, retell the same old lie, it is still a lie.

Terrorists terrorize, that is why they are terrorists.

The lie works because criminals are terrorized by anyone who is capable of exposing their criminal minds, their criminal lies, and their crimes to anyone who is capable of effective defense. Therefore anyone able to tell the truth about the criminals can be painted up as a terrorist because the terror is felt by all the criminals who share the stolen loot. The facts demonstrated as facts accurately accounting for the criminals as criminals is a source of terror for criminals for two reasons:

1. The criminals may then have to work for a living, which to them may be terrifying.
2. The criminals may face a very strict application of the rule of law depending upon what constitutes a strict punishment in any case, and uncertainty concerning said punishment may terrorize said criminals.

A hero of fellow criminals is not the same thing as a hero who effectively defends innocent people from harm by criminals and in doing so the hero does not willfully, and with malice aforethought, target innocent people for fun and profit.

Who is Guido Fawkes?

Guy Fawkes - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
" According to one source, he may have been Registrar of the Exchequer Court of the Archbishop."

I stay away from Wikipedia because it is falsely claimed to be an open source information service. It is not. I tested it. It is certainly not open source.

What do you think is the Exchequer Court?
The Avalon Project The Dialogue Concerning the Exchequer. circa 1180

"thou shalt have, from this man, this or that sum for this or this cause."

Perhaps Guido was a similar individual akin to Thomas Paine, starting out as a debt collector for the criminals who perpetrate crimes under the color of law (or false religion) and then turn their coats to defender of innocent people, or who knows, since effective lies are not obvious.
" According to one source, he may have been Registrar of the Exchequer Court of the Archbishop."

I stay away from Wikipedia because it is falsely claimed to be an open source information service. It is not. I tested it. It is certainly not open source.

What do you think is the Exchequer Court?
The Avalon Project The Dialogue Concerning the Exchequer. circa 1180

"thou shalt have, from this man, this or that sum for this or this cause."

Perhaps Guido was a similar individual akin to Thomas Paine, starting out as a debt collector for the criminals who perpetrate crimes under the color of law (or false religion) and then turn their coats to defender of innocent people, or who knows, since effective lies are not obvious.

What is COURT OF EXCHEQUER definition of COURT OF EXCHEQUER Black s Law Dictionary
Will the real individual please stand up?

There is the actual man now only a memory existing in people alive today, or accounts of the man written on papers, or produced into movies.

I think the age old battle is exemplified none-the-less in this case of possible mistaken identity.

1. Those who obey criminal orders without question, or if they disobey they know not to get caught doing so, therefore "justifying" false accounting.
2. Those who refuse to obey criminal orders without question honestly, openly, publicly, and with diligence, resolve, persistence, and accurate accounting.
Guy Fawkes was a martyr fighting for a political regime that was being replaced by one that was opposite and invasive.

If he had been fighting a communist takeover of the USA in 1950 and lost in a similar manner he would be a terrorist, but if his side had been successful he would have been a hero.

In the real world the victors write the history. Since their plot failed he is a terrorist - though he never threatened civilians and was targeting a military dictator. For the losing side and thoughtful readers of history he was a martyr but to the winners he was a terrorist because calling him a combatant would elevate him to the level of martyr.
Interesting dichotomy in Brittan over the late Mr. Fawkes.

In York he's a hero. Their big October illumination a couple of years ago was based on a tribute to him.

But it didn't happen.

Because London thinks of him a terrorist and withdrew traditional illumination funding unless they'd drop the subject. So they did. At the last minute. The lighting display that year was a disaster and thousands who formerly had visited York, stayed in hotels, ate in restaurants and spent lots of cash stayed home for several subsequent years and the economy went down the tubes.

So who was the terrorist in recent times?

In history hero v. terrorist is decided by outcome. You win; hero. You lose terrorist. Only for that is George Washington a national hero. To some.
today i have read a new theory about the case.

acording to this, the English Secret Seevice had planned it all

and Guy Fawkes was the fall guy

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