Hamas has lost the right to any goodwill.

Hope you got a gun or TWO, Lesh cause you just might need them when you're visited early one morning with NO WARNING by one of your so called innocent civilian palestinian to shoot you and your family. Biden is letting them in by the truckload..and even negotiated with Iranian officials to let them stay in this country as he was negotiating 6B with Iran the past week or so. It could happen. France, NYC, Florida, Omar now and Tlaib taking the side of muslims of Gaza and shouting Death to Israel and Death to America. Let me tell you bud..there's NO such thing as a moderate muslim.
Hamas is a terrorist organization - so is Israel regarding Palestinians. Palestinian people get caught in the middle. Sad...
Israel is not a terrorist organization where Palestinians are involved. Palestinian groups have wanted to destroy Israel and wipe it off the map, even since the League of Nations carved it out. But carve it out they did, and it is international law that Israel gets to exist whether Palestinians like it or not. Anything Israel has to do to defend itself and the Jewish people that live there is self-defense, in my opinion and totally 100% justified. If a bunch of Palestinians get dead, that is on the Palestinian group Hamas, not caring about Palestinian loss of life, as all worth it, if they can wipe Israel off the map. So screw the Palestinians. If the Palestinians cannot keep their terrorists in line, living in peace, the Palestinians can suffer whatever carnage, their terrorist groups can attract.
Or like they say in the hood, "Don't start nothing, won't be nothing".

Hope you got a gun or TWO, Lesh cause you just might need them when you're visited early one morning with NO WARNING by one of your so called innocent civilian palestinian to shoot you and your family. Biden is letting them in by the truckload..and even negotiated with Iranian officials to let them stay in this country as he was negotiating 6B with Iran the past week or so. It could happen. France, NYC, Florida, Omar now and Tlaib taking the side of muslims of Gaza. Let me tell you bud..there's NO such thing as a moderate muslim.
Are you fucking drunk or insane?
Looks like our “pacifist” Trumpers have their bloodlust up
I made the sad mistake of not averting my eyes quickly enough when the embedded videos of some of the Hamas attacks on the people in Israel started playing when I was reading the news. I am sickened to come here and see you and others like you trying to justify the evil that was done. I'm horrified that people like you exist in this country. I hope that every person out there supporting Hamas gets outed for the terrorist support and spends the rest of their lives living as a pariah, unwelcome amongst decent humans.
I made the sad mistake of not averting my eyes quickly enough when the embedded videos of some of the Hamas attacks on the people in Israel started playing when I was reading the news. I am sickened to come here and see you and others like you trying to justify the evil that was done. I'm horrified that people like you exist in this country. I hope that every person out there supporting Hamas gets outed for the terrorist support and spends the rest of their lives living as a pariah, unwelcome amongst decent humans.
There's gonna be a load of molten hot tears over this post.
They aren't fighting for freedom at this point, they are murdering people.

That does not mean I think the Israelis should do the same thing.

Israel has no choice though to go in and take out Hamas completely. As long as Iran is there to push Hamas and Hezbolla to attack Israel, its going to happen again and one of these times they will be over run. There can never be a peace deal with Palestinians unless Iran was actually made to stop their shit,
but we saw what happened to the Iranian people when they tried to rebel against their Tyranical government.

As it is their anti missile rockets for the Iron Dome have depleted, and they are now vulnerable for other missile attacks from the north. There's no way Israel leadership can sit there and just wait when their people are being savaged like that

But again. The real key to solving all of this is showing Iran that we mean business. Not lifting sanctions on them so they can fund all this through their oil profits and its definately not in releasing funds to them.

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