Hamas has lost the right to any goodwill.

If hamas doesn't want the possibility of their own civilians killed perhaps they should not be killing innocentcivilian israeli girls, granmothers, women and children, and families when Israel bombs another one of their installations.
Israel has no choice though to go in and take out Hamas completely. As long as Iran is there to push Hamas and Hezbolla to attack Israel, its going to happen again and one of these times they will be over run. There can never be a peace deal with Palestinians unless Iran was actually made to stop their shit,
but we saw what happened to the Iranian people when they tried to rebel against their Tyranical government.

As it is their anti missile rockets for the Iron Dome have depleted, and they are now vulnerable for other missile attacks from the north. There's no way Israel leadership can sit there and just wait when their people are being savaged like that

But again. The real key to solving all of this is showing Iran that we mean business. Not lifting sanctions on them so they can fund all this through their oil profits and its definately not in releasing funds to them.
excellent post.
What are you channeling “mean girls”?
None of the Arab countries have been willing to accept Palestinian refugees. They have deliberately kept them confined in “ refugee camps” that are permanent cities now. No other “refugees” have ever not been assimilated after seventy plus years. Israel has assimilated all the Jews driven out of the various Muslim countries after the 1948 war as well as those fleeing from oppression in Russia and Eastern Europe. Israel has even assimilated the refugees from Eithiopia.
None of the Arab countries have been willing to accept Palestinian refugees. They have deliberately kept them confined in “ refugee camps” that are permanent cities now. No other “refugees” have ever not been assimilated after seventy plus years. Israel has assimilated all the Jews driven out of the various Muslim countries after the 1948 war as well as those fleeing from oppression in Russia and Eastern Europe. Israel has even assimilated the refugees from Eithiopia.
That's because, despite what the terrorist sympathizers on this board say, Hamas is not an outside group coming into Gaza and taking over. Hamas are Palestinians and no other nation wants such evil in their midst.
It's a fact. Jordan fought them for years. Literally no one in the ME likes them.
The funny thing is that Jordan is the Muslim part of the partition of Palestine; Israel is the Jewish part and was intended to be much larger than it is even today. The Arabs managed to conquer most of Israel in the 1948 war and no one pressured them to return it until the IDF managed to liberate much of the conquered territory over the decades. Gaza, the Golan Heights and the West Bank of the Jordan River were all part of Israel according to the partition plan. Under the standards set by the Arabs themselves, Israel could have kept all of the Sinai and other areas captured in the mid-east wars since 1948.
The funny thing is that Jordan is the Muslim part of the partition of Palestine; Israel is the Jewish part and was intended to be much larger than it is even today. The Arabs managed to conquer most of Israel in the 1948 war and no one pressured them to return it until the IDF managed to liberate much of the conquered territory over the decades. Gaza, the Golan Heights and the West Bank of the Jordan River were all part of Israel according to the partition plan. Under the standards set by the Arabs themselves, Israel could have kept all of the Sinai and other areas captured in the mid-east wars since 1948.
They aren't fighting for freedom at this point, they are murdering people.

That does not mean I think the Israelis should do the same thing.
Fighting for freedom? They are barbarous, vile, dangerous terrorists. They have never fought for freedom.
They aren't fighting for freedom at this point, they are murdering people.

That does not mean I think the Israelis should do the same thing.
Of course not. But you may have heard. And it’s true. People die in wars.

And if you’re attacked, then the absolute right of self defense kicks in for a nation. And that includes war. And this we know many of the Hamas’ “people” are more than likely to end up dead.

Is it tragic? Obviously. But please tell me that you’re not one of the ones who maintains that Israel has to resist the use of force. That’s like tell Ng the world that Israel has a duty to just die.

And they don’t.
You will never find Hamas being “reasonable”. Their constitution is based upon expelling the Jews from Israel. That is their only acceptable end to the violence. The only road for Israel to get peace, is to destroy both Hamas and Hezbollah and make Iran understand that actions against Israel, even through proxies, will have expensive consequences. Iran is the moving party here.

You will never find Hamas being “reasonable”. Their constitution is based upon expelling the Jews from Israel. That is their only acceptable end to the violence. The only road for Israel to get peace, is to destroy both Hamas and Hezbollah and make Iran understand that actions against Israel, even through proxies, will have expensive consequences. Iran is the moving party here.
This is why Hamas must be replaced. The problem is, with whom? Moderation is in short supply.
What does that mean? It means the indescriminant killing of Palestinian Civilians is wrong.

You disagree?
All-out war is Hell. Hamas chose the rules. NONE. The civilians voted to have a despicable, barbaric, terrorist organization to represent them. Elections have consequences.
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That doesn’t make mass killing of OTHER civilians anything but another crime
Payback is Hell!

President Biden has been demonstrating weakness, timidity, and frankly, cowardice. How's that working out? Open borders, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel.
Do you really think that the Islamic religion can be controlled that much?
Islam is not a religion. Religions don't preach hate or rape children. Profits don't murder and steal. I see no difference between worshiping Satan and destroying children for what these clowns call a good time. Gutter religion is a sugar coating.

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