Happy Confederate Memorial Day!

Where in the constitution did it outlaw secession?

In the Supremacy Clause.
What does that have to do with secession?

Can you get specific? You are just BLOWING my mind right now :)
I need more.

The states are bound by the Supremacy Clause to obey the Constitution and federal law. By ratifying the Constitution, by accepting statehood, they bound themselves to be subordinate to the federal government.

England had similar language that bound the colonies to the king. The founders ignored that and declared the USA an independent nation.

When part of a nation secedes it doesn't matter what the documents say. By declaring independence they are declaring that they are not bound by those documents.

Whether secession is "legal" or not is a nice discussion topic, but its moot to the actual act of secession.
Where in the constitution did it outlaw secession?

In the Supremacy Clause.
What does that have to do with secession?

Can you get specific? You are just BLOWING my mind right now :)
I need more.

The states are bound by the Supremacy Clause to obey the Constitution and federal law. By ratifying the Constitution, by accepting statehood, they bound themselves to be subordinate to the federal government.
bullshit. state nullification. That is nothing but a statist argument. Try again?
In fact, secession was never ruled on until AFTER the Civil War.
When is alqueda Memorial Day ?

It's a disgrace that these people honor those confederate traitors to our country .
I blame Grant,, Lincoln etc etc for not doing a better job

You are right. The Confederate should've all been hung as traders after the war.

Back at the time of the Civil War, allegiance to one's State was paramount. General Lee, for example, did not want Virginia to secede, but once it did, he would have felt himself a traitor if he did not join with her.

A really smart man one said:

It is both error to judge the present by the past, and to judge the past by the present.

An error into which it is not surprising that you would fall...as you may be the stupidest fuck on this board.

Oh well in that case he's only guilty of… Treason!!!

You can try and spin it anyway you like Roberty Lee is guilty of treason. He killed more American troops then I think anyone in our history.
Seems you are naïve about yet another item you continue to rant about.

The confederate states were deemed as no longer a member of the union. They seceded from the union. You can not be guilty of treason if you are not a citizen of the entity you drew arms against.
In the Supremacy Clause.
What does that have to do with secession?

Can you get specific? You are just BLOWING my mind right now :)
I need more.

The states are bound by the Supremacy Clause to obey the Constitution and federal law. By ratifying the Constitution, by accepting statehood, they bound themselves to be subordinate to the federal government.
bullshit. state nullification. That is nothing but a statist argument. Try again?
In fact, secession was never ruled on until AFTER the Civil War.

correct, what do the libs think would happen? would the seceding states be taken to court? it never ceases to amaze me how stupid libs are.
Secession was attempted. Just declaring to want to secede is not enough. Saying killing is not murder and then killing someone may mean something to the perpetrator. One is always entitled to dwell in one's own universe. Asking belief from others is absurd.
T. N., What document was signed that formed the original Union?
Secession was attempted. Just declaring to want to secede is not enough. Saying killing is not murder and then killing someone may mean something to the perpetrator. One is always entitled to dwell in one's own universe. Asking belief from others is absurd.
T. N., What document was signed that formed the original Union?

Were the founders of this nation British citizens before they declared independence?
A human has rights, if those rights can be exercised. The founders considered certain rights "unalienable". The King of England attempted to exercise his 'divine' right. These two being antithetic, force resulted in establishing a new nation where divine right could not be exercised. A document establishing a 'Perpetual Union' was adopted by the states composing that new nation. Shortly after, to improve that Union, its operation was modified and strengthened.
Later, moral enlightenment in the nation as a whole was threatening an end to the 'institution' of slavery. In order to maintain an economic system that depended upon ownership of humans, certain individuals attempted to exercise what they considered rights to do this and also to secede.
The result is history.
In the Supremacy Clause.
What does that have to do with secession?

Can you get specific? You are just BLOWING my mind right now :)
I need more.

The states are bound by the Supremacy Clause to obey the Constitution and federal law. By ratifying the Constitution, by accepting statehood, they bound themselves to be subordinate to the federal government.

England had similar language that bound the colonies to the king. The founders ignored that and declared the USA an independent nation.

When part of a nation secedes it doesn't matter what the documents say. By declaring independence they are declaring that they are not bound by those documents.

Whether secession is "legal" or not is a nice discussion topic, but its moot to the actual act of secession.
In the Supremacy Clause.
What does that have to do with secession?

Can you get specific? You are just BLOWING my mind right now :)
I need more.

The states are bound by the Supremacy Clause to obey the Constitution and federal law. By ratifying the Constitution, by accepting statehood, they bound themselves to be subordinate to the federal government.
bullshit. state nullification. That is nothing but a statist argument. Try again?
In fact, secession was never ruled on until AFTER the Civil War.

There is no right of nullification in the Constitution. That is classic RWnuttery.
In the Supremacy Clause.
What does that have to do with secession?

Can you get specific? You are just BLOWING my mind right now :)
I need more.

The states are bound by the Supremacy Clause to obey the Constitution and federal law. By ratifying the Constitution, by accepting statehood, they bound themselves to be subordinate to the federal government.

England had similar language that bound the colonies to the king. The founders ignored that and declared the USA an independent nation.

When part of a nation secedes it doesn't matter what the documents say. By declaring independence they are declaring that they are not bound by those documents.

Whether secession is "legal" or not is a nice discussion topic, but its moot to the actual act of secession.

Well you can declare you're not bound by the laws of your state, and then shoot someone in cold blood,

see how your declaration works out for you.
In the Supremacy Clause.
What does that have to do with secession?

Can you get specific? You are just BLOWING my mind right now :)
I need more.

The states are bound by the Supremacy Clause to obey the Constitution and federal law. By ratifying the Constitution, by accepting statehood, they bound themselves to be subordinate to the federal government.
bullshit. state nullification. That is nothing but a statist argument. Try again?
In fact, secession was never ruled on until AFTER the Civil War.

The people of the states are US citizens first, state residents second.

No state government has the right to revoke the citizenship of its residents.
When is alqueda Memorial Day ?

It's a disgrace that these people honor those confederate traitors to our country .
And they are all Democrats, you know! Waving their Confederate flags around, complaining about ObamaCare.


I support Obama.
What does that have to do with secession?

Can you get specific? You are just BLOWING my mind right now :)
I need more.

The states are bound by the Supremacy Clause to obey the Constitution and federal law. By ratifying the Constitution, by accepting statehood, they bound themselves to be subordinate to the federal government.
bullshit. state nullification. That is nothing but a statist argument. Try again?
In fact, secession was never ruled on until AFTER the Civil War.

There is no right of nullification in the Constitution. That is classic RWnuttery.
yea, they wanted the federal Govt to control the monopoly on the extent of its own powers.
Sheer genius!
Can you get specific? You are just BLOWING my mind right now :)
I need more.

The states are bound by the Supremacy Clause to obey the Constitution and federal law. By ratifying the Constitution, by accepting statehood, they bound themselves to be subordinate to the federal government.
bullshit. state nullification. That is nothing but a statist argument. Try again?
In fact, secession was never ruled on until AFTER the Civil War.

There is no right of nullification in the Constitution. That is classic RWnuttery.
yea, they wanted the federal Govt to control the monopoly on the extent of its own powers.
Sheer genius!

They gave the federal government the power of supremacy over the states. Period.

Go join the Sovereign Citizen movement if you're looking for likeminded nuts to hang out with.
Can you get specific? You are just BLOWING my mind right now :)
I need more.

The states are bound by the Supremacy Clause to obey the Constitution and federal law. By ratifying the Constitution, by accepting statehood, they bound themselves to be subordinate to the federal government.
bullshit. state nullification. That is nothing but a statist argument. Try again?
In fact, secession was never ruled on until AFTER the Civil War.

There is no right of nullification in the Constitution. That is classic RWnuttery.
yea, they wanted the federal Govt to control the monopoly on the extent of its own powers.
Sheer genius!

They gave the federal government the power of supremacy over the states. Period.

Go join the Sovereign Citizen movement if you're looking for likeminded nuts to hang out with.

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